Purdey's Lustful Quest - Cover

Purdey's Lustful Quest

Copyright© 2024 by CoryKing

Chapter 3 - Purdey plays Ball

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Purdey plays Ball - Purdey and Ian's marriage has been slowly deteriorating. To bring a spark back to their marriage, Ian suggests Purdey start hot-wifing. Purdey refuses at first as she doesn't think anyone would fulfil that role that is until a neighbour starts to show interest. Once she has opened up her marriage, she starts to explore her sexuality becoming more and more obsessed with the Hot-Wife lifestyle.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   True Story   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   BDSM   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Interracial   Oriental Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Public Sex   Size  

Purdey’s alarm starts blaring away, ding dong, dong dong dong, ding dong, dong dong dong, jolting her awake. She reached over to the bedside table and retrieves her Samsung phone, placing the phone up close to her face so she could see the time, it’s 7 am.

“Ugh” she voices in disgust, turning off the alarm, she lies back down, alone on her king-sized bed, the sheets twisted and damp with sweat. Cum stains on the mattress cover beneath her as she recalls the intense encounter with Uzer last night. Despite never seeing herself as submissive, she had revelled in his control, feeling an electrifying rush that left her craving more. Without hesitation, she plunges her fingers inside herself, reliving every sensation from the night before. The pleasure builds until she is frantically thrusting her entire hand into her slick folds, screaming Uzer’s name as she bit down on her own flesh, unable to contain the primal desire consuming her. She finally succumbs to a mind-shattering orgasm, darkness overtakes her, and she collapses onto the bed, still trembling with ecstasy and longing for more of Uzer’s dominant touch.

Purdey’s second alarm sounded at 8am, she had been unconscious for at least half an hour. School hadn’t started, so the kids were staying at the grandparents still. She had to be in the office today as it was a Thursday and Thursday morning traffic was the worst, luckily it was school holidays so traffic wouldn’t be too bad, but she still needed to leave in 15 minutes to arrive by 9am.

She jumped out of bed and into the shower, grabbing the shower head she turned onto jet mode and let the water shoot straight into the pussy to flush the cum from the inside of her pussy. She hung the showerhead back up and quickly lathered herself in shower-gel before washing it off. Turning off the water she then stepped out and dried herself off. She hadn’t had time to do her washing, so she was out of underwear, so she just put on her short black business skirt which stopped just above the knee. She chose a white cotton bra then put on a white blouse on top. She tied her long black hair into a ponytail which ended at the middle of her back. She put on her contact lenses; she was blind as a bat without them. She accessorised her legs with a patterned black stockings and black closed toe 2-inch-high heels. She looked amazing in her business suit.

She had a very sexy postpartum body, if you could call it that, she last gave birth to her second child, five years ago and was almost back fully to the body she had before she even gave birth to her first child, although she was little more plumper, one thing that stayed bigger than her pre-baby body were her breasts. She now had C cup breasts which were back to being firm and perky after drooping a little when she was breastfeeding. Her waist was still small, and her hips were wide, she had a full round bottom which was uncommon for Asian women with small waists. She had a very beautiful face with full lips. She beamed when she smiled but she looked especially alluring when she pouted with what Ian called, her cock sucking lips.

Her make up was done, Purdey checked her bag had everything she needed for work, then grabbed her car keys and walked out of her house. She saw Lloyd standing outside his house in his mechanics uniform ready to go to work. He was normally at work by 7:30am, it was strange that he was still home.

“Good morning.” Purdey greeted him.

Lloyd smiled at her, “Morning Purdey.” He replied.

Purdey didn’t have time to engage in small talk, so she headed straight to her car that was in the garage. She noticed Lloyd staring at her. She knew what he wanted; he had stayed back hoping he could fuck her again. She did enjoy fucking him but the last month or so he had become clingier and after last night with Uzer she decided she no longer wanted the emotional attachment that came with sleeping with Lloyd. She enjoyed the pure physical pleasure she received from Uzer which didn’t come with any emotional baggage. She wanted to start Hot-Wifing for real as Ian had called it.

Purdey started her car and prepared to drive off. Lloyd pretended he was busy and then looked up to her and waved her goodbye, she waved back at him. She drove for about 30 minutes before reaching her destination, she turned off her car and walked into her client’s office. She saw one of the bosses sitting behind his desk.

“Hi Wei.” Purdey greeted him.

“Hello Purdey.” He replied.

“How are you?” Purdey asked.

“I am good.” He replied.

“I see you are wearing your new outfit.” He added.

Purdey smiled. “Yes, boss I am.” She replied.

“Very nice.” He added.

“Thank you.” Purdey replied.

“How was your weekend?” He asked.

“It was okay.” Purdey answered.

“Did you do anything special?” He asked.

“No, not really.” Purdey replied.

“You should have come over for dinner last night then.” He stated.

Purdey smiled. “I know but I didn’t feel like it.” She replied.

“That is a shame.” He added.

“Why?” Purdey asked.

“Because you would have enjoyed yourself, my wife loves it when you and Ian come over.” He replied.

“Oh.” Purdey said as she wondered if he knew that him and Ian were no longer an item.

“Anyways, I will let you get back to work.” He ended the conversation abruptly.

“Bye Wei.” Purdey said as she exited the room.

With that she walked towards the door out of Wei’s office and towards hers, she went down the hall and entered her office. She sat down at her desk. She opened her computer and logged on to check her emails. Nothing new or urgent she needed to reply to, she then checked her phone messages. There were no new messages there either. She closed her email and sat back in her chair. She put her feet up on her desk and began to think about last night. She thought about how much fun she had with Uzer.

Even though she normally didn’t play the sub role, she couldn’t believe how much she enjoyed being dominated by Uzer. It felt so different to the times she fucked Lloyd. Lloyd was gentler and more caring which made her feel wanted emotionally but she felt like she was done with that; with Uzer, it was raw sexual adrenaline she felt. She felt ashamed yet it had turned her on, it lit a fire within her. It made her wonder what sexual experiences she was missing out on.

The idea of trying out new kinks and exploring different men excited her, but a small part of her felt guilty for even considering it due to her traditional upbringing. She did a quick search on her laptop, feeling a mix of curiosity and guilt for looking up other kinks and experiences. What if she became addicted to these new pleasures and could never enjoy normal sex again? Thinking about it further, her sex life was now far from normality at least in the context of a traditional marriage.

As she sat on the office chair, she couldn’t shake off the image of Uzer’s eyes blazing with desire and his rough hands roaming over her body. It was thrilling yet terrifying at the same time, part of her wondered if this was all just a game to him, but another part of her craved more of his intoxicating touch.

A nagging thought remained - what about Lloyd? She didn’t want to hurt him, was he enough for her, when Ian wasn’t? For the first time since she had been married, she’s realised what she wanted that she didn’t want to be in a box or be labelled this or that. She wanted the freedom to explore herself sexually without being judged, Ian probably saw that in her, which is probably why he had suggested it. She needed more excitement and adventure in her sex life.

She made a bold decision - to try and experience 100 different men in different ways before the year was out. It would make for an interesting story, perhaps even a scandalous diary or memoir. Deep down, she couldn’t deny the conflicting feelings stirring within her. Would embarking on this journey ruin everything she had with Lloyd, was she willing to risk it all for temporary pleasure? Her marriage with Ian had pretty much broken down, she had stopped spreading her legs for him a year ago. They were practically separated, and the girls seemed to be dealing with it okay, although truth be told she had not seen much of them. Ian and Kim had been doing the heavy lifting there, which did make her feel a little guilty. She never explored her sexuality much while she was young and in college, it felt as if now, in her 40’s was the time for her to play catch up.

She smiled, she had a lot of catching up to do though, it been 6 months since she started with Lloyd, who was the first guy to pop her open marriage cherry, Uzer was the fourth guy she had been with being married to Ian, if you count the two one night stands she had had on her few girls’ nights out in the last six months. She spent the next hour documenting the experiences into a few chapters. She titled the book, “Conquering 100 men: 100 different experiences”.

Her laughter rang out, echoing through her cluttered office. She couldn’t help but smile at the thought of having a book published, but the idea also brought a wave of nerves. She knew she would need an editor to polish her words and make them shine. With determination, she continued writing, eager to see her story come to life.

As she looked around her workspace, Purdey couldn’t ignore the piles of papers and books that covered every inch of desk space. With a sigh, she stood up and began tidying up. Her movements were purposeful as she vacuumed the carpet and dusted each piece of furniture until it sparkled in the sunlight.

Feeling more organized, she kicked off her heels and peeled off her stockings, placing them neatly under her desk. Barefoot and refreshed, she made her way to the kitchenette where she grabbed a cold bottle of water and drank it down thirstily.

With renewed energy, Purdey moved on to the bathroom, determined to make every corner of her office spotless. She cleaned the mirror until it shone and wiped down the sink and toilet with precision. Satisfied with her efforts, she returned to her desk feeling more focused and ready to complete her work for the day.

Purdey finished her design assignments and documentation paperwork then sent them off to her respective clients, she checked her email, and there was nothing she needed to follow up on. She had done all her work for the week. She opened WhatsApp and noticed a message from her best friend Cindy.

It read: “Hey girl! How was your weekend? Did you have any fun?”

Purdey responded: “Hey Cindy. Yes, I did have fun. It was painful but fun. wink

“Huh? What was painful? What happened?” Cindy sent back confused.

Purdey responded: “I’ll tell you later. I’m too tired right now. I’ll tell you tomorrow.”

Purdey’s mind raced as she typed her response. She knew that telling Cindy about Uzer would only lead to more questions, ones that she wasn’t ready to answer. Keeping secrets from her best friend felt wrong and deep down, Purdey knew that Cindy would eventually find out the truth about her and Lloyd. She couldn’t keep it hidden forever.

As she grabbed a quick bite to eat, Purdey’s thoughts were consumed by guilt for Lloyd. She wondered if she fucked him one final time to say goodbye, would he be okay, she felt conflicted about letting him go and now, seeing his car missing from across the road made her feel both disappointed and relieved.

Purdey parked into the garage, and got out carrying her work bag, as soon as she entered her house and before the door even shut fully, she stripped off her clothes, the ache between her legs became unbearable. She needed release, she wondered if she did some exercise would it take her mind off things. She walked into her walk-in robe and changed into her sports bra and her little running shorts and headed out for a run, hoping it would clear her head and numb her desires.

As she passed by the basketball court, she couldn’t help but feel drawn to the group of young guys playing a friendly game. Her eyes lingered on them as she did laps around the nearby oval, her lust for the three men started to build, any guilt she felt towards saying goodbye to Lloyd dissipated as her thoughts turned towards the three men playing on the basketball court.

The three figures stood on the basketball court, silhouetted against the bright sun. One was a ruggedly handsome Australian man, his sun-kissed skin glistening with sweat. The other two she could tell from their accents and strong build that they were likely African American. Towering at least 2 meters tall, they all seemed like giants compared to her petite frame.

Her eyes couldn’t help but wander over their toned muscles, accentuated by the tight-fitting basketball shorts they wore. The same brand of Nike shoes adorned their feet, giving them an aura of athleticism and confidence. As she watched them play, her body began to tingle with excitement and her pussy throbbed with desire. She couldn’t resist imagining what it would be like to have all three of them at once.

Lost in her fantasies, she had stopped jogging and now stood behind a park bench just 10 meters away from the court. Her eyes never leaving the men before her, she felt droplets of her pussy juice trail down her inner thighs. But before she could fully give in to her desires, the Australian man spotted her and called out to the others, bringing her back to reality.

“Looks like we have an audience.” He pointed at her.

“Hi there” he said as he smiled.

The other two guys looked at her and said “Hello”.

“You boys aren’t from around here, are you?” Purdey asked.

The boys laughed, “What makes you say that?”

“Your accents obviously!”

“Yeah, we’re here on a basketball camp. I’m Andrew.” said the Australian guy, he had blonde hair and blue eyes. His body was very toned and muscular.

“This is Anthony and Marcus.” Andrew said introducing the other two.

Purdey’s eyes widened at the sight of the two tall, muscular boys in front of her. She felt a surge of arousal as she imagined their naked bodies, hard and ready for her. Her thoughts wandered to all the things she wanted to do with them, and she couldn’t help but lick her lips in anticipation.

As they invited her to join their game, Purdey eagerly agreed and paired up with Andrew. She was surprisingly agile on the court, scoring points and catching the attention of the three boys watching her. Sensing their interest, Purdey couldn’t help but feel a wave of desire wash over her.

She stood at the top of the key, staring at Anthony and Marcus as they double teamed Andrew in the post. She couldn’t resist imagining herself sandwiched between them, their strong hands exploring every inch of her body. The thought alone made her juices start to flow, and she could feel her panties getting wetter by the second.

Lost in her fantasies, Purdey closed her eyes and let out a soft moan as she felt hands on her shoulder and leg. She opened her eyes to see Anthony and Marcus bending down beside her, concern etched on their handsome faces. In that moment, all she could think about was having them both inside her at once.

But before she could make another move, the ball came flying towards her head and knocked her down to the ground. As she lay on the asphalt with her legs spread apart, she couldn’t deny how exposed and turned on she felt. And as the boys rushed to check on her, lifting up her leg even further for a better view of her glistening wet pussy, Purdey knew that this was just the beginning of an unforgettable experience with these three gorgeous young men.

Anthony and Marcus carefully lifted her up, their strong hands gently gripping the inside of her thigh, dangerously close to her throbbing core. The unmistakable scent of her arousal filled the air as they placed her on the cool metal bench in the park. She noticed both of them turn around, sniffing their hands and licking them clean with a hungry look in their eyes.

As she glanced at the time, she gasped in realization that she was supposed to meet Cindy at 7pm. Frantically checking her watch, she saw that it was already 6:45pm. Panicked thoughts raced through her mind as she calculated how long it would take to get to Cindy’s house and then make it back home to shower. She prayed that Cindy wouldn’t be angry at her lateness. With a hurried goodbye, she left the boys and quickly typed her number into Andrew’s phone before rushing off.

Arriving home, she sprinted straight to the master bedroom and peeled off her sweaty sports bra and running shorts. In seconds, she was under the hot spray of the shower, rinsing off the sweat and dirt from her body. As she dried off with a plush Egyptian cotton towel, she couldn’t help but replay the events of the day in her mind.

Lying spread eagled on her bed for a moment, she let out a deep sigh as she tried to gather her scattered thoughts. All she could think about were the three boys on the basketball court and the intense desire that had consumed her while watching them play. Her hand began to wander lower, tracing the curves of her labia and teasing around her sensitive clit. Lost in her own pleasure, it wasn’t until 30 minutes later when she finally reached a shuddering climax with a loud moan. As she slowly came down from the intense pleasure, there was a sudden ring at the doorbell, breaking through her post-orgasm haze.

Purdey quickly sprang off the bed, her skin glistening with a thin layer of sweat. She briskly wiped herself down with wet wipes, tossing them into the small bin by her bedside, which was typically filled with used tissues and semen. Wrapping herself in a plush white bathrobe, she made her way to the door and opened it, taken aback by the sight of Cindy standing on the other side. The woman looked stunning, her figure accentuated by a form-fitting red dress and matching heels. Her long ebony hair was elegantly styled in a bun, giving her the resemblance of a porcelain doll. Though smaller in stature than Purdey, Cindy exuded an air of confidence and beauty.

“Wow, you look amazing!” Purdey exclaimed.

“Thank you,” Cindy replied with a smile.

Inviting her inside, Purdey closed the door behind them. Cindy couldn’t help but comment on Purdey’s choice of attire- or lack thereof- as she took in the sight of her friend wearing only a bathrobe. But she tactfully avoided bringing up hearing Purdey’s orgasm earlier. As they settled into the living room, Cindy asked about Ian and their children.

Purdey explained that Ian was still away on his business trip but would be returning soon, while their daughters were at their grandparents’ house.

“I thought I was supposed to come to yours?” Purdey asked.

“Well, when you didn’t turn up, I decided to come over. So, how was your day?” Cindy inquired.

“It was okay,” Purdey responded nonchalantly. “Nothing too exciting.”

“Oh really? What happened?” Cindy pressed.

Purdey recounted how she had become distracted and aroused while watching some boys play basketball earlier that day, resulting in getting smacked in the head with the ball.

“I bet they did! I’m sure they made you wet with excitement,” Cindy laughed mischievously as Purdey blushed. “Well let’s go back to that new wine bar and talk about it over some drinks,” Cindy suggested.

Purdey agreed and quickly changed into a brown ruched dress that hugged her curves, pairing it with knee-high brown boots. The dress didn’t require a bra or panties, making it the perfect choice for a night out. They left the house and headed to the wine bar.

Once at the cozy establishment, they settled into a booth in the corner. Over glasses of wine, Purdey opened up to Cindy about what had happened earlier on the basketball court.

“You’re such a slut,” Cindy teased playfully.

Purdey chuckled and replied, “I know.”

Cindy leaned in, her voice low and seductive. “You should do it. You should invite those boys back to my place and let them take advantage of you.”

Purdey’s eyes widened in surprise. “Your place? Isn’t your husband home?”

“Nah, he and our son went to stay with my mother-in-law in Hong Kong,” Cindy explained nonchalantly.

“Oh, I see ... Well, I don’t know if I could do something like that. I’m a bit shy when it comes to these things,” Purdey confessed.

“Why are you shy? You’re so hot. No guy would refuse you,” Cindy countered confidently.

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