Leaving on a Jetplane - Cover

Leaving on a Jetplane

Copyright© 2024 by The Horse With No Name

Chapter 3: Off to New Shores

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3: Off to New Shores - Ian, the son of British immigrants, finds his life changed after a family tragedy and decides to make the best of his ambitions and dreams. And nothing gets you to new adventures as fast as your own airplane...

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Massage   Oral Sex   Nudism  

When I came home, fairly late and feeling the exhaustion of the day, I found Sofia on a deck chair, in her usual outfit of bugger all. She was sipping a cocktail, obviously having finished all her tasks for today.

I sat down on the other chair, next to her, still in my pilot’s uniform.

“I hope you don’t have any plans for tonight, dear,” I said and pointed at the absence of her ersatz-bra, which usually meant she was in a mood to fool around. “I’m pretty beat right now.”

She just smiled at me. “If I expect you to respect my wishes, I can hardly demand anything of you, can I?”

I just nodded and fetched a beer from the table. Sofia sat up and fixed me with serious glance as I took a swig straight from the bottle after opening it.

“Ian, you do understand that this between us is a casual thing, don’t you? I love you dearly, but I was not joking when I said I don’t want a serious relationship. I love the sex with you and you are quite good at it for someone so young and inexperienced, but I could never promise you to be exclusive.”

I had to grin, as a thought I had had before returned to my mind.

“So when you told me about that idea of yours to be a naked stewardess, I guess you also had more ‘exclusive services’ in mind?”

She actually blushed a bit. “I won’t be fucking any clients,” she said, giggling a bit nervously. “But if a cute businessman fancies a blowjob, I might not say no.”

“I’m not sure we’ll get that one past the German authorities,” I said with a chuckle. “But to put your mind at ease. I have no expectations of a relationship. I won’t lie, I like our current situation. Having a gorgeous pair of boobs and that great arse of yours to look at whenever it takes my fancy is the best thing ever happened to me, and I can’t complain about any lack of sex. But the day will come when I meet a girl I fall in love with, and if I’m anything like my dad, that won’t be a long process. He proposed to mum four days after they had met for the first time.”

She nodded.

“At that point, you’ll have to look elsewhere,” I continued. “I doubt there are too many women out there willing to share their men with someone else, and the chances of meeting one of them are even slimmer.”

“So that’s agreed then,” she said with a smile. “How about we go to sleep. The way you emptied that beer in 3 minutes tells me you’re dead tired.”

“You got that right,” I agreed.

“Share a bed?” she asked.

“Hm, let me think,” I said theatrically. “Sleep alone, or with a naked bombshell in your arms. Oh these hard decisions.”

“Goof,” she answered and preceded me back into the house.

I woke up on the morning of what would be the last full day in our home. As always, Sofia had woken up much earlier and was already preparing breakfast. Walking out into the backyard after a detour to the loo, I took my customary dip in the pool, not bothering with any clothes. At least for breakfast, I had more or less adopted that quirk of hers.

“Breakfast or blowjob?” came the usual question, accompanied by her wide smile.

“Actually, I think I’ll take both today, dear.”

Sofia giggled and shoveled three pancakes onto a plate for me before disappearing below the table. As I sat and tried to concentrate on my meal, I felt her warm tongue probe the length of my already semi-erect shaft and it didn’t take long before it stood at full attention, being engulfed by her warm mouth.

Normally Sofia had a bit of a competitive thing going, trying to push me over the edge as quickly as possible, but today she was going deliberately slowly and almost excessively gently. By the time I had finished the first pancake, and those things were quite hard to hit with a fork when one was completely cross-eyed, I felt like I was hooked up to the mains. My whole body was buzzing, constantly hovering around that moment when relief finally comes, but Sofia kept me on the brink of it for what felt like ages.

I must have been grunting like a caveman if the frequent giggles from below the table where anything to go by as she kept up the sweet torture, but finally I felt that I was going over the cliff. With a very gentlemanly “Fucking hell!”, I passed what felt like a golf ball through my cock and exploded so hard that I was seeing stars.

“Holy...” Sofia wheezed in between coughs. “You nearly shot a hole in my head.”

“That’s what you get for torturing me like that, woman. That was absolutely amazing.”

“Well, I certainly had enough protein for today,” she giggled and washed down my generous donation of body fluids with a glass of orange juice, after climbing back up from below the table. Her nipples looked like they could perforate steel, which was a good sign she had diddled herself while blowing me, but was now hanging in a lurch.”

Always the gentleman, I slid off my chair and crawled over below the table, gently spreading her legs apart, and boy was she gushing. She was practically sitting in a puddle of her own juices. She shifted her position to give me better access, but in hindsight it hadn’t really been necessary. I could probably have made her cum just by looking at her drenched pussy really determinedly. As it was, two or three gentle strokes of my tongue along the length of her pleasure spot was enough to make her cum explosively.

And thus we came to sit across from each other, both flushed in post-climax bliss, trying to finish our breakfast.

The next morning arrived, or more precisely the very early next morning, as we prepared to leave the US of A for good. I was in the cabin, giving Sofia last minute instructions.

“Dear, I don’t care if you let them hang out while we’re in flight, but whenever the seat-belt signs are on, you’re fully clothed, okay?”

Sofia nodded.

“And that means you should at least keep the Jeans on. If you want your boobs to catch some fresh air, it’s okay with me, but when I put those signs on, we’re headed for turbulence, and you won’t have time to get dressed first before we hit the cobblestones.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be a good girl. I’ll only take off the shirt,” she said with a grin and lifted it up to show me that she was wearing one of her not-quite-bras underneath.

“Good,” I answered and gave her a peck on the nose. “The manuals for the entertainment system and the galley are in the drawer back there. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy the ride.”

“We’re ready when you’ve done the walk-around,” Fred called back from the cockpit and I left for the routine pre-start inspection.

“Second thoughts?” Fred asked me as I came out of a 180 degree turn that would see us overfly Moffett Field just minutes after taking off from there. It was my last look at my old stomping grounds and he had probably heard my silent sigh.

“There’s always second thoughts,” I admitted. “I’m leaving for the other end of the globe. To a country I don’t even know the language of.”

“Don’t worry,” Fred tried to reassure me. “You’ll like it there. The Germans are a lot more relaxed about things than we are, and at least in the west of the country, most people speak decent English.”

“You’ve been there?” I asked.

“My brother was stationed on Ramstein Air Base. He loved it there. And he learned German in no time. The Germans take in a lot of immigrants, so you can book German courses pretty much everywhere. Only downside is the weather. You’ll learn just how spoiled we are for good weather in California.”

Our small talk was interrupted by ATC who sent us on our merry way towards Seattle control and ordered us to climb to our cruising altitude of 27.000 feet. I set the parameters and handed control over to the autopilot, extinguishing the seat-belt signs in the process, which allowed Sofia to lose her shirt and make herself comfortable in any way she preferred.

“I’m more interested in the business, to be honest,” I admitted. “Everybody tells me you can make out like a bandit over there, but then, why are not more people moving there? America is full of failed charter companies, because the market is overcrowded.”

“Because most people can’t imagine being outside America,” Fred explained. “If it wasn’t for Jack, my brother, and our two best clients of the last three years, I would also never have imagined to even visit Germany. Why should I? In school I never learned much about the world. They told us that Canada and Mexico exist, but that’s about it.”

“Guess you’re right. I had a bit of different perspective, with my parents hanging on to their British heritage and all.”

“That explains the accent,” Fred chuckled.

“By the way, if you and Jack loved Germany so much, could you imagine taking up a job with me, once I’ve established my business?”

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