Experimental - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by Its a skirt, not a kilt

His sister.

Young Adult Sex Story: His sister. - An experimental story to see how storiesonline’s ‘interactive’ function works. The story starts off with the main character being a young teen boy, then after that, it’s up to the reader. Well, that’s the theory.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Ma/mt   mt   Teenagers   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   CrossDressing   Sister   Spanking   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting  

Merry felt his body lose about fifteen degrees of body heat instantly as he watched his sister’s door open, and the very owner of the dress he was currently wearing, walked in.

His sister stopped dead. Shocked.

“What the actual fuck! Merry? Is that my dress?”

What the hell was he supposed to say to that? Her facial expression could go any direction. from amusement to rage.

“You kinky little fucker. How long have you been wearing my shit?”

“First time! honest!”

“On that, I have my doubts. Looks good on you though. Which is a little disturbing, I have to admit. I didn’t have you down for batting for the same side.”

“I don’t! I like girls...”

“Hmm. You certainly like something...” She pointedly looked down at his groin.

Merry looked down and embarrassedly moved his hands in front of his groin.

“Dress doesn’t leave much to the imagination, does it?” She said with a smirk. “So, you don’t like men then?”

“Not like that. Look, sis, I was bored and just wanted to know what it was like. I’m sorry okay? Please don’t tell mum. Or dad. Or anyone for that matter...”

She walked round him, studying him.

“I take it those pants are mine?”

He nodded, no point in lying.

“You can keep them now, wearing underwear you had on feels wrong. No more wearing my underwear. Okay Merry?”

He nodded

“You can wank yourself off with them. You do wank don’t you?”

Merry said nothing, though he was pretty sure his face said everything.

“What am I even asking? That’s like asking ’Do bears shit in the woods’. Have you not got a girlfriend?”

Merry shook his head.

“Get one. Then you can wear her clothes. It will be more fun for you.” She laughed as she finished her circuit, coming to a stop behind him and looking over his shoulder at their reflection.

“Just as well it was me that came in. Dad would kill you. Mom would just be disappointed and Jared...” She laughed. “Jared gets really turned on by this dress and would probably call you a faggot two seconds before he dropped his trousers and stuck his cock up your arse. Which will hurt like fuck if he goes in dry. And yes, that is the voice of experience.”

Her voice had dropped to a sultry purr and the image of Jared fucking his sister wasn’t helping matters much down below.

“That bulge seems to be getting bigger. Who are you thinking of, me or Jared?”

Merry had a horrible suspicion that neither answer to that question was going to go down too well with his sister.

“Too slow. You had to think, so maybe you do like boys. Maybe you wish it were Jared behind you, not me, hmm? His hands slipping around your front, pushing his body into your back...” She demonstrated using her own body. “Hands roaming over your stomach, cupping a breast.” She cupped his right breast with her right hand, causing him to let out a little squeal.

“You sound just like a virgin. You’re not a virgin are you Merry...” She let her left hand slide over the hump under her dress at his groin. Merry shivered at her touch.

“Don’t do that...”

“What? This?” She slid her palm over his bulge again, eliciting another shiver. She continued to whisper in his ear. “It looks like we are more alike than I thought. Maybe you should have been my sister. We could have stayed up to the early mornings talking about boys, practicing our make-up skills on each other.

“Double dating, and talking about them for hours afterwards. And the shopping! Oh the shopping trips! The trying on of dresses and the perusing of lingerie...” She felt his cock twitch. “Oh? You like lingerie shopping do you? Walking down all those aisles, surrounded by bra’s, slips and panties...”

Merry was fully hard and it was obvious. Very obvious. Not that his sister needed to see, she could feel him easy enough.

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