Ship's Interface - Cover

Ship's Interface

Copyright© 2024 by Togobam

Chapter 2

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Two marooned spacers find an ancient derelict ship that just wants to be loved.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   Futanari   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Facial   Oral Sex   Size  

They begin the salvage, but there’s danger lurking.

June slowly rose from a slumber full of dreams of warm bodies and passionate sex. Not quite blinking the sleep from her eyes, she felt the warm body she was pressed against, her arm draped over the still form, soft and curvy, with a faint scent of cinnamon. Her mind was still hazy from sleep; she realized that the body did not belong to Will.

June’s brain snapped to the present, and it came back to her that she had been in bed with Interface and Will all night instead of hiking back to the ‘Saturn’s Heart’. She smiled at the thought of the lovely robot girl and their previous night’s lovemaking. As June’s face flushed at the memory, Interface whispered, “Good Morning, Honey. Did you sleep well?”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” June apologized and gave Interface a peck on the cheek.

“It’s alright, I don’t sleep. I was enjoying cuddling you two so much, I couldn’t tear myself away.” Interface said with a big smile. “This is how the crew used to sleep every night, in a big cuddle pile. The orgies were fantastic, practically a nightly occurrence, then afterward everyone would fall asleep cuddling, basking in the afterglow. It was glorious.”

A small, wistful smile stole across her face. “I miss the cuddling, and small tender moments as much as the mind-blowing sex,” she said, lightly stroking June’s bare shoulder.

June smiled. “You must have loved them a lot.”

“I did,” Interface replied. “We loved each other deeply. That’s the real secret to the Bond between the crew, the Interface, and the ship. We were bonded by Love, and everything flowed from there.”

“Including the energy you need for your crystalline matrix?” June asked, curious to learn more about the silver girl beside her.

“Well, yes. Including that too. It’s more than just a battery charge, though; it’s Life Force that energizes me, just as it does you and Sleeping Beauty here.” Interface said, gesturing over her shoulder to Will, also draping an arm across the silver girl, who was beginning to stir. “Good morning, ladies,” he mumbled as he moved his arm so that his hand slid down over Interface’s hips and lazily rubbed one pewter ass cheek.

Interface twisted around to give Will a quick sideways kiss, then turned back to June and continued her explanation. “Organic beings, for the most part, generate their own Life Force. But the only time I generate any is when I give it away.” She paused to give June a quick kiss on the neck.

“There are some people who live small lives, isolated from everyone around them, and never give so much as a drop. Those people have no idea what they are missing.” Interface’s fingers traced lines down June’s side and back up, finding her breast and tracing light patterns around her areola and nipple.

“Small things like a comforting touch and a kiss on the cheek can be carriers for Life Force.” She said as her hand moved north to stroke June’s cheek, “It just happens to be that great sex is a much larger conduit.” She said with a smirk and a twinkle in her eye. “But it pales in comparison to when a crew and Interface have been bonded. The connection is so full and deep, we are less a group of individuals, but more like parts of an intimate whole.”

June thought about Interface’s explanation, then coyly asked, “So did we help you out last night? Did we start to fill you up?”

“Oh Honey, you have no idea.” Interface’s expression lit up. “It was like a glass of water for someone dying of thirst, and it was beautiful. But I would need to fuck you two non-stop for years to fully charge these batteries.” Interface had a look of longing on her face.

“So, you really do need a couple of hundred people to satisfy your ‘energy’ needs?” Will asked, finally cognizant.

Interface giggled a little and said, “It’s less about the quantity of connections but more about the quality, but yes, I’m insatiable.” Smirking, she paused momentarily, thinking of a way to explain. “It’s like the difference between a drinking straw and a fire hose; the bandwidth is that much wider with a bonded connection.” then she added, “Even if the sex is hot as fuck.” she said, leaning over to give June a passionate kiss, her silver tits pressing up against June’s perky pair.

Will pressed close to the kissing pair, lightly kissing the back of Interface’s neck while his stiffening cock found a home nestled in between her ass cheeks. “You’ll find no argument here, the sex is hot.” he said while nibbling her ear, “But being awake and as active as you are right now, can you sustain it? The last thing we want is to see you get hurt on account of us.” Concern for her wellbeing was clear from the tone of his voice.

“That’s sweet of you, but you don’t need to worry. I’ve grown fond of the two of you and that will be enough to sustain me as I am now,” she said as the wake-up cuddle began to get more energetic; Interface simultaneously kissed June’s neck and played with her nipples while grinding her hips back against the cock resting in the cleft of her ass.

“But is it enough to just survive? You should have the chance to thrive and reach your full potential. How much do you have left? Fifteen percent of your full capacity? Ten percent?” June’s worry wouldn’t let her leave the subject be, just like she could not leave the two silvery breasts in front of her alone.

“If you must know,” she said, with a mouth full of nipple as her hand snaked down to June’s moist snatch, “I’m hovering right around one point six three percent of maximum. But, oh Honey, you are keeping that steady in the most delightful manner possible.”

Both Will and June’s writhing stopped cold, and they sat up, serious looks on their faces. Will spoke first. “And if we hadn’t come along, how much longer would you have lasted?”

Interface sat up, too, with a resigned look on her face. “By my estimates, maybe another thirty years, give or take.” Her expression and tone became sober. “Then my spark would dim and go out. My memories would remain encoded in the crystalline matrix, able to be retrieved by another of my kind, but I would be gone.”

The horror of that possibility expressed in their faces spoke volumes. Then, after a moment, Will’s face hardened into a look of fierce determination. “That’s unacceptable. I won’t allow it.” Glancing at June, he saw agreement in her eyes. “We won’t allow it. We’ll find a way. I don’t know how, but I swear to you that we will never let that happen to you. I’ve never met a person quite like you; you are too special and unique to let slip away.”

Interface was taken aback by the complete conviction in his voice and their concern for her. Her heart glowed at their declaration, and tears pooled in the corners of her eyes. “You’ve only just met me, and here you are, ready to defend my very existence. I don’t know what gods to thank for sending you two, but I am dearly grateful you are here.”

She grabbed June and Will and embraced them both, holding them tight, unwilling to let them go. They returned the embrace, and the three clung tight to one another.

A thought tickled the back of June’s mind, then raced to the fore. “If our ‘fun’ is enough to keep your decline in check, what if we could give you more? What if you weren’t drinking from a straw but a firehose instead?” June said, using the exact words Interface just had a few moments ago.

Seeing exactly where June’s thoughts were going, Interface spoke up. “Honey, in our short time together, I have become very fond of the two of you, but what you’re thinking about is too big an ask.” Will’s confused expression prompted Interface to elaborate. “Yes, being bonded to me would allow our connection to grow to the point where we could feed each other much more energy, but there is a price. Once done, it can not be undone. You would become as physically dependent on me, as I would be on you. If you were away from me and this ship for too long, you would grow weak, and eventually, die. It is not a thing to take on lightly and I wouldn’t want to drag you down with me.”

Interface looked into their eyes and saw care and loving. She had been resigned to her fate for so long that just the chance of escaping this planet was more than enough reason for joy. But she couldn’t allow herself the cruel hope of rebuilding her family. It was a grasp that she knew was too far for her reach.

“You’re right; we’ll find a way.” Putting her cheerful disposition back on her face as a mask, this time to hide behind. “Between the three of us, we’ll come up with something,” Interface said, kissing both of them in turn.

June could see the trepidation in Interface’s manner and let the idea go for the moment. She did not wish to push someone who had suffered so much for so long into something she didn’t seem to want. “You’re not the only lucky one. Of all the places we could have crashed, it ended up being here with you.” She said as she leaned over to kiss Interface, their breasts pressed together, nipples rubbing.

Their lips parted, and tongues reached out to caress one another. June reached around and held Interface close with a hand on the small of her back while the other went down to Interface’s hardening cock, stroking it to full mast.

Will once again pressed himself against Interface’s back and kissed up and down her neck, pausing to nibble the lobe of her ear. He reached around with his big arms and pushed his hands in between the pressed pair of tits and grabbed one of each, a soft pink nipple in one hand and a pewter nipple in the other, gently stimulating them with light pinching and twisting. He got the appreciative moans from both that he was looking for and smiled.

Interface, delighted to be the meat in this sex sandwich, reached down and forward, pushing her fingers into June’s folds, stroking circles around and over her clit, and was rewarded with loud moans. Her entrance slick, Interface first slid her pinky and ring fingers into June’s wet, hungry pussy, then replaced them with her index and ring fingers, getting them equally wet. As she slowly worked her fingers in and out of June, she extended her ring finger so that it pressed on the outside of her anus each time she stroked in.

Once Interface’s fingers were well lubricated with June’s arousal, she gently but firmly pressed her ring finger into June’s asshole. She was immediately rewarded with a cry of “Oh My!” from June and continued for a short while pumping three fingers in and out of her pussy and ass. As June relaxed, Interface added her pinky to the troupe of invading digits, and June lit up and shook with a powerful orgasm, catching her unexpectedly.

Interface continued to stroke, prolonging June’s orgasm with one hand. With her other hand, she reached back and cupped Will’s balls as he ground his steel hard shaft in between the soft silvery globes of Interface’s peach-shaped ass. Unable to withstand the stimulation any longer, Will reached down and guided his dick to Interface’s waiting pussy, and slammed it to the hilt in one go. “Yes, Lover! Drive it into me! Ride me hard!” Interface encouraged.

Will wasted no time and grabbed her by the hips and began hammering her pussy. He drove his dick hard into Interface’s depths, causing her ass to jiggle on impact, then slowly drew out until just his tip was at her entrance, then crashed back into her, his lap contacting her ass cheeks with a clap. He fucked her like that for several minutes while Interface’s fingers ministered to June’s needy nethers.

Driven wild by Interface’s ministrations, she couldn’t stand it any longer and cried out, “Oh, Fuck! One of you better stuff your dick in me, NO! BOTH! I need them, don’t make me beg!” June pleaded.

“As you wish,” Interface said in a low, sultry timber. Turning her head and reaching over her shoulder to caress Will’s face, she asked, “Do you trust me, Lover?”

Will’s response was immediate, “Of course.”

“You’re both gonna love this,” Interface said with a mischievous grin creeping across her face. Her glowing blue irises of her eyes flared brightly. Will had momentarily stopped pounding into Interface but remained buried in her warmth when his dick felt a pull from Interface’s depths. The pull soon became irresistible as his hips were pulled into and subsumed by her silvery ass.

As Will’s hips were pulled deeper in, Interface’s ass began to flow around him, enveloping his lower half like a sea anemone. The flesh of her legs and thighs started to flow at the same time, completely wrapping themselves around Will’s legs, looking like torn, silvery pantyhose.

Will’s envelopment continued as Interface’s swallowing moved up his torso as her back opened and flowed over him until he was pulled entirely into her core. As he reached her center, she seemed to deflate and shrink tight against his frame; his rock-hard penis emerged right straight through her, projecting out from underneath her silver erection.

Before her face and head melted away, she moaned into Will’s ear, “Take her, Lover. Fuck her with my body, drive her mad!” Then her face disappeared into her shoulders, which flowed lower down his body until he had an extra set of feminine silver arms projecting from just below his tanned, muscular arms.

Her front shrank tight and met his meaty pectoral muscle until Interface had left a relatively thin skin of herself wrapping around his chest, leaving only Interface’s perky breasts sitting on his chest, two silvery, jiggling masses begging to be caressed.

As she completed shrink-wrapping Will, he wondered where her mass went; except her arms, dick, and breasts, he was wrapped as if in a silver “Interface” suit, with a healthy patchwork of his skin exposed through her covering. Every millimeter of his skin that Interface clung to was as warm as he had come to expect her body to be. At every point of contact, he felt as if multiple hands were rubbing, lips were kissing, and tongues were licking, especially where Interface had wholly covered his scrotum with a silver layer; the sensation of a dozen tongues caused him to hitch his breath.

June lay there staring in amazement at the amalgamation of her two lovers. She reached up and held Interface’s breasts on Will’s chest and massaged them, tweaking the nipples. “Oh Yes, Lover!” they both heard Interface exclaim, though they couldn’t see where she was speaking from. As June caressed Interface’s breasts, Interface relayed the same sensations across Will’s chest, feeling to him that June was rubbing his pectorals and playing with his nipples.

June’s hands left the silvery breasts and slid down Will’s front until she grabbed both of the dicks in front of her, one in each hand, and began stroking. Will groaned as loudly as the disembodied voice of Interface, both enjoying the attention.

All four hands reached out to hold June’s shoulders as she leaned forward, continuing to stroke the two cocks in her hands. Bringing her face to them, she licked slowly up Will’s cock and down Interface’s, in alternating fashion, drawing out more moans from Interface and a low, “God Damn, that’s good” from Will.

June then took the soft, bulbous head of the silver cock into her mouth, swirling her tongue at the spot just below where the head meets the shaft. More grateful moans. Sucking the tip, she pulled her mouth off her silver lick toy with a pop, then proceeded to do the same with Will’s member. She went back and forth between her two lover’s cocks over and over again; Lick, suck, pop. Lick, suck, pop.

She moved on from teasing their tips to a languid slurping, pulling the silver cock into her mouth, sucking it in until it hit the back of her mouth, then bobbing her head over it, massaging the underside with her tongue until switching to Will’s cock, sucking and bobbing her head while Interface’s rigid member gentle slapped and rub her saliva all over her face.

June was driving Will and Interface wild, as was evident from Will’s eyes rolling back. Will gripped her head in his hands tight while Interface’s hands held June’s shoulders in a vice-like grip.

June’s attention was too much for Will, and as June had his cock in her mouth, he suddenly gripped June’s head tight, driving as much of his cock into her mouth as he could, mashing her nose into the underside of Interface’s member and grunted loudly as blew his load into the back of her mouth.

Will released June, and she sat back on her haunches, smiling like the cat that got the cream. Then, she opened her mouth wide, showing Will that she had indeed done just that. She closed her mouth, swallowed, smiled, and said, “All right, you two. Now it’s my turn. Give those meat missiles to me!”

June laid back, spread her thighs, and opened her folds with her fingers, her arousal dripping down over her backdoor pucker in clear invitation.

“Yes, ma’am.” Is all Will said as he leaned over her body, silver tits hanging and nipples grazing, sending jolts of electricity through June and Interface. Will laid the two penises across the top of June’s pubis mound, letting her feel the heat and weight of the two members. “Are you ready for this?” He asked in a low growl.

“Yes, oh God, yes! Give them to me! Fill me up with them!” Will took both rods in his hand, three other arms holding him up over June, and guided both tips to her sopping wet slit, rubbing the heads up and down across her opening and clit several times before she cried out, “I need them in me, NOW!”

Will acquiesced and slowly pushed both girthy rods into June’s vagina, centimeter by centimeter, pausing occasionally to let her adjust. June exploded in orgasm as the heads nestled just inside her, her fingers raking Will’s back, drawing thin lines of redness across it.

June’s orgasms chained together as he pushed more and more of the two penises into her until he bottomed out, just kissing her cervix, stretching out her walls far beyond anything she had ever taken before. She was incapable of words and could only cry out, “oh, oh, oh” as he slowly pulled them out to the tips, only to push in again, much quicker this time.

Her orgasms blended in one continuous wave as Will sawed the two rods in and out of her, June chanting out in time with his thrusts, “Uh, Uh, Uh!”. Will pulled out one last time, dicks slick with June’s juice but leaving her pussy desperately empty. June whimpered. Then Will lined Interface’s cock back up to her pussy and his cock to her puckered asshole and pushed both with steady pressure.

Even though Interface had stretched her backdoor with her fingers just a little while before, her tight ring of muscles resisted the meaty intruder, trying to hold back that which wouldn’t be denied. Her asshole relaxed, giving up the fight, and the head of Will’s cock popped past the barrier of muscle, victoriously entering her rectum.

June’s girl cum slicked everything from her slit to the crack of her ass, enabling Will to slide both dicks into her to the hilt, his silver-covered balls resting against the cheeks of her ass. June hadn’t stopped cumming the entire time; Will felt the muscles of her asshole quake and flutter, gripping the base of his shaft tight.

Feeling June’s orgasmic spasms grip his cock, and Interface’s constant attention on his balls, something snapped in Will’s brain, and he began thrusting into June like a rutting animal. His thighs and balls slapped loudly against her ass cheeks as he drove into her fast and hard, a cock in each of her holes.

June’s eyes were wide, and her mouth hung open in a long, wordless cry as her unending orgasms tore through her body. Her arms were splayed wide, gripping the bed sheets in clenched fists, her tits rocking back and forth, smacking into the silver set of tits dangling above her in rhythm with Will’s pounding.

Interface had one last surprise for Will; as he rocked and pounded into June, oblivious to what Interface was up to, a pinky-sized tendril formed out of the silver surface covering his ass. As it grew in length, it snaked down the crack of his ass until it found his backdoor. It quickly flowed and pushed its way into his ass, wiggling and searching until it found his prostate. The tendril began to writhe and stroke against his prostate in time with Will’s thrusting, surprising him with sensation and driving him over the edge. Will’s breath grew ragged, and his pace became frantic, “I’m gonna cum!” his grunt like gravel.

“Yes! Give it to me, Fill me ass up with your spunk!” June yelled out, finding her words again.

With one final thrust, Will drove into June as far as he could go and grunted loud and low, filling June’s bowels with his thick, creamy cum.

June, already riding wave after wave of orgasm, was swept under by an enormous climax that swallowed up all her other previous orgasms and combined it into one monster that caused her to arch her back and convulse as if she were being electrocuted. Interface’s climax was a mirror of her lovers’, and she cried out in joy and pulsed her emissions deep into the depths of June’s pussy.

They collapsed into a heap and couldn’t move for several minutes until Will finally rolled off June’s delightfully smothered form, withdrawn dicks leaving her holes gaping slightly. After a short while, Interface returned to her senses, flowed from around Will’s body and coalesced into her usual form, wedged between Will and June’s panting, sated bodies.

Interface leaned over and kissed June. “I’m going to need this back, Lover,” she said, holding her palm just under her sex. June’s eyes flutter with a mini orgasm as Interface’s pewter emissions streamed out of June’s still gaping pussy, into Interface’s waiting hand and melded into it.

They lay there like that for a while, cuddling and enjoying the afterglow, when Will’s stomach grumbled loudly. “Well, you’ve had your breakfast,” he said, giving Interface a peck on the cheek, “now it’s time to see about ours.” With a satisfied smile, Will got up from the bed while June and Interface continued to snuggle.

Will followed the trail of discarded clothes, bare ass naked, from the bed back to the couch, where they had set their packs down the previous night. As he bent down to rummage through the items they had packed, he glanced back at the bed to see both June and Interface wearing big smiles as they admired his behind as he worked.

He smiled and continued searching until he found two ration packets, then under-hand tossed one to June, who caught it easily.

Will flopped in one of the overstuffed armchairs, tore open his ration, put his feet up on the hassock in front of the chair, and began eating the bland nutrition bar.

With half a mouthful, Will asked Interface, “You know, that was a pretty neat trick. How did you do it?”

“Do what exactly?” Interface replied, playing coy and giving him a cute smile.

“When you wrapped yourself around me, a lot of your mass disappeared. I would have been carrying your entire weight if you hadn’t.”

Interface turned up a corner of her mouth, and her eyes looked up and to the right as if she were trying to find the best way to describe it. “Well, that’s because I’m a six-dimensional construct.” She said flatly with a smile, knowing that it didn’t explain anything.

“Okay, let’s pretend that I don’t know what that means; I mean I obviously do,” he joked, “but explain it to me, for June’s sake.” He said, catching a discarded pair of pants June picked up and lobbed at him.

“The crystalline matrix that I reside in was constructed in six spatial dimensions, not just the three you normally see. This has all sorts of benefits with memory management, energy efficiency, and the like. One of the largest benefits is that the fourth dimension is all sorts of wrinkled and wavy, and by building in all four dimensions, you can make connections with things all over three-dimensional space that requires almost no distance to travel.” Interface paused, thinking up an example.

“Imagine you’re standing on the edge of a piece of paper. Instead of needing to walk the whole length, the paper is already folded and you can just step from point A to point B without needing to travel the distance between them.”

Will still looked confused. “Yeah, but how does that explain where your mass went?”

“The crystalline matrix, my body, and this entire ship straddle the third and fourth dimensions. The matrix and I operate in the higher fifth and sixth dimensions too, but only to work the coordinate systems for the fourth. All I did was pull some more of my body up into the higher fourth dimension, making my presence in 3-D space smaller. Picture a flat 2-D plane, like a piece of paper, and then you take a ball and set it so that the plane passes right through the middle. If the only thing you could see were things on the plane, You would see the center slice of the ball as a circle. If you lifted the ball, that circle would appear to get smaller until the ball was no longer intersecting the plane and it would appear like it disappeared.”

“Huh, that’s pretty neat,” Will said, impressed.

“That’s not the best thing about being multidimensional; I can pull my entire body into Four-D space, take a step, and come back down into Three-D space in an entirely different place.”

“Like teleportation?” June asked.

“Well, it looks like teleportation, but I’m just going for a walk in Four-D space. This is the main mechanism the ship uses to move long distances through 3-D space.” Interface explained cheerfully.

“That must take an enormous amount of power,” Will observed.

“Yes. And right now, I barely had enough spare energy to pull that little trick off. I’d burn a lot of the energy reserve I have if I tried anything more than that parlor trick.” Interface said.

June looked concerned. “You have to be careful. I wouldn’t want you to put yourself at risk, just to play.”

Interface gave her a crooked, flirty smile. “I’m careful. I knew that stunt would blow your minds, and I came out on top with an energy surplus, to boot. Positives all around.” Interface gave June a big hug. “Expressed sentiments like that feed my surplus almost as much as that fantastic session did. I’m drinking up all of the positive energy the two of you are pouring out, even as we speak.”

“So it isn’t just great sex that charges you up?” Will asked, continuing to munch on his breakfast.

“We’ve formed a connection, and energy is constantly exchanged. Have you ever gone to a pub with friends and talked for hours, feeling great afterward? Or listened to live music in a group setting, and felt the rush from being in the crowd? There are lots of different ways to connect and exchange energy. My race just happened to have perfected it.”

Will thought for a moment, and his face grew serious. “What about negative interactions with people? I’ve met people who you might call an ‘energy vampire’. They were real downers and would suck the fun out of any situation. You would always feel worse for having met them.”

Interface’s disposition changed in a flash. “That’s a real thing. People who take without giving. It’s abhorrent to my people and short-sighted. It’s a zero-sum game, playing like that. There’s always a loser, and the amount of energy generated pales in comparison to a virtuous cycle of giving.” Interface paused. “A very long time ago, we purged this from our society, bringing about a golden age that lasted eons. We would stamp this ‘vampiric’ behavior out wherever we found it. Mostly through, ah hem, ‘education’,” Interface said with a sultry smile, “but other times it needed to be taken care of with prejudice.”

Will and June thought about what Interface told them while finishing their meal. After they had finished, they reconvened on the couch to discuss their plans.

“June and I had originally planned to investigate your ship and see if we could salvage anything to help put the ‘Saturn’s Heart’ back together. Seems to me now, that we should salvage what we can from our ship, to get this ship up and running again.” Will summarized.

June interrupted. “We keep saying your ship, this ship; what is this ship’s actual name?” She asked.

“‘My people didn’t name things. For instance, ‘Interface’ is more of a title than a name.”

“Then how did you distinguish between individuals?” Will asked.

“We were all psychic, remember, so our individual labeling was more of a feeling than a pronoun. People feel different from one another, so that’s how we’d identify each other.”

“Kind of like knowing your grandmother was in the room by smelling her perfume,” June suggested.

“Exactly.” said Interface, “We referenced each individual by the feel of their emotional context.”

“So what is the feeling-name for the ship?” June asked.

“Instead of telling you, let me show you.” Interface reached out to hold both June’s and Will’s hands. They were suddenly filled with a sense of belonging, comfort, and home, like if you had spent a long day outside working in the cold and snowy weather, then coming inside to warmth, hugs, and hot cocoa.

“Wow, I guess that seems to fit,” Will said. “What is your ‘feeling-name’?”

Still holding their hands, Interface smiled. “You’ve already felt it before.” She said with a wink. “But here’s the more formalized version.” A feeling of connectedness and belonging washed over the two spacers. It was seasoned with feelings of warmth and caring of a gentle embrace, with a heady undercurrent of sexual need and primal urgency.

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