The Facility - Cover

The Facility

Copyright© 2024 by Alex Weiss

Chapter 9

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Jamie Berk's comfortable life is upended when the Feds come for him at work and toss his ass onto a military cargo plane piloted by an all-female aircrew. Along with a beautiful gynecologist and a bevy of young teenage girls, they're flown to a remote wilderness location where a mysterious underground facility awaits them. The world's about to end, and they're humanity's last hope for survival. Extinction never looked so sexy.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Post Apocalypse   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

Training began the very next day, and it ended up being one of the sexiest day of my life, but it didn’t start that way. The Sextet slept close by that night, in the three king suites, which I suspected were intended for them in the first place, and woke me early with a blowjob.

I cracked my eyes open to find Emily leaning over my hip with her lips gliding up and down my shaft. Stephanie still lay cradled in my arms, both of us exhausted from the previous evening. At the side of the bed, Kristen stood holding a tablet computer we found inside the Reactor Control room.

“Good morning, sir. On a scale of one to one hundred, how arousing is being awakened with a blowjob?”

Stephanie softly groaned and snuggled closer, unaware of the intruders in our bedroom.

“Um ... thirty-five?” I whispered, and Kristen made a note.

“What?” Stephanie muttered groggily.

I stroked her back. “Nothing.”

“Mmm...” She reached for my cock but touched Emily’s face instead. Her eyes flew open. “Oh, Jesus!” she yelled, scrambling backwards toward the edge of the bed, then her head snapped when she noticed Kristen standing there as well. “What the fuck, Kristen?”

“Good morning, Doctor,” she said with far more formality than the situation warranted. “Will you be joining us this morning?”

After that, I postponed training until the afternoon. I still had inspections and maintenance to do anyway, so after kicking Kristen and Emily out of the room, I took a shower then headed out for a quick run and my appointed rounds.

My real purpose that morning, however, was to recruit someone from the Tweens. I was confident Emma would bring the other Veronicas around, and Bella promised to work on Gretchen and the other Betties, but I had no such insider among the Tweens. In fact, I’d never said more than a handful of words to any of them in the past several weeks.

At breakfast, I grabbed a protein bar and a boxed orange juice and headed to where the seven Tweens congregated together at a cluster of tables near the entrance to the Medical Hall. Their animated conversation died down when I approached, and stopped entirely when I sat down in their midst.

“Good morning,” I said cheerfully to seven stunned faces.

They weren’t entirely unknown to me. I’d done some research ahead of time, combing through their personnel profiles to make sure I understood each girl as well as I could. The Tweens were Lizzy Zuhn, Lolly Stipe-Whittaker, Mimi Rosado, Lynsey Weatherly, Katie Stainback, and Katie Zimmerman. Two Katies.

Their leader was a cute little brunette girl named Riley Green, who’d expressed her nervousness about taking her clothes off at the decontamination chamber our first day inside the facility. In fact, four of the seven girls had expressed anxiety about clothes that day and where among the last to grudgingly accept nudity. After reading their profiles, all of that made perfect sense.

Their psychological evaluations painted them all as highly insecure about their bodies. At least, relative to their peers. After spending several weeks inside the facility with twenty-two naked teens, I’d learned what every high school freshman teacher already knows. Being a fourteen-year old girl can be tough.

Every girl was different, but the differences at that age were extreme. Puberty arrived at different times and girls’ bodies matured at different rates. Some girls were tall, with firm tits and lots of thick, curled hair on their pussies. They looked grown up compared to their peers. More mature. Meanwhile, others were short and flat chested, with nearly hairless little twats, their pubic hair fine and straight and sparce. The Tweens were of the latter variety.

These stark differences generated great anxiety for the have-nots. Will I ever grow breasts? Will they ever get bigger? Why don’t I have much hair down there? Boys won’t like me because I’m not pretty enough and I don’t have boobs. I look like a little girl instead of a woman.

I wondered if I might be able to help ease their anxiety by showing them some attention. To me, they were all adorable. Every last one of them. Cute youthful faces and budding young bodies. The only question was, did they have the same desires as their more mature-looking peers? Were they as curious about men and dicks and sex as, say, Emma and Heidi?

“Anyone know how to open this damn thing?” I asked as I worked to open the orange juice box, finding it a near-impossible task.

After a little hesitation, Riley held out her hand and I passed it to her. She returned it open a few seconds later.

“Wow, you made that look easy,” I said. “Thank you.”


I sipped my juice and nibbled on my breakfast bar with an amused smile on my face while seven pairs of eyes intently watched me. Thirty long seconds passed where no one spoke. Then forty. Every second that ticked by intensified the awkwardness. Finally, after a minute of silence, I decided to throw something out there but rather than address them as a group, I focused on their leader.

“What do you girls do for fun around here, Riley?”

Her eyes popped in surprise. “Y-you know my name?”

“Sure. You told it to me before, remember?”

She nodded her head. “But that was a long time ago.”

“How could I possibly forget about you, Riley? In fact, I know all your names. Lizzy. Lolly. Mimi. Lynsey. Katie S. Katie Z.”

They shared the same astonished look, and a few smiles crept up. Okay, this was good. Maybe we were finally starting to get somewhere.

“Do you remember my name?” I asked.

“Everyone knows who you are,” Mimi said, a little Latin minx with thick, arched eyebrows and long, luxurious eyelashes.

“You’re Emma’s boyfriend,” said Katie Z.

I laughed at that. “Emma’s boyfriend, huh? I don’t even get a name?”

“Jamie,” Riley said, proving she knew who I was.

“You do remember,” I said as I studied Riley’s face. High cheekbones and a pert nose, thin pale lips concealing a line of perfect teeth, and dreamy, coffee-colored eyes. My apparent interest caused her to look away. “Were you a cheerleader, Riley?”

The question brought her eyes crashing back into mine. A few of the other Tweens opened their mouths in surprise.

“How did you know that?”

“I don’t know,” I said with a shrug. “There’s just,” I swirled my hand in front of her, “something about you that says you were born to be a cheerleader.”

“H-hold on. Wait. What do you mean? Like what?”

“I honestly don’t know. But, whatever it is, she’s got it too,” I said, gesturing to Lizzy.

Shocked, open mouths turned into little Os of surprise that grew into smiles of amazement and amused titters.

“No way!” Katie said.

“Wait, wait, wait!” Lolly shouted, getting my attention. “What about me?”

I pretended to study her closely, which wasn’t hard because she was absolutely adorable. Pure jailbait. A strawberry-blonde with freckled cheeks, a button nose, and full, pouty, cherry red lips. Two perfect, tiny little breasts clung to her chest.

“Hm. Well, I don’t see you as a cheerleader, though you’re certainly pretty enough to be one. So, I’m guessing you made the choice to do something else, because you didn’t want to watch from the sidelines. You wanted to be on the field.” Her grin grew wider with every word I spoke. “No, not field. The court. That’s why you went out for the ... JV volleyball team.”

I had to cover my ears to protect them from the shrill, high-pitched screams of delight pouring from seven young girls. Oh my god! How could you possibly know that? That’s amazing! Do me next! No, me!

For the next few minutes, I played the mentalist. A few things that weren’t in their profiles, I got wrong, but I absolutely nailed the things that were. By the time I finished, those seven girls were absolutely mesmerized, hanging on my every word, their chins propped up in their hands.

I stood and stretched. A long, arcing stretch that gave them a close up view of my cock. I’d come to regard this particular stretch as the male equivalent of bending over to pick up a pencil. A move guaranteed to elicit looks from the girls. When I lowered my arms back down, their eyes flitted about to look anywhere but there.

“So, you never answered my question,” I said to Riley, then addressed her confused look. “What do you girls do for fun around here?”

I stood with my hands on my hips, looking down at her, and yet she still couldn’t restrain herself from stealing furtive glances at my cock as she tried to formulate a coherent sentence.

“Oh ... um ... yeah, well, you know, we kind of, like...”

“No shit?” I said with a laugh.

She blew out a long breath to steady herself, then refocused. “Um, yeah. I mean, there’s not really a lot to do, you know. Emma and her friends are always hogging the pool and stuff. Sometimes we play in the gym, or hang out over there in the garden and talk and stuff, or go to the playroom, but all the toys in there are for, like, little kids and stuff, but it’s still cool to hang out in there sometimes.”

“Yeah, that sounds like fun. Let’s do that.”

Riley blinked several times. “You want to hang out with us?”

“Sure, why not?”

“But, what about Emma?” Lynsey asked, and it was clear from her tone that Emma intimidated all of them.

“What about her?” I asked.

“Won’t she be, like, mad or something if you’re hanging out with us?”

I furrowed my brow and scoffed. “Yeah, let’s get something straight. Emma doesn’t tell me what to do. I mean, she’s cool to hang out with and everything, but I’m the Commander of this facility, so I hang out with whoever I want and, right now, I want to hang out with you guys.”

The look they shared told me they thought I’d be in big trouble if Emma heard me say that, and they’d probably be right, but I wasn’t worried about her just then. I needed to make inroads with the Tweens.

“So, how about it?” I asked. “Do you guys want to hang out with me or what?”

“But, what if Emma finds out?” Lynsey fretted. I expected the poor girl to start wringing her hands at any moment.

“Come with me,” I said, gesturing for them to follow. “Come on, I’m serious.”

I marched them into the Recreation Hall and into the pool room, where the Veronicas lounged poolside under the same full-spectrum lights that illuminate the artificial sky. When Emma saw me with the seven Tweens in tow, she jumped out of her lounger to intercept me.

“Hey, babe,” I said, pulling her close for a kiss. “You know Riley and the others, right?”

Emma put her hand on my chest and scanned my face then regarded the seven girls I’d brought with me.

“Sure. Why are they-”

I gave her buns a hard squeeze that broke her train of thought. “I’m going to hang out with them this morning, but I wanted to see if you’d grab lunch with me later.”

“Huh? Wait, what do you mean, hang out?”

“I mean, hang out. Hang out.” I pulled her in for another kiss then whispered in her ear. “I’ll tell you about it at lunch. It’s important.” I pulled my head back and looked her in the eye. “I’m serious.”

“Oh ... Okay. Sure.” She looked Riley and the others up and down. “Have fun, I guess.”

“Later,” I said with a wiggle of my fingers, then to the Tweens, “Let’s roll.”

The Nursery had a cool ball pit in the corner into which I was quickly shoved, followed by all of them immediately jumping in after to dogpile on top of me. I only pretended to struggle as seven naked girls wriggled and writhed and slithered all over me, trying to pin me down and prevent me from getting back up.

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