Blown Cover - Cover

Blown Cover

Copyright© 2024 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 3

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A young female spy goes rogue and gets compromised by a Russian mobster.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Slavery   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Torture  

Rebecca sat in the passenger seat of Slavkovsky’s car as they sped toward Moscow. She was lost in her own thoughts, so much so that she didn’t even feel his hand sliding up her thigh underneath her skirt. Finley, her little sister, was in the hands of these monsters and there wasn’t anything she could do about it. She groaned, which that idiot Boris took as a sign of pleasure and almost swerved into the oncoming lane as he leaned over to kiss her.

“Eyes straight asshole, and keep your hands to yourself.” She snapped as she wrenched his hand out from between her legs. She may have to listen to him but she didn’t have to even pretend to enjoy it.

He smirked and pressed on the gas, the high-powered engine surging the expensive car forward. “Whatever bitch, I’ll just wait until I get back to Mr. Kaprikov’s place and pay a visit to your sister. She looks sweet.”

Rebecca gritted her teeth and fought the impulse to kill him right there. That wouldn’t save Finley or get her out of this mess. She had to think, but all she could think of was her sister. Finley was everything that Rebecca wasn’t. Where Rebecca was small and elfin, Finley was a good head and a half taller with an hourglass figure that made Rebecca want to punch her every time she complained that she couldn’t find clothes to fit. Rebecca had straight, fine golden blonde hair with lashes and eyebrows that were almost non-existent without makeup. Finley’s was a deep honey blonde with waves and curls that always did exactly what she told it, and perfectly sculpted brows that made her look like a 50’s bombshell. Between her height and her body, she breezed past doormen with a smile and a wave while Rebecca was still digging out her ID, even though she was 4 years younger. They couldn’t be more different in personality either. Rebecca was confident, outspoken and not afraid to punch some asshole who tried to lift her up or rest their elbow on her head. Finley on the other hand cried at sappy movies and used to call Rebecca into her room to beg her to remove a moth or spider as she cowered in the corner. She must be terrified Rebecca thought.

The brakes squealed as Boris skidded to a stop on the corner where Rebecca had her apartment. “Here you go babe, home sweet home. And don’t think that we aren’t watching.” He grunted, pointing to an open window on the building across the street. “Your blinds get closed, and your sister will disappear understand?”

Rebecca nodded as she slid out of the car and grabbed her bag from the back. “I will be back to pick you up on Friday, you had better have what Mr. Kaprikov wants.” Boris sneered as he squealed away in a cloud of smoke and burnt rubber. Four days, Finley would be their prisoner for four days, I need to save her.

She walked up the stairs to her apartment and unlocked the door. She noticed that the hair she had left caught in the doorjamb was still there. She checked her other security measures she determined that no one had entered while she was gone. She pulled out her phone and dialed Brian at his usual number, she was sure that they had added some sort of surveillance software to this at least so she was careful to play the part.

“Brian, it’s me. Can we meet at the usual place?” She said when his voice mail picked up, trying to keep her voice calm. A few minutes later she got a text back with a confirmation and time that afternoon. She unpacked, trying not to look at the window across the street. The curtains were closed but she was sure there was a camera set up there, watching her every move. She looked around, trying to find blind spots without making it too obvious. Focusing on work at least gave her mind something to think about other than what her sister was going through.

Later that afternoon she sat at the usual table, spooning the warm soup into her mouth. She looked up when a shadow darkened the door and gave a small gasp of relief as Brian entered the restaurant. He looked just like she had seen in her dreams, and she felt her nipples begin to stiffen despite herself. She tugged her sweater closed as he slid into the seat across from her.

“This is early, I didn’t expect to hear from you until tomorrow.” He commented as he leaned forward, resting his muscular forearms on the table between them.

She reached out to take his hand in hers, her thumb sliding seductively over his knuckles. “Well, I was getting bored so I thought maybe we could go back to my apartment.” She murmured, leaning forward to give him a look down her top. “I heard your cock is the size of a zucchini.”

He stiffened and his fingers tightened around hers. Zucchini was the word that they had established to indicate that there was something wrong and she needed help. It was common enough that she could slip it into conversation about anything from her mother’s garden to what she wanted in her salad, but unusual enough to stand out. Then he relaxed and leaned forward as well until they were almost nose to nose. “I was wondering when this was going to happen. Let me settle your bill for you.”

He followed her up the stairs and into her apartment. Once the door was closed he began to ask “Alright, what is...” then grunted in surprise when she pulled his head down and kissed him hard and passionately. He froze for a moment, then tried to push her away.

“No, they’re watching.” She murmured into his mouth as she turned his head slightly to gesture to the open window. He nodded, then Rebecca felt his arms wrap around her, pulling her tightly against his muscular chest. She moaned despite herself and rose up on her toes, pressing her lips hard against his. Brian broke the kiss, his mouth sliding along her jaw to nuzzle her neck and nibble at her ear. Her legs almost gave out, but she heard him whisper “Is there anything else?”

“My phone is probably compromised.” She said with a gasp, her fingers digging into his shoulders. He pulled her purse off of her arm dropping, it on the floor as spun her around pushing her against the wall. She heard a loud crunch as he stepped hard on the bag, then groaned when he pressed his body against her back, pinning her up against the plaster. Her fingernails dug small furrows in the paint when he pulled her hair aside and buried his face in the back of her neck.

“What’s going on?” He murmured.

She bit her teeth, stifling another moan when she felt his crotch rub against her ass and she pushed back, only partly because she wanted to put on a good show for the voyeurs across the street. “I made Slavkovsky take me to Kaprikov’s party, he betrayed me. That’s where I have been for the last four days.”

She felt him tense behind her, then yelped in surprise as he spun her around to face him. His face was flushed with anger, but also fear and a hint of disappointment. She cowered under his glare, his soft brown eyes now hard and bright. Then he took her by the shoulder and pulled her across the room. He backed up to the window then pushed her down to her knees. “They can’t see you now, tell me everything.”

Rebecca looked up at him, god he was beautiful and he was right there. Her hands reached for his belt but he swatted them away. “Fuck off with the play acting and tell me what the hell happened.” He snapped, but also rolled his head like she was giving him the blowjob he was selling to their observers. She told him everything, well almost everything. She was too humiliated to tell him about how she spent her nights, and the dreams that they caused her but by the time she was done she felt his hand clenching tightly in her hair as he trembled with anger.

“Alright, I’ll get back to the Agency and arrange a strike. It will take some time but we will get those women and your sister out of there.”

“No!” she snapped, leaping to her feet then tugging his head down to her chest when she remembered where they were. “He has someone in the agency, someone high up. He told me and that’s how he knew where to find my sister. He will be warned, and they will all be dead or gone before we get there.” She whispered, pretending to moan as she ground her tits in his face.

He pulled back then turned her around pushing her down over the small kitchen table, knocking the chairs aside to clatter on the floor. “I’m sorry, I need to make this look real.” She heard him murmur as he tugged her leggings down. She groaned in anticipation when she heard his belt buckle jingle, her pussy twitched when she felt his pants slide down the back of her bare thighs.

“Oh please, yes please.” Rebecca whimpered quietly to herself. She was on fire, every dream from her captivity flashed through her mind as she felt the tip of his cock nudge against her pussy. She pushed back, desperate to feel him inside her but he pulled back as well and she almost screamed in frustration.

“I’m sorry, but we need to give them something to see if they are going to believe this.” He said softly as he pushed forward, but his cock didn’t thrust into her hot aching pussy. Instead, he lifted the head and it slid up the crack of her ass. She groaned, clenching her teeth in frustration as she gripped the edge of the table until her knuckles creaked. Why, why was she being tortured like this. She lurched forward, pushed against the edge of the table by his powerful thrusts. She moaned despite herself, he was right here, he was so close. She knew he was aroused, his stiff cock hid nothing and she felt small dribbles of pre-cum ooze drop onto her back and between her ass cheeks.

“It’s alright, put it in. Give them what they need to see.” She moaned as she squirmed her ass against his crotch.

“No, they can see my ass and know your pants are down, we don’t need to give them anymore.” He replied as his hand coiled in her hair and pulled her up. She pressed back against him, straining against his grip to turn her head and reach his mouth with hers. Instead he buried his face in the crook of her neck. “I will head back to the agency and see what I can find out, I will be in touch soon. We will keep using this act as cover, good thinking.” He whispered into her ear as he stiffened behind her.

‘Its not an act you fucking moron!’ she screamed in her mind, then wailed out loud in frustration which he took for her faking an orgasm. He stiffened, faking his own but she could tell that he was close. She ground her ass against his crotch, trying to make him cum but he pulled back with a gasp and she sobbed as she felt the wet tip of his rigid manhood slide down her ass then disappear. Rebecca braced herself against the table forcing herself to stay still as she heard his pants slide up and his belt buckle, locking his prick away. She heard him take a shaky breath and if he felt anything like she did he must be in pain which just made her feel worse.

His arm slid around her shoulders and she allowed herself to be turned around and pulled into his embrace. She buried her face in his chest, struggling to hide her tears as she breathed deeply of his scent. At least she would have this Rebecca thought and she considered asking him to leave his undershirt behind so she could sleep in it. Instead she whispered “I’m sorry.”

He looked down at her, his eyes soft now. “If you knew there was a mole in the Agency, why did you come to me?” He asked quietly.

“Because you told me not to go. You tried to protect me from this, and I screwed it up and now everyone is suffering because of me.” Rebecca replied, biting her lip to keep from breaking down.

He stroked her cheek. “No, this isn’t your fault. You were bait thrown to the sharks in hopes that when one bit you it wouldn’t see the hook. You weren’t ready, this is my fault, and I will do everything I can to fix it.”

She walked him to the door and he leaned down to kiss her. She responded, it wasn’t passionate or powerful, but instead soft and affectionate. “I will be back soon, stay here and don’t open the door.” He told her, then slid his gun out of his holster and passed it to her. “Stay safe.”

She closed the door and walked numbly to the bedroom, falling onto the small single bed as her control broke and she began sobbing. He had been right here, so close that she could still smell him. She imagined that she still felt his strong arms around her, his hard body pressing down on her like a heavy comforting blanket. She reached her hand behind her back, running her fingers through the still damp sticky globs of cum there. Bringing her hand to her face she sniffed deeply of his scent, a musky tangy smell. Her tongue slid out to tentatively lick her finger and she tasted the salty flavor of his cum. Her other hand slid down her body and between her legs, rubbing the heel of her thumb against her crotch.

“Ooooohhhhhh” she moaned as her arousal flared back to life. It was like she had thrown gasoline on a bed of coals and she felt her pussy ooze with moisture. She shoved her fingers in her mouth, sucking the traces of his cum off of them the reaching back to desperately feel for more. Meanwhile she ground her crotch against her hand, hard, harder than she had ever done before. Pain flared between her legs but that only made her hotter as she shoved her fingers in her mouth again, her tongue desperately lapping at them for any remaining taste of him.

“Nnnnnggggghhhhhh” she moaned, pulling her hand out of her mouth and digging under her shirt to grope at her tit. Her nipples were like rocks and she flinched as her nails scratched over the sensitive pink nub. The pain exploded like a firework in her mind and she gasped, then groped herself harder, digging her fingers into her firm but yielding tit.

“Oh god yes Brian, please, please...” she gasped as she fondled and molested herself. She had masturbated before, but it was never like this. Her body was burning up, every inch aching for a rough, commanding hand, mouth or cock. Her fingers scrambled with the elastic waistband of her pants, scratching her quivering stomach as they fought to get at her pussy. She rolled over onto her stomach, burying her face into the pillow and biting a mouthful of the musty pillowcase as she moaned and whimpered like a cat in heat.

“Wait, wait!” she shouted to herself. What was she doing? Finley was suffering because of her, Brian was suffering because of her, everyone was scared, angry, frustrated and in pain because of her and here she was shoving her fingers in her cunt like a cheap whore on a stage. She pushed herself up and slapped herself, hard. The pain on her cheek flashed across her mind, not like a firework but like a bomb. She slapped herself again, and again.

“You stupid fucking slut! You cheap useless piece of shit!” she screamed at herself as she fell off the bed onto the floor, pounding the thin carpet with her tiny fists. “This is all your fault! No, you don’t get to feel good until you make it right.”

If Brian was strong enough to deny himself, then so could she. If Finley was scared and miserable then she would be too. She staggered to the bathroom and turned on the shower, cold. She stepped under the stream of water and gasped, no one knew cold like the Russians. She stayed there, the icy needles pounding her body as she shivered and chattered until she could take it no longer. She emerged, shaking and blue to grab a towel only to drop it on the floor.

“No, you don’t deserve to be comfortable. You deserve the worst that Olga did to you and more.” She whispered to the empty apartment. She lay on the floor, sobbing and shaking until she fell asleep to the thought of Finley bound and crying in that shipping container.

She woke to a knock on the door. She was still on the floor, somehow in the night she had pulled the thin blanket off of her bed which she was sure was the only thing that had kept her alive. She pushed herself up with screaming muscles, wrapping the coarse blanket around her shoulders and staggered across the hall to look out the peephole. It was Brian and she pulled the door open.

“Holy shit.” He exclaimed. He hurriedly set down the packages he was holding and wrapped his arms around her. She could only guess what she looked like and felt her swollen and sensitive lip where she had bit it last night as she shivered on the floor.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He murmured into her ear as he held her tightly. “I shouldn’t have left you alone.”

She took a deep shuddering breath, filling her nose with his scent again. She didn’t want to move, didn’t want to disturb the feeling of safety and security she felt in his arms. She forced herself to push away, unconsciously running a hand through her rat’s nest of hair as she struggled to gain her composure.

“No, no. It’s alright, I don’t think I could have handled it if you had stayed.” She told him. “I needed to let it out.”

He looked at her, confused and concerned and it drove another knife into her heart. She had hurt him again, made him feel that he had failed her once more. “What do you have there?” she asked, trying to change the subject back onto something he felt he could control.

“Coffee and breakfast first, then I brought you a new phone and some clothes. We need to go into the Agency office today.” He stammered as he tried not to look at where the blanket hung loose around her body.

She pulled it tight, no need to torture him anymore. “Sure, let me get on a housecoat.” A few minutes later she was savoring the warmth as she sipped her steaming coffee and dug into the bacon eggs and bread he had brought from the restaurant. “What’s the plan?” she asked around a mouthful of food. “I thought I was supposed to stay away from the Agency to keep my cover intact.”

“Normally yes but given that you have just returned from a very high profile assignment with a head full of intel we can justify bringing you in for a debrief. Also, if Kaprikov want’s you to return with agency information, where would you get that? You may know a lot about his organization but you wouldn’t have a file in your apartment.” He replied, his back to the window to make sure he wasn’t observed by her watchers.

She nodded, of course he would have thought of that while she was busy fingering herself. “Alright, give me a few minutes to clean up and we can get going.” She polished off the rest of her coffee and headed to the shower. Hot water this time, she could torture herself as much as she wanted when it didn’t matter but not when she was working. Time to stop thinking about herself and focus on the mission.

A few hours later and they were back at her apartment, and she felt better than she had all week. Her phone had been updated with a tracking software so the next time she went to Kaprikov’s they would know where she was. She had also been given some ‘James Bond’ equipment, a chunky necklace and earrings that when put together was actually a beacon, just in case the cell phone didn’t work. She also had a flash drive full of intel and mis-information that would also upload a malware program to any computer it was plugged into.

“Come and get me you fuckers.” She murmured with a smile as she looked out her window at the curtained window across the street. She dialed Boris, who picked up with a sleepy grunt even though it was already early afternoon. “I have what you asked for, pick me up and let me see my sister.”

“You don’t set the agenda little girl.” He snapped back. “I will tell Mr. Kaprikov and let you know when he is ready to see you.”

It was an agonizing two more days until Slavkovski called her back. Two days of suffering and denial as she thought about what Finley was going through when she was awake and dreamed of Brian when she slept. Now she was in Slavkovski’s car driving at almost reckless speed to an unknown location. They weren’t going to the dacha, she knew that much. Eventually they arrived at what can only be described as a hunting lodge, a rustic looking two storey building in the middle of a sprawling forested estate. She recognized some of the guards who stood around smoking and chatting, cradling their AK’s or SMG’s.

She took a deep breath, almost like she was breathing free air for the last time then slid out of the car and walked up the gravel path to where Kaprikov and Olga were standing on the covered porch. He was wearing a track suit that struggled to contain his bulk, with his ever present cigar and tumbler of vodka in his hands. A sheen of perspiration covered his jowly face and she shuddered to herself as his piggy eyes slid over her body.

“You have a present for me?” He asked and held out his hand to take the memory stick that Rebecca handed over. He passed it off to someone behind him who was holding a laptop. “Once we verify that this information is accurate, you can see your sister.”

“Is she here? You had better not have done anything to her!” Rebecca said, trying to sound intimidating instead of scared.

Kaprikov chuckled. “You are not in a position to demand anything malyshka, but yes. She is here and safe. In fact, she is enjoying herself right now. Misha!”

Misha stepped out onto the porch, she was wearing her traditional maid outfit with stockings and heels, her hands folded meekly and her head down. “Yes Mr, Kaprikov.”

“Take Ms. Miller to see her sister, on monitor only understood? Then you can take her to her cell until we are ready for her.”

Rebecca stepped up onto the porch but was stopped when Olga put out her hand. She handed over her purse and phone, but no one even batted an eye at the gaudy gold earrings or necklace she was wearing She followed Misha into the lodge and down a set of stairs to the basement. She shivered in the cool damp air, following the other woman down an almost familiar hall full of steel doors to the guard station. There was a man sitting on a chair in front of a bank of six monitors. Rebecca recognized Katya in one of the cells, she had a blanket and a robe and was curled up on her bed reading a book. She gasped when she saw the other.

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