Blown Cover - Cover

Blown Cover

Copyright© 2024 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 4

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A young female spy goes rogue and gets compromised by a Russian mobster.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Slavery   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Torture  

Rebecca grunted as she pushed herself up off the floor of her cell, straining her arms to get one more push up. She had been exercising for a good half hour and was nearly done her routine when the door swung open, almost striking her in the head. She rolled away and looked up to see Misha standing there with Olga behind her.

“Get up.” Olga grunted then turned and headed down the hall. Misha held out a hand to help Rebecca up from the floor while she handed her a robe with the other. Soon the two of them were in the hall standing outside the door to Finely’s cell. It swung with a squeal of protesting hinges and Rebecca shuddered at the smell of vaginal juices and the pathetic whimpering moans that emanated through the open door. Olga walked through the door and Misha followed, leaving Rebecca to stand in the doorway squinting her eyes into the darkness of the cell.

“Please, oh please, no more. I can’t take it, please take it out.” She heard Finely moan in a weak voice that drove a spike of anguish through her heart.

“You stupid bitch, you dare give me an order!” Olga snapped, then Finley squealed in pain as the crop Olga carried struck the bound girl on her breast.

“No, please, no, I didn’t ... Aaaaahhhhhh!” Finley screamed again as Olga struck her other tit.

Rebecca surged forward to protect her sister, only to be blocked by Misha who braced herself and filled the doorway. “No, it is what she wants.” Misha hissed.

Rebecca struggled to get around the taller woman who despite her heels and maids’ uniform was as immobile as a rugby prop. She froze when she heard the crackle of electricity and saw the tazer clenched in Olga’s other hand. The tall blonde woman was looking at Misha with furious eyes for having ruined her fun.

“You will pay for that slut.” Olga snarled.

Misha calmly folded her hands in front of her and bowed her head. “Yes mistress, I am sorry. I just didn’t want Mr. Kaprikov’s guests injured in any way before they completed their task today.” She said in a respectful but firm voice.

“Yes, the performance.” Olga snorted in disgust but relaxed and pointed the crop at Rebecca who was struggling to see over Misha’s shoulder. “You will take this one to the shower and get her ready, and then she will prepare you. When you have both cleaned up Misha will provide you with your makeup and outfits then bring you to see Mr. Kaprikov. He has decreed that should you satisfy him you may share a cell with full benefits as suited to an obedient servant. Is this understood?”

Rebecca stifled a gleeful squeak, being able to share a room with Finley and free her from that fucking vibrator was more than she could have hoped for. The implications of what she would have to do to earn this privilege were not lost on her but if she could protect her little sister from Olga in any way she would do whatever it took. “Yes Mistress Olga.” She answered in a submissive voice.

“You don’t fool me, I know that there is still fire in you. I will be watching, and while Mr. Kaprikov may be soft on you sluts, I am not.” Olga snarled back.

“Out of my way slave.” Olga growled and with a quick swing of her wrist lashed the crop across Misha’s thigh eliciting a gasp of pain, but Misha stood firm. She held her position for a moment, then meekly stepped aside. Olga sneered at the act of defiance. “I can see that this fire is starting to spread, it is time that I stamped it out for good starting with you.”

“Yes Mistress.” Misha replied, then flinched as Olga struck her other thigh with the crop as she stormed out of the room.

“You shouldn’t antagonize her, she is looking for someone to hurt.” Rebecca said as she slid past Misha who was rubbing her thighs where the crop had struck her.

“If she hurts me, she will be less likely to want to hurt someone else.” Misha replied, the heels of her shoes clicking on the bare concrete as she moved over to the bed. She produced a key from her apron and unlocked Finley’s handcuffs while Rebecca eased the throbbing vibrator from her sister’s crotch. Finley whimpered softly, trying to rub her sore breasts with stiff numb hands.

“You know where the shower is, when she is ready take her there. Remember, they will be watching.” Misha said as she stepped out of the room.

Rebecca nodded in reply while she helped her sister sit up on the bed. She sat beside her and wrapped her arm around Finley’s shoulders, pulling her naked body close. She held her for a few minutes, enjoying the contact before gently pulled her to her feet.

“What did she mean?” Finley asked quietly. “Performance?”

Rebecca took a deep breath, there was no point in sugar coating it, she would be living it soon enough. “He will have sex with us, he will probably make us have sex with each other.”

Finley flinched and Rebecca braced herself for a bout of hysterical crying. ‘Dammit Fin, we don’t have time for this.’ She thought to herself.

“That woman, the maid.” Finley asked in a quiet voice. “She stopped you from coming in when Olga was beating me, didn’t she?”

“Yes” Rebecca replied, wondering where this was coming from.

“Olga was hurting me so you would try to protect me, and then she would have an excuse to hurt you, wasn’t she?”

“Yes” Rebecca replied again.

“The maid, Olga will hurt her now, for stopping you.” Finley said in a quiet but firm voice.

“Misha.” Rebecca said quietly. “Her name is Misha and yes, Olga will punish her.”

Finley shivered in Rebecca’s arms and her hand reached up to grasp at the one Rebecca had draped over her shoulder. Despite the shaking in her shoulders Finley’s grip was firm and steady. “I won’t let anyone else suffer because of me.” She said in a quiet but strong voice.

Finley pushed herself up off the bed and looked down at Rebecca. Her eyes and nose were red from crying, but her jaw was set in a determined expression. She held out her hand “Let’s get this over with.”

Rebecca led her to the bathroom and they squeezed themselves into the small shower. Finley moaned as the warm water flowed over her. Rebecca smiled at the remembered feeling of comfort and clean after her own period of abuse. She pressed herself against the back wall of the small shower stall as Finley soaked and shampooed her long thick hair. She felt her sisters’ full breasts pressing against her shoulders, the firm points of her nipples rubbing incidentally along her back. The soap and shampoo streamed down, coating them in a thin film that only seemed to enhance the feeling of contact and Rebecca bit her lip to stifle a moan.

‘No, not here, not like this.’ She whispered to herself as her fingernails dug into her palms, but she couldn’t deny her body and the arousal that was coursing through her. She had been on low boil all week, and flashes of the time with Brian came unbidden into her mind. Before she realized it, her hand had slid down between her legs and she banged her knuckles hard against the tiled wall of the shower as she yanked it away.

“Your turn Becky.” Finley said and they awkwardly shuffled around in the stall so Rebecca could wash and rinse. When she was done she stepped out of the shower and picked up the razor and bowl of shave cream. Finley nodded, lifting her arms and spreading her legs to allow her sister to lather her up then shave her already smooth skin. She gasped, but didn’t stiffen or flinch away as Rebecca slid her tongue over her body, checking for non-existent stubble. She stepped out of the shower to allow Rebecca to take her place, shaving her the same way with an almost clinical detachment.

When she was done she looked up at her sister “They are watching, aren’t they?” she asked in a quiet voice. Rebecca nodded affirmation, then Finley took a deep breath and proceeded to crouch down and slide her tongue between her sister’s spread legs. She was quick but thorough and Rebecca struggled to repress another moan as her sister’s warm tongue slid over her pussy lips.

“Alright, lets go.” She said, pushing her sister away. If they got pissy about skipping the armpits she would take the beating she thought. Wrapped in towels they headed back down the hall to where Misha was standing at the door of Rebecca’s room.

“I have placed what you need in here, you may as well get ready together.” The tall brunette said in her usual formal voice.

“Thank you.” Rebecca replied.

Finley stopped and reached out to take Misha’s hand. “I’m sorry.” She said. “Thank you for what you did for my sister.”

Misha gave a small satisfied smile. “The look on Olga’s face was worth whatever I have to endure. Now, hurry up, I will be back in an hour. Mr. Kaprikov has asked for elegant this time, your outfits are on the bed.”

In the corner of the room was a small table with a breakfast tray on it. Rebecca saw Finley eyeing the warm bowl of oatmeal and steaming cup of coffee hungrily. “Go ahead.” She said, waving her sister forward.

Finley eagerly stepped toward the long-denied food then stopped. “I haven’t earned this yet, have I? If I take this you will be punished for giving it to me.”

Rebecca stood still, not acknowledging but Finley understood. “No, no one will suffer because of me.” She said in a strong voice then she turned to the other corner of the room where the small vanity was set up. She grabbed the hair dryer and began to furiously dry her hair. “Please, eat it fast.” She continued in a far more pleading voice.

Rebecca wolfed down the food and chugged the coffee, ignoring the burning in her mouth and then covered the try with a napkin and moved over to start to get ready with her sister. She combed out her hair, knowing that Finley with her longer thick hair would be hogging the dryer for minutes yet.

When Finely was done she set down the dryer and picked up the curling iron. “Elegant, right?” she asked.

Rebecca nodded as she quickly finished drying her own hair. She saw her sister set her jaw and begin what looked like a practiced routine of pinning and curling her honey gold hair. Rebecca pulled her own thin cornsilk blonde hair into a high ponytail then wrapped a braided lock around the elastic pinning it in place. Athletic sexy was as close as she could get to elegant so she hoped it was good enough. She was in the process of applying her eyeliner when Finley snatched the pencil out of her hand.

“I’m not going to get killed because you show up looking like you are ready for the team photo.” She said with a huff as she pushed Rebecca down on the small stool and proceeded to do her makeup with an experienced hand. Soon Rebecca was staring at a stranger in the mirror. Her lips were almost twice their normal size and glistening with a light sheen. Cheekbones that she didn’t know she had now looked like they were being concealed because they were too large and prominent, and how can her eyes look so wide and bright while also looking smoky and sultry.

“Don’t look so surprised. All of that time you were at practice or tournaments, I was reading magazines and watching tutorial videos.” Finley said proudly. “Now get out of the seat, I still need to do my own before Misha gets back.”

Rebecca walked over to the two bags on the bed and picked up the one with her name on it. Inside was a lacy pink bodysuit and a pair of platform heels. She slid the silky fabric on, pulling the straps up over her shoulders and settling the thong comfortably between her ass cheeks. She couldn’t deny that she actually appreciated feeling like a woman instead of a high school girl trying to look sexy for her teacher. She watched as Finley pulled out a matching outfit and squeezed her far more voluptuous figure into it.

“I guess there is no denying what we are, is there.” She said as she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like a high priced escort with her thick hair in loose curls and waves, pulled over one shoulder to cascade down her chest like a waterfall of honey. Her large firm breasts strained at the material, leaving noticeable points where her nipples stretched the fabric to its limit. Her lips were painted a dark red opposed to the soft pink she had used on Rebecca. Dammit, she looked like the hot older sister and Rebecca felt like the gawky teenager trying to catch up. They slid their feet into the shoes, surprised that they fit and were actually quite comfortable as they practiced walking in them around the small cell.

The door creaked open and Misha stood there, her eyes took in the two sisters with a practiced assessment and she nodded in approval. “I will take you to Mr. Kaprikov now, I am sure you know what is expected of you.”

Rebecca and Finley nodded, taking each other’s hand as they walked down the cold basement hallway to the stairs at the end. Moments later they were standing in the rec room, basking in the warmth of the fire that blazed in the fireplace.

Kaprikov was seated in his usual easy chair, a thick silk robe covering his flabby hairy body. Legs like tree trunks ended in feet stuffed into embroidered carpet slippers, he looked like some medieval lord lounging in his castle. His gleaming piggy eyes slid lecherously over the two women who stood before him. Rebecca glanced over at Finley who far from looking scared was actually standing tall and pushing her chest out.

“So, you are Rebecca’s little sister. I didn’t expect someone so, mature.” Kaprikov said as he sipped his vodka.

“Thank you sir.” Finley replied. “While Rebecca may have been the athlete of the family, I inherited our mother’s attributes.”

“And did your mother have any skills that you inherited as well?” He replied as he spread his legs and slid his hips forward on his chair.

Finley tossed her head and walked forward, well, walked isn’t quite the word for it Rebecca thought. She swayed, crossing one leg in front of the other to exaggerate the hourglass of her body while her hips tossed like waves on the ocean. Her chin was up in a haughty expression and her shoulders rolled making her full breasts quiver in the tight sheer fabric of her teddy. ‘Holy shit’ Rebecca thought, ‘where did she learn that.’ Finley stopped in front of Kaprikov, striking a pose like she was on a catwalk, then leaned forward placing her hands on his thick thighs. She shook her shoulders, causing her tits to jiggle in his face. “What would you ask of me Sir, so that I may earn my reward?” she murmured in a sultry voice.

Kaprikov reached up to grope her breast and she hissed in a breath as his thick hand squeezed the firm ball of flesh. “Yes, your reward. You are not my type my dear, but you are nothing to be scoffed at either. Suck my cock, if you do a good enough job then you can live with your sister.”

“Yes Sir.” Finley replied as she lowered herself to her knees. Rebecca stood motionless, waiting for direction and not wanting to mess with whatever Finley was doing. She had forgotten that her meek little sister was also a woman who apparently knew a lot more than she thought about men.

Finley pushed Kaprikov’s legs apart and slid his robe aside, revealing his semi-erect cock almost hidden in a thick black mound of hair. “This cock, sir?” she murmured as she leaned forward and slid her tongue over the tip. She turned her head and her lips traced a red line of lipstick down the shaft, then she kissed her way over the top and back up the other side. Rebecca suppressed a gag, remembering the smell and taste but Finley gave no indication that anything was wrong. Instead she moaned softly as her lips parted and slowly took the manhood in her mouth. Kaprikov’s eyes closed as Finley’s head slid down his shaft. She pulled back, her shoulders flexed as hands resting on his thighs pushed her up until her dark red lips were just kissing the tip of his prick.

Finley’s tongue flicked over Kaprikov’s piss hole the swirled its way around the thick head before she took him back in her mouth and descended down the short thick shaft of his cock again. Slowly she moved up and down, quiet sucking noises interspersed with soft moans as she worked. Kaprikov raised one meaty hand and grabbed a handful of her carefully styled hair, his fingers digging in possessively but making no effort to control her head. Instead he opened his eyes and looked at where Rebecca stood waiting.

“Your sister is quite talented, I guess while you were busy playing secret agent she was fucking all of the boys in school.” He snorted. “She is earning her reward, why don’t you help her. Get down between her legs and lick her cunt, if she makes me cum then you can make her. Vladimir is nothing but generous with his guests.”

Rebecca knew this was coming but still felt a shiver of revulsion course through her body. She walked over to where the two of them were in the middle of the room, making no effort to duplicate Finley’s seductive strut. She slid down to her knees, then rolled over and lay on her back on the floor. Finley had heard him and lifted herself up off of her heels, spreading her legs without any interruption to the blowjob she was delivering.

Rebecca wiggled her way between her sisters legs, the cool leather of Finley’s heels pressed against her arms as she reached up to grasp her well rounded ass. She slid one hand up along her sister’s crotch, gently rubbing the smooth skin underneath the sheer pink fabric. She felt Finley’s pussy twitch under her gentle caress and whispered an apology for what she was about to do. She gently pulled aside the crotch of the teddy and stroked the tip of her finger between Finley’s pussy lips.

“Aaaahhhhh” Finley gasped around the cock in her mouth, arching her back reflexively to press her freshly shaved crotch against Rebecca’s caressing hand.

‘Whatever it takes, whatever they ask, do it for her.’ Rebecca thought to herself then lifted her head and pressed her pink lips gently on her sisters now protruding pussy lips. She slid her tongue out and glided it along her sister’s snatch, eliciting another moan of arousal. ‘Slowly’ she thought. Finley was already at the same low boil she was suffering from and Kaprikov said he needed to cum first. She gently blew a stream of cool air over the warm moist pussy and saw it twitch as Finley gasped in surprise around the cock in her mouth.

Rebecca worked on her sister slowly while Finley worked on Kaprikov, sucking harder and faster to get the fat man to cum. Her moans became whimpers as despite Rebecca’s efforts to drag it out, Finley couldn’t help but start to feel the effects of her sister’s tongue. Rebecca didn’t dare stop, she didn’t want to give any excuse for Kaprikov to back out on his promise. The bastard may be a homicidal Russian mob boss, but he seemed to take his word seriously.

She heard Kaprikov groan and reached up with one hand to fondle the ball sack she saw hanging above her head. She gently slid her fingernail along the seam of flesh that ran from his asshole to his scrotum while she rolled his nuts around in her palm. He gasped and twitched in surprise.

“That’s cheating my dear, but I will allow it. Keep licking your sister’s cunt, I like it when she moans on my cock.” He grunted in an unsteady voice. She heard the half empty glass of vodka fall to the floor as it slipped from his hand.

Rebecca did as she was told, pressing her face to her sister’s crotch and pushing her tongue into her hot and damp pussy. She wiggled her nose against Finley’s now prominent clit while she rubbed her tongue along her pussy lips. She felt her sister’s hips start to move, gently rocking back and forth in response to her attentions while another moan of frustrated pleasure escaped from her cock stuffed mouth. She ran her finger along the bottom of Kaprikov’s ball sack again, tickling the sensitive flesh between his asshole and his nuts. She was tempted to shove her finger up his ass but didn’t know how he would take it.

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