The Facility - Cover

The Facility

Copyright© 2024 by Alex Weiss

Chapter 5

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Jamie Berk's comfortable life is upended when the Feds come for him at work and toss his ass onto a military cargo plane piloted by an all-female aircrew. Along with a beautiful gynecologist and a bevy of young teenage girls, they're flown to a remote wilderness location where a mysterious underground facility awaits them. The world's about to end, and they're humanity's last hope for survival. Extinction never looked so sexy.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Post Apocalypse   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

Goddamn, I feel fantastic.

That was my thought as I stared up into the bright sky directly over the garden. An artificial sky, which soared twenty feet above the pavilion, made from some kind of blue diffusing material, with what I suspected were full-spectrum lights behind it. The effect was so convincing, I had to remind myself it wasn’t real. The only thing that spoiled the illusion was the lack of radiant heat that normally accompanies natural sunlight.

I wandered to the kitchen where young teenage girls stood huddled under blankets, munching on granola bars and instant oatmeal in paper cups. My sexy squadron flew in close formation, and we soon had everyone’s attention as we maneuvered around the shelves to find something to eat.

“Can we look for clothes today?” asked someone from behind.

“Who said that?” I asked when I turned around, unwrapping a strawberry breakfast bar. A dark-haired girl raised her hand. “What’s your name, sweetie?”


“Of course, Katie. We’re going to look for clothes today, I promise.”

She slowly nodded, her eyes darting between me, my cock, and the six naked women standing nearby. Stephanie emerged from the Medical Hall, wrapped in a blanket, and hurried to the kitchen. She came right up to me.

“Can I talk to you?” she asked under her breath, so only I could hear. “In private?”

“About what?”

“Please,” she whispered.

Kristen and the others had stopped what they were doing to watch us. I gave Stephanie a little nod, then motioned for her to come with me. Kristen and the others made as if to follow, but Stephanie gave me a look and a little shake of her head.

“I’ll be back in a little bit,” I said to Kristen. “I’ll come find you later.”

Kristen regarded Stephanie, but nodded her assent. “Yes, sir.”

“After you,” I said, ushering Stephanie inside my quarters after unlocking the door.

“Thank you for doing that,” she said when we were alone and seated in the living room.

I sat on the chaise, facing her. “Of course. By the way, you don’t have to stay wrapped up in that blanket if you don’t want to. I swore I wouldn’t do anything to you, remember?” She shifted in her seat, a discomforted expression on her face. “Or not. Whatever makes you most comfortable.”

After some hesitation, she lifted the blanket off her shoulders and let it slip down her back, sliding her clasped hands between her creamy thighs so that her pale, freckled arms framed her big tits.

“I guess you’ve already seen me naked. What the hell.”

“True. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?” I asked.


My eyebrows jumped up. “Okay, what about it?”

“I went into the Medical Hall to see how we’re set up.”


“It’s exactly what I thought it would be.”

“Which is what?” I asked, though I had a pretty good idea what she was about to say.

“It’s a maternity ward, Jamie. Fetal monitors, labor and delivery rooms, an operation suite for cesareans, postpartum rooms, neonatal ICU, nursery, the whole kit and kaboodle.”

“And since I’m the only man in the facility...”

“Exactly. Whoever built this place expects you to impregnate all of us. Even those girls.”

I’d already figured that part out on my own, but I stared into space and slowly nodded, thinking it all through. “That has to be why they made me the Commander,” I said, vocalizing my thoughts. “And why they sent those soldiers in here with us. They wanted to ensure that it happens, no matter what.”

Stephanie nodded miserably. “Yeah.” A long uncomfortable silence ensued. Finally, she asked, “So, what are you going to do?”

“What do you mean?”

“Come on.”

“I don’t know.”

Her eyes widened and she raised her voice. “You don’t know?”

“What do you want me to say?” I asked, lifting my hands. “They literally put us here for exactly this reason.”

“Jesus, Jamie!” she shouted, rising to her feet. “You’re actually considering it!”

“You don’t understand, Stephanie. They’re talking about the extinction of the human race.”

“Who’s talking about that?”

“Them! They! The ones who put us in here. The fucking government, or whatever. It was in that case Kristen gave me. Something terrible happened, and this is their contingency plan. We’ve all been genetically matched.”

Her pale face grew ashen and she slowly descended back onto the couch. “Th-they genetically matched us? How?”

“I don’t know. They must have gotten hold of our medical records or stolen our DNA or something. I’ve read them, though. We’re all perfect genetic matches. Or as close to perfect as they could get.”

“Where did you read that? Let me see it.”

“I can’t do that.”

She paused to stare at me, her mouth open. “Why not?”

“Because, there’s stuff in there that’s only meant for me. Just trust me, okay? It’s all in there.”

She didn’t respond to that, but I was pretty sure she didn’t trust me at all. Not about that. I thought about what her psych eval said. She had trust issues, but once overcome, she was highly suggestible and easily dominated. I decided to run with that.

“Look, I swore to you that I wouldn’t hurt you or those girls, and I won’t. I’m not going to force myself on anyone, alright? So just relax.”

That seemed to ease her mind a bit, and she chose that moment to change the subject.

“What about clothes?” she asked.

“What about them?”

“Do you think we’ll find any?”

I sighed. “Given what we know about this place? Probably not.”

She pressed her lips together. “I didn’t think so.”

“I guess you can always make your own out of bed sheets or whatever. Togas or saris or something.”

She raked her fingers through her hair and held her head. “Oh my god, this is a fucking nightmare.”

“It could be worse.”

“Worse?” she said, raising her voice, her face twisted in incredulity. “How could this possibly be worse?”

I pointed to the ceiling. “We could be up there, instead of down here.”

“For fuck’s sake, Jamie, we don’t even know that anything’s happened! That’s just what we were told! What if it was a mistake, or a trick or something? What if this is all some kind of sick experiment?”

I didn’t answer for a while. She was right. None of us had heard anything on the news or any rumors swirling around. Yesterday was just like every other day that preceded it. Jesus, was it really just yesterday?

“I’m sorry, Stephanie, but I don’t have any better answers for you right now. I know just as much as you do about what’s going on outside. My focus right now is on everyone’s wellbeing, and that means making sure we’re not going to starve or suffocate down here.

“This facility was built to house forty-eight people, plus all their offspring, so I suspect we’re going to be fine for a while. A few years, at least. So, once I’ve verified that, we can start figuring out what’s happening out there and when we can get out of here. There’s a communications room in the ops center, so that’s probably our best bet.”

Stephanie heard what I said and nodded. “You’re right.” Her eyebrows parted. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. I know none of this is your fault. Thanks for looking out for us.”

“Of course. I’d have done it regardless.”

“I know you would’ve.” She stood up. “You’re a good man, Jamie.”

I stood as well. “I appreciate you saying that.” I escorted her to the door and unlocked it for her. When she stepped out into the Residence Hall, I stopped her. “Wait a second, okay? You forgot your blanket.”

She looked down at herself for a moment, then her eyes moved briefly to my cock. Finally, she waved her hand.

“You know what? Fuck it. It’s a pain in the ass to hold it closed all the time anyway.”

She turned to leave, and I enjoyed the view of her large, soft ass as she disappeared into the garden. If she’d turned around just then, she would have seen my erection.

As expected, a thorough inspection of the facility yielded no clothes. What I did find, however, were seeds for the hydroponic garden and frozen fish embryos, ready to stock the aquaculture tanks. We’d need to get those going as soon as possible. The food storage, however, contained ample stocks of shelf-stable food that would last us for years on its own.

In another storage area, I found consumables. Soaps and shampoos and detergents and cleaners. No paper or plastic products, though. The bathrooms had bidets, and we had cloth napkins and towels for wiping mouths and cleaning up spills. I did, however, find a lifetime supply of personal lubricant. The builders of the facility apparently knew what they were doing.

I also discovered that the facility was powered by a small modular reactor. Nuclear. We wouldn’t be running out of energy anytime soon. Nor air or water. The facility was equipped with redundant systems and plenty of spare parts. They’d really thought of everything.

The communications room was filled with so much equipment that I had very little room to maneuver inside. Most of it I’d never seen before, but I could identify a few components. Several radio transceivers were stacked in a rack, which I assumed either operated across different frequency bands or were used to communicate with different entities, or perhaps both. I saw a shortwave radio, a HAM radio, and some kind of satellite terminal, none of which I knew how to operate.

There were other things in there too that I was only able to identify after browsing through the user manuals. An emergency broadcast receiver, signal boosters and repeaters, a GPS receiver, satellite phone, power backup systems, and a laptop running crisis management software with maps, contact databases, and scenario planning tools. I’d have to read more to understand what all these things were used for and how to use them. For now, it was comforting just to know they were there.

Then I went into the security room and my neck flushed at what I saw. A wall of monitors displaying hundreds of video feeds. It looked like something you’d find inside a casino security office. Every square inch of the facility was covered by cameras. Even the inside of the walk-in refrigerator and freezer.

The computer that controlled the system had a joystick, allowing me to pan and zoom most of the cameras, and I could listen in to what anyone was saying. A truly breathtaking feat of Orwellian surveillance. It was abundantly clear that privacy was a foreign concept to the facility’s builders.

In the Recreation Hall, we found a fully equipped gym, with free weights and treadmills and Peloton bikes, a large sauna, a competition-sized heated swimming pool, and a hot tub. A small, convertible court could be used for any number of different sports, from basketball to street hockey to indoor soccer and tennis.

When my tour of the facility was completed, I gathered everyone together in an area underneath the pavilion, just outside the Residence Hall, that seemed built for just such assemblies.

“I’m sorry to announce that I was not able to find clothes,” I began.

Loud groans and expressions of dismay emanated from the young teenage girls, most of whom clutched their blankets tighter around their naked bodies. A few, however, had decided, like Stephanie, that being naked was better than holding a blanket around their shoulders all day.

“I know, it sucks, but you really only have two choices that I can see. You can try to make something out of whatever you can find, like you’re doing now.”

“What’s the other choice?” a very pretty little brown-haired girl asked.

“You really need to tell me your name, sweetheart,” I said with a laugh. “I don’t know who any of you are.”

“Sorry. It’s Lolly.”

“Lolly. Well, your other choice is to do what the adults have already decided to do, and just go naked.” I held up my hands to quell their loud, anxiety-induced outbursts. “It’s totally up to you to decide. I’m just letting you know that it’s okay if you choose not to wear anything. It looks like we’re going to be down here for a while, so you’re all going to be seeing us walking around naked until you forget it’s even a thing. So, just do whatever makes you feel the most comfortable, okay?”

I heard muted yeses and okays, and a few head nods. Then two girls looked at each other and dropped their blankets, though one of them still felt self-conscious enough to reflexively cover her nearly-bald pussy before finally deciding it really didn’t matter.

“Okay, other than clothes, it looks like this facility has everything we’d ever need to survive. We have plenty of food, water, and air. We have lights. We have warm beds to sleep in. We have a gym and a swimming pool and a sauna.” I gestured over their heads. “There’s an awesome garden park, right over there, that we can hang out in.

“In fact, the only thing we don’t have, I’m afraid, is a school. So, for the time being, you’re all on permanent vacation. There’s a TV over there, which I think has an X-Box or something hooked to it. I haven’t played video games in a long time, so I’m not really sure, but knock yourselves out. Basically, you can do pretty much whatever you want. Just do me a favor, and please don’t drown yourself in the pool, okay? That would really, really suck.”

This time, their responses were louder and more positive, and there were even a few smiles to be seen. I held up my finger.

“Oh, one last thing! Dr. Stephanie here,” I said, indicating the lovely, cherubic, big breasted redhead, “is a physician. Specifically, she’s a gynecologist, so any medical issues or health-related questions you might have about your bodies, you can go see Dr. Stephanie and she’ll help you out. For everything else, you can come talk to me or any of these amazing ladies who flew us here on that airplane. We’re all here to help.”

I dismissed the assembly and the girls wandered off to explore their new home. Bella, the girl who sat next to me on the plane, stuck around until everyone else had gone. She slowly approached, her blanket held tightly closed in her fist.

“Mr. Jamie?” she said in a really quiet voice.

“Yeah, sweetie, what’s up?”

“I’ll teach you how to play video games if you want.”

I smiled at her. “Aw, thank you, Bella. I’d love that.” I looked to where the TV was mounted, but there were already a half dozen girls fighting over the controllers. “Looks like we’ll have to do it another time, though.”

When I turned back, her eyes darted away from my cock, and her face reddened with embarrassment that I’d caught her looking at it. I gave her a reassuring smile.

“Hey, it’s okay, honey. I know you’re just curious.” I looked down and chuckled softly. “It’s just skin, right?”

Bella regarded me with a contemplative look. Then she slowly released her grip on her blanket and let it slip from her narrow shoulders. Her body, though underdeveloped compared to Stephanie and the Sexy Six, was breathtaking nonetheless. Her breasts were small and pointy, jutting straight out from her chest, tipped with blunted, puffy nipples. Her pussy was just a small slit between her slim thighs, with frilly labia peeking out, her delicately curved mons dusted in wispy brown hair. Her smooth, tan skin, no doubt bronzed by endless hours spent lying in the sun, created a sharp contrast to the soft paleness of the tan lines around her little breasts and bikini area.

I lifted my eyebrows in surprise and said, “Wow, you’re very lovely.”

Her shy smile instantly faded when her eyes drifted back to my cock. I looked down. It was only partially swollen, not even half hard, but enough to begin lifting it. I twisted my mouth and lifted my eyebrows.

“Yeah, it does that sometimes. It’s got a mind of its own.”

Her dark, sculpted eyebrows pushed together. “Really?”

I laughed a little and scratched the back of my head. “I mean ... no, not literally. It’s a figure of speech.”

“Oh.” She sounded almost disappointed. She studied it for a bit, then looked up at me and asked, “Is that it?”

“Is what it?”

“I don’t know. I thought it was supposed to get all ... you know, like, all big and hard and stuff. Isn’t that why they call it a boner?”

“Okay, first of all, no one calls it a ‘boner,’ and second of all, no, that’s not it. It’ll get all big and hard under the right circumstances. Trust me.”

She looked at it again. “What are the right circumstances?”

“Are you serious?”

She looked up at me and nodded. “Yeah. When does it get all big and hard?”

I furrowed my brow. “Didn’t they ever teach you about sex in school?”

“Yeah. I mean, you know, sort of. Like, we learned about how babies are made and stuff.”

I palmed my face and sighed, saying, “No, listen, that’s reproduction, okay? That’s not sex. Sex is something totally different. Sex is how you get to reproduction.”

She shook her head. “I don’t get it.”

“You don’t get it,” I muttered, shaking my head. “Okay, well, have you ever looked at a boy and felt something between your legs? Like a warmth or tingling sensation?”

She disappeared into her mind’s eye for a moment. Then a small smile crept upon her lips and she nodded.

“Well, that’s your body’s way of telling you that it wants you to have sex with him.”

Her smile faded and she looked at my cock again. “Wait.” She started drawing inferences. “So, are you saying that your body was telling you that it wants you to have sex with, um,...” She looked up at me and her face flushed.

I narrowed my eyes. “How about we just go back to, it’s got a mind of its own, and leave it at that.”

Several days passed with little else to do but read technical manuals and frolic with the Sextet. With each new encounter, I learned more about their bodies and the innumerable ways I could please them, and they, in turn, learned about me. Sex with them was always slow and sensual. Long loving licks, gentle suckling, soft stroking, and patient, deliberate fucking.

Everything we did to each other was asked for and received. Suck on my nipples, please. Now stroke my clit. Please put my legs on your shoulders while you fuck me. Would you please rub my clit with your pelvis? Would you mind putting one more finger in my ass?

It was wonderful. I usually only orgasmed once or twice during an entire, multi-hour session. They knew how to keep me on edge, endlessly stimulating my cock with their hands and mouth and pussies and assholes. It allowed me to give them multiple orgasms each, saving my own for the grand finale. Sometimes they swallowed my cum, and sometimes I painted their faces, but, more often than not, I came inside their pussies.

I knew it was only a matter of time before I got them all pregnant. It was inevitable, but we were in the perfect place for that to happen. They’d prepared themselves for motherhood. Trained for it. They knew what they wanted, and they asked for it, and I gave it to them, time and again.

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