Lancaster Confidential - Cover

Lancaster Confidential

Copyright© 2024 by Rich Allen

Chapter 2: Key West

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 2: Key West - This is the first story in a series following Rich and Clara, a young couple in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. It is a love story at heart, full of passion and promise as this couple begins their lives together. Future installments will include betrayal, underage sexual activity, incest among adopted family members, stories of past abuse, BDSM and stories of both heterosexual and lesbian sex.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Public Sex  

As Clara and I arrive in Key West, we are talking about how she managed to hide the pregnancy from me, especially given that she has been taking prenatal vitamins. I tell her, “You should have been a spy. You’re good and sneaky.”

Clara giggles and says, “Hehe. I’ll take that as a compliment”

“I’ll call you agent 34D,” I laugh. A plan is born in my mind.

She smiles, “Ooh. I like it. What’s my cover story?”

“I like you uncovered better,” I say with a mischievous smile.

Clara giggles her sexy little giggle, “Hehe. I’ll take that as a compliment too!”

“Good, it was meant to be. Your mission is to find a wedding dress for our wedding tomorrow night. I had several sent over for you to look at,” I say to her, smiling proudly.

She smiles, “Ahh. That’s so sweet of you! I can’t wait to see them all. Thank you for taking care of everything!”

“That was my secret plan. So, Agent 34D, have they prepared you for torture if you are caught?” I ask Clara.

She giggles, “Hehe. I guess you could say that. But, don’t worry about me. I can handle any torture they throw my way.”

“We shall see,” I say, trying to sound menacing.

Clara sounds comically indignant, “Well then. I guess it’s time for me to prove myself.”

I warn her, “I hear there are other spies in the area so you better be careful.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be careful. But, if I do happen to run into any other spies, just know that they won’t stand a chance against me,” she says with a smile.

“Your cover story is that you are a college student on break working as an exotic dancer to pay for school,” I inform Clara.

She giggles, “Hehe. That’s a good one! I guess that means I need to start practicing my moves tonight then...”

“Mmmm ... I can’t wait. Let’s get our bags and go to our private bungalow. Our limo is waiting,” I say to you as I head to get our bags.

Clara gives me her sexy smile, “Alright. Let’s go. I can’t wait to spend some time alone with you.”

“That sounds great Agent 34D,” I say playfully as we enter the limo.

She giggles, looking even sexier, “Hehe. Your very bossy tonight, aren’t you?”

“Just wait until later,” I say.

Still giggling, Clara replies, “Hehe. I can’t wait to find out”

A few minutes later we arrive at the bungalow and the driver brings our bags to the door. I open the door and lead you into a large room with a king size, four poster bed, a jacuzzi for four, TV and romantically dimmed lighting. Off to the side is a large bathroom that includes a private toilet, a shower for two and another large soak tub. Out back is a small private beach with a pool. Across from the bed, on the wall, is a full entertainment center. What really catches Clara’s attention is what is on the bed. There, laying before her are four beautiful, custom made, wedding gowns for her to choose from with a note from the designer that tells about how they were fitted for her from pictures and sizes sent by me about three months ago. Clara speaks in a surprised voice, “Wow. This is so incredible! Thank you for all of this. You really did think of everything.”

“Try them on. Pick your favorite and its yours,” I tell Clara.

Clara begins trying the dresses on as I begin unpack our things. As she finishes trying the dresses on, I ask, “So, what do you think?”

She smiles for ear to ear, “I think they’re all absolutely stunning! Its so hard to choose just one. They fit me perfectly too!”

“Only the best for you, my love,” I say with a smile.

Clara blushes, “Aww. You’re so sweet. I feel like a princess right now.”

“More like my queen who is carrying our little Princess Hannah,” I say to you.

Clara giggles, “Hehe. You’re just too cute sometimes...”

‘So which one will I see my bride walk down the aisle in?” I ask.

“I think this one,” she says as she holds up the one that was my favorite as well and putting it back on to be sure. Clara nods and I pack the other three in a back labeled Returns. I take the bag and hang it outside and press a button notifying the hotel to pick it up. Clara gives me her most beautiful smile, perfectly finishing her look, “Alright. I’m ready to say ‘I do’ now!” Tears run down my cheeks as I look at her sheer beauty in her wedding gown. She looks at me and says, “You’re just too cute sometimes...”

I reply with admiration, “And you are just simply beautiful. Why don’t you hang that in the closet until tomorrow?” Clara takes the dress off and hangs it in the closet and I continue, “We need to work on your cover story. Go into the bathroom and change into your exotic dancer’s clothes and come out to show me your moves.” She goes into the bathroom and closes the door, finding the bag I left on the back of the door with a note attached that says Put this on. Inside the bag is a set of lacy white lingerie. As she changes into the, she hears a crash from the main room. When Clara comes out of the bathroom, the lights are out. I grab her from behind and put a bag over her head that feels like velvet. I carry her across the room and tie her hands above her head as I stand her against the bedpost. The lights come on and, in my best German accent, I say, “Zo Clara or should I call zhu Agent Zirty Four D, vat is your mission?’

The lingerie is obviously turning Clara on as she tries to struggle against her restraints. She says meekly, “Um ... Agent Zirty Four D? But you have the wrong person ... I’m not a spy!”

“Zure you are not. Who are zhu zen?” I ask.

Clara shakes her head, “No! I’m ... I’m just a regular girl. I was taking a vacation and ended up here by mistake!”

I continue my interrogation, “And how does a simple girl afford zis?”

“Um ... I won a modeling contest,” she says, praying it will work.

I continue, “Vat kind of modeling?”

“Um ... lingerie modeling?” she says hoping that will convince me.

“I see. Zhu do look nice in zis one but I’m not buying at story,” I say.

Clara shakes her head quickly, “No! Really! I swear!”

“I guess ve vill see after a little torture,’” I say menacingly.

Clara tries to look around for a way out but she only sees the light from under the bag on her head. She hears what sounds like a briefcase opening and feels me cut the straps over bra as I remove it, leaving her only in her lacy panties. “Zyes, Zhu are definitely Zirty Four D,” I say as I begin tickling her nipples lightly with a feather.

She gasps and tries to cover her nipples but her hands remain tied to the bedpost above her head as she cries, “No! Please don’t do this.”

“Don’t do vat?” I ask as I tickle her nipples again, leaving the feather linger until her nipples harden.

“O-Oh ... um...” Clara moans as she looks around, trying to think of a way out of her current situation.

I continue, “Are zhu ready to talk zhet or do I need to go furzher?”

Clara gasps and struggles against her restraints as she feels me cut her panties off, “O-Oh ... um...”

“Talk,” I say.

Clara, feeling totally exposed with her pussy on full display, says, “I swear! I’m not a spy!” in hope that she can convince me.I run the feather slowly up Clara’s pussy and directly over her clitoral area. Her clit is so sensitive from her arousal that every time the feather touches it, it feels like an electrical shock. She gasps and squirms as she tries to stay away from the feather.

“Zhu vill tell me everysing,” I say as I mercilessly tickle her clit with the feather.

“O-Oh ... um...” Clara pants as she tries to figure a way out.

I ask, “Vell, are zhu ready to talk or do I need to get zerious?”

Clara gasps and squirms, her entire pussy so sensitive that the feather sends a series of electrical shocks as I run the feather up and down her pussy, “O-oh ... um...”

“No?,” I say as I take a suede whip and whip her pussy and groin causing Clara to scream and squirm. Her pussy feels like it is on fire from the whipping.

I say, “I can do zis all night. Talk.”

“O-oh ... um...” Clara pants, trying to think of a way out of this torture, as I tease and whip her nipples.

“Tell me zhur mission and ve can end zis torture,” I say.

“O-oh ... um...” Clara gasps and squirms as she feels the suede whip hit her ass hard.

“I guess I really need to get zerious,” I say as I pull out a vibrator and turn it on as I walk to Clara and begin working over her incredibly sensitive nipples. Clara screams and squirms as she begins to climax from the intense nipple stimulation. “Zhu aren’t allowed to cum yet, not until you talk,” I say as I drag the vibrator down across Clara’s abdomen to her clitoral hood. As I sense her about to climax again, I turn down the vibrator and hold her right on the edge of where she longs to go.

“O-oh ... um...” she pants as she is desperate for release.

“Now, very can see zhu are Zirty Four D. Zhu should just talk,” I say as I continue holding Clara at the edge. She gasps and squirms as she gets even more desperate. “Vell talk,” I command as I turn the vibrator all the way up and immediately back down. Clara cries in agonized ecstasy as she still is denied the release she desperately needs. “I know zhu vill break. Talk and zhu can get vat zhu vant,” I say as I turn the vibrator up and down again, pushing Clara near her breaking point. I slowly turn the vibrator little by little until I sense her about to go over the edge into paradise. I turn off the vibrator as she lets out an anguished scream. “I zee zey have trained zhu vell,” I say as I spread Clara’s legs apart with my feet. I grab her ass and lift her feet a few inches off the ground. She moans in anticipation as she feels the tip of my erection at her opening. Clara screams and quivers as she is impaled on all seven inches of my very hard spear. Her pussy, already tight from the buildup feels like it is being torn in half as it desperately grasps at the fleshy invader.

“Zhu vill eezer talk or I vill fuck zhu hard until I cum. Eezer vay, I vin,” I say yo you as I bounce you hard on my invading member.

‘Ooh ... Ahhh...” she cries in anguished ecstasy as my cock continues to bury itself to the hilt in her grasping receptacle. I push Clara against the bedpost and continue pushing hard and deep into her fiery furnace. At the same time, I bend down as start sucking hard on her nipples. Clara throws her head back, forcing her nipple hard into my mouth even though her nipple is so hard, it feels like it will burst. I feel Clara tense as she approaches yet another orgasm, one likely to finish her off. I increase the speed and power of my thrusts. What I’m doing could best be described as fucking her brains out. Rational thought has left the room for both of us as we both seek the same conclusion. I depart the station as my fleshy invader expands and begins firing every ounce of my hot cum like water from a fire hose. Clara is right behind me as I feel her vaginal muscles begin milking me as soon as my first salvo is complete. Six more smaller shots follow as she milks every last drop from me. Clara goes nearly limp as I withdraw my invading soldier from her pleasure palace. I set her feet on the ground and quickly untie her. I remove her hood and carry her to the jacuzzi, gently placing her in the soothing water. I turn on the jets and climb in beside her.

I kiss Clara gently on the lips and ask, “Are you okay?”

Clara puts a hand on my chest and nods weakly, “I think so. It was all just so ... intense. I just need some time to recover.”

“I hope I didn’t go too far,” I say with genuine concern

She shakes her head weakly as she continues recovering her strength, “No, its not that. It’s just ... different from what I expected.”

“It was kind of a James Bond meets Fifty Shades of Grey fantasy,” I say.

Clara chuckles softly, “Well, you certainly made it a memorable experience.” She leans her head back against the edge of the jacuzzi, closing her eyes and letting out a contented sigh.

I ask, “Did you like the accent?”

She giggles, “Yes, I did! It was quite a surprise, but also, very sexy.”

I laugh, “I could have gone French but that just isn’t scary.”

Clara laughs softly as she reaches up and runs her fingers through my hair, playfully, “True, true.” I smile and wrap my arms around her. She snuggles up against me, resting her head on my chest, and whispers softly, “Thank you again.”

Realizing how exhausting this was for me as well, I whisper, “Note to self, standing sex is exhausting when your partner is tied to a bedpost.”

Clara chuckles softly, “Yeah, I guess it would be.”

“But so worth it,” I comment, remembering the amazing orgasm we just shared.

“Oh Yes, it definitely was,” Clara says with a definite fondness before kissing me passionately and running her hands through my hair. I deepen the kiss, pouring all of my love into her through our lips as we kiss. When we finally break the kiss, Clara wraps her arms around me and nuzzles against my chest, whispering softly, “Thank you.”

“No, thank you for being the missing piece of the complicated puzzle that is my heart,” I whisper to her.

Clara giggles softly, “Well its nice to know I fit in somewhere.”

“I apparently fit in very well somewhere too,” I say with a playful smile.

Clara laughs softly as she flashes her sexy smile, “Well, you certainly do.”

Realizing how tired we both are, I say, “It’s late now and we have a big day tomorrow. We should go to bed, cuddle up and get some sleep.” Clara nods and walks out of the jacuzzi as I follow, admiring the perfection of God’s work in creating her ass. We dry each other gently and Clara takes my hand and leads me to bed. She climbs in and crawls under the covers. I follow her and cuddle up with her and whisper, “Goodnight, I love you Clara,” before giving her a long goodnight kiss. She wraps her arms around me and returns the kiss with a fervor matching my own. As we pull away, she whispers softly against my lips, “Goodnight baby, I love you too.” We fall asleep together in our warm embrace, the last thing either of us sees as our eyes close is the other’s contented smile.

The next morning arrives and I wake before Clara. I kiss her until she wakes and I break the kiss, “Good morning, my love.”

Clara stretches and yawns widely before mumbling sleepily, “Good morning, honey.”

I ask, “Did you sleep well after our intense night?”

She nods, snuggling even closer, “Yeah, I slept really well.”

I continue, “Are you ready to get married tonight?”

Clara smiles and squeezes my hand, “Yes, I am.”

“I have brunch being delivered so you might want to put something on unless you want to give our room service kid a heart attack.” I say to you. She giggles softly and gets up to put on her red lace teddy and panties set. There’s a knock at our door which I go to answer. Our room service delivery boy can’t be any older than seventeen and his eyes nearly pop out of his head when he sees Clara in her teddy I take the food and thank him and bring our breakfast of French toast, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage and ham. “A feast fit for my queen and our little Princess Hannah,” I say with a smile. Clara giggles softly at my comment as she takes a plate and helps herself. She sits beside me and gives me a soft kiss, “Thank you, baby.” With that, she begins eating.

I ask, “Did you see that kid’s eyes when he saw you?”

She giggles, “Yes, they were definitely wide open.”

I continue, “Did you notice how tight his pants were getting?”

Clara blushes, shaking her head, “No, I didn’t.”

“Make sure you get a good brunch. Today is going to be a long day and you are going to need your strength for tonight. There are so many things planned for today. For now, just relax and enjoy our time. We have about three hours to kill before your first surprise,” I say with a smile.

Clara smiles and leans against me, “Sounds good to me.”

A we finish our brunch, I take the cart outside the door for pickup later and return to Clara. I take her hand and lead her to the bed and say, “I thought we could watch a movie and cuddle before your first surprise.” She climbs into bed and I I join her as she cuddles right into me. Clara turns on The Notebook and we begin watching. I ask her, “Now that you had some rest, what did you think of my surprise last night?”

“It was fun and really intense. I’d give it an eight,” she says with a cheeky smile.

I chuckle, “Only an eight? I’ll have to try harder tonight.”

Clara laughs softly, still the little tease that I have always known, “Maybe tonight, you’ll get a ten.”

I ask, “What would have made last night better?”

She thinks for a moment before answering, “It was really good, but I don’t know if there was anything that could have made it better.” We finish watching the movie and I ask Clara, “We have about an hour before your surprise arrives, what do you want to do?”

“Can we just cuddle and talk?,” she asks.

“So what do you want to talk about?,” I ask as I hold her from behind, my legs straddling her hips.

She smiles and turns around to face me, “Well, we could talk about our favorite memories together.”

“My very favorite memory is just two nights ago when you said yes and, a few minutes later told me you are pregnant. That’s pretty hard to beat. Otherwise, it would have to be the way I felt the very first time we made love, just as I had entered you. That is when I knew I couldn’t live without you. What about you? What are your favorite memories of our time together?” I say to her.

“I think it was when we went camping and I woke up to see the sunrise with you,” Clara says.

I smile at the memory, “I remember just, not the sunrise. I remember how beautiful you looked with no makeup, hair undone, in the early morning light. I almost missed the sunrise because I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. You’ve never realized how breathtakingly beautiful you are. It’s something I’ve always loved about you.” We continue talking for a little as I hold you again from behind. I hold you tight kissing your neck, gently as I hold you for about fifteen minutes at which point there is a knock on the door. I stand up and say, “That is my cue to leave. I will see you at 8:00PM at our wedding.” In walk four women in hotel uniforms, pushing two carts. “They are here to give you a massage, do your hair and makeup, help you into your dress and escort you to the wedding. I’ll be there waiting for you,” I tell you before giving you a kiss and walking out the door.

At 8:00PM, I am standing under an archway constructed for our ceremony on the beach, the sun setting right at my back. I spot Clara arriving and tears begin forming in my eyes. I see her spot my second surprise. Her mother and stepfather are there, her stepfather waiting at the end of a carpet rolled out on the beach to form an aisle. He takes Clara’s arm and walks her proudly down the aisle. When Clara gets to me I take her hands in mine. As the minister begins the ceremony, I can only look into Clara’s beautifully expressive eyes as she shows me her heart right before I hear two magical words from her, “I do.” As the minister reads my vows, he could have asked we to do anything for Clara and I would have answered the same, “I do.” I slip a simple gold band on her finger and she does the same to me. The next words that I remember are, “You may kiss the bride.” I give Clara a long, lingering kiss, full of love passionately and absolute joy. Clara returns my kiss just as passionately. When we come up for air, the minister introduces us as a married couple and we are joined by our parents for wedding photos. Clara kisses my cheek softly and whispers in my ear, “Thank you”

I take her hand again and walk her to a table by the water where there are lights strung up to give our table light and form a makeshift dance floor. We enjoy a dinner of steak and lobster with our parents then head to the dance floor for a two song dance. We dance to I’ll Make Love to You by Boys 2 Men and Let’s Make Love by Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. As the second sound ends, we stand on the dance floor, stuck in a kiss. Breaking the kiss, I whisper, “Let’s say goodbye to our parents and take this somewhere more private. Our night is just beginning.”

Clara nods and we make our way to say goodbye to our parents before walking hand in hand back to our bungalow where I open the door and lift her up. Her arms encircle my neck and I carry her into the room. I set Clara down and begin removing her dress, leaving her in just her white lace bra and panties. I hang up her dress and Clara begins slowly undressing me. When only my underwear is left, I take her into my arms, kissing her as passionately as I ever have while unclasping her bra. Tossing her bra on the floor, she returns to kissing me and jumps up, wrapping her legs around my waist as she begins grinding against my already, completely hard erection. I hold her as I take her out to the the mattress on the ground by our private pool. Setting her gently on the mattress, I pull out two champagne glasses and pop a bottle of sparkling grape juice that has been chilling on ice. I pour us each a glass and hand one to Clara who gives me a look of disbelief.

“Sparkling Grape Juice. It would have been Dom Perignon but Hannah can’t have that so I got this instead,” I say before continuing, “A toast to the woman who makes me complete, makes me smile when I’m sad and loves me no matter what. To the woman I love more than life itself, the soon to be mother of our child, the one person I can’t live without. To my beautiful wife, Clara. I love you.” I clink my glass to yours, a big smile on my face and a tear in my eye. I sip my drink.

Clara giggles sexily as she sips her drink before saying, “To my amazing husband, Richard. I never thought I could find someone like you, never thought I was worthy of true love. You make me smile every day. I love you.” We finish our drinks and I put the glasses on a nearby table before returning to the bed. I take Clara in my arms and kiss her passionately, our tongues doing the same dance that lovers have done for ages. I lay her on her back as we kiss, my hand begins caressing her breasts as we kiss. As I pinch her very erect nipples, she moans my name. Her kisses become urgent as my hand makes its way southward and settles on her lace panties, rubbing the full length of her hot and very wet slit. Clara lets out a moan of pure ecstasy as my finger rubs over her clitoral hood. I kiss my way down to your breasts, where I suckle your nipples as my finger ministers to you clit through your panties. She squirms as my minters explore her outer guardians, my mouth suckling her nipples like Hannah will do in a few months. I pull her panties aside and slide two fingers inside her warm, soft folds and begin massaging that most intimate of pleasure centers. Clara gasps as she feels the internal massage begin, her hips trying to force harder contact. My mouth leaves her nipples and travels southward down her abdominal highway. I remove my fingers as my mouth remakes my bride’s waistband. Hooking my fingers in her waistband, I slowly and teasingly slide her panties down her legs and off her feet. Spreading Clara’s legs, I kiss my way northward until I reach the promised land. My wife is now completely on fire with but one thought on her mind. Her eyes burn with lust even as she tries to convey all of her love for me. As my mouth reaches her swollen lower lips, Clara’s utterances become unintelligible, her head flailing from side to side. I lick from bottom to top, pushing my tongue into her outer folds. Clara moans loudly as my tongue reaches her sensitive little nubbin. I begin making love to Clara’s clitoral with my tongue, licking all over with the flat top of my tongue. The ability to speak temporarily restored, Clara begs me, “Please, Rich.” This is not the time for me to rush, however. I continue my oral ministrations as I reinsert my two fingers and continue her internal massage. Clara cries out in ecstasy and her body shudders as orgasm grips her hard.

“What do you want, Clara?” I ask, wanting to hear her say the words.

Her response, though expected sends shivers up my spine, “You, inside me. Now! Make love to me, please, Rich.”

As I slide my underwear off, freeing the very item Clara desires from its cotton prison, I say, “Tonight is your night. How do you want me?” Without a word, she lays back and spreads her legs wide. No man could possibly resist that invitation and I’m sure not going to try. Clara gasps, almost growling as the tip of my spear seats itself perfectly for insertion, “Yesss.” I slide into her slowly, allowing her to feel my complete possession of her body and me to feel every inch of her hot velvet glove now encasing my advancing tool. I start my nice slow rhythm with Clara thrusting to meet my every move. Her eyes glaze over as love infiltrates every movement. I bend to kiss Clara passionately as our bodies continue the age old dance of procreation, although, having a child coming, that is not the goal. As our tongues dance, our hips become more urgent. She is moaning constantly as we kiss. As we break the kiss, I look into her eyes, seeing an indescribable love for me coupled with unparalleled lust. I begin thrusting harder as she pulls her knees up further, allowing me deeper access into her inner sanctum. She looks so vulnerable in the position but, in reality, she is in complete control of me. Men are such simple creature to control for the smart woman. Never one to refuse such an open invitation, I push deeper into my beautiful wife. Her eyes open wide as I touch areas rarely visited. She arches her back and cries out in sheer bliss, “Rich! Yesss!” as her body begins shaking and I feel a familiar tightness around my invading member which expands instantly, flooding this perfect woman with every drop of f my seed that I can muster. As we return to earth from our own private nirvana, I withdraw my invader, roll off her and pull her tight to me. I kiss her gently. She smiles and says, “Thank you. This was exactly what I wanted. I love you so much.”

I smile and respond, “I love you too, sweetheart. Was today a day you’ll always remember?”

Clara’s expression turns to one of slight concern, “Of course it is. Why do you ask?”

“I just wanted our wedding day to be everything you’ve ever wanted,” I say to her, love radiating from my eyes.

She smiles and looks into my eyes, “It was. You made it perfect.”

I smile warmly, “So, this is your night. What do you want to do now?” Clara looks down between my legs, then between her own and finally at the pool. “Race you there,” I say.

“You’re on,” she says as she gets up and runs for the pool, breasts bouncing freely as she does. She dives in first as I’m a bit distracted watching her run. She splashes around for a few seconds as she surfaces. I dive into the pool and swim to her, surfacing between her legs with my tongue already exploring her labia as I carry her to the side of the pool to continue my feast.

“Oh Fuck...!!”she cries out in a mix of surprise and ecstasy as I shove my tongue inside her, tasting the results of our earlier coupling. As I set her on the side of the pool, Clara’s head flops back as her hips push further into my mouth, her hand instinctively holding my head tightly in place. This leaves me with but two options, suffocation or her ascension to nirvana. Opting for the latter, I begin lapping at the gates to her palace of delight like a thirsty dogs at a water bowl. About half a minute later, her legs shake as she gasps for breath, crushing my nose against her pubic bone as her climax transports her to her own private world. As her girl on my head subsides, I pull her back into the pool and straight onto my eager erection. Having not quite finished her orgasm, Clara is incredibly tight as I drive all the way into her in one hard thrust. Clara screams in ecstasy something completely unintelligible as a result. Having been tending in the cool water of the pool, the temperature difference between her steamy furnace and my cool invader crates as level of stimulation neither of us expected. I bounce her up and down on my power tool, creating waves in the pool that affect our motion in ways that drive her further down the rabbit hole. She arches her back as I pin her back against the side of the pool and begin taking her hard. Clara wrap her arms around my neck as I build my thrusts to a crescendo. Where I made love to her sensually on our bed under the stars, now, I’m just fucking her senseless. As orgasm approaches for both of us, Clara shakes her head from side to side completely lost to reason. I drive as hard as I can into her as my cock expands and begins filling her with boiling hot cum. Clara screams out as she feels me begin to cum, her own natural reaction taking over as she begins milking me for everything I’m worth. I continue through a few more thrusts as we both finish this joint venture. Clara hold onto me with both her arms and her legs as she is gripped by the aftershocks of such a powerful orgasm.

I look into her eyes as I hold her up against the side of the pool, tears visible in both our eyes after such a release. Clara is the first to break our silent communication, “Thank you, baby. You always know exactly what I need. That was absolutely amazing.” She kisses me gently before I even have a chance to respond.

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