Lancaster Confidential - Cover

Lancaster Confidential

Copyright© 2024 by Rich Allen

Chapter 4

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - This is the first story in a series following Rich and Clara, a young couple in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. It is a love story at heart, full of passion and promise as this couple begins their lives together. Future installments will include betrayal, underage sexual activity, incest among adopted family members, stories of past abuse, BDSM and stories of both heterosexual and lesbian sex.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Public Sex  


Having already woken and ordered us breakfast, I cuddle back up with Clara in case she wakes. Holding her has always been just as amazing a feeling for me as our incredible mutual orgasms can be, save for last night. That will be hard to ever surpass. As our breakfast arrives, I throw on a robe and bring in the veritable feast that I ordered for us and, removing my robe, climb back into bed to wake my beautiful wife. I give her a long, lingering kiss to wake her before whispering, “Good morning, my love.”

“Mmmm...” she moans as she wakes up to my kiss. “Good morning, baby,” she purrs in response, her eyes full of love.

“How did you sleep?” I ask, my eyes returning her loving expression.

Clara smiles and begins giggling. “Very well, thank you. I didn’t tell you last night because I thought you might worry but, when you finished taking me hard, I couldn’t feel most of my body for the next fifteen or so minutes. The pleasure overloaded everything. It was so relaxing. Nobody has ever approached that, not even you. By the time we went to sleep, just you holding me transported me back to that amazing place. I could feel, everything, but it was like I was floating,” she tells me in a very appreciative and almost shocked way.

I smile with a feeling of true happiness as she describes that feeling. “Breakfast is here,” I tell you as I uncover a full breakfast feast of everything I know that you like. “I thought you would be as hungry as I am after all of our activity last night and I’m sure that Hannah is hungry,” I say to you lovingly.

“This looks amazing, sweetheart. I am starving and judging by the party Hannah is throwing, she approves of breakfast as well,” Clara giggles.

“I’m glad you like it. Let’s eat,” I say as I begin filling my plate with food. Clara puts food on her plate and we begin eating. As we enjoy our breakfast, I see her pause from eating for a moment and smile. “What are you thinking?” I ask her.

She smiles, that sexy smile that all girls seem to come pre-programmed with from birth but doesn’t actually seem to come online until about age twelve or thirteen, and says, “I’m just thinking about how much fun we’re going to have today.”

“And, what fun is that?” I ask, hoping we are talking about the same thing.

Always the tease, she responds, “You’ll have to wait and see.”

“We need to talk about that,” I say.

“Okay?” she responds, a hint of concern in her voice.

“Are you really sure that you go ahead with finding another woman to join us in bed?” I ask.

Clara simply smiles and nods, her eyes full of love, “Yes.”

“I just don’t want you to get hurt fulfilling my fantasy,” I tell her.

“I won’t,” she says.

“Promise?” I ask

“I promise,” she responds and kisses me gently on the lips.

“What other toys do we need?” I ask

Clara looks through the case and says, “Hmmm. Maybe ... a double dildo and a strap on. You might want to get one of those little blue pills. You will be busier than normal.”

I nod in agreement with your list, my mind wandering to them being used both by Clara and on her. “What do you plan on wearing to pick up another woman?” I ask.

“I don’t know. What do you think?” she asks.

“How about a nice, skimpy, thong bikini for out on a public beach? You can put a half shirt and sexy shorts over it for us to hit an adult store,” I suggest.

“Mmmm ... sounds sexy. I like it,” she says as she starts to put on her tiny green bikini and before grabbing a half shirt that barely covers her breasts and the sexiest pair of shorts she owns. She finishes dressing and spins around, “Well?”

I walk to her and run my hands over her bare mid section and pull her to me, kissing her passionately. As I break the kiss, I say, “We better go now.”

Smiling, but looking a little perplexed, Clara asks, “Why is leaving now so important?”

“Because if we don’t, your clothes aren’t staying on,” I respond.

Clara blushes a little and looks quite pleased, “Perfect. Let’s go.” I take her hand and lead her out the door to the rental car I have had here for us. Opening her door, I help her into the car and close the door. I get in and drive us to the nearest adult book store. Parking the car, I help out of the car and we walk into the store. The guy at the counter tear can’t take his eyes off of Clara, which I fully understand. I just smile at him and nod before turning my full attention back to Clara. There is a huge selection of every type of sex toy you can think of in this store. Clara spots the area where the dildos and strap-ons are located and leads me there.

As we look for something Clara likes, a very pretty young woman walks in. She is about twenty or twenty one years old with red hair, green eyes and an exceptionally nice body. She is about 5’4” tall and no more that 125 pounds. She begins looking through the dildos as she eyes both of us from head to toe before focusing mostly on my sexy wife. Clara turns to me and whispers softly as she continues looking for toys she likes, “Did you see the woman that just came in? She’s been checking us out the whole time.”

“I know. We should go talk to her if you like her,” I whisper to you. Clara smiles and, taking my hand, leads me over to talk to the woman. Clara asks her, “What are you looking for? Maybe, I’ve seen it.” Clara flashes that sexy smile that I find irresistible.

The woman smiles and speaks, “I’m just looking for something to help pass those lonely nights. I’m Jen.”

I think I see Clara’s smile temporarily drop but, with its immediate return, I just write it off as her pause before responding. “I’m Clara,” she says with a smile.

“And I’m Rich,” I say with my best seductive smile. Jen and Clara begin talking as I continue shopping. Unable to be involved in their conversation, I pick up the fifteen inch, double-ended dildo and bring it back for Clara to check out.

Clara glances at Jen as she looks at the toy and says, “Wow. That’s perfect.” I notice that Jen is now smiling as she looks from the toy back to Clara and instinctively licks her lips. Clara turns back to Jen and asks, “Do you want to come play with us?” Jen simply smiles and nods as if she’d just hit the lottery. I take Jen’s hand and pull her to me for a slow, deep kiss. As our kiss progresses, Jen melts in my arms. Breaking the kiss, I hand Jen to Clara, who smiles and kisses Jen passionately as Jen returns the kiss as well as any seasoned lover. “Come on,” Clara says to Jen and takes her hand to lead her to meet me at the counter where I have placed the dildo and an eight inch strap on with built in clitoral stimulator. I add a few little blue pills to the purchase and pay for our items.

Turning to Clara and Jen, I ask, “Ready?” Both nod, exchanging a look of familiarity between them as we walk to the car. Clara joins Jen in the back seat as I pop a little blue pill into my mouth and swallow it. “Maybe the look wasn’t familiarity,” I think to myself as I watch the backseat through the rearview mirror as I drive. Jen, for us having just met her, gives Clara a look that just screams “fuck me” as she leans over and kisses Clara passionately. As I see Clara’s eyes glance at me, I nod and hasten our trip back to the bungalow for the main event. Clara moans into the kiss as Jen runs her fingers through Clara’s hair as their kiss intensifies.

We arrive at the bungalow about a minute later and Clara and Jen break their kiss. Getting out of the car, Clara doesn’t wait for me to help her out but, does wait to help Jen out of the car. Hand in hand, they walk to the door where I meet them and escort them into our home away from home. Jen’s eyes light up when she sees the jacuzzi and the king bed. Jen quickly goes back to kissing Clara as I take off my shirt, leaving me only in my swimsuit. I walk behind Jen as both women continue enjoying each other’s lips (and tongue, I’m sure). I reach around both women and, grabbing Clara’s ass, pull them to me, forcing Clara tight against Jen and Jen’s ass into my stiff exploratory tool. Clara moans as she feels me grab her ass and pull her hard into Jen while Jen sighs loudly as she is sandwiched between her two new lovers. Running my hands upstate, I grab and remove Clara’s small half shirt as she does the same to Jen. The view from over Jen’s shoulder is truly remarkable as both women have their cleavage on full display, Jen’s being only slightly less impressive than that of my wife, whose bikini top is being quickly removed by a quick tug on two strings. A similar fate is currently befalling our new partner. As my fingers work on Clara’s top, I grab the string around Jen’s neck with my teeth and pull just as Clara unties the lower bow, causing two tops to fall simultaneously, seriously improving my view. My initial assessment of size confirmed, standing before me are what could be considered an exceptional poker hand, 34Ds over 34Cs, all with nipples standing at full attention, matching the condition of my waiting soldier.

Clara smiles at me lovingly and moans, “Oh my God...” Jen. Not needing an invitation bends and begins suckling Clara’s very aroused nipples as I kiss the back of Jen’s neck. “Oh yes ... Jen...” Clara moans at Jen’s oral ministrations. I look down at Jen as she ministers lovingly to Clara’s nipples, then back to Clara for permission to touch Jen. Understanding my plea, Clara nods.

“If it gets to be too much, just tell me and I’ll stop,” I mouth to Clara who simply nods in response as Jen continues lovingly tending to Clara’s sensitive nipples as Clara moans softly. I take my hands from Clara and slide them up Jen’s body. As I reach Jen’s breasts, I grope them and pinch her nipples as Clara watches, my desire for Jen on full display.

Jen moans softly, “Yes...” as my hands reach her breasts. Jen turns around and kisses me passionately, expecting to feel a woman’s hands from behind. Clara walks to get the toys we just purchased instead, causing Jen to ask, “What are you planning, Clara?”

“I’m going to do what I promised,” Clara whispers to Jen.

“What’s that?” I ask.

“I’m going to make sure her virginity gets taken,” Clara replies as a shiver goes up Jen’s spine.

I look at Clara dumbfounded as to how Jen could be any type of, other than maybe anal, “Is she a lesbian virgin or an in tact virgin?”

“I’m pretty sure she is a virgin,” Clara says. Jen nods confirming that she is, technically, a virgin.

“Are you using the double head, the strap on or ... me?” I ask, trying to figure out where this is going.

Clara looks at me and smiles, “I think we should have a little fun first.” I go back to kissing Jen as I indicate that Clara should touch her and remove her shorts. As Jen and I continue our exploration of each other’s mouth, I feel Clara’s hands begin exploring Jen’s body as Jen’s hands run up and down my back. All three of us are now moaning softly as this situation progresses. I slide my hands down Jen’s sides, brushing Clara’s arms on the way, a slip Jen’s shorts over her hips, letting gravity do the rest as I gently pull the strings on each side of her bikini, allowing it to join her shorts as Jen steps out of both. Seeing Jen naked is apparently all the invitation that Clara needs. She slides her fingers further south and more to the center. Passing through a well manicured lawn, Clara finds what could best be described as a volcanic hot spring about to be turned up to a full boil. Clara slides one index finger into the very source of the heat while using her other index finger to gently massage Jen’s clitoral hood. Jen wriggles her hips appreciatively as she tries to increase contact with both finger, her breathing becoming more erratic.

“I think we’ve reached decision time, which is it that will take her most precious gift?” I ask.

“You,” Clara whispers before continuing, “It was always going to be you.”

Jen nods, “We talked about that at the book store while you were finding the double head.” With that, Jen puts a hand in one side of my waistband while Clara does the same to the other. As a team, they slide my swimsuit to the floor and I step out. Jen stares, transfixed, for a few seconds at the implement of hymenal destruction that is about to devirginize this beautiful woman. I take Jen’s hand and lead her to the bed, laying her down gently before climbing in bed beside her. I use my eyes to indicate that Clara should come join Jen and I in bed which Clara does.

I begin kissing my way up from her feet as Clara resumes lip duty. As I reach Jen’s thighs, her legs spread as if on autopilot, widening as my kisses work their way toward the volcanically hot little crevice in between her soft, shapely thighs. As I arrive, I kiss her lower lips full on, causing her to moan loudly into Clara’s mouth. My tongue begins its trek at the bottom point of her vertical smile and licks slowly to the top where my tongue tickles what is hiding under the hood. While Jen may be a virgin, this is definitely nothing new to her., although, having both sets of lips stimulated simultaneously may be. She wriggles her hips until she has me right where she wants me and her hands come down to the back of my head like some sort of clamp, ensuring that her first trip off planet occurs momentarily. With a scream of complete release, Jen boards her ship off world and my chin is drenched with additional lubricant as a thank you gift. With Jen still experiencing a few aftershocks, I slide up her body and slowly enter her well lubricated passage until I reach the remnants of her internal barrier. Jen’s eyes go wide as contact with this sensitive barrier causes some minor pain. Jen nods and Clara kisses her passionately as I pull back slightly and thrust firmly, breaking right through its crumbling remnants.

Jen whimpers slightly as I drive my hymen removal tool right through the crumbling remnants of the protector of her inner sanctum and continue right to the cervical gate. I pause for Jen to relax as Clara asks her, “Are you okay?” Jen nods and I bend to kiss her passionately as I begin slowly thrusting in and out of this tight tunnel. I look Jen in the eyes as we break the kiss, shifting my eyes quickly to Clara and back to Jen questioningly. Jen understands me completely and nods as I sit back on my knees as I setup a rhythm which Jen matches.

I turn to Clara and say, “It’s time for you to join us.” Clara straddles Jen’s face, facing me, her pussy resting less than an inch from Jen’s lips. Jen begins lovingly licking Clara’s already fully aroused pussy as I continue my repeated probing of Jen’s tight lava tube. I pick up the pace as Jen’s already tight vaginal highway tightens even further, signaling a major event about to occur. Jen moans loudly into Clara’s clit causing Clara to moan loudly.

“Oh God...” Clara moans as I can tell she is also about to board our private train to nirvana.

I thrust harder and Jen screams, “Oh Fuck ... Yes.” Her screams increase the vibrations perfectly for Clara as she cries out her own orgasm just as I fire my first volley into Jen’s spamming receptacle. As we ride out our shared moment of orgasmic bliss, Jen drains me of every foot soldier I have onsite, my army now marching inward in search of their ultimate target. I slip out of Jen’s hot hole and Clara dismounts. Clara immediately kisses Jen passionately while Jen pulls Clara to her. Clara begins pulling hard at Jen’s nipples as Jen fingers Clara’s sopping pussy. Both women are moaning softly as fingers explore every inch of these two hot bodies.

“Are you ready for the main event?” I ask and both women nod. Jen leaned back first and I work one end of the double headed dildo about halfway into her, filling her freshly opened pleasure palace to the brim. Not wanting to miss the wild ride before her, Clara slide herself down the opposite side, filling her own slippery passage nicely. Jen and Clara lock eyes lovingly as they begin moving slowly, working as one to pleasure both. I watch, in admiration, as these beautiful women work to pleasure each other as only another woman can. Not wanting to cheapen the moment with words, I simply lend a pair of helping hands. Reaching between them, I simultaneously massage two engorged and highly sensitive little nubbins.

Clara and Jen cry out in the same unison with which their bodies move as my digital massage begins, “Oh God ... Yes!” As I continue my digital massage on both, watching both faces for clues about their progress. Both women speed up their thrusting as I add extra pressure from my helping hands. Their faces now reveal a dead heat, in this case an unbelievable amount of heat, as they approach the finish line. This race comes to its inevitable conclusion less than a minute later as both simply cry out softly as orgasmic waves ripple out from deep inside as they even appear to shake in unison. Upon closer look, I notice that both seem to have tears forming in their eyes as they come down together from one serious high. This was, apparently, a very emotional release for both women, something I wouldn’t have expected from town women that met for the first time just hours earlier.

Clara climbs off her end of the double header and I remove the rest from Jen’s slick tunnel. As Jen lays panting, trying to catch her breath, I pull Clara to me and kiss her passionately. Breaking the kiss, I whisper in Clara’s ear, “Having fun?” Clara nods and I say, “it looks like Jen needs a break. “What do you want to do while we wait for her?” I ask, playfully.

Clara smiles and sees the more than ready condition of my equipment. She pushes me onto my back and mounts me, impaling herself fully on my white hot spear, “Is that what you want?” she asks, already seeing the pleasure on my face.

“You know it is,” I say as she begins slowly riding me. As Clara sets up the perfect rhythm, I meet her rhythm with hard, deep thrusts of my own. Jen has begun watch Clara ride me and Clara signals Jen to mount my face. Jen doesn’t need to be told twice. Her need is on full display as she drops her slippery lower lips onto my eager mouth. I begin licking at her clit with the passion of a long lost lover. Jen leans forward and pulls Clara to her for a passionate kiss of their own. As Clara continues to ride me, Jen beds further and begins suckling Clara’s nipples like a hungry baby, alternating sides on a regular basis.

I feel Clara’s inner walls begin trying to grab at my fleshy invader as she cries out, “Oh Fuck ... Cumming!” With that pronouncement her thrusts get faster and harder, causing me to moan loudly into Jen’s highly sensitive clit. Jen begins moaning constantly as she forces herself harder onto my eager mouth, hindering my ability to breathe. Approaching the finish line myself, I appraise the situation. I have two choices, take Jen where she needs to go, or suffocate with my face crushed against a very hot pussy. While I could definitely think of worse ways to die, option A is far more preferable. Just as I ramp up my oral ministrations to a fully indecent level, Jen decides to help Clara cross the finish line with a digital manipulation of her own. With the skill of the world’s top surgeon, Jen pushes Clara into a world of her own. She cries out and arches her back, orgasmic waves expanding out from the epicenter near her cervical gate just as my phallic invader begins leaving a large, sticky deposit. I moan loudly, the vibrations and my oral magic bringing Jen along on our journey to paradise as she cries out and collapses forward into Clara’s eager arms. Feeling my continued hardness inside her, Clara whispers to Jen and they quickly switch places, with Jen fully impaling herself like a seasoned pro. Jen is completely given over to pleasure at this point and begins riding my conquering hero hard and fast. I begin licking Clara with little finesse but plenty of zeal.

In less than a minute, Jen cries out as I feel her tighten more than I thought possible as an orgasm ripples out from her inner sanctum, “Rich ... Don’t stop ... I love you ... Rich!” This one will prove to be just a precursor of the big one yet to come. She continues riding me harder as I match her power and speed. Clara’s hips begin bucking hard as she moans louder and louder, my tongue pillaging her abused clit. Jen cries out again, this time with urgency attached to this small release. Where she had been bouncing vertically on my stiff pole, now she is grinding back and forth, driving me deeper than anything has ever been in her, and brushing occasionally against her cervical gatekeeper. A man can only take so much and when one more good lick causes my wife to scream my praises as she floods my face with our combined fluids, my DNA insertion tool does exactly as it was designed to and fills Jen with whatever is left in the area to give her. This is apparently the catalyst needed to drive Jen into something stronger than she has ever experienced. As she screams out her love for me at that moment, her body shakes and her internal equipment milks me for everything I have. So tight is she at this point that I’m afraid to pull out for fear of being dismembered (pun intended). We are left panting with Jen barely conscious on my chest, still fully impaled by my still very firm pleasure provider, and Clara laying forward over her back, leaving me a view or my wife’s perfectly curvy backside that ensures continued functioning of my equipment (well, that and modern pharmacological support).

After a few minutes of us enjoying the afterglow along with some minor wiggling to aid in keeping my equipment in good working order, Clara rolls off the pile. I turn and ask Clara, “What do you want, now, baby?

“I want you to take a break and I’ll just play with Jen for a little,” Clara tells me. Figuring that this is a good idea to replenish my supplies a little, I grab some water and drink it down as Jen straddles Clara’s face while burying her face contentedly between Clara’s legs. Seeing two women in such a position is much different in real life than in any adult film, especially when your cum is dripping out of one into the mouth of you very aroused wife.I have no need to tell anyone the location and activity of my hand as I watch this unfolding scene. There are few words to describe what is happening right now between my wife and this lovely woman we have only known for a few hours. This was not carnal lust unfolding before my eyes, it was much deeper and far more emotional and, incredibly intimate. The best way to describe what I am watching is two woman that are gently, but with all the passion they have, making love to each other, sharing an intimacy that can probably only be shared between two women. There is no grunting, no dirty talk, just a few soft moans as they slowly take each other to a place most men can only dream of. In then end, two bodies shake as one collapses on top of the other before turning and sharing a soft, loving kiss as they hold tight to one another. I envy what I am watching, desiring nothing more than that deep emotional connection after my lovemaking with Clara. Women are quite remarkable in their capacity to love but, with two, the capacity seems exponentially increased. They signal for me to join them as they share their special moment with me. How honored I felt to share in that moment is something I could never describe. “I want more,” Clara says.

“With me or Jen?” I ask.

“Both,” Clara responds.

“How do you want us?” I ask.

“I want exactly what Jen and I just shared except, I want you fucking her at the same time,” Clara says.

“That sounds amazing,” Jen says. I nod in full agreement and Clara turns with her feet to the headboard and Jen back straddling her face, Jen’s face back where she wants it to be. As I take my place behind Jen, Clara spreads Jen’s labia inviting me to insert my entire erection deep into Jen’s eager pussy. I can only say that this is something every man should be lucky enough to experience at least once but few actually will. To be even invited to join in was an honor after what I had witnessed. It was very fortunate for Clara that between the visuals from her position and Jen’s fevered assault on Clara’s highly aroused clit, Clara reached her climax quickly. What we did to Jen was to take her to the very edge of sanity. Her vocabulary was quickly limited to a series of unintelligible sounds as Clara expertly worked Jen’s clit with her tongue while I just fucked her completely senseless. How many times Jen reached climax is really unknown. It was nearly constant for the ten minutes we took care of her. The eruption I experienced inside that hottest of volcanic vents would be difficult to describe but it was powerful from a physical standpoint as well as emotionally draining for both Jen and myself. Clara, for her part, was also quite emotional. As my now softening cock falls out of Jen, a flood of my cum follows and lands on Clara’s lips. Jen rolls off onto her back and cups her pussy with her hands as Clara licks every drop from her face. I lay between Jen and Clara as we all recover from our day of pure passion.

I smile at Clara and say,” I think we wore Jen out.”

Clara smiles lovingly at me and says, “Yeah, I think we did.”

I kiss Clara then kiss Jen before asking Jen, “Are you ready for us to take you home?” Jen nods with a very contented smile on her face. I find Jen’s clothes and help her to get dressed as Clara gets her clothes back on. Finally, I put my clothes back on and we leave to take Jen home. As we get in the car, Clara takes the back seat again with Jen as Jen rests her head on Clara’s shoulder, obviously exhausted.

Clara asks Jen, love showing in her expression as she smiles, “Are you alright?”

Jen smiles back and nods, “Amazing. I never knew it could be that good.”

Clara smiles lovingly at Jen, “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I know Rich and I did.” Jen dozes off on Clara’s shoulder for the rest of the drive. When we arrive at Jen’s house, we each kiss Jen goodbye, Clara’s lingering longer as Jen looks longingly at her when the kiss breaks. we exchange numbers and tell Jen to look us up if she is ever in Lancaster. Clara smiles lovingly at Jen and says, “Goodbye.” I’m pretty sure that I detect a hint of sadness in her voice but say nothing. We get back in our car and drive to a nearby restaurant for a late dinner.On the way to the restaurant, Clara smiles at me and says, “Thank you for that.”

Looking at her slightly puzzled as I drive, I say to her, “Thank you. That was a fantasy come true and Jen turned out to be a very good lover.”

“Yes, she is amazing. I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Clara says, a hint of longing in her voice.

“I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did,” I tell her.

Clara smiles, a glint in her eyes as she mentally replays recent events, “Oh ... I did.” We arrive at the restaurant and I help Clara out of the car and lead her into the restaurant. We order food and enjoy our dinner with me enjoying the view.

Near the end of dinner, i ask, “Room service when we get back for dessert?”

She smiles and licks her lips instinctively, “Mmm, yes.”

“Maybe the delivery boy as well?” I ask.

“Sounds fun,” she says with a mischievous smile. I smile and take her hand as we walk to the car to head back to the bungalow.

On the way home, I hold her hand as I drive and ask, “What do you have planned for the delivery boy?”

“I’m not sure. Let’s just see what happens,” she says.

“Do you want me involved? DP possibly? I know it’s one of your fantasies,” I ask.

“Mmmm ... maybe,” she says. We arrive back at the bungalow and Clara almost runs to the door. Opening the door, she hurries inside and runs to change as she calls room service for desert and her new boy toy. Even knowing every square inch of her body intimately couldn’t prepare me for the woman that walks out of our bathroom. In less than five minutes, Clara walks out wearing a sexy black lace bra with matching thong, perfectly done makeup and flawless hair. To say that her appearance screams “fuck me” would be a huge understatement. I look at her and am speechless. She sees my condition and walks over to me and simply asks, “What?”

“I didn’t think you wanted to kill the poor kid. You are a heart attack waiting to happen. You are so hot. I don’t know if I want to wait for later but, I will for you,” I tell her.

Clara smiles and giggles, her hand lightly stroking my, now, fully reinvigorated equipment, “I’ll see you later.”

“Yes. Yes you will,” I say with a mischievous smile. There is a knock on the door and I slap Clara’s ass on the way to my chair in the corner by the bed. She gasps at the minor pain of the slap and walks to the door. She opens the door and her new boy toy brings the cart into our bungalow. He looks very excited to see her as well.

She smiles at him and says, “You like what you see?”

He nods, lust filling his eyes, “Very much.”

“That’s good,” she says.

“I have your desserts,” she says.

Flashing her sexiest smile, she responds, “Thank you.”

“Is there anything else I can do for?” he asks Clara.

“Yes ... be a good boy,” she says.

“I am a good boy,” he responds.

She smiles, “I’m glad.”

“What can I do for you?” he asks her, dripping with desire.

“Come here,” Clara tells him with her sexy smile on full display. He walks toward Clara, his eyes filled with lust. “You can kiss my pussy,” she tells him. He bends down and kisses her softly through her panties. “Mmmm...” Clara moans.

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