Mistress of Dreams - Part 1 - Cover

Mistress of Dreams - Part 1

Copyright© 2024 by Lustysnake

Chapter 1: Before she became the Mistress

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1: Before she became the Mistress - Initially a victim, she is now a mistress. She doesn't know who she is and why she is able to control dreams, but that's not important, she is in a world of sensuality and sex. She is the Mistress of Dreams.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Interracial   Bestiality   Violence   Illustrated  

The Endless Nightmare

Fear and despair grab me: The nightmare is starting again!

It seems like this has been going on for years. I alternate between periods of unconsciousness and periods where the same nightmare starts over and over again.

Is this hell? Or purgatory? Whatever it is, it’s particularly horrific.

As always, I’m running in a huge maze of stone walls. Except for sneakers, I’m completely naked. A pack of monstrous wolves is chasing me and the glimpses I catch of them they are getting closer. I’m scared and I don’t know why, but I feel betrayed at the same time.


I arrive at a dead-end in the labyrinth and stop for a moment. There is the horribly mutilated body of a woman. She has marks of knives everywhere on her body and her throat is sliced. There is a huge pool of blood on the ground. I’m pretty sure she’s dead. I can’t stay here; the pack will catch me if I don’t start running again!

I am still in the labyrinth, but I arrive in a clearing, with only grass and sparse trees. I pass a few meters from a group of creatures raping a young woman. Before they see me, I change direction and head into another passage of the maze.

I see a big metal door and suddenly, I’m hoping to get out of this hellish place. I run that way, but a few moments later, I turn my head and see the beasts catching up with me. I lose my footing and find myself lying on my stomach on a cut felled tree trunk.

The wolves are on me. A brown wolf grips my left wrist in his jaws, snarling and daring me to try and move it. Another grips my right forearm in his paws starting to draw bloody lines in my flesh. The gigantic grey wolf slams his paws on either side of my face when I feel the cock of the filthy creature spear violently into my sex and immediately it starts fucking me. Even though I’m not aroused, it seems that my passage was already lubricated for him. He fucks me for a few minutes, then he cums inside me and I feel the evil liquid spreading in me. Immediately, the wolf breaks away from me and another takes its place.

This time, without being able to resist it, my body reacts. Each movement of the beast’s sex in me increases the feeling of pleasure that rises in me. I can’t do anything to stop this bestial rape and despite the rage I feel, I orgasm moments before the second wolf finishes. One after the other, the wolves rape me and I cum two more times under the onslaught of the beasts.

When the last creature penetrates me, I realize it’s the big grey one who raped me first. The other wolves leave, but even without them I’m not able to move. I’m just too weak and the last wolf seems to be taking his time fucking me. I hear him growl, as if he’s talking to me. If wolves could laugh, I would swear he was laughing at me.


When he finishes, he walks towards my head and opens his huge mouth to rip open my throat.

Normally, this is when the nightmare ends and I greet the emptiness with gratitude before the hell continues and the nightmare restarts. But this time, that’s not the case.

I feel the teeth digging into my skin and I am almost hoping for the final end when suddenly, the wolf is violently thrown to the ground. I get to my feet and see that the beast’s head is at an impossible angle and it is no longer moving. Some intuition tells me that the wolf is dead.

I turn my gaze to the dead tree and that’s when I see the fairies. At least what looks like fairies for me.

There are three of them. All are almost identical with long ears a bit like elves in stories. They have pale green eyes and fluorescent green hair. But even stranger, they have translucent green wings behind their backs. They wear clothes that seem made of green leaves, with the exception of their short pants which are white and nearly see-through. One of them is carrying a large stick that she used to hit the beast before it killed me.

The one with the staff says, “Come with us! You don’t realize it, but you have the power to destroy those monsters! Come with us and you can save yourself and us with it!” I’m naked, helpless and I’ve just been raped by a pack of wolves and she tells me I have powers that can destroy them. What a joke! But what do I have to lose by following them? So, I go with the fairies with the hope that they are right.

The Fairy Queen

I’m coming out of a new period of unconsciousness. At first, I fear that it will be the nightmare of the wolves again, but I am still with the fairies who lead me into a large forest to their home. It’s very beautiful and luminous. The fairy that had hit the wolf leaves and the other two fairies clean me with flower petals that caress my skin. Their touch is soft and soothing. It helps me forget the nightmare of the wolves a little bit.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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