Television Happenings - Cover

Television Happenings

Copyright© 2024 by Westside24

Chapter 15

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 15 - This story can stand alone but is a spinoff from a few prior stories the main one being, “My Two Cents. It tells of the events occurring in the lives of several people working at a television station, along with telling at times how these characters perceived the events they had been involved in.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual  

In the time Dan Fagan had been the station manager at Channel Four, he had managed to make changes that had the station going in the right direction. The mark of his success was that the evening, late evening, and weekend news broadcasts were rated number one in the Austin area.

The reason for this success was largely attributable to Paul Conners, a newsreader who after reporting the news, would at times comment on what he just reported. The two female members of the news team were very attractive and their looks also contributed to this increase in the viewership and the number one rating.

Connors’s comments at times caused the viewers to respond. One of the largest and mostly positive responses the television station received was when Paul congratulated the Governor on his busing illegal migrants to sanctuary cities up north. That busing he said focused national attention on the problem of an open southern border that the administration in Washington insisted in saying that the border was closed.

Paul continued saying, “Millions of illegal and non-vetted migrants from all over the world, many of whom are not vaccinated and per the FBI’s warning may include terrorists, have been entering our country via our wide-open southern border. Other migrants are simply filling out an app on the internet and flying in. The Administration along with Sanctuary Cities’ have transported these illegal migrants to where they want to go at no charge, gave them free food, a free cellphone, free lodging in hotels or public facilities, free medical, free education, free computer, free bus passes, free legal assistance, and a debit card for spending money. Some of these illegal migrants are now making demands asking for more freebies. The taxpayers have been picking up the bill for all of this.”

“In addition, these illegal migrants can get driver’s licenses and unlike citizens, can fly without showing a photo ID. How ridiculous is it that we then ask these illegals to appear in court ten years later to see if they still can stay here. The blame or approval, depending on your viewpoint for this happening, can be equally shared with the present Administration in Washington, the Sanctuary Cities, as well as the voters who put these politicians into office.”

The comments that Paul made because of the many viewer responses he received were followed up in his next broadcast by his commenting, “We treat illegal migrants better than we treat our homeless citizens and our military veterans. The present Administration is responsible for creating this open border situation and bragged about doing it with the executive orders they issued. The border can be closed by using that same executive action which it seems the current Administration has conveniently forgotten they have. The Administration is purposely delaying closing the border by saying they need Congressional action to do it. The Congressional action they want is to increase the number of border agents to be able to process more illegal migrants faster into our country rather than keeping illegals out. Voters who care about this country when they cast their vote should consider the many problems that this opened southern border the current Administration created.”

Along with work, Dan Fagan’s social life was hitting on all cylinders. He was dating Terry Cooper every other weekend. The dates usually ended with Dan spending the night in her bed. As much as he enjoyed bedding her, he would say that based on her actions and what she said, that she enjoyed their lovemaking just as much.

Doctor Greg Corey’s monthly poker night resulted in his wife Lori, spending at times in the early evening at Dan’s condo. She was an excellent lover who was not bashful in expressing herself as to how she was feeling when Dan was giving her pleasure. The language she used in doing this expression was exciting for Dan to hear a classy lady talk that way.

All considered, Dan couldn’t complain about his work or his social activities. That is not to say Dan was content with how the television station was functioning. There was an area that he knew needed to be fixed. It was the time slot after the late Saturday news broadcast. The showing of “CHIPs” reruns in that time slot wasn’t attracting many viewers.

Later that day, Dan was in the break room having coffee with Caley Morgan. He mentioned that she was doing a fine job as the producer of the evening news.

She thanked him for saying that but then asked him a question.

“Do you have plans for that late Saturday time slot with those “CHIPs” reruns?”

“I have been giving some thought to doing something about that. Why, do you have any suggestions?”

“I was watching with my IPTV stations in other areas. I caught a program where four or five people informally discuss various issues or at times give advice. The cable news networks have similar types of discussion programs but they are more adversarial and generally concern the things happening on a national level. Our program could discuss both national and local issues that are affecting our viewers. With Paul Conners personality and his opinions on many subjects, I think he would be a natural for that type of program. I don’t think he should do the moderating, but he should just be one of the participants.”

“You know, I saw a program like that many years ago where they sit in a living room drinking coffee and doing that. I agree with you that we should give it a try. Any suggestions on who should be the moderator” asked Dan.

“No, no one comes to mind.”

“I’ll talk to Burt about coming up with a moderator. Maybe he can talk someone like Clarence Thomas to come out of retirement to be the moderator. Knowing Connors and his preference for not wanting to work long hours and wanting his weekends free, it would be a show that is taped on Friday afternoons for showing on Saturday nights. My congratulations to you Caley, because when we do this program, you will be the producer. That of course will come with a raise in your pay.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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