Uncle Frank, Bronwyn, Sex, and Me - Cover

Uncle Frank, Bronwyn, Sex, and Me

Copyright© 2024 by Fatbastard

Chapter 3: So talk! But not with your mouth full!

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 3: So talk! But not with your mouth full! - 'Coming of Age' in 1960s NZ. My father's younger brother advised and mentored me through adolescence and young manhood. This is the story of my emotional exploration and sexual adventures with my second date and first girlfriend. With Frank's help and a measure of dumb luck I managed the transition between fumbling ignorance and juicy connection, and learned lessons that I still find valuable nearly sixty years later.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   True Story   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Safe Sex  

Tuesdays and Thursdays was cricket practice. Brian played tennis and practiced on Wednesday. I could easily understand why I couldn’t see Bronwyn on Tuesday or Thursday, but at first, I couldn’t see why I couldn’t go round on Wednesday while Brian lived out his Rod Laver fantasies. He patiently explained.

“Having one of Bronwyn’s girlfriends visit while the parental units are out isn’t too much of a problem. Having a boy visit while they are at work could be a bit of a problem, and having a boy visit while I am out as well as Mum ‘n Dad is definitely a problem.”

“Oh. I see. Okay – what about Friday?”

“I’ll get back to you.” The week dragged until lunchtime Thursday, when he did.

“Tomorrow! Straight after school.” I coped with my growing excitement pretty well until Friday afternoon. By then my fantasies about what I might do with Bronwyn were so pervasive that I found simultaneous equations less than riveting. That drew a mild rebuke from the teacher, and I daydreamed all the way through a lesson on the geography of the ‘Fertile Crescent’. Eventually, the 3.30 bell rang, and I joined the stream of testosterone poisoned youth pouring down the drive under the watchful eye of a couple of School Prefects, checking to see that everybody had their socks pulled up, and their school caps on. I headed for the Reed’s place.

Robyn was there in the kitchen with Bronwyn again, prepping the evening meal. Bronwyn and I shared a very friendly hug and a bit of a smooch.

“What’s to be done?” Robyn looked slightly quizzical, but Bronwyn gave me a job cutting cauliflower into florets and grating some cheese.”

“Can you make a cheese sauce?”

“Yup.” Robyn was frankly and openly surprised.

“Can you really?”

“Yup.” Bronwyn took advantage of an opening.

“And he thinks Brian should learn to cook and clean and share the load too!” Robyn approved.

“You’d get on well with my Aunt Emmy.”

“She’s probably a bit old for me!” Bronwyn snorted, but I went on. “I got most of my opinions about that stuff from my Uncle Frank. He’s hot on it.” Robyn giggled.

“Maybe we should introduce them!” Bronwyn was less impressed.

“Maybe we should finish the prep.”

We got down to work, and when Brian came in a few minutes later, he smooched briefly with Robyn and then took her off to his room,

I put together a white sauce, ready for the cheese later, and Bronwyn took my hand and led me to her bedroom. I remembered how last time she had pashed me up as soon as the door was closed, and this time I wanted to slow things down a bit. I held her by the shoulders a little away from me.

“You really want to talk, don’t you?”

“I figure we have about an hour, so we have time to talk. Has Brian set his alarm clock?” Bronwyn went to check, and when she returned, we removed our shoes and snuggled together in the hollow of her mattress. We had a ‘hello’ kiss, which was hot enough to get me hard. Bronwyn felt me against her pubes, but instead of humping me like last time we were together in her bed, she pulled away a little.

“So talk!” Despite a week of mental rehearsal, I was a bit nonplussed, but I went for it anyway.

“I want to take your top off and suck your nipples.” Bronwyn pulled away further. She was half smiling, but there was an edge to her voice as she eyeballed me.

“This is your idea of subtle seduction?” I didn’t know what to say. I was very aware of her body and my arousal, and super conscious that I had spent the last few days anticipating what might happen in the light of her promise to ‘do me’ next time, but I also had a strong sense that there was something else going on with her. I wondered what Uncle Frank would say and since I had no idea, I decided to wing it until Bronwyn gave me something more to go on.

“I don’t want to seduce you or anyone. You’re either ready to explore some sex stuff with me or you’re not.” We kept eyeballing each other, so I took a big breath and went on. “If you are, I’d like to suck your nipples, but if you don’t want that, I’m not going to pressure you or try to persuade you.”

“What if I’m not sure what I want?” I waited, since I had no idea what to say next. “What if sometimes I want to do stuff and sometimes I don’t?” I kept waiting, since I still didn’t know. “What if I want to do other stuff?” I was relieved to have a question I could answer.

“We could talk about the other stuff you want or might want.” Bronwyn took a big breath.

“Do you want to be my boyfriend?”

Once again, I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. Bad move! Bronwyn’s smile had completely disappeared, and she seemed on the edge of tears. Now it was her turn to wait, and the silence between us very quickly became very uncomfortable.

“Um...” Bronwyn cut across me. I was certainly giving her room.

“Or do you only want to get into my cunt?” Her tone was as nasty as she clearly found the word. Now it was me that pulled away. I sat on the edge of the bed, feeling unfairly treated and wondering what to say. On some level I was ‘channelling’ Uncle Frank, though I wouldn’t use that word or consider that idea for another forty years.

“That’s really unfair. I’ve been quite clear about what I want when we are both ready, and also really clear that I’m not up for any of that unless we both want it. That’s why I’m so keen on talking.” Bronwyn remained unimpressed, but I wasn’t finished.

“You drop the boyfriend thing on me, and I’ve never had a girlfriend and I don’t know what that might mean, and when I can’t give you an answer straight away, you get shitty!” Bronwyn had the grace to look slightly ashamed of herself.

“I thought the boyfriend thing might help with the other stuff.” She looked a bit sad, and I moved a little closer towards her.

“What other stuff?” Bronwyn hesitated and I waited. She took another big breath and eventually went on.

“Sometimes I want to do stuff and sometimes I don’t.” I didn’t get it but I ‘Hmmed’ anyway. “Sometimes I’m so randy I’m afraid I’ll go all the way with someone first time I get a chance.” I got that.

“I’m not ready to go all the way and I won’t! Not that I don’t want to!” Without any conscious intention, I had moved even closer, and I reached out to put my hand on Bronwyn’s cheek. She stiffened for a second, then relaxed and came towards me. We cuddled, sitting side by side on the edge of her bed.

“So how does being boyfriend and girlfriend help to deal with wanting or not wanting to explore sexy stuff and how far to go?”

“I must be a real tart!” I didn’t understand.

“Why do you say that?” There was a long silence as we sat with my arm around her, and I wondered whether I could persuade her to lie down and continue the conversation. As the silence stretched out, I gathered my courage.

“If we were boyfriend and girlfriend, would you still be a tart?” Bronwyn shrugged, but didn’t reply, so I cuddled her closer and lowered my voice. “What do tarts want to do?” Bingo! Bronwyn blushed scarlet and pulled away.

“Tarts want to fuck lots of boys!” I made a guess – as it turned out, a good one.

So you want to fuck lots of boys and you think that makes you a tart? She nodded. I was on a roll. “And you think if you had a boyfriend you wouldn’t want to fuck lots of boys?”

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