The Facility - Cover

The Facility

Copyright© 2024 by Alex Weiss

Chapter 7

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Jamie Berk's comfortable life is upended when the Feds come for him at work and toss his ass onto a military cargo plane piloted by an all-female aircrew. Along with a beautiful gynecologist and a bevy of young teenage girls, they're flown to a remote wilderness location where a mysterious underground facility awaits them. The world's about to end, and they're humanity's last hope for survival. Extinction never looked so sexy.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Post Apocalypse   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

Being the boyfriend of a fourteen-year-old girl was a lot less demanding than I remembered it being when I was that age. All it required was that I affirm our relationship to Emma’s friends. Anything more was considered going above and beyond.

I already had a tight schedule that included several hours per day carved out for the Sextet, whom I lived with and frequently fucked, but that didn’t seem to be an insurmountable problem for Emma. All she expected from me was to make the occasional appearance. Show up at the pool for a swim, play some video games with her, and be at the dining hall at a certain time so that we could be seen eating together, and that was mostly it. Except for the fucking. We fucked a lot. That little girl was insatiable. I couldn’t fuck her enough. I tried to teach her the ways of the Sextet, but she had no patience for any of that Eastern mystic, Tantric bullshit. She wanted to get her tight little pussy pounded, and often.

I decided I needed to tell Stephanie. She’d learn about it soon enough. Better to get out ahead of it before she stumbled upon me with my cock stuffed inside Emma’s fourteen-year-old twat. For all the facility’s technological sophistication, however, getting in touch with a specific person was surprisingly difficult. There were no phones. No mobile phones, at least. There was a public address system, which wasn’t very discrete, and there were intercoms, but you had to know where someone was for them to be of any use. Otherwise, you had to scour the facility when you wanted to find to someone.

I was finally compelled to use the security system to track down Stephanie. She wasn’t in her bedroom and she wasn’t in the Medical Hall, and I wasn’t about to do a room by room search for her. I often wondered what she did most days anyway. I hardly ever saw her engaged with anyone outside the Medical Hall. When she wanted company, she sought me out, but that was far less often than I would have liked. She ate alone and kept to herself most of the time. In a place where you couldn’t turn a corner without finding someone standing there, Stephanie was the loneliest person I knew.

It didn’t take long to find her. She was one of the few redheads in the facility, and with her creamy pale skin and voluptuous physique, she stood out from all the rest. She was in the Daycare, in the Recreation Hall. A brightly colored room with loud carpeting and cheerful cartoon murals on the walls. An abundance of toys and games and playsets filled the large, open space. Stephanie was curled up in a fetal position inside one such playset, an adorable little house, clutching a stuffed unicorn and crying.

“Is it okay if I come in?” I asked. I could just see her feet protruding from the play house door. She pulled them in and quieted. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Please go away,” she begged, her voice thick with emotion.

“You asked us to be close, Stephanie. If you were feeling sad, why didn’t you come talk to me?”

She quietly sobbed. Careful to avoid the toys left strewn about by some of the girls who’d obviously found their way in there at some point, I went to the playhouse and laid down on the floor beside her.

“What’s wrong?”

“I want to go home,” she cried. “I don’t want to be here anymore.”

Her heartbreaking admission brought with it fresh tears and more crying. She sobbed into her stuffed companion, its rainbow-colored mane already damp with her tears.

“I know. Me too.”

I felt a pang of guilt for lying to her like that. Despite the horrors that were probably occurring outside the facility, inside it was paradise. At least, it was for me. I was sleeping with six beautiful women and one horny little fourteen-year old. I was the center of attention and an object of desire, and I wielded absolute authority and control over everything in my domain. I was a king.

Kristen and the rest of the Sextet had volunteered and trained for this mission. They knew what they were getting themselves into. The girls were simply too young and immature to fully grasp the implications of their presence in the facility, nor did they appreciate the profound sense of loss for the world we’d once known. Stephanie, on the other hand, was a genuine captive. Torn from her life in Memphis and tossed into a dungeon to become a strange man’s concubine.

I didn’t treat her that way, of course, but that was only by choice. A choice that I alone had made. At any time, I could change my mind, and we both knew it. The fact that I hadn’t yet only made it worse. Every day was a kind of psychological torture for her. Is this the day that Jamie finally forces himself on me?

There was nothing I could do to help her. I wasn’t the one who forced her inside, and I was powerless to let her out. Her only chance for escape was to run out the clock and do her part to populate the facility, which meant she had to become a reluctant mother to at least four children. My children.

It was for all these reasons, and many more, that Stephanie cried.

When she’d finally expelled everything she had onto the poor, drenched unicorn, we sat on either end of a seesaw and bobbed up and down. How often did she come here? I wondered. She had a disheveled appearance - wild hair, flushed face, and red eyes - but the evidence of her emotional outpouring only made her more attractive to me, overwhelming me with a primal urge to comfort her.

“I need to tell you something,” I said.


“I’ve started sleeping with Emma.”

Her legs stiffened and we stopped. “Emma? But you promised...”

“I didn’t instigate it. She came on to me,” I explained. Stephanie’s disbelieving expression annoyed me. “Why would I lie? I don’t need to lie, remember? Kristen and the others put her up to it. When they realized I wasn’t going to sleep with those girls, they changed their tactics. They’ve been training them. Teaching them about sex and seduction.”

“But you didn’t stop her. You could have chosen not to sleep with her.”

“No, I couldn’t have,” I insisted, and her expression changed to one of shock and disappointment. “I thought you wanted to get out of here?”

“Don’t put this on me, Jamie! You’re not doing it for me!”

“You’re right, I’m not. I’m doing it for all of us. No one gets to leave this place until there are a hundred and forty-four of us inside. We need to start having babies, Stephanie. Now. Every day we wait is another day we’re all trapped down here.”

“You mean, we need to start having babies,” she yelled, pointing at herself, “because that burden falls on us, not you! All you have to do is lay back and fuck us!”

“Hey, that’s not fair! I didn’t make the rules, and I can’t change biology. I was brought here against my will, same as you. Besides, who do you think is the one getting up at the crack of dawn every day to make sure this facility stays running and keeps us all alive? Who do you think is going to have to help raise a hundred babies? And do you have any clue how exhausting it’s going to be doing all of that while simultaneously keeping the twenty-nine of you constantly pregnant?”

She stared at me with a blank expression, then bent her knees to resume our seesawing.

“Maybe you’re right,” she said, sounding contrite. “Sorry.”

“That’s okay. I know how you must be feeling. I’d probably feel the same way too.”

We bobbed up and down in silence for a while, regarding each other from opposite ends of the surprisingly addictive toy. She looked so incredibly sexy with her legs opened like that, her red muff pressed against the lacquered plank, her large breasts subtly lifting and falling with each up and down. She noticed the way I was looking at her and the lengthening of my cock, and she gave me a little smile.

“You’ve really got a one track mind, don’t you?”

“I can’t help it. You’re so beautiful. You’re like a goddess. How can you not know that?”

Her smile widened and she laughed at me. “Alright, now you’re just making shit up.”

“I’m not making anything up. I’m being completely serious. I want you, Stephanie. Desperately. More than I’ve ever wanted any other woman before in my life.”

The seesaw slowed down and her smile faded. “You really are being serious, aren’t you?”

“What do I have to do to prove it to you?”

We resumed seesawing. I could see that she was considering the question, and that consideration alone made my dick hard. He eyes drifted to where it laid, stretched out in front of me. Then she looked into my eyes and her smile returned. She stiffened her legs to stop us.

“Come with me.”

She led me to the Medical Hall with my stiff cock pointing the way, eliciting stares from the girls we passed. Inside, she donned her lab coat and retrieved a small plastic cup from a cabinet.

“What’s that for?” I asked.

“I want to get a sperm sample from you.”

“For what?”

“To check your sperm. If you’re really serious about what you said earlier, then this is how you prove it to me. I’ll handle all the impregnations. Well, all but four,” she said with a little smile. “I’ll let you take care of those ones yourself.”

I actually hesitated. She wanted me to be monogamous. To give up the Sextet and my cute, fourteen-year-old girlfriend, who’s incredibly tight, young pussy felt so wonderful stretched around my cock and made me cum so hard it crossed my eyes. To forsake all others. As much as I wanted to fuck Stephanie, was it worth such a high price?

I took the cup from her. “Should I ... do it right here, or do you have, like, a room set aside for that?”

Stephanie’s eyes narrowed and her lips twisted into a sultry smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you with that.” She looked down at my cock and took it into her hand, holding it, feeling it’s weight and texture. “You have a very nice looking cock there, Jamie.”

“Thank you.”

She glided her hand along its length, her smile widening as she watched what she was doing. “I haven’t held a nice big cock like this in a long, long time.” She breathed deeply. “I’ve spent way more time thinking about this than you know.”

“It’s been here the entire time,” I pointed out. “You could have had it anytime you wanted.”

“I know.”

“So why didn’t you?”

She looked at me and smirked. “Because, I knew you’d come around eventually.”

“Oh, so this was a contest then, and I lost?”

Her soft laughter made me smile. She opened her lab coat, draping it on the outside of her breasts. Then she reached down to caress her pussy.

“Does it feel like you lost?”

“No, doctor. No it does not. May I?”

“By all means.”

My hand trembled as I reached for her pussy. That luscious rouge pussy that I’d dreamed about for weeks. I pressed my palm against her brick-colored bush and curled my fingers underneath, gently cupping and massaging her entire vulva. Stephanie’s eyelids descended and she sighed. She her feet apart to make a little more room for me.

“Oh my god,” she said under her breath.

Her hand moved faster, stroking me with a firm, underhand grip. She opened her eyes again and sighed through an open, smiling mouth. When I spread my fingers apart and glided them past her erect clit, she leaned forward and gripped my shoulder for support.

“Oh fuck, Jamie, that feels really good.”

It was my turn to smile. I loved that I could make her feel that way. It’s all I wanted for her. To experience pleasure. To find comfort and companionship and bliss in this prison she’d found herself locked inside of. Moving closer, I cupped her face and leaned in to kiss her. She responded with an open mouth, breathing heavily through her nostrils, making throaty, urgent noises. She slid to the base of my shaft and continued down to my balls, cupping them, fondling them, massaging them with her whole hand. She broke our kiss.

“I want to suck your cock.”


What more could I say? Keeping a firm grip on my nut sack, she lowered herself to her knees and took the broad crown into her mouth, sensually rolling her lips over it, tilting her head from side to side, feeling it in her mouth from all angles. She rubbed her thumb over my testes, stimulating them. Then she paused to look up at me.

“You’re going to give me a lot of your cum, okay?”

“As much as you can handle.”

“I’m not going to swallow it, you idiot,” she said with a smile. “For the cup.”

“Oh, right.”

“Just tell me when you’re almost there.”

“I promise.”

“Mm-hm,” she said dubiously, then resumed her blowjob.

As good as it felt to get my dick sucked by Stephanie, she wasn’t nearly as accomplished as the Sextet. Still, who was I to complain? I had years to teach her the finer principles of fellating me. Maybe I could get the Sextet to help instruct her. That would be interesting.

I wondered how Kristen would take it. She was mission-driven, so maybe it wouldn’t matter to her as long as babies were being born. The six of them would never want for sex, that’s for sure. They had each other. But would they eventually crave a cock? And what about those girls? Twenty-two horny teenagers going through puberty. Especially if they were all pregnant too. I’d heard that as estrogen levels rise, so does libido.

I imaged two dozen nymphomaniacs with bulging bellies and swollen tits, chasing me around the facility, hungry for my cock. Could I resist that kind of temptation? Emma had seduced me with very little effort. I lied to Stephanie about that too. I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to fuck all of them. They were the ultimate taboo. Young virgin girls – well, most of them were virgins, anyway – barely out of middle school, and all so incredibly cute.

It would certainly be a test of my will. I tried to concentrate on Stephanie and what she was doing. I’d spent so much time with the Sextet, learning to prolong my orgasm, that I wondered how long she’d be down there sucking my cock. Thirty minutes? An hour? I’m sure she’d tire long before then.

She lasted fifteen minutes before she had to stop. She looked up at me with my cock in her hand. “Does this not feel good to you?” she asked, wiping spit from her chin.

“Are you kidding? It feels wonderful.”

“Oh.” She eyeballed my cock, then hinged her jaw and blew out a long, frustrated breath. “How long does it normally take for you to cum?”

“These days? An hour or two.”

Her eyes popped. “An hour?”

“Or two.”

She looked at my cock again and groaned. “Fuck.”

“Come here,” I said, taking her hand to help her stand. “First of all, thank you for that.” I kissed her and stroked her pussy. “Second of all, there’s no rush. You can collect the sample today, tonight, tomorrow morning. Whenever I get done fucking the shit out of you.”

Her little twisted smirk made me smile. “Fine, smartass. Let’s go.”

“You’re place or mine?”

“Did you change your sheets this morning?” she asked, and I shook my head. “Then definitely mine.”

How do you break up with a fourteen-year-old? Sweetie, honey, listen, I’ve meet someone else. Look, it’s not you, okay? It’s me. I really think we should see other people. I just need some space to think.


I’d never initiated a breakup before. I was always the dumpee, never the dumper. I happened to like being in a relationship. It felt like a natural state of being. The problem was, I liked relationships so much that I could never be in just one. I needed to be in many of them at the same time. Hence, the reason I was always being dumped.

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