Martial Grandmaster in Naruto World - Cover

Martial Grandmaster in Naruto World

Copyright© 2024 by Reader Became Writer

Chapter 45: A Good Day

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 45: A Good Day - The title is self-explanatory. To clarify, I'm not a Naruto expert. I'll try to minimize the plot holes, but if I can't, I apologize. Precisely because I'm not an expert on naruto, this fanfic will be more about the protagonist's point of view. The focus will be on the romance for most part. I do not own the Naruto characters, only the original characters.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Fan Fiction   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

Sorry for the delay in updates, I’m feeling a bit under the weather. It doesn’t help that the weather in the city where I live is very hot. I still don’t have air conditioning at home, so I have to endure this heat. Blame the guy who didn’t come to install the air conditioner I bought. I’ll see if things improve for me in the next few days, and then I can go back to writing daily. Maybe I’ll try to write some extra chapters to make up for it.

After having lunch together, the two returned home to find Shizune awake. As soon as she saw the two together, she jumped in joy and hugged them both, happy.

“Yujin! I thought I wouldn’t see you anymore.”

It’s been a few days since she saw Yujin, and it was hard for the girl. Tsunade explained that there would be days like this, where they wouldn’t see each other, but the girl still felt sad.

As intelligent as she was, she commented to Tsunade on how she should make amends with Yujin. Although Tsunade tried her best to explain that they hadn’t fought, the girl didn’t believe it.

Seeing the two together, however, she was satisfied, blindly believing that they had made amends.

Yujin smiled to see how happy she was and felt a little guilty for staying away. He had a reason, but that reason didn’t prevent him from visiting the girl.

“Of course not. We’re friends, how could I abandon you?”

Shizune gave a broad smile and then commented as she blinked her beautiful eyes.

“I would prefer if you were my dad.”

Yujin smiled at hearing this, ignoring the strange reaction Tsunade had, and gently stroked her head.

“I would also like to have a beautiful and intelligent girl like you as my daughter. Let’s see, in the future, how it will be.”

Shizune gave a broad smile, and Yujin smiled too. He knew how intelligent the girl was, so he understood why she said that. He understood her mindset. She didn’t want to be separated from Yujin, and the few days they spent apart made her afraid that this would happen in the future. Therefore, the girl was trying to play the role of matchmaker, which was amusing.

“Why in the future? Why can’t you be my dad now?”

Yujin almost rolled his eyes. He could see the cunning sparkle in the girl’s eyes, so he patiently explained.

“I also want to be your dad, but we can’t force these things. Don’t worry. In the future, I will work hard so that you become my daughter, I promise.”

Shizune briefly looked between Tsunade, who was red as a tomato, and Yujin, who was smiling gracefully. Finally, she accepted and nodded.

As Shizune was hungry, the three of them left the house. They decided to take Shizune out to eat something and then stroll through the village.

After Shizune filled her little tummy with food, they simply walked around. The people knew and respected Tsunade, so many greeted her, making the walk lively. Many children, mostly girls, looked at Tsunade with admiration and shouted her name from afar.

The attention the villagers gave to Tsunade impressed both Yujin and Shizune again.

They strolled, took Shizune to play in the park, bought her some accessories, among other things.

They didn’t do much more than that, but they were satisfied. Yujin could feel that, although Tsunade was more confident after what he said, she was still quite worried, and therefore needed to relax.

As it was getting dark, the three had another meal together and returned home.

Shizune went to bed, and Tsunade brought sake for them to drink. Yujin watched all this with a smile on his face, thinking about how good it would be if this life with the two of them were permanent.

“You have a silly smile on your face.”

Tsunade commented when she saw him smiling without saying anything. She could feel how happy he was, and that feeling infected her, a smile on her face too.

“I’m happy, plain and simple.”

Yujin poured some sake and began to drink quietly, thinking about the day he spent with Tsunade and Shizune.

“We can’t drink too much today. In a few hours, it will be the ritual.”

Seeing him drinking in silence, she commented and also poured some for herself to drink. Even though she was happy and satisfied with how the day went, Mito’s situation wouldn’t leave her mind. Seeing her worried again, Yujin sighed and thought about how difficult this situation was for her to deal with.

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