Leaving on a Jetplane - Cover

Leaving on a Jetplane

Copyright© 2024 by The Horse With No Name

Chapter 6: Scheming Sisters

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 6: Scheming Sisters - Ian, the son of British immigrants, finds his life changed after a family tragedy and decides to make the best of his ambitions and dreams. And nothing gets you to new adventures as fast as your own airplane...

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Massage   Oral Sex   Nudism  

At a cruising speed of 280 knots our PC-12 was no slouch for a turboprop, but we faced the same problems as other bird-whackers when flying into international airports. We were in everyone’s way as we came in at something like 80 knots on short final, while jets did well over a hundred.

As a result we had to wait in the loop until ATC could slot us in between two Dash-8s before we could finally land in Budapest. That meant, unfortunately, our farewell to Fred had to be a short one or he would have missed his flight to Munich.

“So, what are you going to do? Are you going to visit your folks?” I asked Sofia when I had tied the plane down.

We are going to visit my sister Esther. The old folks are away on some cruise or other. Ever since the borders were opened in 1989 they’ve taken to the seven seas. They must have been on each and every cruise ship on Earth by now.”

“That means they must be well off, and they let you work as a housemaid for years?”

“You have obviously never checked what my wage is,” she said with a chuckle. “And besides, I loved that job, especially when you became a bit more ... manly.”

“Did you and dad ever...?”

Sofia shook her head. “Mind you, I wouldn’t have said no, probably, but despite how prude your mom was, he loved her dearly. He would never have cheated on her. In fact, your mother was the reason he hired me in the first place.”


“Well, although you are an airplane nut, you also became somewhat interested in girls around four years ago. After your mom had made a scene several times because she had found Playboy magazines under your bed, he hired me so your mom would stop snooping through your things.”

“Oh dear,” I groaned as I felt a blush creep up to my cheeks.

“You have excellent taste though,” she needled me. “I guess you kept the old one with Lydia Karass in it for reason. You were what – eleven – when that came out?”

“Looks like you were snooping through my things as well,” I challenged her back, but with a grin.

“That was on your dad’s orders, actually. Since you never brought home any girlfriends, he thought you might actually be gay and the Playboy magazines were just a front. He wanted to find out before your mother did, so he could protect you if you were.”

“I’m not so sure I like finding out all those things about mum,” I said with a sigh.

“She wasn’t a bad person. She was just horribly prude. I swear to god, she probably blushed when she saw herself naked in a mirror. But she was otherwise a very nice person. Your dad loved her a lot.”

By now we had left the airport and Sofia hailed a taxi. She said something in Hungarian to the driver and his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

“Did you tell him were to take us or did you offer him a blowjob?” I whispered to her as we set off. “The bloke looks positively giddy.”

“Goof,” she said and playfully elbowed me in the ribs. “He’s making a week’s earnings on the trip. We’re going to Lake Balaton.”

“Shouldn’t we have gotten ourselves some Hungarian money first?”

“I already did, when Fred and I were waiting for you in Moscow. The exchange rate was much better there than here in Hungary.”

The taxi driver couldn’t believe his fortune when Sofia handed over a massive stack of large Forint notes to him. He didn’t even bother counting them, which would probably have taken him half an hour.

I could immediately tell that we had arrived in a town that lived off tourism. Things looked a helluva lot more western than in some of the villages we had passed through on the way here. Sofia left me standing on the pavement and jumped into the arms of a girl which could only be described as an utter bombshell.

If she was supposed to be her sister, there was no way they had the same parents. Apart from being just as exquisitely slender as Sofia, she looked the complete opposite. Sofia had pitch-black hair that went down all the way to her arse. The other woman was blond and had a pony tail that just about reached her shoulders.

And them Bristols on that lass! Where Sofia could fit hers into a C-cup bra, on the rare occasions she actually wore one, that lady looked like a water melon smuggler. Damn and blast, they had probably caught me staring. Although Sofia and her ostensible sister chatted away in rapid-fire Hungarian, only interrupted by the occasional giggle, I could easily tell they were talking about me. I doubt there were too many more Ians in the vicinity.

Sofia came back to me and the other girl walked away after winking at me.

“You’ll catch flies,” she said with a giggle and pushed my jaw up.

“Th ... That was your sister?” I stammered. “She looks...”

“Quite different to me?” Sofia finished the sentence for me. I just nodded.

“My father had a mistress, with my mother’s knowledge and permission, so we’re technically only half-sisters.”

“Did I offend her?” I asked. “I would have thought she’d at least introduce herself.”

“She runs this hotel,” Sofia said. “She already talked to me longer than she can afford to. She will introduce herself properly in the evening. I bet you’ll like it. Now let’s check in.”

“So I guess you’ll be on translator duty tonight,” I noted as Sofia and I got settled into our hotel suite. ‘Getting settled’ in her case meant simply undressing. Not that I was about to complain.

“Esther speaks better English than I do,” she said. “I never got rid of the Hungarian accent. She did.”

“Guess, you’ll need that when running a hotel in a tourist region,” I replied. “At least I won’t be lost, only speaking English and all.”

“She worked as a stewardess for Malev for three years before dad bought her this hotel. That’s why we came to see her. She can help me get into a qualification course. I’d rather do that here than in Germany. It’s cheaper.”

“Money isn’t really the issue, dear. Did you think I let you pay for that yourself?”

“I know,” she said. “But things always take twice as long in Germany, and with twice the bureaucracy. You’ll learn that quickly enough when you start trying to get all the licenses and permits for the airline. Just remember how long it took you to get your permanent visa and work permit.”

“True,” I conceded. “So what were you and Esther talking about? It seemed to involve me?”

Sofia snickered, which made her bare boobs dance up and down.

“Well, she certainly noticed you were staring,” she said. “I can’t blame you and neither does she. In fact she asked if I’m willing to share.”

“She did what?” I spluttered. Sophia just shrugged and smiled at me.

“Don’t tell me you don’t want to get your hands or tongue on that rack,” she challenged me. “And the poor girl hasn’t had a man for quite a while who can do a girl’s bottom without causing pain only.”

“Well, I’d be lying...”

Sofia laughed.

“What’s it with so many Eastern European girls taking it through the backdoor? At least that’s the stereotype.”

“Practical reasons,” Sofia explained. “Don’t be fooled by what you see around Lake Balaton. Much of Eastern Europe is still piss-poor. Contraceptives are expensive and you won’t have much luck making East European men use condoms. You can’t get pregnant if he vomits it into your arse.”

“Now, don’t you have a way with words,” I said chuckling. She shrugged.

“Most girls don’t actually like it much. Esther and I do. It depends on the partner I suppose. Had you been too clumsy when we did it, I probably wouldn’t have done it ever again.”

“So in essence, your ridiculously cute and well-built sister will come here this evening, hoping I’ll bone her shapely rear-end?”

“She also has the same fashion sense,” Sofia said with a giggle. “I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy this evening.”

I wanted to say a lot of things, but I lacked the ability when Sofia’s sister introduced herself in the evening. She had come with a cooler and two bottles of wine, but apparently clothes had not been a concern for her.

With a herculean effort I actually managed to look at her face when we shook hands, and she rewarded that effort with a very beautiful smile.

“You came all the way up here without a stitch of clothing on you?” I asked, shamelessly ogling the most amazing pair of tits I had ever seen.

“We have a lift reserved for personnel and there is no other suite on this floor,” she explained, not the least bit bothered by my staring at her. “My employees know I have a rather liberal attitude to clothing. When we have our Christmas party, Santa always has a pair of large boobs and does a striptease, if you catch my drift.”

“Now there’s a way to uplift employee moral,” I said with a chuckle.

“Wanna touch them?” she offered as she handed me a glass of wine.

“Mind if I do,” I said and put the glass on the table. A bit hesitantly I started to gently massage the rather massive offerings before me.

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