The Facility - Cover

The Facility

Copyright© 2024 by Alex Weiss

Chapter 8

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Jamie Berk's comfortable life is upended when the Feds come for him at work and toss his ass onto a military cargo plane piloted by an all-female aircrew. Along with a beautiful gynecologist and a bevy of young teenage girls, they're flown to a remote wilderness location where a mysterious underground facility awaits them. The world's about to end, and they're humanity's last hope for survival. Extinction never looked so sexy.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Post Apocalypse   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

Based solely on Stephanie’s grim expression, I knew I was busted. Not only was I fucking Emma, Heidi, and now Bella behind her back, I’d also picked up Payton and Aurora along the way. And that didn’t even include an unexpected session with the Sextet at the gym.

“I need another sperm sample,” she said with the morosity of a funeral director.

Okay, not what I was expecting. I furrowed my brow. “Why? What’s wrong with the last sample I gave you?”

Her hazel eyes, soulful and sympathetic, searched my face. When her russet eyebrows parted, I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach.

“It’s your sperm count, Jamie.”

“What about it?”

“You don’t have one.”


“I mean, you do, but it’s so low that artificial insemination will never work.” She pressed her palm against my face. “You might never be able to have children.”

I fell back onto the examination table and shook my head. All those pies I’d filled with my cream, dozens of massive, sticky loads, all for nothing. I was shooting blanks. The reality of her news knocked the wind out of me, and I nearly descended into a pit of despair and self-pity, until the implication of what she’d just told me hit like a slap to the face.

“Oh, Jesus, we’re never getting out of here.”

She’d clearly had time to grasp that obvious conclusion a lot sooner than me, and responded with a solemn nod. She sat next to me and put her hand on my leg.

“What are we going to do, Stephanie?”

“I don’t know.”

“You’re a fertility doctor. Isn’t there anything else you can do?”

“I don’t know, Jamie. I don’t know. Normally in this situation I’d recommend in vitro fertilization. Probably intracytoplasmic sperm injection.”

“Okay,” I said, nodding enthusiastically. “Great, let’s do that!”

“We can’t.”

“Why not?”

Her frustration boiled over. “Because, I’m not that kind of fertility doctor, and we don’t have the right equipment here for that! Plus, it requires harvesting eggs from everyone. It’s an invasive procedure. There are risks. But even if we figured out how to get around all that, there’s still a high probability it wouldn’t work.”

“Well, we can’t do nothing. What about me? Can you fix me?”

“I. Don’t. Fucking. Know. Jamie! I don’t even know what’s wrong with you. It could be any of a hundred different things. Genetic, physiological, bacterial, environmental. We’d have to test for everything and hope that whatever we discover is reversible. A lot of times, it isn’t. But that’s not my specialty. My specialty is female infertility, not male. Everything in here is to make them more fertile, not you.”

I hopped off the table and paced around the small room, gripping and squeezing my hair. “This is insane. How could they put an infertile man in this facility of all place? It’s like, they had one fucking job to do, and they somehow managed to fuck it up.” I paused for a moment. “What’s my sperm count anyway?”

“Low, Jamie. Really, really low.”

“What are the odds I could impregnate someone? You know, like on a random load?”

“One in a million.”

My face fell. “Are you serious?”

“Okay, maybe not that low. More like ... I don’t know, one in a hundred. Maybe two in three hundred. Like I said, you still have some sperm, they’re just really lazy.”

“Yeah, they get that from their mother’s side.”

“This isn’t a fucking joke, Jamie!”

“I know! I’m sorry. I make jokes when I’m stressed. Cut me some slack, okay?”

She took a deep breath. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you.”

I went to her and kissed her, then wrapped my arms around her to hold her tightly. She hugged me back and we comforted each other. I stood between her legs, and the table was the perfect height. Her pubic hair tickled the head of my cock. I pressed myself tighter against her.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“He wants a hug too.”

“Jamie!” She slapped my arm, but couldn’t stop herself from laughing.

I gripped the side of her thighs and kissed her with purpose. With passion. She drove me wild, and there was never a time I didn’t want to be with her. She responded by hooking her heels around the back of my legs, drawing me closer. My erection grew until it strained to reach her and poked her in the crotch. She took it into her hand and gave it a hard squeeze.

“Lie back,” I said, lifting her legs when she did, pushing on the back of her knees until her pussy stared up at me from the edge of the table. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

“Shut up and fuck me.”

“Hey, one in a hundred fifty chance. You never know, tonight might be your lucky night, baby.”

I navigated the head of my cock to her vaginal opening with some dexterous hip movements and slowly entered her. The velvety warmth of her vagina gripped my shaft as I slid deeper inside. A warm, sensual embrace. Then I drew back, nearly the entire way, before reversing direction to revisit her gripping pussy.

I loved fucking Stephanie. I felt an entirely different set of emotions when I fucked her compared to the others. Stronger in many ways. A deeper connection. We bonded. I felt bad for cheating on her with the others but only because I knew it would hurt her to find out. But I couldn’t stop if I tried. Hell, I couldn’t even break it off with a fourteen-year-old.

Emma. My god. Her love of anal sex astounded me. She preferred it to vaginal now, and she was a freak for ass to mouth as well. When I inquired about that, she said she was turned on by how dirty it was. She’d never done anal before meeting me. The Sextet told her all about it, and how much I enjoyed it. Autumn, specifically. Autumn loved taking it up the ass too, and I loved giving it to her.

Aurora had a big and very fuckable ass, the kind of ass that begged for a serious buttfucking, but we hadn’t arrived there quite yet. Just fingers, so far. But she was willing to experiment, and an enthusiastic lover who was eager to please, so I was hopeful that it would happen soon enough. Heidi, on the other hand, took to anal right away. She was another nasty little girl, just like her friend Emma. She didn’t prefer it to vaginal, but she had no problem with me swapping between holes and then putting it in her mouth. Her tits were big enough to fuck as well, which was always a nice treat. She was a lot of fun in bed.

I slowed things down with Stephanie. I didn’t want to cum too soon. I wanted to draw it out and make it last. She often got impatient with me when I did that, but she seemed content to do it now. I loved the full extension, pulling out almost all the way, pausing, then slowly sliding back inside. It was like entering her for the first time, every time.

Stephanie gripped her big tits and lifted them, gently squeezing, gliding her fingers over her nipples to stimulate them. That was another thing I loved about her. Watching her play with herself. It was such a turn on. When she noticed my interest, her smile widened.

“Do you like my big tits, baby?”

“I fucking love them.”

“I know you do,” she giggled. A little laugh that I felt deep inside her vagina.

“Can you lick and suck on your own nipples?”

She flashed a little smirk before she lifted one to her mouth. Out snaked her tongue to flick over her nipple, then she drew it into her mouth, latching onto it with sultry lips to greedily suckle herself. Because she was obsessed with order, she made sure to give the other equal attention, licking and pinching, teasing her nipples until her areolae puckered so tightly she hissed.

“You are so fucking hot,” I told her.

Her smile told me that she knew that already, but it also expressed her gratitude at being reminded. I looked down at her pussy and shook my head.

“And this tight, wet pussy of yours. Mm! I don’t ever want to stop fucking it.”

“Then don’t,” she said with a little twinkle in her eye.

I let go of one of her legs to stimulate her clit. Even if I didn’t want to get myself off right away, I knew she did. Besides, she could cum multiple times while I could only cum once. After that, I was out of commission for at least thirty minutes.

Thirty minutes ... Hmm.

While my fingers manipulated Stephanie’s prominent clit, my mind drifted off to do a little math. How often could I cum in a day? Five times? Ten? In theory, I could cum forty-eight times, but only if I came instantly. I might be able to cum in five or ten minutes, though, if I unlearned everything the Sextet had taught me. Or if they trained me to cum faster.

Factoring in sleeping, eating, and my facility duties, I might be able to reasonably cum ten, maybe even fifteen times per day.

I’d need a shit ton of lube, of course, or I’d rub the skin right off my cock, but lube we had in abundance. Plus, I’d need to stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet. I wondered if there was any testosterone hidden among Stephanie’s pharmaceuticals. That would help. What about boosting sperm production? I’m sure Stephanie had some ideas about that too. My sperm might all be tiny couch potatoes, but if I got enough of them together, maybe one of those lazy little bastards could drag its ass across the finish line.

Most importantly, I’d need to stay constantly stimulated, ready to blow at a moment’s notice. What did Alli call it? A fluffer? That’s what I’d need. A fluffer. Lots of fluffers.

“Jamie, I said stop!” Stephanie yelled, yanking my hand away from her clit and rolling onto her side. “My god!” she laughed.” You got it, okay?”

“What’s wrong?”

“What are you talking about? I came and you wouldn’t stop.”

“Oh my god,” I laughed. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

“Stop laughing,” she laughed back. “And yes, I’m fine. Where were you, anyway?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you sure as hell weren’t here with me.”

I told her what I was thinking about, and she stopped laughing.

The math was simple. Assuming I needed to cum one hundred fifty times to score a bullseye, and I could somehow manage to cum fifteen times per day, I could impregnate someone after ten days of constant fucking. That meant, over two hundred ninety days, I should be able to impregnate all twenty-nine of them. The average pregnancy lasts forty weeks, which is two hundred eighty days, which meant that just as the last of them was getting pregnant with little Jamie Jr., the one who just gave birth should be ready for baby number two. Rinse and repeat for eleven hundred sixty days, or just over three years, and the last of them should finally be getting pregnant with her fourth baby. Nine months later, we all go free.

That’s three years of constant fucking. Fifteen ejaculations per day, every day, with no breaks. And one poor pussy that had to lie there for ten days straight, taking the continuous pounding of a lifetime.

Needless to say, when I told Stephanie my plan, she kicked me away from the examination table with her cute little feet and stormed out of the Medical Hall.

“We need to get started right away, sir,” Kristen said when I told her my plan. Then she turned contemplative. “Ten days of continuous fucking, huh? Allow me to volunteer to go first.”

“Bullshit,” Kelly said. “We’ll draw straws.”

“Why don’t we go in alphabetical order?” Alli suggested with a shrug.

“Sounds fair to me,” Autum agreed.

I held up my hands. “Woah, woah, woah. Slow down. I can’t just jump into bed and cum fifteen times a day. That’s ludicrous. I’ll never make it. That would be like getting up off the couch and running a marathon. I’m going to need to train first.”

Emily nodded. “Your right, sir.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re going to need to train hard.”

“Real hard, sir,” Debbie said.

“Right. That’s what I said.”

“And long too,” Kristen added.

Kelly nodded, stroking her chin. “Long and hard. Real long and hard.”

“Alright, you dirty-minded sluts,” I said. “Calm down. That’s why I came to you. You’re the best. If anyone can get me to fifteen ejaculations per day, it’s you six.”

Autumn smirked. “Thank you for saying that, sir. We won’t let you down.”

“You better not. I need to be up for the next three years.”

“Alright,” Kristen said to her team, rubbing her hands together, “we’ve really got our work cut out for us. We need to minimize both the time he needs to achieve an orgasm and the refractory period in between, while at the same time maximizing the size of his load.”

“Impossible,” Kelly said. “Those goals are mutually exclusive. The quicker and more often he cums, the less time his body will have to produce more sperm. It’s diminishing returns.”

“Exactly,” Emily said. “We need to find an equilibrium that maximizes sperm production while maintaining a steady, comfortable pace that he can maintain for years.”

“I think technique and variety are going to play a huge part in maintaining a steady, comfort pace,” Autumn mused. “He can’t be doing the same old thing all the time. He’s going to need constant variety. Speed, force, friction, visual and audial stimulation, positions, angles, they all need to be constantly varied. And not just that. He’s going to need a variety of different orifices across multiple women. It’s going to take every last one of us, working together, to pull this off.”

“You know,” Debbie said, lifting her eyes in thought. “The pregnant women will be able to play a huge role here. They can do a lot of the heavy lifting, so to speak, as far as sexual stimulation goes. Think about it. Huge breasts swollen with milk, large nipples begging to be sucked, and an overall heightened libido. It’s perfect, actually.”

My god, these women were fantastic.

The sweetest pair of sweaty little titties the good Lord ever made jiggled in front of my face as Bella bounced on my cock with her arms draped languidly over my shoulders. She noticed where my eyes focused and gave her shoulders a little shimmy to make her tits wiggle from side to side. I looked at her and smiled.

“I love when you do that.”

She shimmied again. I reluctantly let go of her ass to hold them. They were so small, I could encircle them between my thumb and forefinger. I swiped my thumbs back and forth over her puffy nipples, stimulating them as they flicked back and forth. Bella’s smile was achingly gorgeous. She leaned forward to kiss me, but it was difficult to maintain contact with her vigorous movements.

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