The Facility - Cover

The Facility

Copyright© 2024 by Alex Weiss

Chapter 6

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Jamie Berk's comfortable life is upended when the Feds come for him at work and toss his ass onto a military cargo plane piloted by an all-female aircrew. Along with a beautiful gynecologist and a bevy of young teenage girls, they're flown to a remote wilderness location where a mysterious underground facility awaits them. The world's about to end, and they're humanity's last hope for survival. Extinction never looked so sexy.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Post Apocalypse   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

In my previous life, my surface-based life, I’d been a man of routine, keeping to the same basic schedule every week. Before long, I developed a routine inside the facility as well.

I rose shortly after dawn and dumped a quick load of sperm into one of the Sextet, then took a long, hot shower to clean off all the sweat, spit, cum, and pussy juice from the previous evening. Afterwards, I strolled to the gym for a quick, thirty-minute run on the treadmill. Another quick rinse off in the gym shower, and I began my day with facilities maintenance. In the Monitoring and Control room, I checked the status of all the facility’s systems and read through the event logs, then worked my way through a prescribed checklist of daily inspection items and preventative maintenance tasks.

After a quick breakfast, I returned to Operations to futilely scan and broadcast across a range of public, government, and military frequencies. Then I read technical manuals in my office until lunchtime. After lunch, I usually spent a couple hours with the Sextet in bed, doing my best to cum inside at least two pussies before we ended. Another rinse off, and then it was off to the gym for a workout, alternating days between weight lifting and cardio.

I used to work out with the Sextet, but had to stop because it always led to sex. Not that I didn’t enjoy fucking them, but we had an entire bedroom suite to engage in that kind of activity. Inside the gym, I wanted to actually work out. If I was to have any chance of keeping twenty-nine women and girls barefoot and pregnant, I needed to stay in tip top shape, so I started working out by myself. Today was weight day.

Lifting weights naked was an interesting challenge for me. For some reason, it always stimulated a massive erection. Maybe it was the lifting and bending and straining and squatting. Or, perhaps, it was the release of endorphins that accompanied the pain. Whatever the cause, my cock throbbed as usual by the time I was done. But I felt invigorated, and decided that I’d go for a swim to cool down.

Before departing to the pool, I rinsed off in the gym shower. Rinsing and bathing was something we all did several times a day. Living a nudist lifestyle required constant maintenance. We had no deodorants or perfumes or colognes or clean clothes to cover a missed shower. Only fragrance-free, hypoallergenic bar soap and baby shampoo.

By the time I reached the pool, my erection had only partially abated. My cock was thick and reddened, not full but heavy, hanging at a graceful incline, bobbing and swaying as I walked. As usual, the pool was busy, with naked girls splashing around or sitting along the edge on the coping. The facility had a small, community-style swimming pool with four swim lines marked out in cobalt blue tiles at the bottom. The Veronicas congregated near the shallow end.

The twenty-two teenage girls had coalesced into three distinct cliques, each with its own leader. Although they were all the same age and shared many similar traits, there were still plenty of differences upon which to align. Interests and hobbies, personalities, geography, and shared experiences among them. Even random events, such as where they sat on the plane and which beds they slept in that first night, played a part in determining how these friend groups emerged.

The first clique was made up of the seven youngest-looking girls. Immature girls for whom puberty arrived late. Girls whose tiny, underdeveloped breasts ranged from small protrusions to a more rounded contour, with that distinctive secondary mound formed by their areola, and a sparse dusting of thin, slightly curled hairs over their mons. I referred to this group of girls as the Tweens.

The second clique was a loose cadre of five introverted girls. Not shy girls, but soft-spoken girls. More reserved and less outgoing. This was the group to which Bella belonged. Thoughtful, serious girls who spent a lot of time alone when they weren’t with each other. I dubbed this group of girls the Betties.

The ten girls at the pool were part of the largest clique. They were led by Emma Kate, the busty blonde who inquired about sleeping in one of the king suites on our first night inside the facility. They were the most outgoing girls with mature, developed young bodies, larger, fuller breasts, and dense pubic hair that extended to their shapely thighs. These were the Veronicas.

The Veronicas were also the girls who first stopped covering their nakedness when Emma ditched her blanket on the very first day. Young exhibitionists who felt no shame about their burgeoning femininity. Curvy figures, filled out and widened by fat deposits in their hips, butts, and thighs, and, for a few of the more full-figured girls, their stomachs and arms as well.

As I walked past, their conversation quieted and their eyes turned to follow me, drifting downward to watch the bouncing movement of my cock. I gave them a nod and a little smile before diving into the pool’s deep end.

A clear, social divide between the adolescents and adults had existed from the very first day. With the exception of me and Bella, at least before the sight of my erection caused her to flee, the girls didn’t socialize much with the adults outside of a few, brief interactions. Recently, however, that had begun to change.

The members of the Sextet spent a lot more time with the girls, especially Emma’s group of Veronicas. They hung out together in small groups, eating or swimming or playing video games, usually with a member of the Sextet talking to them about something or other. Any time I approached, however, their conversation suddenly quieted, so I never got to overhear what they discussed.

When I came to the water’s surface, I noticed the Veronicas still watching me, talking quietly in hushed whispers. Call him, I heard one of them say, and Emma waved me over. I casually swam to them, until my feet touched the bottom, then walked to where she sat on the edge of the pool with her dainty feet swishing around in the water. I wiped my face and brushed back my hair then gave her an expectant look that asked, what do you want?

She leaned forward and gripped the bullnosed edge of the coping on either side of her flared-out hips, her arms crowding her breasts together.

“Hey,” she said in a soft, pleasant voice with an easy smile on her pretty face.

“Emma,” I said with a slight nod. “Girls.”

A pair of small arms encircled my neck as a girl leaped onto my back, her legs cinching tightly around my waist. Reflexively, I hooked my hands underneath her smooth thighs. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw the same blonde girl who’d been getting a vaginal examination from Stephanie staring back at me.

“Hello!” she said in a cheerful, laughing voice.

“Hi. Remind me what your name is again.”


I recognized the name from the personnel profiles. She was one of the few girls with previous sexual experience. Emma was another. I hefted Heidi a few times to better distribute her weight on my hips. Her firm tits and the bottom of her fuzzy pussy rubbed against my back. When I returned my attention to Emma, she lifted her eyes from where they’d just been focused. My throbbing erection now stood straight out from my pelvis, just a few inches below the surface.

“Wanna hang with us?” Emma asked.

I glanced back at Heidi and then regarded the others. All the girls had shown at least a passing interest in my cock before but never in the man to whom it was attached. I was merely the conveyance by which the facility’s sole penis moved around. Other than Bella, I’d never hung out with any of them before or even had an extended conversation.

“Do I have a choice?” I asked, hefting Heidi to make my point.

Emma’s smile widened to reveal the tip of her pink tongue, pinched between perfect teeth. She slowly shook her head. Heidi dug her heels into my pelvis and her pinky toes brushed against the tip of my cock. The contact was incidental, but when she realized what she’d found, she dragged her toes along the head and shaft.

“Did you break up with Bella?” the girl sitting next to Emma asked.

She had a thick mane of long, wavy brown hair that she’d pulled over her shoulder, covering one of her small breasts. A light dusting of adorable freckles adorned her cheeks and bridged her nose, with just a few spilling onto the tops of her shoulders.

“Alex, right?”

“Uh-huh.” Her little smile and enthusiastic nod told me that she was pleased I remembered her name.

“What do you mean, did we break up?”

A girl, whose long brown hair was streaked through with gold highlights, interjected, saying, “You don’t play Skullgirls with her anymore.”

“You’re Meghan, right?”

“MacKenna,” she corrected.

Such a cutie. Her dark, sculpted eyebrows and long lashes framed gorgeous brown eyes, and her lips turned up into a perpetual little smile. Lovely conical breasts poked straight out from her chest, jiggling every time she moved, and her puffy areola were like pale pink cherries, topped by the tiniest nipples.

“Maybe she just got tired of me,” I suggested.

A few girls shared a look, but whatever message they passed to each other was lost on me. Heidi squirmed on my back as she tried to capture my cock between the tops of her toes. The gentle stimulation caused my erection to surge and accelerated both my heart rate and my breathing. I looked over my shoulder at her.

“Do you want to get down or something?”

She tightened her grip around my neck and quietly said no in my ear. I hefted her a few more times to fully support her weight. She squeezed her thighs together to hold herself in place, then unhooked her ankles and sandwiched my cock between the soles of her feet, wriggling her toes around the sensitive head.

She broke up with you?” Alex asked with astonishment.

Because of Heidi’s footjob, I had a hard time concentrating. So were the girls, whose eyes continually drifted downward to watch what was happening just below the surface.

“What makes you think we were going out?”

The Veronicas shared that look again and Emma said, “Because, that’s what she told Gretchen. Is it true?”

Gretchen was one of the Betties. I’d seen her and Bella hanging out quite a lot and assumed they were close. I didn’t have the first clue what constituted a relationship to a bunch of little teeny girls, so I was at a loss for how to answer. If that’s what she’d told the others, though, I didn’t want to embarrass her by contradicting her story. I took a deep breath when Heidi began to slide her feet back and forth along the length of my shaft, trying to grip it between her dainty toes.

“Maybe. What’s it to you?”

Emma smirked and shrugged her shoulders. “Were you guys doing it?”

“Again, what’s it to you?” I asked, then looked over my shoulder and asked under my breath, “What do you think you’re doing?”

Heidi tightened her grip around my neck. “It feels good on my feet.”

“Do you have another girlfriend yet?” Emma asked.

“Are you asking for yourself or a friend?” I asked. She shrugged again, but her smile widened. “No, Emma, I don’t have another girlfriend yet.”

That answer seemed to please her. She lifted her bare bottom over the edge of the coping and eased herself into the pool. Holding her feet straight out in front of her, they threaded between my legs as she lowered herself into the water, until just her head remained above the surface, with the tip of my cock just a few feet from her face. Then she fully submerged herself. Gripping my ankles, she pulled her body through my legs and surfaced behind me.

I slowly turned to face her. She leaned forward and put her hands underneath her saturated hair, then flipped it all back over her head, creating a graceful fan. Sheets of water cascaded off her naked body and dripped from her breasts. She blew a tiny spray from her mouth and looked at where Heidi’s feet moved back and forth along, over, and around my cock. Her smile returned, lighting up her beautiful face. She put her hands on my chest and leaned forward to plant a wet kiss on my sternum then, almost as an afterthought, bit my nipple.

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