Blown Cover - Cover

Blown Cover

Copyright© 2024 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 2

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A young female spy goes rogue and gets compromised by a Russian mobster.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Slavery   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Torture  

“Yes, oh yes, please.” Rebecca moaned as she squirmed beneath Brian’s strong body. Her sensitive nipples scraped through his chest hair as she pushed herself up against him. She saw his soft brown eyes looking down at her, twinkling in amusement at her frustration. His cock filled her pussy and she writhed and whimpered as she tried to encourage him to fuck her.

“Please don’t tease me, please. I can’t take it anymore.” She moaned as she tugged at her wrists, pinned above her head in his strong grip. She struggled, desperate to break free and wrap her arms around his broad shoulders, to dig her fingers into his strong back.

“Ssshhhhhhh, be patient.” He whispered into her ear, his hot breath tickling her neck.

“No, no, I can’t wait. Fuck me, oh please fuck me.” She groaned as she thrust her hips up, hoping to push his cock deeper inside her. A sharp pain in her wrist jolted her awake and she wailed in frustration.

“No, no, fuck no.” she moaned clenching her fists as she fell out of her dream and back into the reality of her situation.

“Ggrrraaaahhhhhhhh!!!!” she roared into the darkness. She was alone, in a cold dark room with her hands cuffed to the wall above her and a vibrator throbbing slowly in her burning pussy.

“No, no, no! I won’t play their fucking games anymore!” she growled, struggling to catch the cord of the vibrator with her foot. She got it between her toes and tugged it free of her body, kicking it to the floor where it continued to hum, uncaring of her situation. She gasped in relief as the dull throbbing that had tormented her for so long finally disappeared.

Unfortunately in her struggles, her thin coarse blanked had slipped off of her body and was halfway off the bed. She tried to pull it up with her legs but only managed to have the rest of it slide away. She lay on the thin mattress, shivering in the cold damp air as she started to cry.

“No, no, no.” she sobbed, twisting in her shackles unable to do anything but curl into a ball and shake in the darkness.

She woke as the light came on, the rest of her night had been a cold and humiliating struggle to sleep. She sharp smell of urine filled her nose, she had soiled herself, unable to reach her toilet due to the shackles that secured her to the wall. She blinked at the hazy outline she saw in the doorway to her cell.

Misha looked down at her, her eyes filled with understanding and pity. “I am sorry, but I will have to tell Mistress Olga what you have done. You will be punished.”

A short time later she was standing in the torture room looking at the familiar table of punishment implements and the large X frame. She was naked and a guard held her by the arm with her wrists bound behind her back. Misha was there, waiting meekly in the corner in her maid’s uniform. The click of heels on stone announced Mistress Olga’s arrival.

“I hear that our guest has been naughty, breaking the rules of our hospitality. Is that correct Misha?” and Rebecca’s nose twitched at the smell of food that followed her into the room. Despite the situation her stomach growled, she had not eaten since she arrived two days ago.

“Yes Mistress, she removed her vibrator last night.” Misha replied quietly, eyes downcast.

“And I am sure that you told her she was not to do that. She was to keep it her filthy cunt in and would be punished if she failed to do so.” Olga asked, glancing hungrily at Rebecca.

“Yeah, she told me.” Rebecca snapped back. “I’m sick of your fucking games and your perverted little hobbies. I’m not going to play anymore bitch.”

Olga smiled, and Rebecca couldn’t help but tense at the gleam that came to the tall woman’s eyes. “It is about time. I was thinking you were going to break without letting me play anymore.” She gestured to the guard. “Hang her from the ceiling, upside down.”

Rebecca struggled but she was too small and weakened to put up more than a token resistance to the strong hands that pushed her to the ground. Thick leather cuffs were fastened to her ankles and a wooden bar spread her legs wide. A hook connected to a ring in the bar and she was hauled up until she hung upside down, slowly spinning in the harsh light.

Olga wrinkled her nose. “This stupid slut has pissed herself, clean her up.” Olga settled herself in her chair as Misha stepped forward. The maid took a bowl and sponge off of a cart and began to wash Rebecca’s body with chillingly cold water. Rebecca gritted her teeth, refusing to show weakness as the damp cloth ran over her until her skin was pimpled with goose flesh.

“Shall I shave her mistress?” Misha asked.

“No, but plug her and bring in my tray then you can go. Attend to your master until I send for you.” Misha nodded and Rebecca winced as the familiar vibrator was worked into her dry and aching pussy. She stepped out and returned and set down a plate of bacon and eggs with a thick slice of dark bread and steaming coffee on the table next to Olga’s chair. She turned to leave, casting a pitying glance at Rebecca as she did.

“Apologies, I have not yet had breakfast. I hope you don’t mind if I eat before we get to work.” Olga asked politely while she cut into her meal.

Rebecca slowly spun, trying to ignore the smells of the food and the sounds of chewing that made her stomach growl and mouth water. She tried to focus the feeling of pressure as the blood rushed to her head, a headache slowly starting to throb behind her eyes. As the pain increased, the steady hum of the vibrator began to do its work and she felt herself starting to get aroused despite her discomfort. How could her body be so fucked up, responding like this ignorant of her situation.

Olga dabbed her mouth with a napkin, and Rebecca groaned as she left at least half of her meal on her plate. Her gaze reluctantly moved from the delicious food to follow the woman as she walked slowly around the room, her fingers idly tracing a line around the suspended girl’s waist.

“You refuse to accept your situation, to obey simple rules. You are quite helpless here, no one knows where you are or cares that you are missing. I am free to do whatever it takes to break you and quite enjoy the opportunity.” Olga said idly. “Mr. Kaprikov so rarely lets me exercise my talents and the girls here have already been brought to heel enough that there is little correction needed.” She took a handful of Rebecca’s hair and pulled her head forcing her to look up at the woman who towered over her. “Thank you for your defiance.” She said with a smile.

Rebecca tried to spit at her, but the glob of spittle simply fell back on her face. Olga laughed as she moved over to the table of instruments, pulling on a pair of leather gloves and considering her selection. “I think we will start with the feet today.” She muttered to herself as she picked up a leather crop and swished it through the air.

“Fuck you.” Rebecca snarled but she couldn’t conceal the fear in her voice as she struggled to follow the movement of the woman as Olga stepped behind her.

“Aaaaahhhhh” she yelled when the crop descended with a smack on her bare sole.

“The beautiful part about beating someone’s feet is they still have to use them when you are finished, unless they crawl around like a dog. Are you a dog my dear?”

“You’re the only bitch here.” Rebecca snapped back then wailed again when Olga struck her other foot. Back and forth the woman beat the soles of the helpless girl’s feet which were conveniently at chest height for her. Rebecca twisted futilely, the spreader bar preventing her from escaping the beating.

Olga stepped back, tapping the crop against her hand as she looked down at her victim. A smile tugged at her lips and she moved over to the wall where the power switch for the vibrator in Rebecca’s cunt was. “Did you like that?” she asked, “If not, perhaps you will like this.” Rebecca twitched as she slid the switch up a notch and the vibrator increased it tempo from a slow throb to a steady low buzz.

Rebecca grit her teeth, refusing to give any indication as to the effect of the device on her but she couldn’t decide if the stiffening of her nipples was due to the cold air or the moisture in her pussy. She tried to focus on the pain in her feet and head. ‘No, don’t give in to their sadistic little games.’ She told herself.

She was so intent on ignoring the sensation in her crotch that she screamed in pain as the clamp attached to her nipple. Her eyes flew open and she saw Olga working the spring of another. She tried to twist away but the woman simply grabbed her by the tit and dug her fingers in hard. “No, no my little sparrow. Remember, there is nothing you can do.” She said conversationally as the clamp closed on Rebecca’s other nipple.

“Nnngggghhhhhh” she groaned through gritted teeth. The sound of metal clicking made her open her eyes and she saw Olga swinging some small lead weights attached to short chains. Rebecca closed her eyes again then flinched as the weights were attached to the clamps, each oscillation bringing new bursts of pain as they tugged at her sensitive flesh. To add insult to injury, the chains were just long enough that the weights bumped against her face almost comedically.

“You seem to like this, seeing how much pain you can stand. Olga is right, isn’t she?”

Rebecca ignored the taunt, closing her eyes and trying to steady her breathing. She struggled to remain stoic as Olga again increased the power to the vibrator, sending a new wave of pleasure to accompany the intermittent sparks of pain she felt.

“You have a very nice ass, well muscled and taught. You must exercise right?” She heard Olga ask, then howled as pain exploded from her ass cheeks. Olga had picked up a leather wrapped paddle and was swinging it with long sweeping arcs, the meaty smack echoing in the bare room.

Smack, thwack, smack. Rebecca gave up all pretense of stoicism and wailed in pain as the blows sent the weights attached to her tits swinging wildly. Her bound hands reached up desperately to try to cover her behind but she didn’t have the strength and fell back sobbing great racking sobs.

“Please, please stop. No more, please no more.” She gasped, almost drowning in the snot that oozed out of her nose and up her suspended face. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry for my dear?” Olga asked politely as she placed the paddle back on the bench.

“I’m sorry for, for defying you.” Rebecca responded, struggling to breathe. “I’m sorry for pulling out my vibrator last night.”

“Oh, you mean this vibrator?” Olga replied as she slid the power up another notch.

“Oooohhhhhhh” Rebecca gasped despite herself. Pleasure replaced pain, or overlaid it somehow. Stimulation stacked on stimulation and her body shuddered in response. She could feel her orgasm start to build, the orgasm so long denied her. “Nnngggghhhhhh” she groaned as she arched.

“No no my dear, not yet.” Olga chided as she slid the power down and the strong buzz subsided to a pathetic thrum. Rebecca sobbed in frustration as her orgasm slipped away again.

“Please, oh god please. What do you want?” Rebecca pleaded, twisting in her suspension to try to make eye contact with the tall blonde woman at the switch.

“I want you to obey, that is all. Do what you are told and you can have everything that you need.” Olga replied in a lecturing tone, like it was the simplest lesson being taught to the dumbest student.

“I will, I will I promise.” Rebecca gasped, sagging in her bonds as she said so.

Olga pressed a button and the winch hummed, raising Rebecca higher into the air. She groaned in pain as the cuffs dug into her ankles and her arms tugged at her shoulders as they sagged back to the ground. Olga strode over and Rebecca noticed that she was now at crotch level to the woman who was working at a zipper that ran between her legs. “Lick my pussy slut. If you do a good enough job I will give you what you want, but if you fail we start all over again.”

Rebecca nodded as Olga spread her legs and shuffled forward, pulling the smaller woman’s face into her crotch. Rebecca was no stranger to women, having experimented in college. Some kissing and grinding on the dance floor was usually good for a few free drinks, and when the guys turned out to be assholes the fall back sex was always worth it.

She stuck her tongue out, licking at Olga’s pussy. She noticed that she had a neatly trimmed but clearly present bush, she wasn’t part of the stable.

“Not so quickly, take your time child.” Olga chided and Rebecca nodded in reply. She took a deep breath, the musky scent of Olga’s cunt filling her nose. She nuzzled her mouth against the woman’s pussy flaps, her tongue sliding slowly between them to probe her snatch. She moved her head back and forth, using her nose to rub the perineum while she worked her tongue between her pussy lips.

“Yes, very good. You are a good cunt licker, I knew you would be.” Olga moaned. Rebecca flinched as the vibrator came to life in her pussy again. “Keep doing that and maybe we can cum together slut.”

“Mmmmhmmmm” she murmured into the snatch pressed against her face. She pushed her tongue deep into Olga’s vagina, probing as best she could. She felt the woman grab the back of her head, holding her in place. She took advantage of the leverage to shove her tongue deeper into the dominant woman.

“Aaaahhhhhh, yes, yes you bitch. Shove that tongue into my cunt.” Olga moaned, grinding her crotch against Rebecca’s face. Rebecca yelped as Olga flicked the clamp on her nipple, then moaned when the woman stroked her own engorged clit. Pain and pleasure alternated then merged into one overwhelming sensation as Olga teased and tormented her.

“Oh yes, yes, just like that.” Olga groaned and Rebecca felt her pussy start to twitch. She pressed her face hard against the cunt, ignoring the urge to breathe as she licked and sucked with everything she had.

“Aaahhhhhhh” Olga moaned, her pussy juice flowing over Rebecca’s face as her thighs clamped down on her head. Her body spasmed and Rebecca continued to lick and suck, desperate to please the woman and thus earn her own reward.

After a few moments Olga stepped back and Rebecca noted with satisfaction that her knees seemed unsteady. “You have done well, are you ready for your own reward?” she asked, somewhat breathless.

“Yes, oh god please yes!” Rebecca begged, gasping for air. Her face was glazed with Olga’s pussy juice but she didn’t care, she was desperate for release from what seemed like hours of torment.

Olga stepped forward and removed one of the nipple clamps while simultaneously increasing power to the vibrator. A flash of pain followed by a wave of relief made Rebecca moan in pleasure. She moaned again, louder and harder as Olga repeated the procedure with the other nipple clamp. Her strong hands gently stroked Rebecca’s tits, causing her to first flinch then shudder at the pleasing touch.

“You can cum now, you have earned it with your obedience girl.” Olga said, in an almost motherly voice as she pushed the vibrator to maximum.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god, fffuuuucccckkkkkk!” Rebecca wailed as her long denied orgasm exploded. She shook and bucked in her bonds, spasming as surges of pleasure coursed through her. Just when she thought she was finished, Olga flicked her engorged clit with her polished fingernail and another orgasm followed, like waves on a beach.

“Aaaahhhhhhh” she wailed, unable to articulate any words or thoughts while the pain and pleasure exploded inside her mind. After what seemed like forever she shuddered then sagged in her bonds. Sweat dripped from her face and body making soft sounds on the stone below her head.

Olga opened the door, Rebecca almost didn’t hear the familiar protesting squeal of metal. After a few moments Misha entered and stood meekly with her hands folded and head downcast.

“Take her back to her cell, she is to receive full benefits now.” Olga commanded and Misha nodded in reply. She triggered the winch, slowly lowering Rebecca to the floor. Rebecca shuddered as the cold stone touched her sweat drenched body but groaned in a mixture of pain and relief as she lay on the ground.

Misha unfastened her ankle cuffs and surprisingly her wrist cuffs and helped her stagger to her feet. She steadied her as she groaned, her abused soles protesting at the weight she tried to put on them.

“Lean on me, just until we get back to your cell.” Misha whispered and Rebecca gratefully took her arm as they staggered down the hall. Misha lay Rebecca on her bed and covered her with the thin blanket the departed, returning shortly with a cart. The most delicious smell filled Rebecca’s nose and she pushed herself up to see a steaming bowl and thick slice of bread.

“Oh god, that smells soooo good.” She gasped as she stumbled across the room and seated herself on the folding chair Misha provided. The stew was thick, with big chunks of vegetables in a rich beef broth. She struggled to control her shaking hand, afraid of spilling anything as she spooned the first mouthful into her and moaned again at the taste and warmth.

“Don’t eat too fast, you will get sick. When you are finished I will take you to the shower.” Misha told her as she reached into the cart and pulled out a thick comforter and robe as well as slippers which she lay on the bed.

“Shower? Hot water?” Rebecca mumbled around a mouthful of stew.

“Yes, and you can bathe and shave yourself, but I must still check you when you are done.” Misha replied.

“All of this just for licking Olga’s cunt?” Rebecca asked as she used the bread to mop up the last drops of broth from the bowl.

“Yes, obey and this is what you get, disobey and it will be taken from you. That is their leverage on you until they find something else.” Misha replied, almost sorry to remind Rebecca of what she had lost in exchange for food and comfort. “Also, you do not need to be shackled or sleep with the vibrator, but are free to use it whenever you wish.”

‘Hell, I can do this for two days’ Rebecca thought to herself as she chewed slowly on the bread, reluctant to finish her meal but looking forward to the shower.

The next morning Rebecca awoke to the sound of her door opening and Misha pushing in another cart. She reluctantly slid out from beneath the warm blanket and hugged it around her shoulders as her feet fumbled for her slippers. A long flannel nightgown had also been provided and she had been enjoying her best sleep in days. She almost missed the dreams of Brian but refused to subject herself to the vibrator now that it was her choice.

Misha looked her usual impeccable self, wearing her maid outfit and heels. Rebecca noticed that while she looked sexy, the outfit would not look out of place in a normal setting. There was a high lace collar around her throat and the tight blouse showed off her tits without revealing any cleavage. The skirt was down to mid thigh and she could see a lacy silk slip peeking out but there was nothing overtly sexual about the clothing, even the stockings and heels were surprisingly modest given the circumstances.

“Eat and prepare yourself.” Misha said, laying a small bag on the end of the bed. “The shower is available and I will come to check you in an hour. Mr. Kaprikov wishes to see you in the den.”

Rebecca stiffened, pulling the blanket tightly around her shoulders. She knew that this day was going to come eventually, and she only had two more days to wait until Brian noticed her missing. She could handle it she thought to herself as she dug into her breakfast. A bowl of fruit, yogurt and granola with a glass of juice and coffee waited for her on the cart.

“Are all of the captives here fed this well?” she asked.

“Those that obey are. Mistress Olga believes that the better they are treated for complying, the easier it is to punish them for failing to do so.” Misha replied in her sad voice.

Rebecca nodded, trying not to imagine what Misha had gone through to turn her into the obedient servant and sex slave she was now. “Thank you.” She said as the older woman turned to leave.

“No, don’t thank me. I am sorry.” She replied as she shut the door.

After she had finished eating Rebecca opened the package, it contained an outfit from her suitcase as well as her makeup and styling kits. “Waste not, want not.” She murmured to herself as she took her shower kit and padded down the hall to the bathroom. She noticed that the only person she saw was a guard seated at the end of the hall who leered at her but stayed well away. Benefits of being Mr. Kaprikov’s latest project she guessed but luxuriated in the hot shower. An hour later she was putting the finishing touches on her makeup when Misha opened the door.

“Mistress Olga will be pleased.” She said in her usual sad voice. Rebecca understood, Misha didn’t know that she was just playing a role until she could get rescued. She thought that Rebecca was starting to accept her situation, or at least had stopped fighting for the sake of fighting.

The outfit that had been chosen for her was a tight white tank crop top and pair of black low-rise yoga pants with some gleaming white platform sneakers. She had done her light blonde hair up in a top ponytail with two strands falling to frame her face. Her makeup was muted, some eyeliner and mascara with soft pink lipstick and a hint of blush on her cheeks. She looked like a high school student pushing the limits of the dress code, maybe planning on trying to flirt with her teacher into getting a better grade.

Misha led her down the hall and past the appreciative gaze of the guard, up the stairs and into the den. Rebecca looked around immediately and saw that the room was occupied with three people. Kaprikov was seated in his normal chair, his bulk covered in a silk dressing gown and carpet slippers on his feet. Olga was standing beside him, wearing surprisingly normal clothing instead of her previous dominatrix outfits. Sitting on a sofa against the wall was Boris and she ground her teeth as she felt his watery eyes slide over her. She walked forward, standing on the carpet with her head down and hands folded in front of her mirroring Misha’s pose.

“Very nice, you do excellent work Olga.” Kaprikov murmured as he ran his piggy eyes up and down Rebecca’s body. She shivered, sure that she could feel his gaze lingering on her tits and the small mounds that her nipples made in the tight fabric of her top.

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