Chores Build Character - Cover

Chores Build Character

Copyright© 2024 by Sambomb

Week Four

Erotica Sex Story: Week Four - Izzy can not afford rent, so her three roommates offer her an arrangement. Complete 100 points worth of "chores" each week and she can stay for free. Soon Izzy realizes the chores are not only cleaning, but changing and exploiting her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Mind Control   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Exhibitionism   Body Modification   ENF  

Chapter 1


My week began like it has every week recently, with the sound of an updated chore list sliding under my door. Ugh, Mondays! It always felt like a slap in the face, erasing all the hard work from the previous week and setting me back to square one.

But these days, it wasn’t just the usual Monday blues. There was this extra layer of ugh, thanks to my period showing up. Great timing, as always. It made everything feel ten times worse. The cramps, the mood swings ... and let’s not even talk about how it cuts down on my point-earning potential. Some of the high-point chores? Yeah, it’s not happening when I feel like this.

So, I grab the list, already dreading what’s on it. And it’s pretty much the same old, same old. My cleaning duties, somehow, had a point slashed again. I scoffed. Seriously? The wardrobe makeover chore was gone because the mission was accomplished there.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Damn, who was that? I can’t deny that this whole setup has had some exciting perks. Looking at my reflection, I feel a mix of pride, uncertainty, a bit of embarrassment, and, yeah, a little vanity. Can’t help it, I guess.

Opening my laptop, I felt an odd peace settle around me. The training videos, bizarrely, had become oddly relaxing. Each video marked another chapter in my “training,” I couldn’t help but wonder where this path was leading me.

I zoned out after the training videos, my mind still shrouded in that strange, comforting haze that followed each session.

My phone’s sudden, loud chime yanked me out of my thoughts. I scrambled to grab it, almost dropping it before the screen lit up. It’s a text from Kimmy. Seeing her name alone brings a smile to my face. Her message pops up: “Hey, Sweetie, I can’t wait for another epic date like the last one. How about Sunday? Sorry, I’m swamped till then. Oh, and one more thing – promise me, you won’t touch those training videos this week. Just trust me on this. Catch ya later, babe.”

Kimmy’s text left me wanting clarification. After all, the last training video left me feeling incredible, so why would she want me to skip them this week? Yet, I knew Kimmy had my best interests at heart, so I trusted her. “Excited for Sunday! Kimmy. I’ll take your word for it :),” I typed back.

Moving on to the chore list, her advice to plan echoed in my head. I fished out a notebook and started plotting, determined to figure out how to navigate this week.

My phone’s calculator must be so over me by now. I’ve been hitting it with every possible combo of chores, trying to work out the math. But nope, the numbers just don’t add up unless I do something significant.

The mirror seemed to call me, wanting to clarify my thoughts. Lip fillers? A boob job? It feels kinda out there, but also ... kinda, right? Is this the new ‘me’ I’m heading towards?

Braden! Ugh, his endless jokes about my chest. Maybe it’s time to shut that down once and for all.

I give myself a firm nod in the mirror. Decision made. I’m doing a mega clean-up today, and then, yep, I’m going for the surgery. After running through the numbers again just to be sure, it was confirmed. And there it is. I’m half thrilled, half freaking out. “Oh my God, am I actually doing this?”

After busting my butt all day with cleaning, cooking, and whipping up a dinner that left my roommates practically licking their plates, I couldn’t shake off the heaviness of the decision I’d made. Telling them would set everything in stone. This arrangement had taken me far beyond what I could have predicted three weeks ago.

I cleared my throat, trying to sound serious despite what my voice had become, “Hey, guys, I, like, have an announcement to make.”

All my roommates, Braden, Jason, and Teddy, turned to look at me, curiosity written all over their faces.

Maybe just agreeing with their plan was enough. Perhaps they still needed to get the cash for it. After all, only one of them had a job, and the other two were still students. These thoughts buzzed in my head like a swarm of anxious butterflies, giving me a moment’s pause. However, a surge of confidence grew within me as I remembered that the wait for an appointment could be months away. By then, I could be out of this arrangement!

I pushed aside the doubts. “I’ve, like, totally decided to go through with the lip fillers and breast augmentation on the chore list.”

Silence. It stretched on forever. Then Braden’s grin broke through. “I knew you’d come around.”

Teddy couldn’t hide his excitement while Jason gave me this reassuring smile.

Braden leaned in, the cocksure grin still plastered on his face. “You’re finally going to have tits, slut!”

Jason chimed in, “Yeah, and we’ve got you covered. We can get you an appointment tomorrow. The doc’s a family friend and top-notch.”

My pulse quickened. This was happening faster than I anticipated, but there was no turning back now.

Chapter 2


Tuesday morning hit me with this crazy cocktail of nerves and thrill. I cracked my eyes open, and my heart was already sprinting. It felt like I was perched right on the brink of something huge, something life-altering. Probably because I was.

I reached for my laptop instinctively, which housed the training videos. They offered me comfort, relaxation, and a temporary escape from reality. Kimmy’s text from the previous day interrupted my actions: you’re killing me here, Sweetie.

Stifling a yawn, I stumbled out of bed and quickly went through the pre-surgery rundown the doc had emailed over. I still couldn’t believe this was happening.

My lips were about to receive an upgrade, turning them into pouty sex appeal. I must admit that they had never been a prominent feature on my face.

My lips were one thing, but upgrading my tits was another. Having such a fantastic ass, I always thought that was enough, although lately I’ve been having second thoughts. Regardless, I was about to have legit tits, and of all the changes I’ve made over the last few weeks, this one seemed like the biggest with the most ramifications. On the bright side, it’s not like it would negatively affect my career. Jason’s boss proved I would never be hired in an office or anything. I’m sure this would only help my career.

I rose from my bed, drawn to the mirror to give myself one last look. As I licked my lips and gently cupped my small breasts, it was almost as if I was bidding farewell to the woman I had known.

With my reflection offering comfort and uncertainty, I picked up my phone and dialed my new boss, Barry’s number; I mustered a cheerful and flirtatious tone despite my anxiety.

“Um, hey, Barry!” I chirped, giving myself a moment to compose my words. “I just wanted to, like, totally let you know that I can’t make it to work this week. I have a surgery thingy scheduled.”

Barry’s concern was evident as he asked, “Oh, Izzy, is everything okay? Are you alright?”

“Oh, Barry,” I giggled, my voice light and airy, “I’m just getting some, like, enhancements. Nothing major, you know? Just making myself look even better!”

Barry offered genuine support. “More power to you, Izzy! You’ll have heads turning even more than they already are!” Don’t worry about your shift. I’ll find someone to cover you.”

“Thanks, dude! You’re, like, the best!”

Soon, I was in Jason’s car, traveling to the clinic. The whole idea of the surgery was a wild mix of excitement and nerves. But being there with Jason was both comforting and kind of thrilling.

Jason shot me this warm, reassuring look. “Izzy, after the surgery, you will be even more stunning. Not that you aren’t already.” His words held a touch of flattery, making my heartbeat.

I responded with a flirty giggle. “Thanks, Jason! But, um, you think it is a good decision?”

Jason’s reached over to give my hand a reassuring squeeze. “Izzy, trust me, this will be amazing for you. I’ve already discussed the details with the doctor. You’re going to love the results.”

He continued, “I’ve seen this doctor’s work, and it’s the best in California. You’re in great hands.” His warm smile made me feel safe, like I was making the right choice.

But the questions still lingered in my mind. “Jason, can you tell me ... how big are they going to be? I don’t want to look, well, like a ridiculous porn star.”

“Izzy, don’t you worry. You just need to trust me on this. You will be the girl of every man’s dreams.”

And then it hit me: this was on the chore list, something I had agreed to. I had to go along with it; I needed the points.

As I walked into the doctor’s office, I felt excited. The doctor, a charming man in his 50s, exuded a friendly demeanor that put me at ease.

As he explained the breast enlargement procedure using the transaxillary method, I found myself nodding, genuinely comforted by his words. No visible scars, a smoother recovery process, and the promise of being back on my feet in no time sounded like music to my ears.

He paused and looked at me, his gaze kind. “Now, about the size of the lip fillers, are you comfortable with the choice?”

I hesitated for a moment. Truth be told, I didn’t really know what size he was talking about. But I remembered Jason’s advice to play along with it, so I gave a cheerful nod. “Oh, absolutely, I’m excited!”

The doctor then asked the same question about my boobs, and I responded similarly. Trust a bunch of horny guys to pick my breast size. Yeah, this will surely turn out great, but Jason reassured me, so I wasn’t too worried.

The doctor smiled, apparently satisfied with my responses. “Well, then, let’s get you prepped.”

Post-surgery, my eyes fluttered open, and I was in a dimly lit room. Everything was hazy and disorienting. The faint voices of the nursing staff greeted me as they bustled around, tending to various tasks. I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying.

As I started to take in my surroundings, I looked down, and there they were. My breasts looked enormous on my slender frame. A thought crossed my mind; maybe now Braden would finally shut up about my lack of tits. It was a stupid thought at that moment, but my drowsy mind couldn’t help itself.

The doctor entered the room, giving a reassuring aura. He looked at me with a smile, and his words reached my ears through the mental haze. “Everything went perfectly, Izzy. You’re on your way to that boost of self-confidence you were aiming for.”

I struggled to respond, my words coming out with an unexpected lisp. It dawned on me that a lisp would make my voice even more ridiculous. I hoped it wouldn’t last. I tried to ask something, but it felt like my tongue was too big for my mouth.

The doctor must have understood my unspoken question. “Don’t worry,” he reassured me, “the lips will be less pronounced once the swelling goes down. You’ll get used to the changes.”

He then turned his attention to my boobs. “I have to say, your breasts look amazing. I’m very proud of how it turned out.”

Oh, great. The doctor’s proud of my new boobs. Just what I always wanted. With that, I drifted into a dreamless sleep, still groggy from the anesthesia.

As Jason carefully drove me home, I could not engage in conversation. The surgery had exhausted me, and I was groggy still. I had bundled myself under a thick blanket to find some kind of comfort.

Upon entering the apartment, Braden and Teddy couldn’t contain their curiosity. “So, how’s the new Izzy?” Braden teased.

“Yeah,” Teddy added, his voice a bit quieter and less assertive, “I hope you’re okay, Izzy.”

Jason took it upon himself to respond on my behalf. He could tell how tired I was. “She’s a bit too tired to chat right now, guys. But I can reassure you everything went smoothly. The doctor did an incredible job. Izzy’s just resting, and I promise we’ll have plenty of time for a proper reveal later this week.”

Braden and Teddy exchanged excited glances. They wished me a good night and left the room. Jason made sure I was comfortable before he departed as well. I closed my eyes, grateful for my roommates’ understanding, and drifted off peacefully.

Chapter 3


When I woke up, my body said, “Hey, remember what we did?” My chest was heavier, with this kind of achy feeling around my new, bigger boobs. And my lips were tingling – not hurting, but feeling plumper and fuller than ever.

I mumbled, “Well, that’s different,” while checking out my reflection. The girl in the mirror looked like me but way more amped up. My lips, usually so low-key, now looked lush and full, like they were frozen in some kind of sexy pout. Seeing how they changed my vibe was kind of a wow moment. I lightly touched them, half thinking they’d feel fake, but nope – they felt surprisingly natural and very nice.

And then, there were my boobs. My small B-cups had transformed into D-cups, and wow, I just couldn’t stop staring. They were like something out of a magazine – perfectly round, defying gravity, and noticeably bigger. I cupped them in my hands, feeling their new weight and shape. At that moment, I was hit with this rush of empowerment. It was wild, feeling both fantastic and a bit lost like I was caught between me I’ve always known and this new, sculpted version.

I was swimming in a sea of feelings – pride, a twinge of guilt, sheer amazement, sadness, and this fresh surge of confidence. I found myself wondering, “What have I turned into? Or better yet, what am I becoming?”

I felt the urge to grab my laptop and start another training video. But then remembered Kimmy’s words: “Do NOT do any of those training videos.”

With no training videos, I returned to the mirror. What would Kimmy think of the new me? I couldn’t stop picturing my fuller lips all over her, kissing every inch of her body. My boobs were now even larger than hers. I couldn’t help but crack a sneaky smile, starting to love these changes.

Just as I was lost in thought, my phone chimed with a text notification. It’s from Jason, telling me the guys are out but reminding me to reach out if I need anything. It’s been pretty awesome having their support through all this.

Jason’s text discusses taking the next few days easy and mentions a “show” on Saturday. And he’s even sorted out food deliveries and new bras for me. Talk about being on top of things.

I catch myself staring at my new boobs again, lightly touching them. They’re sore, sure, but they look fantastic. I’m super curious what the guys will think when they see them.

After some daydreaming of Saturday, my eyes flitted to my phone, and curiosity got the better of me. After the ridiculous photoshoot that got out of hand last week, I opened the Instagram account Teddy had set up, IzzyEcchi. With a hesitant tap on my phone’s screen, my eyes widened as I glanced at the follower count at the top of the screen. “Whoa...” The follower count had surged. I was genuinely surprised and oddly pleased.

My eyes moved to the most recent photos from the Freddy Kruger photoshoot. I couldn’t help but admire how Teddy captured me in that revealing costume. The fishnet stockings, the strategically cut sweater, the high heels, and that black thong all combined to create a hot set of pictures. Freddy Kruger had never looked this hot.

The comments were full of thirst, and I couldn’t deny its effect on me. Though they were technically “mine,” IzzyEcchi’s responses were that of a pure, naive bimbo. Teddy had been crafting my responses to create that image, but it worked like a charm. He had even teased the other photo sets: Basic Instinct and Princess Leia.

“Wow, Ted, you’re making me Internet famous,” I laughed, thinking about how his shyness was inversely proportional to his bold online moves.

As I continued to scroll through the photos and comments, I couldn’t help but feel a growing arousal. The way these men lusted after me, the effect it had on my own body, it was impossible to deny. So many followers just wanted to see more of me. Weirdly, I didn’t mind showing them.

With the excitement, I gently started to caress my new breasts. They were still sore but so heavy. A familiar feeling washed over me. It was a warm glow of arousal. My growing anticipation, thoughts of my roommates, my followers, and my new changes left me with a deep longing.

The first few minutes were gentle and playful, taking the time to appreciate my new look in the mirror. As I stared at my new tits in awe, I couldn’t help but feel that I looked like the whore Braden told me I was. A whore. The thoughts caused my nipples to stiffen with excitement and my pussy to moisten.

I slowly started to caress her new breasts with gentle care. Then, my left hand started to move down. I allowed my fingers to roam freely over my body until they reached my panties. They were already soaked with excitement, but I was eager for more. It felt so wrong and so right all at the same time.

My hand slid underneath the soft fabric of my panties and was met by my juices. My fingers slowly made their way towards my throbbing clit. As my fingertip brushed against it, I felt a surge of electricity flow through my body. I began to rub it in a circular motion, feeling the pleasure build with each movement.

I couldn’t believe how turned on I was, so much so that I couldn’t hold back. As my fingers continued their gentle dance, I could feel a growing heat in the pit of my stomach. My body started to quiver with anticipation, and my toes curled tightly. Then, with a loud moan of satisfaction, my orgasm rushed through me. The intensity was almost more than I could bear. It felt so good to release all of that pent-up tension.

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