The Facility - Cover

The Facility

Copyright© 2024 by Alex Weiss

Chapter 10

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Jamie Berk's comfortable life is upended when the Feds come for him at work and toss his ass onto a military cargo plane piloted by an all-female aircrew. Along with a beautiful gynecologist and a bevy of young teenage girls, they're flown to a remote wilderness location where a mysterious underground facility awaits them. The world's about to end, and they're humanity's last hope for survival. Extinction never looked so sexy.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Post Apocalypse   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

“Alright, listen up,” Emma said to the other Veronicas as we sat crowded together in the hot tub, she between my legs with my arms around her waist. “Jamie and I talked, and he apologized for being a total dick today, and I’ve decided to accept his apology, so we’re all going to move on from it and forget it ever happened, and I don’t want to hear any more about it ever again. Understood?”

They did, and I detected no dissention from any of them. Emma’s position as the Teen Queen was reestablished and affirmed. I put my hands between her knees and pulled her legs apart, lifting and draping them over mine, spreading her thighs. Then I cupped her pussy and massaged her while she continued.

“We also have something to announce,” Emma continued in a stuttering voice. “Jamie and I are going to have a baby together.” The stunned reaction from the other girls actually made her smile. “I know, right! It’s so amazing. We’re totally in love, and I can’t wait to be a mom.”

I slid my fingers inside her pussy and slowly churned them, gently rolling over her clit with my thumb. Her tits felt so good. A perfect handful, and so impossibly firm. I dragged my finger back and forth over her nipple, then let it poke through my grip while I gently squeezed and fondled her.

“A baby?” Heidi asked, her question directed at me as much as Emma.

“We decided we want to have four, actually,” Emma said. “Two boys and two girls.”

Heidi was floored. “Don’t you have to be married or something before you have a baby?”

I was about to answer, but Emma felt my sudden intake of air and jabbed me in the rib with her elbow. Our agreement was that I’d let her do all the talking this time, so I relaxed and concentrated on pleasuring her instead.

“We talked about it, but I told him I didn’t want to rush into that. Not yet, anyway. When we’re ready, he said he’s going to propose to me in the garden. Isn’t that so romantic?”

They were gob smacked, their eyes moving between us, checking to see if my expression revealed that it was all a put on. Seeing no obvious signs of deception, they offered subdued words of congratulation. Emma peered over her shoulder and bit her lip to let me know she appreciated the special attention I was giving to her hungry pussy, then dropped a bomb on them.

“We need to tell you something else. Something that affects all of you. I’m not the only one who’s going to be having Jamie’s babies. You guys know Bella, right? Well, she’s going to have babies with him too. So is Dr. Stephanie, and all the Air Force ladies. We’re all going to have four babies each.”

My cock was trapped between us, surging, bulging against her back. I kept both hands constantly moving. My fingers moved swiftly in and out of her pussy, relentlessly stimulating her G-spot, my thumb on her clit. I moved back and forth between her breasts. Massaging them, gripping them, drawing my fingers over her nipples again and again. Milking her tits.

“But that’s like ... thirty something babies!” Adele said.

“Thirty-six,” MacKenna said.

Emma reached down and gripped the sides of my thighs with both hands, sinking her claws into my flesh as I lured her closer and closer to her orgasm.

“Exactly,” Emma gasped, the word drawn out into a soft whine. “And we’re going to need seventy-eight more.”

“Seventy-eight more what?” asked Payton, her attention now on the vigorous shaking of my shoulders.

“Babiezzah!” Emma blurted, then got her voice under control. “Babies. Until we have a hundred and fourteen babies, we can’t get out of this place. There has to be a hundred and forty-four people in here before the doors will unlock.”

This wasn’t how I planned to inform them, but Emma assured me that she knew what she was doing and could recruit them all to the task. She was their leader, so I agreed to trust her judgment and give her the reins.

“But, where are we going to get another seventy-eight people?” Alex asked, sounding distraught.

Aurora was the first to pick up on what Emma was telling them. “Us.”


Aurora did some math in her head and then nodded. “All of us. If everyone has four babies, that’ll be, um, like, a hundred and sixteen babies, I think. So, that’s, like, two more than we need.”

“Exactly,” Emma said, her body trembling. “We’re gonna, um, you know, have four babies, and, hopefully, if everyone else does too, then we can finally get out of here.”

She clutched my arm with both hands as her body slowly curled forward. “Oh god, Jamie,” she whispered. “Mm!” She breathed out through pursed lips. “Slow down, please,” she whispered.

When I did, her body untensed, but remained rigid. On edge. Where before she’d been impatient, she’d recently begun to embrace the wonders of delaying her release. Of savoring the buildup and prolonging her pleasure. I kissed her on the side of her face.

“But ... I’m not ready to have kids yet,” Savannah said. “I wanted to wait until, you know, after I get married.”

Her misgivings gave courage to a few of the others who felt the same way. Emma, as it turned out, anticipated this objection.

“That’s okay. Just marry Jamie.”

Everyone looked at me. I smiled genially and nodded. Savannah’s alluring blue eyes slowly shifted back to Emma.

“But, what about you, Emma? You just told us you were planning to marry him.”

“Mm-hm. I am. You can be the second wife.”

“S-second wife?”

“Well, more like the JV second wife. Jamie’s going to marry Dr. Stephanie too, but she’s going to be the head varsity wife. I’ll be the head junior-varsity wife, and then you can be the second.”

The sensation of my cock throbbing against her back must have finally thrown a switch in Emma’s brain. Creating a small distance between us, she reached back and aimed my stiff prick at her asshole, then pushed back against it. After a few back and forths to settle me deep inside her ass, she reclined in my lap and put my hand back on her pussy.

“I’m ready now,” she said quietly. “Make me cum.”

“Oh my god, are you guy doing it again?” Meera asked.

“Of course they are,” Heidi said with a roll of her eyes, then in a small voice added, “It’s not fair.”

We’d fucked in front of them before, but this just seemed downright gratuitous. Some kind of dominance play on Emma’s part. Then she showed me that it was all part of her plan. She began to squirm in my lap to stimulate her asshole while I fingered her pussy.

“Dr. Stephanie says it takes ten days to make a baby,” Emma told them all between shallow pants. “Mm! Ten, um ... ten days of constant sex.”

Heidi’s eyebrows leaped up. “Is that true? Ten whole days?”

I smiled and nodded, but Emma spoke for me. “What did I just tell you, Heidi? Ten days.”

“Wait,” Payton said. “What about after? You know, like, when you’re all pregnant and stuff?”

“Then you get to have even more sex,” Emma assured her, grinding her ass against my pelvis. “Oh god, that feels so good. Can you go faster on my clit? Um, anyway, yeah. Mm! Um, it’s basically going to be, like, fuck, like non-stop ... non-stop sex for anyone,” she shuddered and her voice steadily rose in pitch, “for anyone having babies, oh fuck! Anyone having babies ... oh god, baby, more! More! For the next few years! Aah! Fuck!”

With the Veronicas all onboard with the cause and substantial inroads made with the Tweens, I was nearly ready to resume my training. I just needed to check in with my darling Bella, who I found in the room she shared with Gretchen. Both girls lay in bed, reading books.

“Hi, babe,” I said as I slipped inside the door.

She lay on her stomach, facing the foot of the bed, feet up, her chin propped in her hands. When she looked up and saw me, a gorgeous smile lit up her face.

“Hi!” She placed her palms on the bed as if to get up.

“No, stay right there,” I said and jumped onto the bed beside her.

She pressed her shoulder to mine and I kissed her, then lifted the book to see what she was reading. A romance novel. Years Apart, Hearts Together.

“What’s this about?” I asked, returning it to the open page.

“Oh my god, it’s about us!” she gushed. “It’s about a girl who has an affair with her best friend’s dad. It’s so romantic. I can’t stop crying.”

“Did you find this in the bookshelf?”

“Mm-hm. There’s all kinds of books like this.”


I’d never investigated the bookshelf, and most of the girls preferred to swim or play video games, so I’d never paid much attention to what they were reading. I looked across to where Gretchen, a busty young girl of Philippine descent, lay reclined on her bed, watching us over the top of her book. The Ageless Heart’s Yearning.

“Hm. Anyway, I just wanted to see you before I start my training.”

Something fleeting crossed her face that dimmed her smile for an instant. A tiny pang of worry. But she recovered quickly.

“Oh. Well, do you think you might have time for...,” he eyes flicked to Gretchen for a beat, then she leaned in to whisper, “you know.”


She nodded hopefully and whispered, “Please? I’ve missed you.”

“Yeah, but we did it yesterday,” I said under my breath. “Remember?”

“Has it been that long already?”

I glanced at Gretchen. “What about her?”

Bella’s face fell. “W-what do you mean? You’d rather do it with her, instead?”

“No. I meant, shouldn’t we find someplace more private? Like the sauna or something?”

She covered her relief with a little laugh and put her hand on my forearm. “Ohh! Um, no, we’re cool. She said she wants to watch.”

I stared into Bella’s gorgeous blue eyes. “Really.”

“Mm-hm. I was telling her all about having babies and stuff and she said she wanted to see, you know, how it looks before she decides.”

“Oh, okay. Are you sure?”


“Alright. Well, roll over then.”

When she was on her back, I leaned over to kiss her and traced my fingertip down her body, drawing spirals around each tiny breast that contracted her areola and drew up her nipples. I continued across her navel to her protruding hip bones. Her feet moved apart in anticipation, but I bypassed her pussy to glide my open hand along the inside of her silky thigh.

“Wider,” I whispered, guiding her legs apart until she was completely opened to me.

“Jamie,” she whispered when my fingers brushed over her delicate labia on their journey to her other thigh.

She moved her lips playfully. Little butterfly kisses, her sweet breath blowing through a parted mouth. I moved my fingers along her narrow slit, tracing the contours of her tiny little vulva, teasing her, caressing her pussy. Subtle movements of her hips belied her anticipation and urgency.

Already, small noises floated past her lips. Hums and sighs and little moans that tightened my nutsack and caused my erection to bulge. I loved those lips. Those soft lips, so sweet and tender. As my finger dug deeper between her labia, finding warmth and wetness, I rose up onto my knees and straddled her arm.

From the corner of my eye, I watched Gretchen’s reaction as I guided my cock into Bella’s open mouth. Any pretense of reading vanished when I slid back and forth past her lips and played with her hair. Bella’s arm hooked under me to grip my ass, her cheeks sucking in and her lips pulling each time I withdrew. I fucked her mouth slowly, only penetrating her partway, her eyes closed as if in repose, giving her face an angelic quality.

“That feels so good, Bella,” I told her in a soft voice as I stroked her hair.

Her high-pitched moan, a hungry whine, sent a frisson coursing through me. When my finger lingered at the shallow depression that marked the entrance to her vagina, she bucked her hips to urge me inside. Pushing against me. Teasing me further and further inside. Her silken canal hugged my finger as it travelled deeper, eliciting another soft, muffled cry.

With her hand on my ass, she pulled me forward toward her face. More. Deeper. Faster. My finger lapped against the satin wall of her vagina then withdrew to tease her clit. I leaned over her body, spreading her labia with both hands, pulling open her flower. I licked my fingers and massaged her pussy, gliding down between her butt cheeks to tease her anus, then back to her pussy to fuck her with two fingers.

My hips moved swiftly, sliding past her gripping lips, going as deep as I dared, stuffing her mouth full of cock. I pinched and flicked her clit, then rolled over it with the pads of my fingers. In response, she began to move her head, gliding her lips over my shaft faster and faster. Urgent cocksucking, her hand clutching my ass, squeezing my cheek. God, I wanted her.

“Get on your hands and knees,” I said, withdrawing my cock from her mouth.

She rolled over and scrambled into a doggie position. Wasting no time, I moved behind her, straddling her feet to keep her legs together. Her plump, pouting little labia kissed the head of my cock and grudgingly parted when I pushed in. Then I took hold of her narrow hips and worked my way inside of her. We both faced the foot of the bed. Toward Gretchen.

My pelvis bumped against Bella’s perfect little heart-shaped rump, causing her soft cry to rise and fall in a melodic staccato.

“Fuck me, Bella. Fuck me with your pussy.”

She threw herself back at me, meeting my every thrust. I drove myself into her harder, causing her tiny, conical breasts to jiggle violently on her chest.

“Oh god, your pussy feels so good on my cock. You are so fucking tight. Fuck me, baby. Fuck me harder.”

It was like pouring gasoline on a fire. Her ass crashed into me as she shoved herself backwards with her arms as fast and hard as she could. Every collision of our bodies brought with it a moaning cry. A lust-filled vocalization from my beautiful Bella girl.

I put my hand on her back and applied steady pressure, pushing her down.

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