Copyright© 2024 by Hugh Reddy
Chapter 25
Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 25 - They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. She brought out my feminine side.
Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft ft/ft Fa/ft Teenagers Coercion Mind Control Rape BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction DoOver Time Travel Incest Mother Father Daughter Cousins Niece InLaws MaleDom Humiliation Rough Group Sex Harem Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Sex Toys Body Modification Nudism
Ann picked up Karen, then drove to the Hortons to pick up Dina. Eddie wasn’t far behind to give Patsy her ride to school. Like the other girls, Patsy enjoyed her ride to school and exited the car licking her lips. Separating at the doors, they went to their individual homerooms and started their days.
Patsy and Ann met Eddie at lunch and had barely started their meals when Sandra approached the table.
“Eddie, will I be seeing you tonight?”
“Not tonight, Sandy. My harem and I will be busy. Have you been taking care of Thomas, Richard, and Harold this morning?”
“Yes Sir. I fucked Thomas in the AV room, and gave Harold a blowjob under the bleachers. I’m supposed to meet Richard backstage in 5 minutes.”
“Meet them after practice in the parking lot again. You’ll need all the practice you can get before tomorrow night.”
“Tomorrow night?”
“Yes, I’m taking you to a weekend hideaway to give you what you want. Don’t drive to school tomorrow, and don’t worry about packing a bag. You won’t need any clothes til you get back home.”
“You and me, at a secret hideaway, for a fun-filled nude weekend? Our own little Garden of Eden? Should I at least bring suntan lotion?”
“No, everything we’ll need is already there. Now, don’t keep Richard waiting.”
“I won’t. Oh, I can’t wait til after the game tomorrow, Later stud.” she called as she walked off.
“You’re going to spend the weekend with that bitch?” Ann exclaimed.
“Not just me, the entire family. Ann, remember our first date?”
“Of course I do. I spent about 2 hours in the front seat of your car, naked, with your cock in my mouth.”
“Just like Sandy will, after the game tomorrow. And I won’t be the only one fucking her. All of the Masters will let her know what a big cock feels like, in her cunt, her mouth and her ass. She will learn to eat pussy by eating the cunts of you 4, and the other 10 sluts. She’s going to get her ass whipped, her tits whipped, and maybe even her cunt. I’m going to pick up 2 rolls of quarters, and everyone that has sex with her is going to give her one. And when we get back Monday, we’re going to make sure everyone in school knows she’s a 2 bit whore.”
“Oooo, this weekend is going to be so much fun. I hope we get plenty of pictures.”
“Should we tell the others what your plan is?”
“No, she may back out. No sense getting their hopes up. She’s been on a pedestal since she won that ‘Beautiful Babies’ Pageant. It’s time to knock her into the gutter where she belongs.”
“The school will be a better place for it. Don’t let it interfere with your studies, but think up some good scenarios for the weekend. And remember, she’s the cheerleader, she’s flexible.”
Dina and Karen joined us after their workout, and barely had time to eat before the end of lunch period. We separated again for our afternoon classes.
When school ended, Ann took the girls to Horton home, then proceeded to her own house.
When they entered, Dick was seated in front of the television, nude as usual, and asked, “Which of you sluts are first?” Karen and Dina rushed to him and assumed position 2. “Sir, take Dina first. I’m horny, but I had first fuck last time, Maybe when we finish our lesson, we can come back and you and Master Jon can double team us.”
Dina didn’t wait for a second opinion, but immediately impaled herself on Dicks cock, and started working her magic. She shortly had a cunt full of cum, and climbed off so Patsy could lick her cunt clean. Karen took on the chore of cleaning Dicks cock, and turned it into a blowjob. She finished in plenty of time to brush her teeth and gargle before their instructor arrived.
“How are you two doing with your driving lessons,” Dick inquired.
“We’re pretty much finished with the classroom, we spend most of our time driving various preassigned routes, some on back roads, some on city streets. I think we’re both getting a pretty good handle on it, Sir.”
“Think you could handle a vehicle as large as the VW?”
“We should be able to, Sir.”
“After you finish your class, we might check that out.”
The instructor arrived, Dina and Karen got in his car, and they took off.
“Patsy, coffee”
Patsy fetched his coffee, then knelt between his legs. “May I Sir?”
“Certainly. Do it slow and easy, I don’t want to spill my coffee on you.”
She took his cock into her mouth, and gave him a long, slow, blowjob. When he erupted, she swallowed and did the usual cleanup.
“Do you require anything else, Sir, or should I start on my homework?”
“Do your homework, if I require anything, I’ll let you know.”
“Yes Sir. I’ll be right there at the dining room table.”
“And I’ll enjoy the view,” he said, kissing her on the nose as she stood.
She picked up her bookbag, went to the table, straddled a chair, and started studying.
Sharon and Marie returned from the gym, stripped, and positioned themselves in front of Dick.
“Sir, is there anything in particular you would like for dinner?”
“How are we sitting on perishables? Anything that won’t last till we get to the farm tomorrow?”
“We have nothing that won’t keep, how about you, Sharon?”
“Doesn’t matter, Jack isn’t going with us, so he can eat what’s there, or go out.”
“Good, we’re going for take out tonight. To Green Gables. Dina is driving to, Karen is driving back. Driver and shotgun will wear travel blouses. And ONLY them.”
Jon arrived home from work, Sharon volunteered to assist him in the bedroom, and they disappeared. 20 minutes later, they reappeared, Sharon assumed position 2 in the living room, Jon stopped in the dining room, plunged finger into Patsys’ ass eliciting a squeal at the unexpected invasion, then placed it beside her mouth for cleaning.
After doing so, she addressed her father. “Master, you surprised me. I was focused on my homework, and didn’t realize you were behind me. I guess I should pay more attention to my surroundings.”
“That might be a good idea.”
“Oh, by way, Master Eddie is bringing a toy to play with this weekend.”
“A toy? What kind of toy?”
“5’3” blonde cheerleader. Wants to learn how to deepthroat a real cock. She’s this years ‘Queen of the May’, won homecoming princess last year, shoe in for Homecoming Queen this year, and won several little Miss Beauty contests when she was younger. Master thinks we can knock her off her pedestal.”
“Who’s riding with Eddie in the morning?”
“I believe it’s my turn, Sir.”
“Take your largest vibrator for her ass, and another for her cunt to use for the trip down. Get her used to being full. And a blindfold. Keep her blindfolded from the time she gets in the car til you get to the farm. No need to let her know where she’s going, or where she is when she gets there.”
“I’ll do that Sir.”
Patsy closed her books, put them and her finished homework in her bookbag, then presented herself to the Masters.
“Sirs, this lowly slut hasn’t had enough access to a cock since breakfast. Would one, or both of you, like to take advantage of my mouth, cunt or ass?”
“Hard to turn down a slut that willing. Position 3, cunt.”
She dropped to all 4s, Dick shoved his cock in her mouth, while her father inserted his cock in her cunt. Marie decided to take a few pictures for the family album. They spent several minutes pleasuring her before ejaculating into her. With a satisfied smile, she lay on her back, legs spread, in invitation for Sharon to clean her. Sharon joined her, squatted on her face, and bent to clean the messy cunt. They enjoyed their mutual and rewarding actions til Karen and Dina got home.
“How was class tonight?”
“Things went well. I only drove 3 cars off the road, and Karen ran over 4 pedestrians. Much better than Tuesday night.”
“Good for both of you. I’m glad you’re improving. Ready for dinner?”
“Absolutely. Are we ordering Chinese, Italian?”
“Nope, going to a drive-in. How does a trip to Green Gables sound?”
“Travel blouses?”
“Of course, with jewelry, top and bottom, except for Patsy. She’s going as is.”
“Sounds like a great idea, Sr. When are we leaving?”
“As soon as you’re dressed.”
Karen borrowed a blouse from Patsy, they all went to the toy box to select their nipple and clit clamps. After each were adorned, they returned to the living room and got in formation.
“Unbutton your blouses, pull open the blouses so they barely cover your nipples. Are we ready?”
A chorus of ‘Yes Sirs’ echoed through the room.
“Dina, Karen, get your wallets, you’ll need your temp licenses.”
“We will?”
“Dina, you’re driving us to the restaurant. Karen, you’re driving back.Sharon, you’re shotgun for Dina, Marie, you’re shotgun for Karen. They need a licensed driver beside them when on the road.”
Marie handed the car keys to Dina, they got in the bus, Dina took a deep breath, started the car, and backed out of the driveway.
“Marie, Karen, there are 2 cocks here that need your attention,” Jon reminded them.
They positioned themselves, and attended to their Masters needs. Dick kept an eye on Dina’s driving, and despite being tense, she was doing an excellent job.
When they got to the Gables, Dina found a parking spot, and stopped the car. Leaving the lights on to show they were ready to order, Sharon asked what everyone wanted. The consensus was Big Burgers with fries, 3 wanted Chocolate shakes, 3 wanted Vanilla, and Patsy wanted Strawberry and they all opted to get their food to go.
The carhop arrived, Dina made the order, and requested it be delivered to the large side door.
“Marie, Sharon, Dina, Karen, exchange seats.” Marie and Karen moved to the front, replacing Sharon and Dina as driver and shotgun. Sharon took her place in front of Jon, Dina took Dick in her mouth.
“Carhops back.” Marie advised us. We heard a knock on the side door, and Dina turned and slid it open. The carhop started handing her bags of food when she noticed Dick’s cock. “Dayum, that’s a bigass cock. Even bigger than my boyfriend, Jamaal,” the young black girl stated. “Does it taste good, Honey?”
“It’s delicious, want a taste?” Dina asked.
“I’d love a taste, but I don’t dare do it here. I might get fired.”
Dick handed the girl 2 $20s, and told her, “my name is Dick, I’m CEO of Gold Ring Productions. When you bring my change, bring me your name and phone number. I’ll give you a call Monday morning to set up an interview and audition. I think you might make a decent model for our company.”
“I’ll do that sir. Be right back.”
The carhop skated back in about 5 minutes, with a slip of paper containing her name, phone number, and working hours. Dick told her to keep the change, and expect a call sometime Monday, as they would be out of town on a shoot til late Sunday. The hop thanked him, closed the door, Karen started the car, and started home.
“What’s with the ‘interview and audition’ bit, Dick?” Jon asked.
“I thought we might add a little color to our photo and video submissions. If she passes the interview and audition, we might set her up in Circleville in a fourth house, get her a job at one of the restaurants, and ‘pose and act’ weekends. And at the rate we’re growing, we might want to look for another Master. Sharons’ Jack ain’t worth a shit.” a muffled ‘that’s a fact’ came from Jons lap. “And I think we should look in the Black community for him. It we have a black girl fucking white men, we should have a black man fucking our white sluts. Maybe have Bill or Dan nominate some local talent, Dan from the police force, Bill and Dave from people they know in the area. What do you sluts think about it?”
“Karen and I have sucked and fucked black cock, that’s how we earned our blue hearts, and we all have sucked them at the glory holes. Unless Marie, Dina and Patsy object, I don’t see a problem.”
“I’d have no problem with it. Sir. They don’t taste any different than a white cock, and I’d like to fuck one at least once.”
“I’ve had my hands on a half dozen, but after I cut them off their owners, they were useless.” Patsy laughed.
“We’ll definitely have to bring it up this weekend.”
Karen got us home with no accidents, (and no pedestrian casualties), so we had her stop at her house. She and her mother got out, and Marie finished the trip home.
Arriving at home, Dick called Bill.
“Bill, it seems Eddie is bringing a toy this weekend. Head cheerleader likes the size of his cock, and has decided she has to learn how to deepthroat it. From what he and the sluts say, she’s been a bitch since she won a beauty title a few years ago, and he wants to topple her pedestal. Think you can make a set of stocks from some 4x4s putting the person punished about the level of a slut in position 3? Just think how much Cindy would love that. And how about a whipping post? A 7’ 4x4, with a 4’ cross bar at the top to chain miscreants to? Add a cross bar at the bottom to attach ankles?”
“Sounds like a fun addition, and you’re right, Cindy would love it. A toy, hmmm? Plan on keeping her for future weekends?”
“Not at this time. Depends on how the weekend goes. Also, have a possibility of adding a black slut to the group. She got a look at my cock earlier, and seems to want to play with it. I thought if we got her to join us for some white on black action, we should have some black cock for some black on white action. My group has no problem with it, I doubt yours will either. We have 4 Masters up here, we should have a 4th down there.”
“I’ll talk it over with Dan and Dave, see if we can agree on someone. That may help even out the slut/Master ratio a little as well.”
“Eddie has a game tomorrow night, and will be bringing the toy after that. The rest of us will be there about 5. Seeya then.”
“Seeya then.”
Sharon noticed Susans car, and expected to see her when she entered the house. She was there, riding Eddies cock for all she was worth.
“Evening Mistress, you weren’t home, but jackass let me in, then Master Eddie showed up, and he was kind enough to scratch my itch. I hope that’s not a problem.”
“No problem, what are your plans for tonight? Glory holes or the Lodge?”
“Since Master is filling me with swimmers, I thought I’d do glory holes tonight.”
“Karen still has homework to do, I don’t know Master Eddies plans. Maybe he can give me some swimmers before he goes home.”
“I’d be happy to, slut. You and Karen both.”
“Karen says you’re bringing a toy to the farm tomorrow. Master Dick has told Patsy to bring you 2 large vibrators when you pick her up, one for her ass, the other for her cunt. Do you have a blindfold? That would prevent her from seeing where the farm is, or how to get there.”
“I don’t have one, but I can pick one up on the way home.”
“Let me check my toybox, I think I have one.” Sharon checked her toybox, and brought one out to him.
“Hang it on your gear shift so you don’t forget it.”
“I’ll do that.”
Eddie finished Sue, she dressed and departed, and he turned his attention to Sharon. “On the couch, or in your bed?”
“The couch, the bed is too far away.”
Jen received her first load of cum from Dave, then went to the bathroom for her morning ablutions. She felt her cunt, and decided she could wait to shave, and went to the kitchen to help with breakfast. She took over for her mother, so she could take care of her own morning routine.
Dave took his seat at the table, Jen served him, then slid under the table for her second helping.
Teri placed her and her mothers plates on the table, then seated herself. Jen emerged from under the table, Jan returned from the bathroom, and they all dug in.
“Mom, you and Teri have plans for today?”
“Teri wants to finish up the darkroom, and try to develop the pictures she took of ‘Trixie’ yesterday. We hope to have them ready by the time you get home today to show them to her.”
“I’m not sure she’s going to be here today. Removing her mask knocked her for a loop yesterday.”
“Let her know if she doesn’t want to wear the mask, or even strip to enjoy the sun, that’s her choice, no one is going to force her. She can watch you exercise, and study with you when you finish.”
“I have first period with her, I’ll ask, but she may not want to talk til lunch. I’d really like to find out why she’s so scared of cocks.”
“Don’t push too hard, Dear. All you’ll do is push her away.”
“Teri, are you riding with me this morning?”
“I’ll catch a ride with your mother, Jen. We want to get the darkroom finished, and those pictures of ‘Trixie’ developed, if possible.”
“Then I’ll see you tonight. Bye”
Jen had no sooner pulled up at the Monroe house than Darla ran out, dropped her bookbag behind the seat, and got in the car.
“You’re in a hurry this morning. Hot date waiting for you at school?”
“You know better than that, slut, my heart belongs to daddy. Also my cunt, my ass and my tits. No, I just don’t want you to keep your fan club waiting.”
“They can wait all day, as far as I’m concerned. Only people in this school I care about are you and Amy.”
“Amy seems awfully shy for an 18 year old. I thought she was going to run home naked when dad showed up.”
“She certainly is a nervous Nelly around men. Who knows, maybe hanging out with us will loosen her up.”
“She had a lot on her mind when I took her home last night. I hope her meeting Master BIll and Master Dave didn’t upset her to the point she doesn’t want to come over. I’ll find out at lunch.”
They arrived at school, parked and locked the car, then entered the school. They separated to go to their homerooms, promising to meet at lunch.
Jen took her seat, and waited for class to start. Amy entered, nodded at Jen, and also took her seat.
“If you did your homework, you know we will be discussing the Constitution and the Bill of Rights this week. There will be a quiz on Friday.”
They spent the next 40 minutes in discussion, he assigned the next 2 chapters, reminded them about the upcoming quiz, and dismissed them.
Jen caught up with Amy to walk to Chem., and asked how she was doing.
“I’m doing ok. Still trying to figure out last night. How can I be 2 completely different people? Complete opposites? I had a really hard time getting to sleep last night.”
“This isn’t a good place to discuss this. Why don’t you come back over tonight, and we’ll see if we can figure it out. Mom and Teri will be there, along with Darla. No men. First sign of a cock, and I’ll take you home. Teri said she was going to try to develop the pictures she took. She may have them ready by the time we get there.”
“I’m not sure I want to see any more pictures of that side of me. It goes against everything I believe in.”
“Meet me and Darla at lunch, we can decide then.”
Amy nodded, and they entered the chem lab. Taking their seats, they waited for class to start.
The period went smoothly, then they went to their next classes.
At lunch, the 3 of them got together, and made plans for the evening.
“Amy, I really wish you’d come by tonight. We have that quiz in Government, and I could use a Study Buddy. I promise, if any men come by, I’ll take you straight home.”
“What happened after I left? Did Dave try to molest Amy?”
“What happens at the house, stays at the house, you know that. If Amy wants to tell you about it, it will be there.”
“You’re right. I didn’t mean to press. Sorry, Amy.”
“Don’t worry about it Darla. It’s something I have to work out. Do you mind taking the bus to Jens again?”
“Not at all. I expect her to have the weights ready for when I get there.”
“Anything else you would like, your Highness?” Jen responded.
“Yes, but you’re built wrong.” she giggled.
Amy laughed. “I’d love to come over. Meet you in the lot after school?”
They went to their afternoon classes, Jen and Amy meeting up again in geometry.
When the final bell rang, they separated to go to their lockers, then met in the parking lot.
“Getting naked again?”
“Of course.” True to her word, at the first stop sign, she wriggled out of her skirt, and removed her blouse. Checking traffic before turning, she noted Amy had stripped down to her bra and panties.
“What happened to Amy?”
“Amy is enjoying the sun and the breeze. Don’t bother her til we get to the backyard.”
“Yes Miss Nelson. Just relax and leave the driving to me, Miss Nelson.” replied, then laughed. “You’re certainly a different woman than you appeared yesterday.”
“I guess being around you has loosened me up. I feel a lot freer now.”
“That’s the best thing about me. I grow on people and you’d be a lot freer without that bra.”
“Not quite that free yet.”
The car pulled into the back yard, Amy removed her bra, dropped it on the seat, and picked up her bookbag. She took a seat at the picnic table. Jen dropped her bookbag on the table, then went inside for her and Darlas weights.
“Would you like something to drink? We have lemonade, tea, and plain water.”
“Tea would be fine.” Jen re-entered the house, got them each a glass of tea, and brought them back to the table.
“Still not brave enough to drop the panties?”
“Not quite yet, give me a day or 2.”
“I won’t be here most of the weekend. The family gets together at the farm, and after we welcome the Columbus crowd, we have a lottery to decide who’s sleeping where.”
“Where? Why wouldn’t you be sleeping here?”
“I’ll be sleeping with one of the Columbus Masters, at one of the other houses.”
Darla came around the corner, dropped her bookbag on the table and stripped. “Any more tea left?”
“Tea and lemonade both. Help yourself.” she went in, got a glass of lemonade, and returned.
“I was just telling Amy about the weekend. Amy, mom, uncle Bill, aunt M, Cindy and I are more than just blood related family. We belong to a much larger unrelated family. It includes Master Dave, Master Dan, and Joan here in town. In Columbus, there are Masters Jon, Dick, Eddie, and Harold. Also in the family are Sharon, her daughter Karen, Jons wife Marie, his daughter’s Dina and Patsy, Eddies girlfriend Ann and her mother Ivy. They come down Friday night, and stay til Sunday. While they are here, the Masters have sexual intercourse with any of the women they want, sometimes 2 or 3 of them will fuck one of us at the same time. And no, we aren’t forced. We do it because we love their big cocks. We have 3 houses with a total of 11 bedrooms, tho I think Teri has designs on a room at each place for photo shoots. We’re all comfortable being photographed and videoed nude, or having sex, and have no objection to appearing in stag magazines.”
“3 at a time? You have a cock in your cunt, your ass, and your mouth at the same time? With cocks the size of Daves? Doesn’t that hurt?”
“The first time or 2, but you get used to it. And learn to enjoy it. Lap time. Coming Amy?”
“Be right behind you.”
Jen and Darla geared up, and started walking, Amy followed them.
When they got to the outhouse, Amy asked, “Are your dads ashes really in there?”
“Yes, and it’s the best place for them. The asshole introduced me to sex when I was 13. He started by jacking off on my tits, taught me to jack him off, taught me to give him head, then fucked me 2-3 times a week. Mom tried to stop him, and he put her in the hospital. Somehow, Master Dick got him to confess what he did on camera, then hypnotised him into following my orders. When we got home, I had him get his pistol, put the barrel in his mouth with his finger on the trigger, then ‘I’ pulled the trigger. I left the video on the table in front of him, cleaned myself up, and changed into my jammies. I heard mom scream when she found him, so I joined her, and called the police. After they determined it was suicide, they said we could leave, I called Uncle Bill to see if he could put us up for a while. He invited us down, we stayed the night, and I found mom sucking his cock the next morning. Later we went to the farm, he took mom’s anal cherry, taught me that sex doesn’t have to hurt, then took my anal cherry. I’ve been his slave since.”
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