Massage Girl Diaries - Cover

Massage Girl Diaries

Copyright© 2024 by AusMegan24

Chapter 2

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A Teen Girl gets a job at a Massage parlor

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oriental Male   Oriental Female   Exhibitionism   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Prostitution  

It would help if you read the previous chapter of this story.

“So, I heard you took care of Leon yesterday”, Kendra asked from the doorway of our break room grabbing my attention away from my phone

“oh yeah, Lily was in a pinch and I offered to help out, I hope you’re not too angry with her, it was my idea”, I replied with an apologetic expression.

“No, No, I’m not angry, I usually don’t throw girls straight into the deep end like that, especially with those two boys, how did you find it?, Kendra walked over and took a seat opposite me, resting her elbows on the table and leaning in, a curious look on her face.

I dropped my phone on the table, sighing in relief that she didn’t seem too displeased,” oh god I was so nervous, but Leon was really sweet and he seemed to enjoy it a lot, a big smile crossing my lips as I replayed the session back in my head until Kendra broke me out of my mini trance.

“looks like he wasn’t the only one, I knew I was right about you, naughty little Megan”, she teases playfully patting me on the head like a proud mother,” so what exactly did you do? I hope he didn’t take advantage of you”, her happy expression turning into a concerned one for the time being.

I leaned in, looking past Kendra to see if we were still alone, trying to be discreet with our conversation, I lowered my voice as I answered,” well I started off with a head to toe massage and allowed him to touch me a little, then he wanted me to continue in just my underwear, saying you do that for him all the time, I hope that’s true?.

“it’s pretty common for our more trusted clients”, she answered,” Is that all that happened?”

I smiled coyly looking away from her line of sight, my hand playing with my hair nervously before I confessed,” well he kind of got excited, and Lily did say to make him happy, so ... I ended up giving him a happy ending”, I giggled curiously gazing at Kendra to gauge her reaction.

“Let me guess, he wanted to finish on your arse?”

I chuckled, nodding my head in response,” he made a fucking mess!”, I shouted, a little too loud before covering my mouth as Kendra laughed with a knowing grin.

“stereotypical, booty, loving black guy he is ... and yes, he certainly is blessed with an explosive ejaculation, that’s something you need to get used to, men love shooting their goo at an attractive target ... face, tits, arse, feet, stomach, you name it I’ve had it cummed on.

“Oh My God!, is it wrong that I’m getting excited?”, I sheepishly asked before we both giggled.

“No, I would be more concerned if you weren’t getting excited, you can’t last long in this business if you don’t enjoy all aspects of it ... and wow, Megan, a bit of a cum slut are you?”, Kendra added

“well, I find it hot ... its so wrong and dirty letting a guy cum on you, something you shouldn’t let happen but it just feels so liberating and quite the compliment I think, I know guys love it for different reasons, but to be honest all of the reasons I’ve heard only add to the thrill of it.

Kendra smiled and seemed to agree with me, nodding her head,” well I’m just glad you enjoyed the experience, how would you feel about taking a couple of appointments today?, we all fully booked and I’m converting the break room into a makeshift massage room, my husband is bringing over a few business clients so we are going to shut down the front of house for a few hours until they leave”.

“id love to!”, I replied enthusiastically feeling that rush of excitement course through me.

“good, I knew I could count on you, well let’s get everything set up, they will be here in an hour”.

Lily rocked up a few minutes after we finished up our chat along with Jade, a 21-year-old Chinese/Singaporean student who only worked casually in between classes, she had a similar build to Lily but with much lighter, skin and unnatural, dark brown hair.

“Alright girls, these men are VIP’s, so let’s show them a good time”, Kendra announced as we finished up the final touches to the break room.

I noticed we had set up two tables side by side, guessing with the limited space a couple of us had to share the room. Thinking I had to perform what I did for Leon in front of other people was nerve-racking if not a little frightening.

Lily walked over with her bright smile,” looks like we are going to be working together, don’t worry, it’s going to be a lot of fun, these guys usually give great tips, just follow my lead and try to relax, you look like a deer in headlights, girl”, she joked trying to calm my nerves.

“OK, OK, it’s just weird I’m going to have an audience”, I replied trying to shake out the nerves

Lily smirked and massaged my shoulders, “you will be fine, once it starts you won’t even notice I’m there”.

Our conversation came abruptly to an end as Kendra Lead a couple of older looking gentlemen into the room, they smiled as they saw us, girls, especially the one on the right who was clearly eyeing my tits with his deep blue eyes, they both were caucasian men, probably in their mid 40’s, one with a beard and the other cleanly shaven, both had short, dark hair and were of similar height with what could only be described as dad bod physiques. Not too bad I thought to myself finding the two quite attractive thanking god it wasn’t some old, fat, guys.

Lily walked past me to greet the men,”I’m Lily, nice to meet you, two handsome gentlemen, this is my co-worker Megan, were looking forward to pampering you guys today, arent we Megan?”, she asked, her smile lighting up the room as she looked over her shoulder at me gesturing I should follow suit.

I got the subtle hint and strolled over, looking up at the two taller men, flashing them a smile before speaking,” oh yes, just let us know if there’s anything you need.

“mmmm, well looks like we’re in good hands hey James?”, the bearded man said as his partner smiled and nodded,” I’m Ryan and this here is my business partner James nice to meet you two ladies”, his voice was deep and strong with a hint of a Scottish accent.

“well I will leave you two in their capable hands, enjoy”, Kendra turned and left closing the door behind her.

There was a brief moment of silence as the four of us took the time to study each other, Ryan clearly had his focus on me which didn’t go unnoticed by the other two. I blushed at his intense stare and lust-filled grin.

Lily broke the silence first,” why don’t you guys get out of those clothes and we can get started.

“Sounds good to me, but only if you girls join us”, Ryan added looking directly at me for confirmation

“of course, I hate working in cloths anyway”, I joked as the two of them chuckled and licked their lips

The men walked over behind a changing screen we set up and stripped, coming back out in towels covering their lower half, Lily guided James to the table on the right as I followed her lead with Ryan to the one on the left.

“Well ladies I think it’s your turn”, James spoke out as I and lily gave each other a nod of approval and started slowly undressing our black tights and matching T-shirt.

The men sat on the edge of the beds and watched on as the clothing peeled away from our young, tight bodies, I started off with my top before peeling down my tights all the while keeping eye contact with Ryan who seemed to be loving the display, once I was left in just my black cotton thong and matching sports bra I spied over at lily who was in the process of taking off her bra, she had on a skimpy pair of purple lace booty shorts which hugged her small bubble butt perfectly, I decided to follow her lead and remove my own bra, much to the delight of Ryan’s wondering eyes as he took in my naked breasts.

“I better lay down before I get too excited and unable too”, Ryan joked as the rest of us laughed, he then leaned forward to whisper at me,” your tits are spectacular Megan”, he complimented.

I smiled gesturing for him to lay down so we could begin. I adjusted the towel taking my time to make sure it was perfectly situated, my fingernails brushing along his thigh as I did so causing Ryan to moan, I grinned lowering my self to his right ear,” would you like oil or lotion?” I whispered

“anything you want Megan, I trust your judgment”, he then shifted his hips, rocking back and forth until he found a comfortable position.

I smiled knowing full well he must have already gotten semi-erect seeing me almost naked, I was tempted to suggest we start off with him on his back but after a minute or two, he seemed to relax and stopped moving. I retrieved a bottle of old, spice, scented oil and poured a long stream over Ryan’s back, he hissed with approval as I massaged it into his skin, working diligently starting at his lower neck, then moving on to his shoulders, lily was doing the same to James her breasts jiggling hypnotically as she worked, our eyes met for a moment and we exchanged smiles before quickly getting back to our business.

James and Ryan seemed to be enjoying their massages, 30 minutes had past and nothing was said, I was working my way lower, down Ryan’s body, finishing up on his right calf muscle, his legs were slightly spread apart and I could make out the bottom of his ball sack. It was only a day after my session with Leon and I was horny as hell, all this sexual tension and frustration was building up inside me, my hands seemed drawn to the area, they moved up the inside of his right thigh and brushed his naughty region ever so lightly, this drew out a deep sigh from Ryan.

I giggled at my mischievousness, salivating over the idea of once again getting the chance of playing the naughty masseuse. Ryan parted his legs wider giving me the go-ahead to reach higher under the towel covering his arse, my little hands roamed his butt flesh, giving it a firm massage, his hips were moving now, that earlier discomfort seemed to be returning and it only spurred me on, I moved my hands back to his never regions, tickling that area between his asshole and ball sack, my fingernails teasing back and forth feeling the heat swelling up in his nuts.

A creaking sound grabbed my attention, I looked to my right seeing Lily climb onto the table to straddle James, she laid flat on top of him and started a body slide motion, pressing her tits against his back, up and down she moved whispering something into his ear which I couldn’t hear but he seemed to appreciate, I took her lead jumping onto my table, squirting a generous amount of oil onto my boobs and chest before pressing them into Ryan’s back and starting that back and forth motion, grinding my hardening nipples into his flesh, it took me a few strokes to get my rhythm but I was soon body sliding like a seasoned pro. Ryan moaned his approval as I dug in deep with both my chest and pelvis, grinding my panty, covered pussy on his butt.

“would you like to turn around?”, I discreetly whispered in his ear

He let out a grunt and started to turn, I crawled down his body resting my knees on one side of the table and watched intently as he shifted his frame around until we were face to face, he had that aroused glare in his eyes staring at my young, curvaceous body from below, I once again straddled his hips, resting my ass on his semi-erect cock, I felt it twitch under my weight and grinned at Ryan who was more focused on my 32 D breasts dangling in front of his face,

“you can touch them if you want, I love having them played with”, I offered with a smile

He didn’t have to be told twice, his big hands reached up and groped my teenage tits, he wasn’t polite about it, he was rough and squeeze them tightly which I found quite erotic, I let out a low moan and licked my luscious lips, arching my back down to give him better access.

“They feel just as good as they look, Megan, I love a nice pair of tits”, Ryan said still focused on my breasts rather than looking me in the eye which I found quite amusing.

I looked down at his hands seeing a wedding ring on his left finger, the same finger that he was now using to fondle my nipples, I didn’t really know what to think. But I know it felt really dam good. I reacted by starting to move my hips once more, dry humping his increasingly growing boner, my panties were quickly soaking up my dripping juices as I rode him, throwing my head back and moaning my delight, I reached back and untied my ponytail, letting my blonde hair flow free, the arousal was getting to me once again and I had to remind myself I was here for the client, and not for myself.

“would you like me to remove the towel?”, I asked after stopping my dry humping.

“yes please!”, he replied enthusiastically, letting go of my tits

I slowly crawled down his legs resting my knees between them, giving him a devilish grin before I pulled away the towel, his mature cock sprung free, stiff as a board, impressively thick at the base with a narrower head, 6 inches long and uncut. I stared at it with lust as my mouth filled with saliva, god I wanted it bad, my pussy was on fire but I had to control myself. I met his gaze and smiled lowering my chest so that my left boob came into contact with his erection, the tit on prick contact had Ryan’s cock eye leaking a tremendous amount of precum, it felt so warm and gooey on my hard nipple as I took a hold of his cock and used it like a brush to coat my boobs in his oozing juices. I alternated between each boob, moving his cock along my cleavage, leaving a trail of his clear liquid across my chest, teasing him while looking him in the eye with a wicked smile.

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