Chores Build Character - Cover

Chores Build Character

Copyright© 2024 by Sambomb

Week Five

Erotica Sex Story: Week Five - Izzy can not afford rent, so her three roommates offer her an arrangement. Complete 100 points worth of "chores" each week and she can stay for free. Soon Izzy realizes the chores are not only cleaning, but changing and exploiting her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Mind Control   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Exhibitionism   Body Modification   ENF  

Chapter 1

Monday [0 pts]

What a difference a single day makes. Yesterday, everything changed. Kimmy was so sweet, but there is no real great way to deliver the news that your roommates are trying to turn you into their ideal version of a bimbo slut by altering your mind. I’ve never seen that card in the Hallmark section. That’s a lot to have on one’s mind, and even the soothing sounds of an old, creeky pirate ship in a thunderstorm could not give me a peaceful sleep last night.

A movement in the corner of my eye and that familiar sound of paper sliding under my door reminded me of another update. I walked up to the new chore list for the week, simply took a pic with my phone, and then tossed the list aside. Not my problem! Kimmy said she would plan for me and pick an optimal points route for me. For the first time in a month since this arrangement started, I feel some ease with these damn chores. Kimmy is brilliant, and even though I’ll have to do something I would have never dreamed of before this all started, I knew it wouldn’t be as bad as if I tried to keep winging it myself. She was so smart and beautiful, and damn, I was lucky. I felt my cheeks heat up. What a bizarre life I am living.

Speaking of my bizarre life, I was staring at Barry’s contact, my new boss at the strip club. I knew I had to do this, but damn. Me, a stripper? It might be the only way to save enough money to move out of this place! Taking a deep breath, I clicked the button, and every ring felt like an eternity as I waited for him to pick up.

“Hey, Izzy, darling! How are you feeling? You recovering well?” Barry’s upbeat voice was tinged with sympathy.

I braced myself, knowing my response would be high-pitched, bubbly, and out of my control. It’s one thing thinking you chose to alter your voice to keep a roof over your head, and it’s another to know your mind was manipulated into it. “Oh, Barry! I’m, like, totally feeling amazing. I look so hawt now!” I cringed.

Barry chuckled on the other end. “I bet you do. So, what can I do for you, Izzy? Are you okay to return this weekend? We could use a good waitress like you back.”

“I was, like, thinking, Barry ... Maybe I could, you know, be a stripper?”

There was a brief pause before Barry responded, “A stripper, huh? I think you’d be great at it, Izzy. Although, you’d have to audition first. How about this Wednesday? Can you come to the club at eight?”

My heart raced. This was it, the next step in my plan. “Oh, totally! I’ll be there, Barry. I, like, can’t wait to show you my moves and my new assets!” I replied, forcing enthusiasm into my voice.

“Great! I’ll see you then, Izzy. And take care of yourself, alright?”

“Will do, Barry! Bye!” I hung up, my heart still pounding. I was in. The audition was set. But as I looked at my reflection on the phone’s dark screen, I couldn’t help but wonder: was this choice really mine, or just another part of their control?

Shaking off the thought, I headed to the shower. Even the nice hot water cascading over me couldn’t ease my mind. I found myself analyzing each of my roommates. Braden, could he be the one behind all this? He seemed like the obvious choice, but was he smart enough? Teddy had the intelligence, but did he have the guts? That left Jason ... he was always so kind to me, but now I couldn’t help but question his motives. Was all these romantic moments we shared fake?

Standing in front of the mirror, the woman staring back at me felt familiar and strange. The full lips, the platinum blonde hair, the large perky tits, I looked amazing, but was it me who liked these changes, or were these thoughts implanted in my head, another layer of their control? “Is this really me? Or what they’ve made me?” I asked my reflection, tracing my nipples with a finger.

Footsteps echoed in the hallway, pulling me back to reality. The day was starting, and I had to play my part and keep up the charade. I couldn’t let any of my roommates know I was on to them until the truth was learned. I wasn’t just trying to keep a roof over my head anymore. I knew I needed to gain my freedom.

After quickly dressing in a rather cute short skirt and tight midriff-showing top, I heard a knock at my bedroom door.

“Game time, Izzy,” I whispered to myself. “Come in,” I said invitingly and sexy.

Jason appeared as the door opened with a concerned look on his face. I couldn’t help but smile. The flirtatious time we’ve had this last month was so nice. Still, the back of my mind brought in some doubt after Kimmy’s revelation yesterday.

“Hey, Izzy, just wanted to check in on you before I head to work,” he said, his eyes scanning me carefully. “How are you holding up after the surgery? And with the whole arrangement? It’s been a hell of a month.”

“Oh my gawd, Jason, like, thanks for asking,” I chirp. “I’m, like, totally good! Just getting used to, you know, all the changes.” I said this, giving an exaggerated nod towards my body.

He seems genuinely concerned, and I feel a twinge of guilt for deceiving him. But I can’t let on that I know about the mind control. “And the training videos? I know you’ve stopped them...” he probes. “You okay with getting points elsewhere? You said before how easy those points were before.”

I lean against the door frame, trying to seem casual. “Yeah, totally. I mean, the training was getting a bit much, you know? I’ve changed so much already, like, how much further can it go?” My words felt hollow.

Then, remembering something, I perk up. “Speaking of points, I was curious about the wild card chore! It’s worth, like, 60 points, right?” Kimmy told me to ask what the task was to help her plan better.

“Yeah, it’s my week to choose. I thought we could attend the Saturday football game. Watch Braden play with Teddy and me in the stadium. Wear whatever I choose for you and,” he paused before continuing, “follow my instructions during the game.”

I tilt my head, a coy smile spreading across my lips. “Sounds like fun, maybe,” I tease, drawing out the words.

Leaning forward, I give him a kiss, light and playful. He responds with unexpected passion, and for a moment, just a moment, I forget about the mind control, the arrangement, everything! But then he pulls back suddenly, “I’ve gotta head to work. Have a great day, Izzy!”

I’m left standing there as he leaves. Part of me is thrilled at the idea of quickly racking up points. Still, another part is wary of what Jason’s game might entail, especially in such a public setting. Luckily, this is not my decision anymore; Kimmy can figure that out for me. The kiss lingers on my lips, a reminder that despite everything, there’s a connection there that can’t be entirely faked. What a mess I’m in.

A few hours later, I finished the day’s cleaning tasks, the start of my chores from the schedule Kimmy gave me. To my surprise, Kimmy had sent me another message. She wanted me to meet her at her lab at San Diego University. The idea of returning to the school I had dropped out of filled me with dread. Yet, maybe Kimmy has found something out. Possibly, she knows which of my roommates are behind the brainwashing they are doing. Perhaps even figured out how to reverse it.

Walking through the familiar yet distant university halls, I felt alienated. Once a symbol of my hopes, the buzzing corridors now was just a reminder of my mistakes. If I had just stuck with it, maybe I could be a journalist today, not a soon-to-be stripper.

Standing outside the lab, I was filled with anxiety. I was scared about what what was behind the door, but I could had not predicted what happened next. Upon entering, I saw Kimmy talking to someone who must be her TA. Moving closer, my steps faltered as the student turned around. It was Teddy! My roommate Teddy? Panic surged through me, followed by a rush of anger and betrayal. Teddy was here with Kimmy. The room seemed to spin as my thoughts spiraled. Was he part of the mind control scheme? Was he the programmer? Was Kimmy involved? What was even happening?

“Hey, Izzy,” Kimmy said, but it barely registered with me.

I couldn’t speak. The sight of Teddy standing there was too much!

I turned and stormed out of the lab without a word. I slammed the door behind me. Tears blurred my vision as I ran, the best I could in heels, each step fueled by fear, anger, and an overwhelming sense of betrayal.

I didn’t know where I was running to; I only needed to escape. Away from Teddy. Away from Kimmy. Away from the lies. Away from a reality that was unraveling around me.

I was so angry and confused as I approached the house that I had no idea what I was doing. Why was Kimmy working with Teddy? Was he involved in the mind control? Worse, was Kimmy part of it too? My steps slowed as I neared the front door. What was happening to my life? It felt like I was out of control, losing grip on everything I thought I knew. Was I just a playtoy for them?

Entering, the sense of being out of control intensified. The frustration and confusion were almost too much to bear. Especially not knowing who they were.

I saw Braden lounging in the living room. Braden, the sexist jerk, but amidst all this, there was one thing about him: he was always honest with me. Maybe too honest.

He looked up, his eyes running over me in that all-too-familiar way. “Looking good, Izzy.” He paused before continuing, “Rough day?”

“You have no idea,” I muttered.

In a moment of impulsiveness, I decided I needed this. I needed something genuine, even if it was from someone like Braden. I walked over to him, my emotions boiling over. “You know, Braden, you may totally be a jerk and stuff, but right now, I need that.”

Without waiting for his response, I closed the distance between us and pressed my lips against his in a fierce, passionate kiss. It was reckless, maybe even foolish, but I didn’t care. I needed to feel something other than confusion and betrayal.

Breaking the kiss, I grabbed his hand and led him towards my bedroom. I was taking charge, deciding for myself.

Afterward, I left the room to go clean up. My ass was red with Braden’s handprints. Cum covered my face. My pussy was sore. My mind was clear.

I was the one who took the initiative. I was the one who made the decision. The thought that they could make me do this was a lie. They didn’t have control over me. I had the power all along.

Chapter 2

Tuesday [29 pts]

Waking up on Tuesday, the events of yesterday were a lot. Seeing Teddy at the lab and then the impulsive encounter with Braden was something ... I liked feeling in control again, but was sleeping with Braden really my decision, or just another decision influenced by my roommates?

I needed a break, something just for me. A spa day was the perfect escape. I didn’t have the money to splurge, but I couldn’t care less right now; I needed this!

The spa gave off a relaxing, calm feeling, so different from the crazy mess my life’s been lately. I just let myself chill, soaking up the peaceful vibes and trying to shove all those annoying worries and doubts to the back of my mind. I got myself a facial and a manipedi. Up next was the massage; I was so ready to melt into that massage table and forget everything.

As the masseuse walked in, I was taken aback. He was a black stud, and when he introduced himself as Jean with his French accent, I couldn’t stop swooning. He could be the main interest of a romance novel.

The massage was heavenly. Jean’s solid and skilled hands worked their magic on my tense muscles, easing away the stress and the confusion. As his hands moved down to my lower back, a different tension began to build within me. Damn, why was I so horney all the time? I thought about the mind control and tried to shove those thoughts away. Not today, Izzy. Enjoy the now.

I found myself craving more, longing for his touch to wander lower, to explore the parts of me that were craving more. As Jean’s hands worked along my lower back, each stroke eased away layers of tension I didn’t even realize I was carrying. Lost in the sensation, I realized how much I craved a genuine touch. The chaos of the last few days had left me feeling like a pawn in someone else’s game, but here, in this moment, I had the power to decide.

With a deep, steadying breath, I made up my mind. As Jean’s hands paused, waiting for my signal, I gently shifted, giving him a silent invitation to my exposed slit.

Jean’s response was gentle yet eager. I closed my eyes, letting myself sink into the sensation. Each tender stroke elicited a soft moan of pleasure, the anticipation building with each passing moment. He asked if I was sure, and I begged him to continue. When he finally slipped his fingers inside me, I arched my back, surrendering to the moment.

As the intensity built, I clung to the edge of the table, my breath ragged and my heart pounding. Jean’s fingers curled, finding my clit that sent a jolt of ecstasy through my body. I clenched my jaw, fighting the urge to yell out.

I could feel his eyes on me, watching my every reaction, reading my body’s signals. He knew exactly how to push me over the edge, bringing me to the brink of release and then slowing his pace, prolonging the experience. This was clearly not the first happy ending he performed.

It was a release I didn’t know I needed. As the final waves of pleasure washed over me, I felt a sense of relief. It was like I could finally breathe after days of holding my breath.

I rolled over, a contented smile on my face. With my exposed nakedness, Jean smiled, his eyes warm.

“That was incredible,” I breathed, still coming down from the high.

“You are a beautiful woman,” he said simply. “And it was my pleasure.”

And then, all too soon, it was over.

The real world rushed in as I dressed. It reminded me of what I was missing and a taste of what was possible. It reminded me that I was still human and could choose what I wanted.

Chapter 3

Wednesday [28 pts]

Standing in the changing room of the strip club, I couldn’t believe I was actually about to do this, but I needed the money.

Looking around at the other strippers getting ready, each in their own world, put me at ease. They all seemed to be preparing for any other tedious desk job if you didn’t look at the outfits and glitter they were putting on. Glancing at my outfit, I looked amazing, and the irony of wearing a sexy secretary costume made me chuckle.

Memories of the striptease I performed for my roommates last week flashed in my mind. Despite my mixed feelings about that night, I knew it had given me a taste of what I could do. I could nail this audition. I was sure of it.

“Sweet gay Barry,” I muttered to myself, a half-smile flickering on my lips. Auditioning for him shouldn’t be too intimidating. How bad could it be? He had always been supportive. If I could impress my roommates, surely I could impress him with the added bonus of it not being sexual.

I needed this job. I needed the money to break free from the chore arrangement, to escape the mind control madness that had hijacked my life. To move out on my own!

I took a deep breath, looking at myself. The woman in the mirror was a far cry from the university dropout who once had very different dreams. But this was me now, Izzy, the girl taking control of her life, one slutty step at a time.

I knocked on Barry’s office door, my heart racing with anticipation. His flamboyant voice called out a cheerful “Come in!” Bracing myself, I pushed the door open, only to freeze at the sight that greeted me.

David Montgomery, Kimmy’s father, and my former boss, sat with Barry. The man who blackballed me from every restaurant in town. The man who put in a glowing recommendation to get me the job here. He was laughing and chatting with Barry as if they were old friends. My mind reeled in shock and confusion. What the fuck was he doing here? As if this was happening again this week? Another surprise waiting for me behind a door.

Panic overtook me. Did Mr. Montgomery orchestrate everything? Blacklisting me from restaurants, steering me towards this strip club ... Was this the whole plan? With this level of manipulation, was he involved in the arrangement, too, or the mind control? I tried to read his face, but all I saw was him eyeing my newly enhanced chest. Barry was also starring, but his look was more appreciative than lewd. I tried to hide my emotions as Barry welcomed me. “Hi Izzy, this is David. He is a long-time friend of mine and an investor in the club. He has an amazing talent eye, something I admittedly lack, so he handles our auditions. I hope that’s okay?”

I can’t believe I have to strip for this piece of shit. Thinking back to all I’ve done for Braden, maybe I could handle this. I guess that is one thing I can thank my roommates for.

“Barry, Izzy, and I go way back. I have to say your surgeon did an amazing job, Izzy. You look amazing.”

“Oh yes, you recommended her for this job. I’m such an idiot sometimes,” Barry teased himself.

Cornered and forced into a situation I wasn’t prepared for, my high-pitched, flirty voice made me even madder. “Oh, that’s totally fine, Barry! I’m, like, super excited to audition for Mr. Montgomery.” I winked, “It will be just like old times.”

“Well, hopefully, better times. Okay, whenever you are ready, give me a signal,” David ordered as he prepped the music. I tried to focus as my mind was racing with doubts and suspicions. I needed to perform to nail this audition. I couldn’t blow it just because of this asshole.

As I nodded to David, the first beats of the song filled the room. The music, some slutty pop song I didn’t recognize, set the atmosphere. Closing my eyes momentarily, I let the music flow through me. I let go of myself. This is what my training was leading to. Wasn’t it ironic that the training the arrangement thrust upon me would be the training that would lead me out of it?

I started with a slow, tantalizing sway, my hips moving in time with the beat. With all eyes on me, I was surprised by how much the attention spurred me on, making me want to put on an even better show. Was I turning into an exhibitionist? I ran my hands down my sides, giving my hips a little shake before I brought them back up.

As the first lyrics of the song were sung, I grabbed the bottom of my top and began to slowly untucking it from my short black skirt, exposing my midriff, inch by inch. I lowered it back down before sensually unbuttoning the clean white office shirt. David, especially, was loving what he was seeing.

When I finally pulled the top off, my breasts bounced free. David’s eyes nearly popped out of his head at the sight. It was almost funny watching the differences between Barry and Mr. Montgomery. As I continued dancing, their attention was split between watching my swaying tits and the way my ass looked in the tight, short black skirt. I smiled to myself, enjoying their eyes on me. It was odd. I knew how much David wanted this, but Barry? He wasn’t into girls, so I knew he was trying to evaluate me the best he could. It got me worked up, no matter the reason.

I reached behind me and unzipped the skirt. My body rolled sensuously, making David drool as I slowly worked the skirt down my sexy stocking-clad legs. Soon, my ass was exposed, and my skirt was dropped to the ground, leaving me in nothing but my heels, stockings, thong, and business tie.

My hands returned to my tits, groping them and pinching my hard nipples. I loved the way they couldn’t look away. I loved the feel of my new tits and loved having tits. I never wanted this feeling to end. Maybe stripping wouldn’t be so bad?

I stepped closer to David, teasing him and tormenting him. I was in control. It felt so fucking good. His hands tightened into fists, and his face turned even redder. He couldn’t resist any longer. He reached out to grab me.

I turned away from him. “Oh, David, what a naughty boy. That’s not allowed at this club,” I cooed.

“Anything is allowed here for the proper tip.” He pulled some bills from his wallet and stuffed one into my thong. As his hand grazed against my slit, I had to fight the urge to giggle. He was so predictable.

“Thank you, sir,” I winked at him. He took that as an invitation. Grabbing my hips, he pulled me into his lap, grinding his erection against me.

“Hey now,” Barry warned. “Izzy, are you okay with this?”

“Is this, like, normal for the customers?” I was getting used to being manhandled at home. Is this what I was really signing up for?

“Sometimes,” Barry admitted, “but the stripper must consent. That’s one of our rules. You can get a guy kicked out anytime if you are uncomfortable.”

Before I could respond, David chimed in, “Of course, customers aren’t going to want to get a lapdance from someone so frigid.”

“Frigid?” I spun around, looking over my shoulder to get into his face. I could feel his warm, ragged breath on my lips, and his cock was throbbing against me. “Who said I was frigid?”

“You forgot I used to be your boss.”

“That was then,” I told him. “I’ve changed.”

“Then prove it,” he challenged me. I thought for a second. Did I want to give my former boss a lap dance? This asshole, who blacklisted me, who forced me into this life, who had made things so much harder than they needed to be? Yes, I decided I needed to. I feared I would not be given the job if I didn’t. I would show him who was frigid!

I turned my back to him and pressed my ass against his crotch. Slowly, sensually. David gasped, his cock pulsing. I could feel his heartbeat in his dick. His hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me even closer. His breathing became heavy.

“See? Not so frigid,” I whispered.

“I knew it.”

“Knew what?”

“I knew that if you were given the right opportunities, you’d be a great whore.”

His words should have made me furious, but I realized it was supposed to be a compliment. I needed to appease him to get the job.

“Thanks, Mr. Montgomery,” I said, grinding harder.

“If you call me Mr. Montgomery one more time, I’m going to cum,” he groaned.

“Wouldn’t want that,” I teased.

“Why don’t you get on your knees and show me what a whore you really are?”

“That’s enough, David,” Barry said with concern.

“Relax, Barry,” David said, pulling out a hundred-dollar bill. “She can say no if she wants. Can’t you, Izzy?”

“Yes,” I said. I grabbed the bill from him and slid off his lap. Getting down on my knees, I spread his legs apart, exposing his bulge.

“What do you say?” he asked.

“Yes, sir,” I replied. I reached for his belt, unbuckled it and unzipped his pants, and freed his hard cock. He was leaking precum. I leaned forward and licked the head.

“Fuck,” he groaned, his hand resting on the back of my head.

I took the head in my mouth and sucked it, savoring the salty taste. I licked up the length of his shaft, swirling my tongue around. He was throbbing, his balls tightening.

My mouth engulfed his cock again and began to bob up and down, taking more and more of his shaft with each stroke. I cupped his balls, massaging them. I was never bad at blowjobs before, but after the last month, I had become an expert.

He was panting, his fingers curling in my hair, gripping me tighter.

“Fuck, you’re such a good whore, Izzy,” he grunted.

“David,” Barry said, his voice thick with concern.

“I know, I know, I’m getting close.”

With his cock buried in my throat, he was about to cum. My former boss was about to blow his load down my throat. This asshole, this pervert, I was about to swallow his cum.

I pulled back, his cock popping out of my mouth.

“Hey!” he protested.

“I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t think you’re allowed to cum in me,” I told him, batting my eyes innocently.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“There must be a rule about it. It’s a strip club, not a brothel.” I looked at Barry

“There isn’t, but you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, Izzy.”

“Are you sure? Like, I don’t want him to get in trouble.”

“He won’t trust me. But if you don’t want him to, then don’t. He can’t force you.”

I paused as if considering Barry’s words.

“Come on, Izzy, please, don’t stop,” David begged. I smirked.

“What do you think, Barry?” I asked, looking up at the manager, batting my eyes, “Do you think I should let him cum?”

“That’s entirely up to you, Izzy.” Barry seemed to be enjoying tormenting his friend.

“Well,” I said, turning back to David, “if Barry says it’s okay...”

“It is,” Barry interjected.

“Then maybe we can come to an agreement,” I purred.

“Whatever you want,” David agreed.

“Did I get the job?”

“Absolutely,” David nodded.

“In that case,” I said, grabbing his cock, “I’ll take another fifty, and you can cum on me wherever you want.”

David hesitated, then pulled a second bill from his wallet.

“Thanks,” I smiled sweetly, tucking the money in the waistband of my thong.

I gripped his shaft and guided him back into my mouth. He gasped, his fingers digging into the arms of his chair.

I began bobbing up and down on his cock again, sucking him harder and deeper until I was deepthroating him. He was trembling, his muscles tensing. I knew he was close. I was going to make him cum like a whore.

“Oh, fuck, oh, god,” he moaned.

I looked up at him, locking eyes with him as I continued to suck him off.

He groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head. Pulling away for a second, I said as sultry as possible, “Cum for me, Mr. Montgomery,” and then I deep-throated him.

“Fuuuuck,” he groaned, and with that, he moved my face away, aimed his cock, and came, his hot cum splattering all over my face and tits. There was so much cum. I think he has wanted this for a long time.

“That was so good, Izzy. Oh my god,” David groaned.

“Thank you, sir,” I said, licking his cum off my lips.

“Fuck,” he sighed, tucking his cock back into his pants. “Well, that was fucking amazing, Barry. What do you think?”

“She’s going to make so much money here.”

I beamed with pride. My audition was a success. I would have the job and the income I needed.

As I got up and collected my clothes, Mr. Montgomery’s cum still dripping down my chest, a sudden realization hit me. If the mind control pushed me toward this? Did I really want it?

Chapter 4

Thursday [27 pts]

I settled into my chair at the breakfast table, clutching my bowl of cereal. Braden was already there, working on his toast, and Jason poured himself coffee. I, of course, was dressed in a slutty nightie; even for breakfast, I couldn’t be dressed like anything but a slut. I did look hot, but, well, whatever.

“Morning, boys,” I greeted them, yawning and trying to act as if I didn’t know one of them was controlling my mind.

“Morning,” Jason said.

“Hi,” Braden muttered, “You’re looking hot. I’m so glad we fixed your wardrobe; you look much better dressed like this.”

“Aw, thanks,” I said, trying to keep up the routine.

“So, last night was your big audition?” Jason asked, settling into the chair next to mine.

“Yeah,” I smiled, “and I nailed it.”

“I knew you would; congratulations!”

“You are a stripper now?” Braden could hardly contain his excitement.

“Yeah, I am. It’s not what I imagined, but, like, it’ll be nice to earn some real money and stuff.”

“Yeah, definitely, it’s a start,” Jason agreed.

“A step toward being the perfect roommate,” Braden teased. I giggled, blushing.

“So, are you excited?”

“Yeah, I am,” I admitted, “I’ve never done anything like this. But I’ve been learning a lot about myself. Mostly thanks to you boys.”

“Yeah, you’ve learned a lot,” Braden smirked. “Hey, I have the wild card next week. If you want easy extra points, you can waitress our poker game. Some of the team is coming by.”

Oh, shit, that caught me off guard. Me, waiting on a room full of football players all night, drinking... “Oh, that could be fun,” I cooed.

Afterward, lying in my bed, I can still feel the echoes of this morning’s fake giggles and over-the-top flirts with Braden and Jason. Like, even as I crunched on my cereal and laughed at their sexist jokes, a part of me was totally screaming on the inside. Ugh, it’s like I’m stuck on autopilot, saying things that sound like they’re straight out of Clueless, all “OMG” and “Totally!”

It’s so strange sometimes. My body and mouth take control and go against my mind. No matter what I want to say or how I want to act, the mind control alters it. What’s even scarier is that half the time, I don’t recognize it; I feel like I’m in control, but in retrospect, I have no idea if I am or not.

I relaxed more into my bed, the cool sheets a small comfort against the hot mess inside my head. The past few days keep replaying in my mind, like a movie I can’t pause. Sleeping with Braden for what I told myself was revenge, was it, though? Or is it just the program making me do what it thinks I should?

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