Ship's Interface
Copyright© 2024 by Togobam
Chapter 12
Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Two marooned spacers find an ancient derelict ship that just wants to be loved.
Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Consensual BiSexual Heterosexual Hermaphrodite Fiction Futanari Science Fiction Aliens Space Gang Bang Group Sex Harem Orgy Polygamy/Polyamory Anal Sex Double Penetration Facial Oral Sex Size
Final Leg to Centrailia; Guests Settle in.
As the cargo bay doors closed behind them, Thea followed June, Ben, Inta, and Artona into a short hallway leading to one of the lifts, passing an open doorway on the right. Through it, several kneeling Toparians stopped laying green turf on the dirt-covered floor and waved a welcoming hello to the newcomer before returning to their work. Thea waved back, then followed the others into a lift that would take them to the upper decks. They piled comically into the undersized lift, pressing close to the hulking Urarc, her soft fur tickling them.
Artona only crossed her arms and harumphed.
“We’re about to get underway,” Inta said from behind a furry bicep, “so I will show you to your quarters then we’ll meet the others on the bridge.”
The lift doors opened onto the crew quarters deck. “This is us, Thea,” Inta said, indicating to get out. Artona started to follow, but Inta pressed a hand gently on her forearm. “It’s okay, Hun. You can go to the bridge with the others.”
“Where you go, I go.” Artona objected flatly.
“But I’m already on the bridge,” Inta teased her protector.
June and Ben smiled knowingly in the back of the lift, as Artona scowled. “You and I are going to need to discuss how this is supposed to work,” she said, her displeasure plain.
“Ooh, I do love a good ‘discussion’,” Inta said coquettishly.
Artona gave Inta a pained look and shook her head as Inta and Thea stepped out and watched the lift doors close, whisking the trio up to the command deck. “Your room is right over here,” Inta said as she walked down the hallway, Thea right behind.
The room Inta led her to was one of the extra lounges, remodeled and split into several smaller, but spacious rooms. There was a double bed, dresser, and a desk and chair set with a door in the back of the room leading to a small washroom with a shower, sink, and toilet where Thea could freshen up. The room was plain and spartan, just as she had kept every room she had occupied since the academy. It gave her a sense of familiarity and comfort, which surely was Inta’s intent.
Thea stood staring at her accommodations, lost in thought when she realized that Inta was sitting on the desk chair, one arm draped over the back, watching her with a soft caring expression on her face. Her glowing blue gaze felt like it could see into her innermost core, and made her feel simultaneously exposed and comforted.
“I’ve never really taken proper R&R,” Thea explained, needing to explain to her host. “I’d usually hole up in a hotel just off post and go over old reports in the room, taking a break now and then to hit the gym. But I get the feeling that you won’t let me get away with that, will you?” She asked.
Inta’s smile broadened in response. “My job is to take care of the ship, the crew, and their guests, in whatever way they need,” Inta shifted in her seat suggestively. “Ben, Will, and June care for you a great deal,” She paused slightly, “As do I. I promise we will do everything in our power to make you comfortable,” Inta got up from her seat, stood close to Thea, and took Thea’s hands, looking into the taller woman’s eyes. “I want to make your time with us pleasant and see that you are well cared for.”
Thea looked down into Inta’s silver face. Her expression of absolute caring and devotion crashed into the emotional barriers she built to protect her frightened and lonely inner child, crumbling it in the onslaught. Caught by the unexpected surge of emotion, Thea pulled Inta close and held her tight as tears formed in the corners of her eyes.
The weight of years of loneliness and pain suddenly eased in Inta’s embrace, and surprising herself, Thea wept cathartic tears on Inta’s shoulder. “I, I usually don’t...” Thea uttered through soft sobs.
“Shhh. It’s okay. You’re safe. You’re cared for. You are loved.” Inta consoled. Inta held her for several long minutes until the tide of Thea’s emotions receded, and then Thea smiled down at the silver girl.
“I’ve been on board less than an hour, and I already feel a hundred times better,” Thea confessed.
“And I can make you feel a hundred times better still,” Inta said in a sultry voice, wiggling her eyebrows.
Thea let out a hearty laugh, eyes puffy, tears still wetting her cheeks but no longer flowing. “I bet you can. But for now, I think I should go wash my face then we can head up to the bridge so I can get one last look at ‘the ole gal’ before we leave the Dallas and my sabbatical starts in earnest.”
Thea felt an unexpected internal resistance, she didn’t want to leave Inta’s warm embrace. But her sense of propriety won out and she pulled away and went to wash her face and freshen up. After a few minutes, she came back out, looking refreshed. “Alright, let’s go, I don’t want to miss it,” she said.
They entered the lift, and as the door closed, Thea felt a small hand slip into hers and squeeze gently. She glanced at the shorter silver girl and was rewarded with a brilliant smile from those silver lips. The lift doors opened so they stepped out and walked the short way down the corridor and climbed the steps up to the bridge.
June and Will sat at helm control and tactical stations, respectively, and Ben sat at his customary choice of stations along the far wall. Artona leaned with her arms crossed against a deactivated station on the opposite side, carefully observing everything. Another Instance of Inta stood just behind June and Will, a hand on both their shoulders.
When Thea and Inta stepped on the bridge, Artona’s eyes narrowed, and grumbled something to herself about too much of a good thing, but nodded at the two in acknowledgment of their arrival.
June turned around in her seat and rose quickly to hug Thea, who welcomed the embrace. “All settled in? We’ve just finished our pre-flight checks and were about to call for departure clearance.”
“Aren’t they going to miss the ship’s Captain when we run away with her?” Will smirked, half in jest.
“The Admirals have the Dallas and I won’t be needed until the refit is complete. That will take months given her age and everything she’s been through recently.” Thea shifted uncomfortably. “I’ve been ordered to take R&R, and honestly, I’ve never felt more at ease than when I’ve hung out with you all.” Inta gave her a knowing smile and a wink. “And not just because of ... well, you know,” She said with a slight blush.
“You’re cute when you blush, you know that?” The nearest Inta said, placing a hand on Thea’s arm. Thea’s face grew redder.
“Insatiable,” Will said, smiling and shaking his head.
“Alright everyone, hush. I’m making the call,” June announced. “Dallas Control, this is the Nestia, requesting clearance for departure.”
There was a short pause, the voice that came over the comms was not the usual traffic controller’s, instead, it was a calm, stern voice that came from years of command. “Nestia, this is Admiral Bennet. I wanted to personally see you off, and thank you once again for your heroic actions and the service you’ve provided to the Dallas, her passengers and crew, and to Inter-Planetary Ferry Services in general; we are in your debt. If you find yourselves in need of assistance in the future, we will help you in any way that we can.” Then the Admiral’s voice was a little less distinct as she turned her head from the microphone, “Release the docking clamps.” Then the Admiral’s last words were loud and clear. “Nestia, you are clear for departure. We wish you good fortune and clear sailing.”
The large viewscreen at the front of the bridge showed the expansive side of the Dallas stretching off into the distance, with a smaller rectangular window in the corner displaying a view of the docking clamps retracting. When they were clear, June engaged the ship’s drive and slowly pulled the Nestia away from the Dallas, then jogged at ‘port speed’ heading for open space.
June switched the display to a split screen, showing aft and forward. Thea stood and watched the massive Dallas, which had been her home for many years, slowly shrink into the distance.
She felt nostalgia for her time on the Dallas sweep over her, and simultaneously excitement for the unknown before her grew. Something in her had shifted, but she couldn’t put her finger on what.
As she stood pondering what she was leaving behind, and what lay before her, a slight silver arm circled her waist and held her tight. Inta looked up into Thea’s eyes with a comforting smile. “Okay we’re clear,” June declared. “Course laid in for Centrailia. Ramping up to FTL.” The massive Dallas was still clearly visible, now small in the distance, and swiftly shrank away to a small dot then was lost amongst the starfield behind her as the Nestia sped away.
Unlike most of the conventional ships that Thea had been aboard, the Nestia didn’t leap harshly into FTL flight but instead accelerated into it at a ridiculous rate. The stars seen through the forward viewport began smearing the white pinpricks of light into the usual red-shifted streamers of FTL rainbow starlight.
“Okay folks, we’re at speed. ETA for Centrailia is seventy-one hours,” June announced as she spun her chair around, stretching her arms over her head. “Inta, can you inform the Grove and the Chilopodians?”
Thea raised one eyebrow at June’s statement. “The Chilopodian Delegation is on board?” Will chimed in. “Yeah, they had a hard time packing up in time to make the last transport leaving the Dallas, so we offered to give them a lift to Centrailia. We were heading there anyways and had the room.”
Thea looked at Will and then back to June, a quizzical look still on her face. “And Is that right? The Dallas is at least a week and a half from Centrailia at her normal cruising speed. You’re saying we’re traveling as fast as a naval destroyer.”
June nodded her head. “Yup, that’s right. It won’t take us half as long as it would have, now that Inta’s controlling the power core.”
“We limped into Penrose Station, operating at bare minimum power. During our time on the Dallas, I’ve regained a significant portion of my former strength.” Inta told Thea as she squeezed her waist a little tighter.
“Only a portion?” Thea asked, stunned. “How fast can the Nestia travel?” Inta’s smile widened. “Quite a bit faster, conventionally. Plus I have other tricks up my sleeve.” A mischievous sparkle shone in her eyes.
“Ah, but your sun dress doesn’t have sleeves,” Will said as he stood, stroking the arm of the Inta standing between June and him. “And I think it’s high time that you weren’t wearing that, either.” He pulled Inta in close and gave her a deep and passionate kiss.
“Oh, no you don’t. I’m the one who just performed a flawless departure and FTL insertion, I deserve a little some of that,” June whined playfully as she stood and pressed herself into Inta, sandwiching the silver girl between her and Will. “No way I’m letting you hog Inta all for yourself. You’ve got to share.”
“Too true, you deserve it. Inta and I will have to reward you properly,” Will said chuckling as Inta giggled, squished between the two.
Inta wrapped her arms around their waists, and turned to the other on the bridge, leveling smokey glances in their directions. “You’re all more than welcome to join us...” She said, letting the invitation hang in the air.
“I’m still deliciously sore from the ‘topping off’ you gave me an hour ago, I’m good ... For now.” Ben replied, giving Inta his usual dopey smile. “I’ll stay here on the bridge; there’s some reading I wanted to do.”
Thea blushed at the crew’s openness. “I, I’m good. I should get back to my room and finish unpacking.” The Inta holding her stood on her tiptoes and gave her a peck on the cheek. “No pressure, Hun. I enjoy your company any way you feel comfortable. Maybe tea, later?”
Thea blinked, then smiled. “That sounds lovely.” Inta slipped away from Thea and went over to Artona, gently placing a hand on a furry arm, crossed in consternation. “And what about you, my darling Warrior?”
Artona’s eyes bulged in momentary shock, then her scowl quickly returned to her face. “Pass. I would break you,” she said impassively to the silver girl she towered over.
“You’d be surprised,” Inta said softly, then continued. “I want you to know that you are welcome and I intend to see that you are well cared for. Whatever you need. I mean it.”
Artona struggled momentarily with a confusing and painful swirl of emotions that threatened to smash her stony facade. “I’m good,” She said finally. “I’m going to go get changed, head down to the hangar, and get a workout in.”
“Okay, I’ll leave you to it, then,” Inta said, seeing the swirling mix of Artona’s emotions displayed in her aura. “Just know that I’m here for you, too.” The other Inta led Will and June off the bridge, tugging them playfully by the hand.
“I think I’ll plop down over here and keep Ben company,” the remaining Inta said as she tussled his hair and took a seat. Thea nodded to Artona and then left for her room; Ben had already pulled a tablet out and propped his feet onto a darkened terminal, deep into the volume he was reading.
Artona sighed internally and left the bridge heading for her room. Seated behind Ben, Inta watched her go and decided she needed to do some reading of her own. Pulling up the ship’s new Quantum-Net connection, she scoured several libraries for every piece of literature on Urarc culture, society, and psychology and began devouring everything her search returned.
Will, June, and Inta had already made it to their lounge by the time Thea and Artona stepped out from the lift onto the crew deck. The sounds of giggling and wet kisses drifted into the hallway from the open lounge.
“I wish they’d at least close the damn door,” Artona complained loudly but peeked in through the lounge doorway briefly as they passed, catching a quick glimpse of the action.
Thea blushed, not having a thing for voyeurism. ‘Does it count as voyeurism if you’ve been invited?’ she wondered silently, standing at the door to her room. Artona had already entered her room next door, so Thea followed suit.
Her duffle bag sat on the bed where she’d left it in her hurry to get to the bridge. “Well, I might as well unpack,” Thea mumbled to herself. She put her clothes in the dresser built into a wall and found storage cubbies for the rest of her belongings. She flopped onto the bed flat on her back and blew out a big breath. “Rest and relaxation. The one thing my academy training didn’t cover,” she huffed. “What exactly am I supposed to do with myself?”
She suddenly felt antsy and decided that Artona had the right idea, so she changed into her gym shorts and sports bra, then left her room heading for the hangar where Artona had said she would be working out. Hopefully, they had brought some equipment, but if not, she would make do.
Thea saw Artona’s setup as she entered the hangar, tucked away in an unused corner. The industrious Urarc had set up a full free-weight set, with an unusually large pile of iron plates, enough to challenge the strength of the powerfully built woman. She also hung an enormous heavy bag next to a rack of practice weapons. Artona had taken one of the staves from the rack and was moving through one of her forms in the open space.
Thea watched quietly as Artona moved and flowed from one graceful combination to another. The staff whistled through the air as the warrior danced and struck her invisible enemy. Finally realizing she had an audience, Artona paused, her fur damp with sweat.
“They teach you melee weapons at your Academy, or just how to fly tin cans?” Artona asked with a friendly taunt. It was the first time Thea had seen the massive Urarc smile, so she jumped on the opportunity.
“A little. But as it so happens, I did spend most of my time behind a stick of a tin can.” Thea replied.
Artona nodded appreciatively, having heard about Thea’s performance during the battle for the Dallas. She then took a second staff off the weapons rack and tossed it to Thea. “Wanna spar some? I promise I’ll take it easy on you.”
Thea twirled the staff, getting a feel for its heft and weight distribution. “I appreciate that,” Thea said smiling as she squared up against the wall of muscle and fur in front of her. Then, with a lightning-quick strike, Artona launched one well-placed strike at Thea’s weak side, feeling her out.
Reflexively, Thea parried it and immediately spun into a counter strike that Artona easily blocked. “Good, good. You have had some training,” she said as she attacked again. The two danced back and forth with their staves, striking and blocking in a light, easy manner. It was abundantly clear to Thea that she was enormously outclassed, but Artona’s sparring style was clearly intended to be instructional.
Blocking yet another crisp attack, Thea asked, “Have you thought about teaching? Your form is immaculate.”
Artona spun around, and attacked low, forcing Thea to leap back so that she wouldn’t be swept off her feet. “I did, for a while, when I was studying with the Weaponmaster from my mother’s clan. As advanced students, we were expected to teach the young ones the basics to get them ready for proper instruction,” she said, slipping past Thea’s guard and delivering a stinging strike on Thea’s left shoulder. “You need to work on your weak side guard,” She said with a smirk.
They continued sparring for another half hour, Artona raining light but stinging strikes all over Thea’s arms and legs until Thea raised her hand in submission, at the limit of her endurance. Thea bowed, then presented her weapon to Artona, who nodded and hung both weapons back on the rack.
“You’re not bad. You’d give a second year a run for their money,” Artona said with a joking smile. “From an Urarc, that’s high praise,” Thea replied, thoroughly enjoying this side of the stoic warrior. “In all seriousness, can we do this again? I could learn a lot from you.”
Artona’s smile broadened. “I would enjoy that,” she said, then paused, having a thought. “You know, it would make my job a lot easier if I knew everyone on board could properly handle themselves in a fight,” she said as she tossed a towel to Thea while she mopped the sweat from her face with another.
“They hired you for security?” Thea asked as she wiped her sweat with the towel.
“No, it’s not like that,” Artona said as she shook her head. “I owe Inta a debt; she saved my life and I am honor-bound to protect her until my debt is repaid.”
Thea nodded in understanding; honor was important to an Urarc.
“But here’s the thing; how do you protect someone who lives in a crystal with half a dozen bodies running around all the time?” Thea watched as frustration contorted Artona’s expression. When she realized her emotions were getting the best of her, her walls went back up and the mask of stoicism returned to her face.
Thea was unsure how to comfort the troubled Urarc. “I think you’re onto something, though. Training up the crew sounds like a good first step to me. The rest will follow.”
Artona appreciated the sentiment but wondered if it would be enough; if she would be enough on her own. She was an Urarc, she reminded herself, and weakness, perceived or real, wouldn’t be tolerated.
“That’s enough for one day,” she told Thea. “I would be grateful for a sparring partner if you want to do this regularly,” she said, allowing herself this small concession.
“I would be honored,” Thea replied without reservation. “Us new girls need to stick together, right?”
Artona’s chuckle rumbled deep in her chest. “If you say so.” She groaned slightly as she stretched her thick arms over her head. “I’m beat, and need a shower and some sleep,” she said, then headed for the lift back to her room.
“That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Thea said, stretching her own shoulder as she fell in step beside her. Artona glanced down at the slightly shorter human and allowed herself a small smile at the budding comradery as they made their way to their rooms.
Ben awoke slowly from a pleasant dream, greeted by the equally pleasant reality of a bed full of tangled limbs and twisted sheets. He lay there smiling contently, lost in watching his sleeping bedmate’s dream. It dawned on him that there were a few more bodies in the bed now than when he fell asleep; there were now four Intas lying quietly interspersed between June, Will, and himself. There was an Inta cuddled close to each of them, limbs wrapped around holding possessively.
“Good morning Inta, my Love,” Ben said softly, knowing the silver girl wrapped around him never truly slept.
“Good morning, my Sweet,” She replied, giving him a soft, tender kiss as her hand snaked under the sheet and grasped his morning wood firmly by the base. “Mmm. Let me see to that,” she said, her head disappearing under the covers as she slid lower on the bed. Dainty fingers wrapped around the base of Ben’s cock as Inta lightly kissed his soft mushroom-shaped tip. Her tongue lashed out and licked the sensitive spot just below the head of his cock, eliciting a moan of gratitude.
Soft lips wrapped around the tip and she slowly sucked it into her wet, warm mouth, tongue licking everywhere. Her head sunk lower, pulling more of him in until her lips met the top of her fist gripping his base tight. Exquisitely slow, Inta sucked on his turgid member while pulling his cock out, her hot tongue sliding along the bottom, then stopped, not letting his tip escape.
Inta then bobbed her head, building a slow, steady rhythm, lighting his cock’s nerve endings on fire. Releasing her iron grip on his base, she planted her hands on either thigh and took his entire length down her throat, held it there, and swallowed, sending rippling sensations up and down his shaft, overwhelming him. Groaning, he gripped the back of her head tight to his pelvis and blasted a torrent of cum down her throat.
She pulled off slightly at the end of his release, capturing a mouthful, then when he had finished, climbed back up Ben and gave him a deep, passionate kiss, letting him taste his own seed.
June and Will began to stir at the sound of Ben and Inta’s antics, so the Intas cuddling them descended beneath the covers to give them an equally warm welcome to the day.
June shivered as two Intas gave her their undivided attention. An Inta delved between her creamy thighs and drew the flat of her tongue along the length of her slit, already wet with anticipation, while the other planted her knees to either side of June’s head, dropping her pussy onto June’s hungry mouth. Moaning with delight, she wrapped her arms around the silver thighs already wet from dripping arousal, and lapped up Inta’s juices, working her way to her smooth silvery mound. There she found the target of her feast and went to work with gusto, her tongue dancing along Inta’s silver folds and teasing her clit.
June shuddered and muffled her scream with the pussy riding her face as she had her first climax of the day, squirting all over Inta’s face buried in her pussy. Inta didn’t let up and continued to lick and suck June’s nethers, dragging out the orgasm until June’s body spasmed uncontrollably.
“Oh, FUUCK!” June gasped from around the silver ass pressed on her face. Her climax did nothing to quench the fire in her loins. “More! Give me MORE!”
Both Will and Ben grunted loudly as they shot their loads down the throats of their respective Inta, Ben for the second time already. Both of these Instances of Inta crawled up the boys’ bodies and kissed them deeply as they lay panting, then crawled over to June.
Upon seeing herself surrounded by the silver girls, their hard, angry cocks aimed at various parts of her sweaty body, June growled, “Oh yes! I love it when you do this!”
One Inta laid with her back on the mattress and easily slid June so that her back was resting on pillowy silver tits. Another grabbed her knees and spread them wide so she should settle down in between them while another crouched over her face, silver dick in her hand. As one, the three Intas simultaneously jammed their rock-hard silver cocks in every hole June had available. They rammed in and out of June in unison, three cocks acting as one, shattering June’s mind and sending her crashing into another orgasm.
Will and Ben, having no appreciable refractory period, were already hard again, so the fourth Inta, lying between them and fisting each of their cocks, stroking with long, languid motions. “What are you waiting for boys? There’s three hungry pussies over there begging to be stuffed,” she prompted.
Needing no other encouragement, Will and Ben got up and positioned themselves behind an Inta plowing into June, Will at the head of the bed and Ben at the foot. They slipped their throbbing members into Inta’s wet and inviting folds, adding their contribution to the symphony of slapping flesh.
The lone Inta closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the flood of passion radiating off the hedonistic pile of joined bodies, grinding and thrusting together like orgiastic puzzle pieces. As the beating heart of the Nestia and with her impressive ability to multi-task, Inta could manage every function of the ship, lay with June, Will, and Ben, and simultaneously observe every part of the ship.
The Toparians, already bonded and attuned to her, were already feeling some of the bliss she was feeling and were enjoying their morning amongst themselves.
Larce, the only Maiden not currently Seeding with a Mother, was thoroughly enjoying the Brothers’ attention, taking turns with two or three at a time. The amount of energy Inta absorbed from the feelings of Love from both the rutting Brothers and their partner was only outshone by the torrent of ecstasy from her own Seeding with Pi’natha.
Though faint, she could feel the tight-knit hive of Chilopodians, their warm caring was broadcasted to anyone could hear as they tended lovingly to each other.
In her room, Thea was already stirring from slumber and felt the echoes of passion from Inta’s indirect connection through Ben. She was alone in her dark, in that delightful half-asleep state where dreams blended with reality. She must have been having a delightfully naughty dream, because she lay in her bed, vigorously strumming her clit. Inta smiled and shot an extra jolt of ecstatic energy to her, and watched her explode with a delicious orgasm.
The only one seemingly left out was Artona, who slept fitfully as if plagued by bad dreams. Inta couldn’t quite reach her yet; she decided she would need to devote more of herself to cracking the tough nut that was the stoic Urarc.
Her vast mind processed the crew and guest status check in the blink of an eye and noticed that her current threesome-and-then-some was reaching its penultimate climax. Her Loves were on the precipice and she knew exactly what buttons of theirs to push to send them over the edge.
The Inta stuffing her cock down June’s throat while getting railed by Will reached her arms back and with one hand and fondled his balls, already tight and close to exploding, while grabbing his ass with the other. Then the middle finger of her clutching hand grew and snaked into his anus like a prostate-seeking missile.
The fourth Inta, slipped behind Ben and grabbed his hips as he jackhammered into her other instance. “Hello Lover,” she whispered into his ear. “I want your ass in the worst way.”
“Oh, Inta...” were all the words he could muster, and she knew how much he loved having his cock buried into someone with someone buried in him. So with one slick motion, she shoved her dick into his ass and began pummeling his prostate in time with his own thrusting motion.
Like a nuclear chain reaction, Ben’s climax touched off Inta’s which ignited Will and June’s, and they all climaxed as one. Ben and Will shot their enormous loads deep into their respective Inta’s while she came hard, filling them all with torrents of silver precursor fluid. She filled Will and Ben’s asses up until they leaked silver, and June got a triple shot of silvery goodness.
Her stomach swelled slightly as her bowels and womb were filled, and her face turned into a silvery mess as her swallowing was overwhelmed by the sheer volume being fired down her throat. Her eyes watered as she coughed and sputtered up the silver fluid she couldn’t swallow. It leaked out of the corners of her mouth and nostrils, running down the sides of her face, her contorted expression one of almost religious ecstasy.
As their shared all-consuming climax ebbed, they slumped into a limp pile of sated bodies and lay there soaking in the afterglow. All exchanged soft affectionate kisses, inadvertently smearing precursor fluid and cum all over their bodies, creating a beautiful mess.
They lay there enjoying the afterglow for a few minutes, not wanting to break the spell.
Eventually, Ben shifted his position slightly to better face Inta. “Now that you’ve had breakfast, let’s christen the new kitchen and make breakfast for everyone else.”
“Mmm, that’s a wonderful idea,” Inta cooed into his chest. They slipped off the oversized mattress, leaving Will and June to cuddle the remaining Intas in the pile. Then they headed to the bathroom and in the shower took turns scrubbing each other clean.
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