Copyright© 2024 by Hugh Reddy
Chapter 24
Time Travel Sex Story: Chapter 24 - They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. She brought out my feminine side.
Caution: This Time Travel Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft ft/ft Fa/ft Teenagers Coercion Mind Control Rape BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction DoOver Time Travel Incest Mother Father Daughter Cousins Niece InLaws MaleDom Humiliation Rough Group Sex Harem Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Sex Toys Body Modification Nudism
Jen crawled out from under the table, licking her lips to get the last drops of cum David had released.
“Mom, I need Proof of Insurance to get a parking pass at school, I should also take my title, in case there’s any questions about ownership.”
“It’s in the file cabinet in the office, dear. I’ll put it in an envelope and put it in your bookbag while you’re dressing.”
“Thanks mom. You’re a dear.”
Jen took a shower, did her morning routine, used her shaver to make sure her cunt was stubble free, and liberally applied lotion to ensure it’s smoothness.
She returned to the kitchen, she got a second cup of coffee, and straddled her chair.
“Any plans for the day mom, Teri?”
“I’m going to try to talk your mother into making a run to Columbus to pick up some costume materials and a good still camera.”
“Costume materials? Such as?”
‘“Going to a Uniform shop and getting some nurse and doctor outfits, guard and police paraphernalia, masks, maybe some other clothing items. There’s one on High Street just north of Campus that should have what I’m looking for. The still camera I figure I can get at a pawn shop for a decent price. Might even find some other props there.”
“Sounds like a good idea, should we ask M if she wants to go with us?” Jan injected.
“3 hot cunts hitting the big city wearing only travel blouses? How much cash should we take?”
“$1500, $2000? We can carry it in fanny packs. Should be at least 3 at the farm, and we have to go there for the cash anyway.”
“Give M a call, see if she has other plans. If not, we can pick her up on the way. We should leave by 9, so we can return before our Masters get home from work.”
“She’s the only one of us that has to get permission from a Master to make this trip, we should call her before he leaves the house to inspect any job sites he has in the works.” Jan picked up the phone, dialed the Monroe number, and M picked up on the third ring.
“M, Jan here. How do you feel about a girls day out to Columbus? Teri wants to pick up some costumes and props for her photo shoots. She also wants to look for a professional grade still camera. Knowing you would need permission from Master Bill, I called to see if you could go. We’re leaving at 9.”
“Let me ask Master Bill, and I’ll call you back.” They both hung up, and Jan told Teri that no matter what, they were going to make the trip. Considering they would be wearing their usual travel clothes, they merely needed to clean up in preparation of leaving. They went to separate bathrooms to perform their morning ablutions, and shave their cunts. They met back in the kitchen, refilled their cups and waited. Jen stuck her head in and said she was leaving for school, and would see them when she got home.
They were discussing the costumes and accessories they were going to look at, when M returned the call.
“Jan, M here. Master Bill has given me permission to go to Columbus with you, should I wear anything in particular?”
“Just wear a travel blouse. That’s all Teri and I are wearing.”
“That’s simple enough, what time should I be ready?”
“How about we pick you up at 9? We should miss a lot of work traffic that way.”
“I’ll be waiting for you,”
At 8:45, they got in the VW and headed for Bill and M’s place. When Jan pulled up, M came out of the house, her blouse over her shoulders, and unbuttoned. She got in the van, and Jan headed to the farm.
“Feeling free and frisky, slut?”
“I had just finished swallowing Master Bill’s cum when you pulled up, and didn’t want to hold up the trip, so I grabbed my blouse and here I am.”
“You look comfortable, flushed, but comfortable. What’s Master Bill up to today?”
“He said he was going to get power and water set up in your darkroom, then whitewash the walls.
At the farm, they went inside, M got 3 fanny packs while Jan pulled the backpack with the cash out and took it to the kitchen.
Pulling out $1500, she made 3 piles of $500, and distributed them evenly. “Put the cash in the fanny packs while I put the money away.”
Donning the fanny packs, they got back in the VW and headed north to Columbus.
When Jen and Darla arrived at school, Jen went to the office to get her parking permit. Showing the receptionist her drivers license, she pulled the envelope her title and proof of insurance was in out of her book bag, handed it to her, and waited.
“Everything seems to be in order. Let me make copies for our records and we’ll be finished.” She made the copies, handed Jen back her paperwork and added the requested permit to the pile. “This goes in the upper right hand side of your windshield. Make sure it’s there tomorrow.”
“Yes Ma’am.” Jen responded before leaving the office.
She met Darla in the hallway, and announced, “Well, that’s taken care of. See you for lunch?”
“Of course. We need to cover each other’s backs against the wolves and the girls in the various cliques.”
“They got those here too, huh? I’m not too worried about any of them. I’ve got you and the family, and no interest in social climbing.”
“That won’t stop them from trying to get you to join their clique.”
“Word about how I handled Mike last night should have already made the rounds. Shouldn’t take much to dissuade them from bothering me.”
“You did a job on him, fer shur.”
“Fer shur? You’re watching too much bad TV.”
“Maybe, but it is my only vice, ya know.” Darla said with a giggle.”
“We’ll talk about that later. Seeya later,” Jen said as she entered her first period classroom and took her seat.
“Hey Jen, how’s it going?” Amy asked as she plopped into the seat beside Jen.
“Had a good night, how about you?”
“Not too bad. Still not believing what I did at your place last night.”
“You went to the love of my life’s house last night? I was hoping to be the first guest to paradise.”
“Not likely Jen will be inviting you over, Barry. Her mother is very strict. I stopped at her place last night, at her invitation, to discuss Chemistry homework. And I don’t believe the man living with her mother would enjoy you coming by.”
“Amy, please leave my family life out of conversations here in school. What happens at my house, STAYS at my house.”
“Got it, Jen. Mums the word on home life.”
The bell rang, and the teacher took role, and the class spent the next 45 minutes discussing the first 2 chapters of the textbook. At the end of the class, he assigned 2 more chapters, and to answer the review questions at the end of each. The bell rang, the students exited the classroom, and Amy caught up with Jen so they could talk on the way to Chem.
“Sorry about bringing up your home life, Jen. I’ll try to watch what I say.”
“No problem, you did get it across that visitors aren’t welcome. That may slow down Barry and Alan’s advances. Speaking of visitors, coming by tonight to confer on homework?”
“How about I let you know when school is out.”
“If you let me know earlier, I can tell Darla to take the bus home, and you can ride with me.”
“Ride home in your little sports car? Are you going to be naked again?”
“Just as soon as I leave the parking lot.”
“Would you object if I was too?”
“Nope. In fact, I think it would be great if you did. Sit with me and Darla at lunch, we can discuss it then.”
“I’ll do that.”
Jan drove up 23 til they reached 5th Ave, turned west, drove a couple of blocks til they hit High St, then went north again. When they passed 12th Ave, Teri said to keep their eyes open for the costume shop. M spotted it on the east side of the street, and Jan circled around looking for a parking space.
After parking, they entered the store, and split up to find professional uniforms for both Masters and sluts. Teri picked up a couple sets of scrubs for both doctors and nurses, Jan picked up military, police, and guard shirts and pants, M picked up nun habits and priest costumes, schoolgirl and cheerleader outfits, maid outfits of various sizes, then topped it off with harem and slave costumes. On the back wall was a selection of masks. They chose a half dozen domino masks, a dozen half face masks that would cover the area from the nose to the hair line and a few full face masks. Adding some wigs, fake beards and moustaches of various styles and colors, they went to the counter. The clerk rang them up, and M paid the $285 Bill.
After loading the VW, they left in search of a pawn shop by heading south on High St. they made it to German Village before Teri spotted one on the east side of the street. Seeing a parking lot beside it, they pulled in, and M decided to stay with the already purchased items, and Jan and Teri entered. Jan wandered about, looking at items available for purchase, while Teri located the area where the cameras sat.
“Might I take a look at that Leica?”
The broker took the indicated camera off the shelf and set it on the counter.
Teri picked it up, studied it, and inquired, “Does it work?”
“As far as I know, it does. Interested?”
“I might be, do you have any other lens for it?”
“Fish-eye, telephoto, the guy had some filters as well.”
“How much for the lot?”
“$200 for the camera, $100 each for the lens. I’ll throw in the filters.”
“How about $150 for the camera, $50 for each lens?”
“I’ll take $150 for the camera, $125 for both lens”
“I can live with that. Bag them up while I look around.”
She found a section with some darkroom equipment, picked up a decent looking enlarger, 2 acid wash pans, a timer, and some film holders.
Adding those to the items waiting on the counter, she asked, “How much more for this lot?”
“$450 for the lot, camera, lens, and all.”
“Ring it up.”
Teri removed her fanny pack, counted out $450, and laid it on the counter.
Jan joined her, “looks like we’ve got a good start on your darkroom, and on shooting more than just nudes.”
“We still need to make one more stop. There’s a lingerie shop in Great Southern I want you and M to visit.”
“More sexy clothes?”
“Corsets, half cup bosoms. Garter belts and black and red mesh hose to match. One of you will be the Queen of Tarts, the other the Queen of Mean. Mistresses of pain.”
“Sounds interesting. Action, or still shots?”
“Both, slaves sucking and getting fucked by your strap-on, getting whipped. Whatever we can come up with. Lots of options.”
They loaded the new stuff, got back on 23 south, and went to Great Southern. Finding a parking spot close to their destination, they took it. Teri opted to stay in the car as M and Jan went inside. It didn’t take them long to find what they wanted, and were back with their purchases in less than a half hour. Jan took the wheel and headed for Circleville, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
They stopped at M’s house to unload the darkroom equipment, and some of the clothing so it could be washed and readied for yet to be determined photo shoots and movies. Jan and Teri took the rest home, and unloaded, taking the wigs, fake beards and moustaches up to the spare room, and put in Cindys empty dresser. The clothing was taken to the basement, separated and a load put in the washer.
“I’m going to take the fanny packs and leftover cash back to the farm. Get started on dinner, I’ll be back in about 20 minutes.”
“K, anything special I should fix, or do you trust me to come up with a meal plan?”
“I trust you.” and she went out the door
Darla and Jan met at a small table, and were soon joined by Amy. “Have you reconsidered riding home with me tonight?”
“I’d like to, but I’d hate for Darla to have to ride the bus just so we could study together.”
“Don’t worry about it, Amy. Jen and I don’t have similar classes, me getting a ride home with her isn’t going to help either of us. If you’re going to study, take the ride.”
“Then I’ll meet you in the parking lot after school.”
“Heads up Jan. Here comes AJ.”
“Jen, that wasn’t nice of you sucker punching me in the parking lot yesterday. If you wusn’t a girl, I’d kick your ass.”
“AJ you swung at me and missed, I swung at you and hit. The only sucker punching was you. If you’re going to swing at someone, keep your guard up.”
“I wasn’t swinging at you, I was, uh, swatting at a fly.”
“Bullshit, AJ. I pissed you off, you swung at me, and I made short work of you. I hope you’re a better football player than you are a boxer.”
“Keep pissing me off, and I’ll show you how good a boxer I am, bitch.”
“Darla, when I was about 12, 13 years old, boys started noticing I wasn’t like them. They started noticing these,” she said, cupping her tits, “and I asked him, “Daddy, how do I get boys to stop bothering me?”, and he told me, “Jenny, if a boy won’t stop won’t stop bothering you, kick him in the leg.” “But which leg, daddy? The right, or the left?” “The middle one, darling, kick him in the middle leg.” what do you think of that advice, Darla.”
“I think your dad was a smart man. Every girl should get advice like that.”
“AJ, are you going to keep bothering me?”
“You ain’t worth the trouble, bitch.” Mike groused as he stalked off.
“I don’t think you’ll be having trouble with Mike anytime soon.”
“Maybe he’ll set an example for other AJs. I can only hope.”
“Should we check the gym, see if there’s an area where we can do calisthenics during lunch? You’re lucky, you have a backyard large enough to get some serious walking done. I either have to come to your place, or find a ride to the farm to stretch my legs.”
“The farm? What farm?” Amy asked.
“It’s not really a farm, some friends from Columbus bought a place with a 30 acre back yard, and we’ve spent the summer using it to do workouts.”
“That kind of acreage would definitely give your legs a workout. How come they let you use it?”
“Remember my sister Cindy? They let her live there rent free to keep an eye on the place during the week. And they hired dad to build a gym just off the deck so they can work out year round. We go over there lots. They have pull up bars, weight machines, barbells, a punching bag, even a shower so you can rinse off the sweat before entering the house. And it’s as isolated as my backyard, which is convenient, because they are nudists. We spend a lot of weekends there.”
“Wow. I didn’t realize nudism was so widespread.”
“Remember how free you felt yesterday, how good it felt to have the sun warming your bare skin?”
“Yeah, that was nice.”
“Now think about how it would feel to have the sun warming your whole body, all day long.”
Amy leaned back, closed her eyes, and sighed. “That sounds like heaven.”
“Speaking from personal experience, it is.”
“Yeah, I can’t wait to get home and strip. How about I take your bus home, and I can get some laps in while you and Amy start studying. You can give me a ride home later, or I can have mom or dad pick me up.”
“That could work. I’ll see you at home, and Amy in class.”
They separated and made their way to their next classes.
Jen and Amy met up again in Geometry, did some classwork, received homework assignments, and left for the parking lot when class ended. Jen put down the top, they got in the car, and pulled out of the parking lot.
At the first stop sign, Jen removed her blouse and wriggled out of her skirt. “Girl, you are shameless. What will you do if a cop stops us?”
“Ask him if he likes the view.” Amy laughed.
Reaching the house, Jen pulled around back and parked. After retrieving the book bags from the boot, she went inside, returning with the suntan lotion.
“I’ll be back in a minute,” Jen said, and disappeared inside again. When she returned, she was carrying ankle and wrist weights, and two iron bars.
“What are those for?”
“When Darla gets here, she’ll want to do a couple of laps. I thought I’d join her.”
“You need all that to walk laps?”
“To build up muscles and stamina, we carry extra weight. 5lbs on each ankle, 5lbs on each wrist. The bar we carry weighs 20 lbs.”
You carry an extra 40lbs? I could never do it.”
“We started out with just walking, then added the ankle weights. When we got used to that, we added the wrist weights. Eventually, we added the bar. Some of the girls wear backpacks with dead weights in them. Keeps us lean and sexy.”
“It certainly does that.”
Darla came around the corner of the house, stripped, and started putting on weights.
“Walking with us, Amy?” Jen inquired.
“Do I have to put on all those weights?”
“No,” Jen assured her. “You’re not in good enough shape for weights. Maybe in a week or 2 if you come by daily.”
Amy removed her dress and bra, but kept her panties on, and followed Jen and Darla as they started walking.
“Not completely comfortable, Amy? Don’t worry about it, no one is going to make you do anything you don’t want to. And that includes any of the men in the family.”
As they reached the back of the lot, Amy asked Jen about the new looking out house.
“That was a house warming gift from Master Dick. My father was a major asshole, and mistreated both me and my mother. When he died, he had this built as a sorta memorial to him.”
“It’s a strange memorial.”
“Like I said, dad was an asshole, when he died, mom and Aunt Emma had him cremated. The day we moved in, Master Dick brought us and the urn back here, and had mom pour them in. Now, every time we use the outhouse, we’re pissing on his grave.”
“Wow, you must have really hated him.”
“More than you can imagine, Amy, more than you can imagine. I’ll tell you about it sometime.”
They finished the lap, and Jen and Darla started a second. Amy begged off, claiming she wasn’t up to it. She settled at the table and opened her US Government book. Glancing at the walking nudes every so often, she had almost finished the 3rd chapter when she heard the door open behind her. Looking, she saw a tall middle aged man, naked as the day he was born.
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