The Facility - Cover

The Facility

Copyright© 2024 by Alex Weiss

Chapter 2

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Jamie Berk's comfortable life is upended when the Feds come for him at work and toss his ass onto a military cargo plane piloted by an all-female aircrew. Along with a beautiful gynecologist and a bevy of young teenage girls, they're flown to a remote wilderness location where a mysterious underground facility awaits them. The world's about to end, and they're humanity's last hope for survival. Extinction never looked so sexy.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Post Apocalypse   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

The short tunnel at the bottom of the shaft opened into a chamber with a round, vault-like door at the other end. Posted beside the door was a sign bearing the Great Seal of Canada and the Great Seal of the United States.


You Are Now Leaving the Jurisdictions of Canada and the United States


Beyond This Point, You Enter a Sovereign Enclave Governed By Its Own Protocols and Regulations. Adherence To These Rules Is Mandatory For All Personnel and Visitors. Entry Constitutes Unconditional Acceptance of All Laws and Directives of the Facility Commander. Proceed With Due Diligence and Respect.

I read the sign several times before rhetorically asking, “Who the hell is the Facility Commander?”

“You are, sir,” Kristen said as she bent to untie her shoes.


Stephanie echoed my sentiment when she asked, “Him?”

Once she’d kicked off her shoes, Kristen unzipped her flight suit and shrugged it off, pushing it down to the floor to step out of it. She stood wearing a sports bra, bikini briefs, socks, and nothing else. The other five members of the aircrew followed her lead.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked.

It wasn’t just that they were inexplicably standing in their underwear, which was surprising enough on its own, it was how incredibly attractive they all were. Their flight suits had only hinted at the treasures hidden beneath. Just like the school girls, these women ranged from slender to full-figured, but there was hardly a flaw to be found among them. Autumn and Kristen, especially, looked like they could be fitness models. They were all so attractive, in fact, that even Stephanie and the twenty-two young teens couldn’t help but stare at them.

“We were given orders to remove our uniforms before entering the facility,” Kristen explained then swept her hands down her body. “This is all we’re authorized to bring inside with us.”

“I-I’m not taking my clothes off,” Stephanie insisted, holding her white lab coat closed with both hands.

“Our orders don’t extend to the rest of you,” Kristen assured her then gave her a tiny smile. “Whether or not you’ll be allowed to wear clothes, however, is entirely up to the Commander.”

“Allowed? What the hell are you saying?” Stephanie asked. She lifted her hand to vaguely point at me. “Who made him the Commander, anyway? Why are we even down here?” Her shouted questions reverberated off the chamber’s concrete walls.

“I’m only authorized to answer your first question,” Kristen said and gestured to the sign. “The Commander holds absolute command authority within the facility.”

“Oh, really? Well, fuck that!” Stephanie shouted angrily. “I’m not taking orders from him!”

Kristen tilted her head. “After getting all of you inside the facility, we have one final order to fulfil.” She looked at me and said, “You can read it now. Maybe you should do it out loud.”

I’d almost forgotten about her note already. I retrieved it from my back pocket and unfolded it, smoothing it out on top of the case. My eyes went immediately to the Presidential Seal at the top then to the note’s first few lines. I looked at her and she nodded, so I cleared my throat and began to read.

“Effective immediately and under direct orders from the Office of the President of the United States, you are hereby directed to submit fully to the command authority of James Arden Berk. This directive entails a complete transfer of your operational duties, allegiance, and responsibilities from the United States Armed Forces to Facility GA-147.

“From the issuance of this order, you are to regard all commands, directives, and operational orders from Commander Berk as binding and of the highest priority. Your compliance with this reassignment is mandatory and non-negotiable.” I looked at Kristen. “Is this for real?”

“Just keep reading.”

My eyes lingered on hers for a few moments longer before I picked up where I’d left off. “Your duties and obligations under the command of the United States Armed Forces are hereby suspended until further notice. You are to regard the chain of command within Facility GA-147 as your immediate and sole command authority.

“This order is issued under extraordinary circumstances and is reflective of the strategic needs and alliances as determined by the highest level of command. Your adherence to this directive is crucial to the fulfillment of our strategic objectives and diplomatic commitments.

“You are expected to uphold the highest standards of conduct, professionalism, and dedication in your service under this new command structure, adhering to all relevant protocols and regulations of Facility GA-147, while maintaining the integrity and honor befitting a member of the United States Air Force.

“Further details and instructions regarding this reassignment will be communicated to you by Commander Berk.” I held out the note to Stephanie and said, “It’s, um, signed by the President of the United States.”

She refused to take it, saying, “I don’t care if it’s signed by God. I’m not taking orders from you or anyone else.”

Kristen interjected before I could respond. “Once you step through that door, you will submit to Commander Berk’s authority. We all will.” She gestured to the other members of the aircrew. “You need to understand something, Dr. Ainslie. We volunteered for this mission, all of us did, because we’re committed to its objective, wholeheartedly and without reservation, so believe me when I tell you that we will stop at nothing to enforce the Commander’s will.”

“Enforce my will?” I asked.

The color drained from Stephanie’s face. “You can’t be serious.”

“On the other side of that door, there is only one authority above all others, even God, and that’s Commander Berk.”

If there was any doubt in Stephanie’s mind about her seriousness, that erased it. The doctor leaned her head back to consider the sealed hatch sixty feet overhead. She could only be thinking one thing: there’s no escape. She could go into the facility and submit, or she could stay inside that little chamber and die. She lowered her fearful eyes to mine.

“What are you going to do to us in there?”

I was taken aback by her question. “What do you mean? Nothing! I’m finding out about all of this right now, same as you.”

That must not have meant anything to her because she asked, “Are you going to hurt us?”

I jerked my head back. “Of course not! Why would you ask me that?” My focus shifted to Bella, who stared at me in terror like I was some kind of monster, and she wasn’t the only one. “I’m not!” I insisted, holding up my hands. “I swear!”

Kristen stepped forward with her hands raised, quelling the frightened murmur of many young girls.

“Listen, everyone! Quiet! We need to get inside the facility now! We’re almost out of time. Commander.”


“Open the door, sir.”

“Why?” Stephanie demanded to know. “What’s about to happen? Why won’t you tell us?”

“Because I don’t know, doctor,” Kristen said. “All I know is that we need to get inside that facility before it’s too late.” She put her hand on my shoulder. “Sir, please. You’re the only one who can open it.”

I stared into her pale blue eyes then turned to the door. Mounted to the wall next to it was small device about the size of a tablet, with a fingerprint scanner, keypad, and a small screen. I stood in front of it and saw myself on the screen. Contour lines overlaid my face, with two circles surrounding my eyes. A message instructed me to place the four fingers of my right hand onto the fingerprint scanner and speak a phrase.

“Commander James Arden Berk,” I said in a loud clear voice.

The sound of a turning worm screw and sliding steel emanated from behind the door, followed by a deafening bang that I felt in my chest, causing everyone in the small chamber to flinch. The two-foot thick door swung outward to reveal a long, round tunnel on the other side that stretched on for about a hundred yards before curving out of sight.

“Everyone inside,” Kristen ordered. “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go! Autumn.”

“I’m on it, Lieutenant C ... Kristen.”

Autumn led the way. The tunnel was lined in concrete, about six feet in diameter, with small lights embedded left and right. Because of the tunnel’s round shape, everyone walked single file. As before, Kristen and I were the last ones to go.

“Ladies first,” I said.

“Commander, I really need you to-”

“I insist.”

Kristen chewed on the inside of her cheek and then nodded. “Yes, sir.”

She stepped through the door and turned to wait for me. With a final look around, I passed through the doorway as well. On the tunnel wall, just inside the door, was a junction box with a red push button that read CLOSE. There were no other buttons and no biometric reader on this side. The back of the door was smooth and featureless. There was no obvious way to open the door once I closed it. Kirsten waited in her sports bra and panties, and I was taken by how unbelievably sexy she looked. If I had to spend time in a bunker with someone, I could do a lot worse.

I pushed the button and the door pulled itself shut with another thunderous bang, followed by the sound of sliding metal as it sealed us inside. I looked at Kristen and her relief showed on her pretty face. She beckoned me forward.

“Follow me, sir.”

She turned and I followed her down the hall, noticing that the tunnel sloped slightly downward. Every step drew us deeper into the Earth. The gentle sway of Kristen’s hips and the soft bounce of her sculpted buns drew my attention. Her curvy backside was even more impressive than her front. She must have felt my eyes on her because she turned her head a bit and the corner of her mouth turned up.

“Like what you see, sir?”

I looked up, down, and around. “It’s all pretty utilitarian, don’t you think?”

“That’s not what I meant, sir.”

“Call me Jamie.”

“That’s not what I meant, Jamie, sir.”


Without breaking stride, she reached back and palmed one of her cheeks, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I meant this.”

My pulse quickened. Was she being serious?

“I’m ... not really sure how to respond to that.”

“It’s a simple question, sir. Do you like my ass or not?”

“I mean, if you’re asking, then sure.”

“Sure? Wow...”

“Okay, yes. I like it. A lot.”

She turned her head again and her smile was bigger this time. “Thank you, sir.”

“No, no. Thank you.”

She actually laughed a little. “You’re welcome, sir.” We carried on for a while longer before she asked, “Would you like me to take my panties off, sir?”

I coughed to cover my surprise. “Sorry?”

“My panties, sir. Would you like me to take them off?”

The surreality of the moment made me feel like I was losing my mind. Were we really having this conversation?

“W-why? I mean, why would you ask me that?”

“So you can see my ass better, sir.”

Sweet Jesus. “I mean, this doesn’t really seem like an appropriate time for that, Kristen.”

She shrugged. “As you wish, sir.”

As I wish? My wish was for her to sit on my face, but we were in a tunnel, deep underground, on our way to a bunker that would be our home for god only knew how long. Besides, everyone was already freaked out enough as it was. Even so, I felt disappointed by my decision.

I lost count of my steps, but we must have walked for half a mile. How deep underground were we now? Two hundred feet? Three hundred? The tunnel emptied into another chamber with what appeared to be a pair of automatic sliding doors at the opposite end with a sensor and a green light above it. A sign hanging to the right of the door identified it as the entrance to a decontamination area and provided instructions on its use.

Attention: All Personnel

You are about to enter the Decontamination Area. This is a mandatory process for everyone entering the facility to ensure the safety and cleanliness of our environment.

Please be aware that exposure to external contaminants poses a serious risk to the health and safety of all facility inhabitants. To mitigate this risk, a thorough decontamination process is required for each individual upon entry.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Prepare for Entry:

Stand in front of the first set of automatic doors when the light turns green.

Wait for the doors to open, indicating the chamber is ready for use.

2. Disrobe and Dispose of Clothing:

Upon entry, remove all clothing and personal items.

Place these items in the provided chute for disinfection and storage.

3. Enter the Decontamination Chamber:

Proceed through the second set of automatic doors into the decontamination chamber.

Stand still and remain calm as the automated system initiates.

4. Decontamination Process:

You will be sprayed with a non-toxic, skin-friendly decontaminant.

Ensure all areas of your body are exposed to the spray for thorough decontamination.

The process will take approximately 2 minutes.

5. Completion and Access to Facility:

Once the process is complete, the third set of automatic doors will open.

Proceed into the facility and follow signs to the designated area to await further instruction.


The decontamination solution is safe for skin contact but may damage certain fabrics and materials.

If you have any skin conditions or allergies, please notify the Facility Commander prior to entry.

This process is essential for maintaining a contamination-free environment and ensuring the health and safety of all within the facility.

Thank You for Your Cooperation

“What is this?” Stephanie asked, her expression anxious and fearful. “Decontamination?” She turned to Kristen. “Are we contaminated right now?”

Her question raised concerns for everyone, sparking a murmur of urgent conversation among the young girls. I reread the sign and then regarded the automatic doors. Like I had at the hatch, I tried to think about it the same way the facility’s designers and architects would have, and it all began to make sense.

“Hold on, hold on. Not necessarily,” I said, trying to calm everyone down. “Whoever built this place couldn’t know ahead of time the nature of the disaster. It could be nuclear or biological, right? Who knows? They had to prepare for any scenario. The only way to ensure the safety of the facility would be to make decontamination a mandatory step for entry, no matter what.”

The explanation seemed to make sense, but new concerns were raised.

“Do we really have to take our clothes off?” a cute young brunette girl asked.

Her question was directed at me for some reason. I looked at Kristen, but she simply looked back, waiting for me to answer. I turned to the girl.

“What’s your name, honey?”


“Riley,” I repeated, trying to associate the name with the face in my memory. “Just for a couple minutes, while you’re inside the chamber. I’m sure there’ll be something for you to wear on the other side.”

“How can you be sure?” Stephanie asked. She looked even more anxious about it than the girls did.

I shrugged. “I mean, it makes sense, right? Whoever built this place would have stocked it with everything we’d need to survive down here.”

She appeared skeptical but nodded anyway, as if willing herself to believe that I was right. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”

“I’ll go first,” Debbie Knight, the flight engineer, volunteered. She was tall and slim, her short blond hair pulled back into a tight little ponytail. “If that’s okay with you, sir.”

“Yeah, sure.”

She went to stand in front of the doors. A few seconds passed before they slid open to reveal a narrow hallway with another set of doors at the opposite end. The moment she stepped inside, the doors closed behind her and the light above turned red. A few minutes passed before the light turned green again.

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