Copyright© 2024 by Hugh Reddy
Chapter 26
Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 26 - They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. She brought out my feminine side.
Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft ft/ft Fa/ft Teenagers Coercion Mind Control Rape BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction DoOver Time Travel Incest Mother Father Daughter Cousins Niece InLaws MaleDom Humiliation Rough Group Sex Harem Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Sex Toys Body Modification Nudism
Eddie was enjoying having Sandy sucking his cock, but she couldn’t seem to get it past her gag reflex. Reaching over her back to slap her ass didn’t help, pulling the chain between the clamps on her tits didn’t help, trying to push her head further down didn’t work. He gave up, deciding to wait til they reached the farm.
Pulling in beside the vans, he grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her off his cock. “We’re here, bitch. Sit up, and I’ll help you up to the deck.”
He walked around the car, opened the passenger door, and pulled on the nipple clamps to get her to exit. He took her arm to escort her to the deck. When they got to the steps he told her so, and had her raise her foot so she didn’t trip. Once on the deck, he led her to a spot in the middle.
“On your knees bitch. So far you’ve been useless. Maybe with some incentive, you’ll do better.” He was gratified that the rest of the family was maintaining their silence, wanting Sandy to believe it was just the 2 of them there for now. When he said incentive, Ann picked up a riding crop and silently moved to stand behind Sandy. Eddie pushed his cock back in Sandy’s mouth, grasped the back of her head, and when he pulled her forward, Ann used the crop on her ass. Sandy jerked forward, gag reflex ignored, and finally deepthroated the cock she had so desperately wanted.
“I knew you could do it bitch. I’m going to leave it there for a minute so you can get used to it.” He kept it in her throat til she started struggling. He backed off, and when she stopped gasping for air, shoved it back into her mouth. This time it slid easily past her gag reflex, and he started fucking her mouth. He kept up a steady rhythm, and soon shot a load down her throat.
“Did you enjoy that bitch? Is that what you wanted?” He asked as he pulled his cock completely out of her.
“Eddie, that was fantastic. It was all I dreamed of, and more. But how did you hit my ass while you had your hands on my head?”
“I didn’t bitch. Did you seriously think I was going to spend the weekend alone with you? My harem is here, and so are some other friends.”
He pulled off the blindfold, and let her see almost 20 people watching her.
“As for who whipped your ass, bitch, that was me,” Ann said, slapping the crop on the palm of her hand “and it’s something I’ve wanted to do for years.”
“Bitch, your classmates believe you’ve been on your pedestal far too long, and want us, their friends, to teach you a lesson. My name is Dick, you will refer to me, and all other males here as Master. You wanted to deepthroat Master Eddie. You’ve succeeded. Now you’re going to give every Master here as many blowjobs as they like. Every Master is going to fuck your ass, and your cunt. Tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday until Eddie takes you home. The good news is, you’re not going to do it for free. You’ll get paid for every sex act you perform. Dina, bring that empty can over here, and give it to Sandy.” After she did, Dick told Sandy, “This is where you will put your wages. Eddie, there is a bowl on the table, get one of the coins in it and pay your bitch for her blowjob.”
Eddie got a coin, and dropped it in the can. Sandy looked and saw a quarter in the bottom.
“25 cents? You’re paying me 25 cents for a blowjob?”
“Standard pay for a 2-bit whore, why are you complaining?”
“Fuck you assholes, I’m leaving.”
“Where are you going? How will you get there? Walk? That’s a great idea. A naked blonde, walking down an unlit road with your hands manacled behind your back, and no idea where the nearest town is?”
“You can’t treat me like this, do you have any idea who I am?”
“Oh, we all know who you think you are. You think you’re the Princess, high above all of your classmates. We’re going to show you who you really are. Dan, Bill, bring the new toy up here, place it right in the middle of the deck.”
Dan and Bill brought the newly manufactured stocks to the deck and placed them where suggested.
“Bitch, on your knees, and lean forward. Place your neck in the cut out section. See how nice Master Bill was? He covered it with foam rubber so it wouldn’t scratch your neck. That’s good. When I lower the upper piece, it will prevent you from getting up and wandering off. Patsy, I think we need a spreader bar to keep her legs apart. Be a good cunt, and fix her up with one. Would anyone like to educate this bitch by letting her know what a real cock feels like in her ass? And I’m sure she’d love deepthroating someone else.”
Dan was the first to fuck her ass, dropping a quarter in her can before doing so. A black man Eddie had never seen before stood in front of her, and said, “I’ll bet this bitch ain’t never seen a black cock, much less sucked one,” before shoving his cock into her mouth, and then down her throat. “Don’t like that bitch? Too small for you? Too black for you? Don’t like the taste? Get used to it bitch. I may never see you again after this weekend, but you’re going to see, and feel a lot of this black cock before you go home.”
“Bill, who’s the new guy?” Eddie queried.
“Doc Martin. Teri and M met him at the clinic today. Teri knew him from his visits to Chillicothe, and thought he would enjoy our group, not to mention save money on pussy. It looks like she isn’t too fond of black cock. She needs to get over that. Maybe if she spent the night with him. Teri wants to personally thank him for the results today. Maybe let him have both Teri and Sandy for the night. But, where?”
Dick replied “Teri is set up at Jans’ in a queen bed. That should be big enough for the 3 of them. The rest of us will draw chips as usual. Speaking of, it’s about time to draw for bedmates.” Dick put in.
“M, get the chips. Put 2 of each color in the bag. We need to find out who’s fucking who tonight. Lou, it’s time for the weekly bed lottery.”
The Columbus Masters picked chips out of the bag, Eddie and Jon picked blue, Dick picked white, and Harold picked red.
Then it was the sluts’ turn. Ivy, Ann, and Dina picked white, Patsy, Darla, Sharon, and Jen picked red, Cindy, Karen and Marie blue.
“Lou, do you have a house, or an apartment?”
“I’m currently renting an apartment. Why?”
“Tonight, I want you to stay at Jan and Daves. She has a spare room with a queen size bed that should fit Teri, and 2 bits and you,. Are you interested in owning a house?”
“I’d like to have a house. That apartment makes me feel cramped, hardly big enough to swing a cat.”
“Joan, do you have any good properties in the area? With Doc joining the group, we could use another.”
“I have a few listings. I’ll get together with him during the week and have him look at them. Maybe he’ll find one he likes. Same financing as before?”
“Of course.”
“Joan is the realtor that found this place for us, and it’s worked out well for us. Hopefully she’ll be as lucky for you.”
“I can’t afford a house right now. Maybe in a year or so.”
“That’s a family problem, not yours. Just find a house you like, and leave the rest to us. Time for bed. Just follow Jans bus, and she’ll lead you to a bed. Teri, ride with Lou to ensure he doesn’t get lost. Take a crop with you. 2-Bits, you’ll ride in the front seat, the same way you rode down here. And if you take your mouth off that black cock, Teri is going to whack your ass. Understand?”
Sandy nodded, and followed her new Master to his car. Teri assisted her into the front seat, Lou got behind the wheel, and 2-Bit crawled over to take his cock in.
“Master Lou, Jan needs to stop to let Bill and his group off at his house before going home. I’ll give you directions to go straight to her house, if you like.”
“As much as I like having this bitchs’ mouth on my cock, I can’t wait to get both of you in bed.”
When they got to Jans’, Lou, at Teri’s suggestion, pulled around back and parked. He grabbed 2-Bits by the hair, and pulled her head off his cock. “Are you having fun, bitch? I certainly am.”
Teri got out of the car, opened the passenger door, helped the bitch out, and guided her to the backdoor. Going inside, Lou took a few minutes to check out the house, before returning to the kitchen where Teri had stopped.
“Please, may I have something to drink? I’m awfully thirty.”
“Need something to wet your whistle, bitch? Coming up.”
Forcing 2-Bit to the floor in a supine position, and straddling her face. “Open wide, your refreshment is on the way.” then let her bladder loose.
Sandy, too tired and disheartened to complain, accepted the warm liquid, swallowing as her mouth filled.
When Teri finished, she said “Lick it clean bitch, and get used to doing it, you’re going to lick a lot of cunt this weekend.”
Teri was still sitting on 2-Bits face when Dave, Jan, Harold, Patsy, Darla, Sharon, and Jen got home.
“Already turning the bitch into a urinal? I’m sure she enjoyed that.” Dave opined.
“She said she was thirsty, I provided refreshment. She didn’t complain about the flavor, or the clean up.”
“That’s good. May make the rest of her lessons easier. Jan, Jen, escort Harold to the guest room. Show Lou, Teri and the bitch where their bed is. Sharon, Darla, follow me.”
The Masters and sluts went to their assigned rooms, Lou and his sluts followed Teri to what she claimed was her current room. Lou pulled 2-Bit to the bed, forced her face down onto it.
“I’m guessing you’ve never been fucked by a black cock, have you bitch? That ends right NOW.” he said as he fisted his cock and shoved it into her cunt. She lay there, unresponsive, as he fucked her. Slapping her ass also failed to get a response. Finishing his fuck, he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her head down to his crotch. “Clean up this mess, bitch.” she dutifully cleaned his cock of his excess cum and her cuntjuice.
“You’re clean, Sir.”
“Thank you, bitch. Bill tells me that a Master should have his cock in a sluts mouth when he wakes up. Between the 2 of you, I’m sure my cock won’t be neglected.”
6:00 arrived and the first thing Lou noticed was Sandy’s lips on his cock and Teri’s hand holding his balls. Putting his hand on the back of Sandys’ head, he pushed, and she started sucking him in earnest. After he came, he waited til she had cleaned him, then had her sit up. After removing the bondage gear and nipple clamps, he told her to go to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Slapping Teri on the ass, he told her to go to the kitchen and start coffee, then to join Sandy in the shower. Stopping at the bathroom to empty his bladder, (and enjoy the view of Sandy soaping herself), he continued to the kitchen for his morning cup of coffee.
As soon as he entered the kitchen, Jan asked how he took his coffee.
“Hot, sweet, and black, just like me”
“Yes Sir, would you like anything to go with it? Toast, eggs, blowjob, fuck?”
“Just coffee for now. You folk sure are accommodating. I think I’m going to like this group.”
“Did the bitch take good care of you last night?”
“She showed no response when I fucked her, but she had my cock in her mouth when I woke as ordered. She and Teri are in the shower right now.”
“Hopefully a refreshing shower will help her get thru today. She’s going to have a lot of cock in her, and learn to eat pussy, if she doesn’t already know.”
Dave entered the kitchen, and told Jan he’d take his coffee on the deck, and to send the sluts out as soon as they showed up.
Lou joined Dave at the picnic table to enjoy the sunrise. One by one the sluts came out and assumed formation. When Sandy came out, Dave stopped her.
‘Back to the bedroom, bitch, and get your clothing.”
“Clothing? I have no clothing here.”
“The bondage gear you’ve been wearing since you got here. And don’t forget the nipple clamps.”
“Do I have to?” She whined.
“Jen, go with her, make sure she doesn’t get lost, and bring back a whip.”
“Yes Sir.”
She escorted Sandy upstairs, got the required items, and returned to the porch.
“On your knees, bitch.” After she got on her knees, Dave lifted her by her hair, and re-manacled her hands behind her back. “Face me.” When she faced him, he reattached the nipple clamps, giving the chain a tug, eliciting a quick yelp from her, to make sure they were firmly attached.
“Now bend over the railing.” She leaned over the railing, and Dave gave her ass 5 hard swats. He grabbed her by the hair, forced her to her knees, and slapped her face.
“You do NOT talk back to a Master, you do NOT whine. When a Master tells you to do something, you DO IT! UNDERSTAND?”
“Yes Sir. I understand.”
“Dave, how do these sluts usually start the day?”
“They do laps, then calisthenics.”
“Please, start them off.”
“Jen, Jan, Teri, gear up, if you have extra gear, bring it out for our guests, especially the bitch”
They got their gear, and some extra, and bought it out. When they were suited up in wrist and ankle weights, they picked up the available weight bars, and started walking, Sandy, still in harness. following behind. After 3 laps, they formed up in front of the porch, and started calisthenics. 20 Sit-ups, 20 pushups, 20 toe touch, 20 bicycle kicks, 5 minutes of jumping jacks, 20 torso twists and 20 deep knee bends. Due to the bondage gear, Sandy was unable to join in, but looked on in amazement as she saw her classmates work up a sweat.
“Jan, Sharon, start breakfast. Bitch, you and Jen get your asses up here and take care of Lou and I. Jen can start by refreshing our coffee.The rest of you, hit the showers, and make sure you shave. You saw what happened to Karen yesterday. Bitch, come over here, it’s time for me to fuck your ass.”
Sandy moved in front of him and bent over. “No, bitch, you’re going to fuck me. I’m going to hold my cock up straight, and you’re going to find it with your ass, sit on it, and ride me til I cum.”
She backed up to him, lowered her ass, and with some effort, had his cock resting at her anus. Pressing down, she forced it in.
“Good girl. Now, fuck yourself. Up, down, up, down. That’s the way, keep it up. How do you like having that black cock in your ass?”
Patsy came out to tell them breakfast was ready, and Lou put her to work.
“You ever eaten pussy, cunt?”
“Often Sir, I like it as much as I like sucking cock.”
“Get down there and eat this bitch’s cunt, and give my balls some attention too.”
“With pleasure, Sir,” dropping to her knees to alternately lick cunt and balls.
“I’m about ready to cum, cunt. When I do, I’m going to pull out, and you’ll finish me off. Got it?”
“Whatever you say, Sir. I’m yours to command.”
It wasn’t long before he lifted Sandy off his lap. When did, Patsy engulfed his cock, accepting his hot cum, then cleaning his cock.
Finished, they went inside for breakfast. Lou took a seat, and was pleasantly surprised when he felt a pair of lips encircle his cock. Taking a look under the table, he saw one of the sluts from the previous evening between his legs. “Who are you, and who told you suck my cock?”
“My name is Darla, I’m Master Bills daughter. It’s standard practice to give Masters relief at every meal. And I really wanted to suck your cock. I’ve never seen a black cock before, much less tasted one. Doesn’t taste any different than a white one tho.”
“Did you think it would?”
“Wasn’t sure, but now I know for sure. Do you want me to stop?”
“You’re not likely to get anything for your efforts, but continue if you like.”
Jen came out from under the table, having finished with Harold, and straddled a chair. Sandy, still in restraints, looked lost, not knowing how she was going to eat. “Bitch, instead of just standing around, crawl under the table and see if you can relieve Master Harold of some more cum. If you can, I’ll set one hand free so you can eat.”
“Yes Sir.” She made her way under the table, positioned herself between Harolds’ legs, and commenced work. It took her a few minutes, but she was able to get a load of cum from him. Backing back out, she walked over to Lou, turned her back to him, and he released her left hand.
“Uhh, Sir, I’m right handed.”
“Not today you aren’t. Either eat using your left hand, or we’ll find a doggie dish, and you can eat without using your hands.”
Dave stood, picked up a cat, and walked to where Sandy was sitting. “Stand, bitch.” She rose, Dave swung the cat and whipped her tits 5 times. “Look around, you stupid bitch. Sluts don’t sit in a chair, they straddle it. It trains them to keep their legs spread. Try again.”
She turned her chair around, and straddled it. Looking fearfully at Dave, he nodded to her, and she ate breakfast.
“What are the plans for the day, if any?” Lou asked.
“We need to get 2-Bit back to the farm. There are 5 more Masters she needs to satisfy. We need to get the kitchen cleaned up, and laundry started. Jan, it’s your house, assign work crews. 2-Bit, go to the deck, take the cat with you. Teri, bring your camera. We might as well take some shots of this bitch.”
“2-Bit, what would your friends think if they saw you with a black cock in your mouth?”
“If they saw me with a black cock in my mouth, I wouldn’t have any friends. They’d shun me. I’d be an outcast.”
“On your knees, and open your mouth.” She did as ordered, and Dave asked Lou to stand in front of her, his cock level with her mouth. “If you can, piss in her mouth. If your aim is faulty, who cares? Ready Teri?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Whenever you’re ready, Lou.”
Lou unleashed a torrent of piss from about 6” away, and Teri started snapping pictures. Sandy’s Adams Apple visibly bobbing in an attempt to keep up. Lou’s piss slowed to a dribble, and he pulled her head to him so as not to miss a drop. When he finally finished, he told her to clean him, and after she did, he pulled out.
Dave announced he was going to work, and would see them that afternoon.
“Master Lou, we should be getting back to the farm. I understand they have plans for our little toy.”
“I’ll take Teri and 2-Bit back. She can return the same way she arrived, with her head in my lap. It will prevent her from seeing where she is.”
“Sounds good. Master Harold, you have your choice of sluts for the trip to the farm, please pick one, then we can leave.”
Harold made his choice, the rest filled the seats, and Jan pulled out.
“2-Bit, you know what to do, Teri, back seat. Set me straight if I make a wrong turn.”
Despite the lack of lead in the pencil, 2-Bit kept her mouth on Lou’s cock til they reached the farm. After parking the car, Lou pulled her head off his cock and got out of the car. Teri opened the front passenger door, and helped Sandy out, then escorted her to the deck.
“Anyone need a sex toy? This little bitch is ready, if not willing, to help you with your fantasy. Come one, come all, cum often,” Teri yelled. “Bitch, your mission is to give all of these Masters blowjobs. Get on your knees, introduce yourself and request permission to suck him off. Don’t forget to get paid.” as she led her to Bill.
“Sir? My name is 2-Bits, because that’s what I charge, 2 bits. For the low price of 25 cents, I will gladly suck your cock, even deepthroat you at no additional charge. Are you interested?”
“Suck away, bitch. I’m Master Bill, father of Darla, and Cindy, husband of M. If you haven’t met them yet, you will sometime today. You’re not very good at this, are you?”
“I’ve sucked dick before, but never ones as large as you and the other Masters. And I was never able to deepthroat til I got here last night.”
“In the future, respond AFTER you’ve finished a blowjob, never stop in the middle. You just earned 5 lashes.”
Sandy went back to sucking his cock, and eventually he shot a load. Using her tongue, she cleaned him as best she could. “Finished, Sir.” she said, leaning back from him.
“You need more practice, bitch. Ann, bring me a cat.”
Ann handed Bill the cat, and he gave Sandy 5 lashes per tit.
“Try harder to satisfy your next Master, bitch.”
“Yes Sir.” she replied before making her way to Master Dick.
“Sir? My name is 2-Bits, because that’s what I charge, 2 bits. For the low price of 25 cents, I will gladly suck your cock, even deepthroat you at no additional charge. Are you interested?”
“I just watched you try to give Master Bill a blowjob. If you don’t show more enthusiasm than you showed with him, I’ll whip your cunt.”
“Yes Sir” She took his cock in her mouth, deepthroated it, and tried energetically to suck a load of cum from it.
Despite her best efforts, she failed to get the required results. Master Dick tired of her, grabbed her by the hair and pulled her off his cock. Forcing her to stand, he dragged her by the hair to the railing, and bent her over it.
“This bitch hasn’t learned to suck cock, let’s see if she can fuck.”
He fisted his cock, placed the head against her sphincter, and rammed it in. He sawed in and out, til he exploded a load of cum into her bowels. “Next?”
Dan stepped up behind her, slapped her ass a few times, then jammed his cock into her cunt. He pounded her mercilessly, slapping her ass continuously. The pain seemed to heighten her awareness of her position, and she started fucking back. “Spank me, Master, treat me like the 2-bit whore I am. Harder, HARDER, punish me like the degenerate bitch I am. Ohhhh, SHITTTT.” she screamed as her body convulsed in orgasm. Her orgasm set Dan off, and he shot his load. When he pulled out, Sandy collapsed to her knees.