Chores Build Character - Cover

Chores Build Character

Copyright© 2024 by Sambomb

Week One

Erotica Sex Story: Week One - Izzy can not afford rent, so her three roommates offer her an arrangement. Complete 100 points worth of "chores" each week and she can stay for free. Soon Izzy realizes the chores are not only cleaning, but changing and exploiting her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Mind Control   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Exhibitionism   Body Modification   ENF  

Chapter 1

Monday [0 pts]

I began the day with a warm, relaxing shower, my thoughts in a frenzy. As I studied my reflection in the mirror, I couldn’t help but analyze how I’d ended up tangled in this mess. The features that defined me stared back: warm brown skin that spoke of my Latina heritage, big expressive eyes, and cute little button nose. If I could muster a smile, I might even consider myself beautiful.

Shifting my stance, I examined my body, the hips that some would call child-bearing, and my small but undeniably perky breasts. Twisting around, I regarded my best feature. My fantastic ass, which many have called a bubble butt. My ex used to teasingly call me J-Lo when he was in the mood. Yes, maybe I was somewhat of a smoke show. But trading my looks for a roof over my head?

After a final glance in the mirror, I left the bathroom, ready to face whatever the day had in store.

In my room, my attention gravitated toward the ominous paper on my desk, the dreaded chore list. The exhaustive list of chores and their corresponding points seemed to mock me, each entry a testament to the absurdity of my current circumstances.

I squared my shoulders, resolute in my decision to confront this head-on. If I had to clean, transform, and ... whatever else was on that list, then that’s what I’d do. I might resent the circumstances, but I wouldn’t let them defeat me. This was merely a means to an end.

After throwing on my clothes, I picked up the paper and stormed out of my room. The house was quiet, my roommates likely off to their own routines: school, work, whatever. This was my opportunity to dive into the madness without an audience, which was a relief.

So, I threw myself into the tasks. Vacuuming, mopping, and dusting; each chore reminded me of my current predicament. As the day wore on, I worked with relentless determination. By the time evening arrived, I collapsed onto the couch, muscles aching and sweat dripping down my brow. I looked at the chore chart, adding up my day’s work. A measly 7 points. It was demoralizing, to say the least. I sank back into the couch, frustration and fatigue warring within me.

While wallowing in my misery, Braden arrived home. “Well, look who’s lounging around,” he sneered.

I shot him a glare, irritation, and sarcasm dripping from my voice. “Oh, you know, just enjoying a moment of rest from my illustrious career as a ... whatever the hell this is.”

A smirk crept onto his lips as his gaze took in my body. “Lazy day, huh? Remember, you’ll be on your way out if you don’t step up.”

My fists clenched involuntarily. “I’ve been working my ass off all day, you...” I caught myself before an expletive could escape, but my glare communicated what I didn’t vocalize.

An eyebrow arched, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. “Really now? And how many points have you managed to rack up?”

Despite my relentless efforts, I hesitated, realizing the numbers were not impressive. “7,” I muttered, frustration lacing my voice.

He laughed a little too hard. “Guess you’ve got a long way to go then.”

My annoyance flared, “You’re enjoying this way too much,” I stormed off to my room. Taking a deep breath, I closed the door behind me. What an asshole.

Later that night, I perched on my bed, my attention fixated on the chore list again. One of the entries stood out like a beacon: the “Wild Card.” It seemed to exist outside the realms of the three main sections. Yet, it held an impressive point value, 60. My curiosity gnawed at me, and I realized there was only one way to find out what this chore was about: ask my roommates. Well, any roomie except Braden, who I was still annoyed at.

Sighing, I pushed off the bed and navigated the hallway to Teddy’s room. I knocked gently, and a muffled response echoed from within, “Uh, hey, Izzy.”

Once inside, I surveyed the animated character posters that adorned his walls. “Hey, Teddy. Mind if we chat for a bit?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Observing his nervous demeanor, I sensed his reluctance, “I had a question about the ‘Wild Card’ chore on the list.”

He shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t know much about it, honestly. I think it’s like ... a last resort thing.”

Grateful for his candid response, I nodded. “Thanks, Teddy.” Teddy clearly wasn’t behind this whole situation, so my next stop was Jason. Of all of my roommates, Jason would be the one I’d most likely consider as a friend. We were always pleasant with each other and even had some good times watching horror movies together.

A soft knock on his door preceded its opening, revealing Jason with a welcoming, warm smile. “Hey there, what’s up?” He gestured for me to enter.

Shutting the door behind me, I began, “Jason, I know I agreed to this arrangement. I’m just trying to wrap my head around it, but one thing baffles me.”

Jason casually asked, “Oh yeah, what is that?”

“The ‘Wild Card’ chore. It doesn’t seem to be a part of the other three sections, and it’s worth so much. What’s the deal?”

Jason’s smile remained as he answered. “The ‘Wild Card’ is a big one that gives you a shot at recovering points if you fall short for the week. We rotate on who gets to decide what it is.”

My eyebrows lifted, intrigued. “So, who gets to decide this week?”

Jason nodded, knowing I wouldn’t like this, “Braden...”

Of course, it had to be Braden. 60 points was no joke, but I couldn’t grant him this amount of control over me. Who knew what kind of ridiculous thing he’d come up with? It’s worth more points than getting gang banged by all my roommates, for fuck’s sake. It was definitely going to be a hard pass for me.

“Got it. Thanks for clarifying,” I said, smiling briefly before leaving his room. With conversations with Teddy and Jason under my belt, the puzzle pieces finally clicked into place. I understand whose idea this was initially, and I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of doing his “Wild Card.” I would have to find another way to get the points.------

Chapter 2

Tuesday [7 pts]

As the day ended, I was left drained from tackling the cleaning, my body aching with each step. The chore list taunted me with a mere 15 points, a frustratingly small number that barely made a dent in the 100 points I needed. Even if I factored in the daily tasks for the rest of the week, I would only reach 25 points. It seemed like they set me up for an almost impossible task from the very beginning.

Sinking onto the couch, I couldn’t help but glare at the list. Frustration gnawed at me, and my thoughts raced for a new strategy. Then it caught my eye: the entry for dyeing my hair. It is a seemingly harmless task, yet it holds an impressive 20 points.

I hesitated, contemplating my options. The usual chores weren’t cutting it; that much was abundantly clear. With a sigh of reluctant resignation, I made up my mind, preparing myself for a change I hadn’t considered before. I like my natural dark hair.

Waiting for the right opportunity, I waited for Jason’s return home. “Hey, Jason,” I began, striving for casual yet curious.

“Hey, Izzy. What’s on your mind?”

Attempting nonchalance, I continued, “So, that hair-dyeing thing on the list?”

Jason’s expression shifted to one of thoughtful consideration. “Oh, that. It’s pretty straightforward. We pick the hair color. We figured that’s worth mad points.”

Of course, they’d get to decide the color. “Alright, then. I don’t have much money to pay for everything I’d need...”

A small smile played at the corners of Jason’s lips. “If you’re serious about it, don’t worry. Go get ready, and I’ll take you to the salon.”

Wait, they’re taking me to the salon themselves? My surprise must have been evident as Jason chuckled softly. “We’re invested in this, Izzy. If you’re stepping up, we’ve got your back.”

So, they can’t afford to pay my rent, but now they can invest in a salon visit? Jason’s office job must be paying well, and I knew Braden was on a full football scholarship. I wasn’t sure of Teddy’s financial situation, but it does seem clear that my part of the rent is not making or breaking them. Sadly, all of this was irrelevant to my situation. I had no choice and had to play their game to avoid disaster. “Thanks, I guess,” is all I could say back.

Walking into the salon felt like a brief escape from the madness. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to do something this nice for myself. Settling into the plush chair, I relished the touch of expert hands as they worked through my hair. The scent of shampoo and the soothing sensation of fingers on my scalp offered a momentary reprieve. The soft music in the background lulled my racing thoughts, and I felt like a Queen.

Despite my initial hesitation, the experience turned out to be surprisingly pleasant. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment as the shampoo rinsed away my worries.

Lost in my thoughts, I hardly realized that the process had ended. “Okay, sweetie, you can open your eyes now,” the stylist said.

I blinked as the chair turned to face the mirror. Seeing my reflection, I couldn’t help but gasp. My once-dark hair was now a striking platinum blond. It was a choice I would have never made myself and seemed unnatural.

The stylist’s tone was almost singsong as she spoke, “So, what do you think? It suits you, doesn’t it?”

Embarrassment and uncertainty flushed my cheeks. I hadn’t anticipated such a dramatic change, and not having a say in the color left me feeling subservient, A feeling I hated. I cleared my throat, managing a hesitant response. “It’s ... definitely different.”

Meeting my eyes in the mirror, I realized this change wasn’t just about the color. The platinum blond locks contrasted my dark eyebrows and Latina features, creating a bold, almost slutty look.

Turning in the chair, I faced Jason, who awaited my reaction with a smile. “Izzy, you look amazing!” Meeting his gaze, I had a sudden realization. These chores weren’t solely about earning my keep. They were molding me into someone who catered to their desires.

A wave of understanding washed over me, leaving me unsettled and defiant. The stakes were higher than I had thought. I must be more strategic than ever to avoid becoming something I regret.

Finally arriving home, I stepped out of the car, relieved to return to familiar surroundings. Walking into the living room, I noticed Teddy sitting on the couch. His eyes widened as they landed on my new hair. “Izzy, your hair ... It’s, um, different.”

His gaze lingered, his face reddening before he abruptly stood up and practically bolted to his room. Clearly, my new look had struck a chord with him.

Deciding to let it go, I continued to my room, seeking the comfort of solitude. But as luck would have it, fate had other plans. The bathroom door swung open, revealing Braden. His eyes traveled up and down my figure, his gaze intense and predatory.

“Well, well, look who’s finally getting serious about these chores.”

Suppressing a surge of anger and unease, I clenched my fists. “Braden, I...”

He cut me off with a chuckle, his arrogance evident. “Gotta hand it to you, Izzy. You look fucking hot. Didn’t think you had it in you.”

His words felt like an invasion, a series of unwanted advances. Something told me holding off the lust of my roommates would not be easy.

Unable to stand it any longer, I retreated to my room, slamming the door behind me in frustration. Sinking onto my bed, I stared at the ceiling, torn between conflicting emotions. How far was I willing to go to avoid homelessness? I won’t let them break me down. I might be in a tough spot, but no matter what chores I pick, I won’t let them defeat me.

Determined, I grabbed my laptop, attempting to shift my focus to finding a job to release me from this situation. However, the challenge of my living situation persisted, making it difficult to concentrate on anything else. My compliance with these tasks might be getting me points, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that they were weaving a web around me, one I might not easily escape.

Chapter 3

Wednesday [35 pts]

A pitifully short list of cleaning tasks remained for today. Just dinner and dishes left. Oh, joy, a grand total of 2 points. With the threat of homelessness looming, I scanned the list for the least humiliating options. Anything that didn’t involve me fucking my roommates would be a win.

There it was, sitting in section B! It was labeled as “Outfit Approval.” Well, platinum blonde hair was a giant leap. Still, it was manageable compared to some of the other tasks. The “slutty” hair, I couldn’t deny, was kind of hot. Plus, it might be worth swallowing my pride if it raked in some much-needed points. Who doesn’t want to play dress up for their housemates? As I mulled over my choices, a chuckle escaped my lips at the sheer absurdity of it all.

I hunted down Jason, my go-to guy, for information on this arrangement. Obviously, Teddy was no help. The poor fellow was so shy he could barely talk to me. On the other hand, Braden was an asshole. That leaves nice guy Jason. “Hey, Jason,” I called out.

“Hey. How’s it going?”

I crossed my arms, ditching any pretense of diplomacy. “You know, just your typical life of doing chores to avoid being out on the streets.” I hope I shamed him with that. His face showed that it did sting, so I continued on. “I wanted to talk about the outfit chore on the list.”

“Ah, the outfits. Pretty straightforward, actually. You need outfit approval for points each day. We rotate every week, and it’s Teddy’s turn this week.”

I raised an eyebrow; so that’s all? At least it’s Teddy and not the others. “Teddy, huh? Well, that should be ... okay.” I shrugged.

Jason’s smirk hinted at hidden knowledge. “Yeah, Teddy. I’m sure all his time in his room alone watching anime hasn’t affected his wardrobe choices.”

Excellent, I thought. But Jason wasn’t done yet. “Oh, and since you missed a couple days, we’ll have to prorate your points. Don’t expect the full 14. With the skipped days, it’ll be 2 points for each day he approves.”

I sighed in frustration. “Great, so I’m already at a disadvantage.”

Jason’s tone softened. “Look, we’re giving you a chance here. Would you rather be out on the street?”

Ah, the harsh reality. I knew Jason was right, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t irritated. With a begrudging nod, I left Jason to his devices.

I made my way down the hall, trying to figure out what to expect from Teddy. Given his shy demeanor, I hoped his choices wouldn’t be too outrageous, but I was worried, thanks to Jason’s comment. I didn’t want to be a live-action waifu.

Taking a deep breath, I rapped gently on Teddy’s door, bracing for what lay ahead. His shyness was fully displayed when he opened it, gaze skirting mine. “Hey, Teddy. Can we chat?”

He shuffled, “Uh, sure. Come in.”

Stepping into his room, I couldn’t help but notice the setting: a sanctuary of anime posters, action figures, and an unmistakable aura of introverted solitude. I cleared my throat, mustering up the courage to discuss the chore.

“About the outfits on the list,” I began, injecting a hint of playful amusement.

Teddy’s cheeks reddened, and he mumbled, “Yeah, I didn’t really think you’d pick that one.”

I arched an eyebrow, smirking. “Oh, really? And what did you think I’d pick?”

He hesitated, gaze fixed on the floor. “I don’t know...”

“Teddy, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t have a lot of options available.”

He fidgeted, embarrassed. “Yeah, I guess ... Sorry.”

I waved off his apology, opting for light-heartedness. “No worries. So, what am I wearing today?”

“Well ... I didn’t actually pick anything out. Can I just pick something of yours?”

I chuckled, feigning exasperation. “Ah, an excuse to see my panties; I knew it.”

“No, I wasn’t ... I mean ... I’m sorry.”

“Alright, alright,” I interjected, amusement lacing my words. “Let’s get this over with.”

As we moved to my room, Teddy followed, footsteps hesitant. I turned to him inside my room, a teasing glint in my eyes. I realize this was the first time Teddy had entered my room since I moved in. “Okay, Teddy.”

His cheeks tinged pink, and he shrugged bashfully.

I swung open my closet doors and pulled open a drawer filled with underwear. “Alright, let’s see what you can find.”

Teddy nodded, looking slightly mortified; he slowly went into my drawer. I watched as his fingers skimmed over the edges of my unmentionables, browsing through the items. I couldn’t help but mess with him a bit. “Enjoying yourself?”

He stammered, “I ... uh ... I wasn’t...”

I couldn’t contain my chuckle. “Relax, Teddy. Pick whatever floats your boat. I’m your model today, remember?”

His throat cleared, his bashful smile returning. “Right, sorry.”

Watching him go through my underwear one by one made me realize I wished I had money to go shopping. Some of these were damn embarrassing. Finally, he picked out a matching black thong and bra from the drawer, his touch gentle on the delicate fabric. He handed them to me, his gaze skirting mine.

“You really want me in these?” I raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise.

“I-I mean, it’s up to you. I just thought...”

I laughed softly, finding his mix of shyness and determination. It was kind of endearing. “Alright, Teddy. Let’s see what else you can find.”

He moved to my closet, taking his sweet time, probably debating each option like he was making a life-altering decision. The silence was broken only by the rustling of clothes, his deliberation evident in his meticulous process.

Finally, he emerged, an outfit in hand. “What’s the verdict?”

He met my gaze with a hint of uncertainty before showing me his choice. My eyes widened in surprise as I saw my old high school uniform, which I thought was buried in history. It bore memories of when conformity was king and rebellion took the form of skirt length.

With a nervous laugh, I tried to make light of it. “Oh, that old thing? I didn’t even know I still had it.”

Teddy’s voice wavered as he replied, “I thought ... you know, maybe it would be ... fun.”

I was taken aback by his suggestion. The implications were clear, but my pride still put up a fight. I stumbled over my words, trying to maintain my façade of confidence. “I mean, it’s probably way too small for me now. Should’ve Marie Kondo’d it out of my life years ago.”

Teddy was excited and lashed out at me, “Do you want the points or not, Izzy?”

I knew he was right, so I gave in with a sigh of reluctant surrender. “Alright, fine. Points it is.”

Taking the uniform from him, I felt strange nostalgia wash over me. “Okay, Teddy, I’ll play along. But promise no peeking.”

Teddy’s cheeks flushed anew, and he nodded vigorously. He obediently turned to face the wall, his shyness palpable even though I couldn’t see his face. The sound of clothes rustling followed, and I couldn’t help but chuckle inwardly at the sheer lunacy of this moment. Changing into that too-small skirt and buttoning up that crisp white blouse was like revisiting a bygone era. An era I hated, a sad realization came to me saying this one wasn’t much better.

Once sufficiently decked out in the schoolgirl ensemble, I stepped closer to the mirror, examining my reflection. The outfit was unquestionably risqué; the skirt’s length would push the dress code. It turns out I’ve grown since high school. As I adjusted the tie and fiddled with the knee-high socks, I couldn’t help but shake my head in disbelief. Could I really wear this? I mused, shaking my head in amused disbelief.

But amid the oddity, I reminded myself that it was just a bizarre game I’d embarked upon to keep a roof over my head. And Teddy was the only roommate home, so it wasn’t as though I’d be parading around town in this getup.

Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and headed for the door. “Alright, Teddy, you can turn around now. I’m ready.”

Teddy hesitated momentarily before he slowly turned around, revealing his bashful expression. His eyes widened as he took in the outfit, and his gaze lingered in a way that was simultaneously flattering and a tad embarrassing. I couldn’t resist teasing him.

“See something you like?” I quipped.

“N-No, I mean ... Yes ... I mean ... I wasn’t...”

I giggled, finding his flustered reaction flattering. “Chill, Teddy. I’m just messing with you.”

He managed a shy smile. As I stood before him in the outfit he’d picked, I contemplated the lengths I would go to.

“Alright,” I said, breaking the moment of playfulness. “I’m all dressed up and ready for the day. Do you approve?” I did a curtsey and batted my eyelashes, trying to look cute.

Teddy nodded, his gaze finally meeting mine. “Yes! I mean ... You really didn’t have to do this.”

A surge of frustration bubbled up, “Let’s be real, Teddy. What are my options? No job, no place to stay. Where do I go if I don’t play along with your little chores?”

Teddy’s head dropped in shame. “I’m sorry.”

I softened my tone. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up about it. I shouldn’t have dumped it on you. It’s not like it’s your fault I’m unemployed.”

The day stretched ahead, a medley of dishes, prepping dinner, and the exasperating hunt for job prospects. As the hours ticked by, I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that my efforts were in vain, that the job market remained as unforgiving as ever.

On the other hand, Teddy was home for the day, his studies keeping him occupied. Or at least that’s what I figured. But as the hours ticked by, I noticed his frequent appearances in the common areas. He took every opportunity to check me out, clearly enjoying dressing me up today.

As evening set in, Braden and Jason returned home, their entrance accompanied by a chorus of teasing and catcalls. “Izzy, were you a bad girl today?” Braden quipped.

I shot him an eye roll, my tone dripping with sarcasm. “Of course not, sir. I’ve been a good girl.” To play along, I pouted.

Jason joined in, his grin inviting more teasing. “Oh, come on, Izzy, don’t pretend you’re not secretly loving this.”

Rolling my eyes, I retorted, “Oh, absolutely. Because who wouldn’t want to be treated like a sex object?

Braden and Jason exchanged glances. As the banter continued, I engaged in a playful back-and-forth, each comment a reminder that amidst the chores, there was a camaraderie forming, albeit a peculiar one.

Their banter continued through dinner, which felt like a casual gathering. But as the dishes were cleared and the conversation shifted, my attention shifted to Teddy. I needed his approval for my outfit tomorrow to get enough points.

“Hey, Teddy, what’s the dress code for tomorrow?”

Teddy mumbled something unintelligible, his gaze evasive.

Before Teddy could form a coherent sentence, Braden piped up, “You know, Izzy, if you’re looking to score more points, there’s an option.”

“And what would that be?”

Braden leaned back, a smug grin on his face. “How about this? You get an extra 5 points if you agree to a shopping trip with Teddy and let him pick out your outfits for the rest of the week.”

My surprise was evident, but it didn’t change the fact that I needed the points. I turned to Teddy, my tone half-teasing. “Well, Teddy, mall date?”

“Yeah, I mean, if you’re okay with it.”

I couldn’t resist a smirk. “Alright then, let’s make me look like your dream girl.”

Exiting the car in the mall parking lot made me realize I hadn’t thought this through. Dressed in the schoolgirl outfit like a slutty girl on Halloween, I was suddenly struck by the realization that stepping into public view might bring about consequences I hadn’t fully considered. Leering glances and inappropriate comments followed me with every step, and I couldn’t help but feel a surge of discomfort.

Part of me was flattered by the attention, however inappropriate it might be. What a weird thought that was. Taking a deep breath, I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the task: shopping with Teddy. By my side, Teddy seemed just as jittery as me. Offering him an encouraging smile, “So, Teddy, any ideas where we should start?”

He cleared his throat, his voice slightly shaky. “Well, there’s this store I like. It has some ... clothes.”

I grinned at his vague response. “Sounds promising; we do need some clothes. Let’s go.”

The vibrant displays and eclectic merchandise instantly caught my attention as we entered the store. This place was a haven for the nerd at heart, a treasure trove of collectibles, costumes, and comics. Teddy’s eyes lit up like Christmas lights, and I couldn’t help but find his excitement contagious. A few fellow shoppers and the store clerk exchanged friendly nods and knowing smiles with him.

“I’m guessing you come here often.”

He nodded, a sheepish smile playing on his lips. “Yeah, maybe a little.”

“So, Teddy,” I inquired, “what’s the plan?”

He hesitated for a moment before pointing towards a rack of costumes. “Well, they’ve got costumes here. I thought maybe you could, you know, try a few on?”

The idea of wearing costumes all week wasn’t appealing, but what choice did I have? Turning to Teddy, I encouraged him, “Whatever you want me to wear, I’m game.”

Quickly, he started to sift through the racks. He scrutinized costume after costume, ranging from characters I recognized to ones I had never seen before. He was like a kid in a candy store.

Teddy practically beamed as he found a Supergirl costume. “Hey, this one would be absolutely perfect for you. Want to give it a try?”

I couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of flattery, knowing that Teddy believed I could pull off this outfit. “If you want.” Taking it from him, I headed towards the fitting rooms.

Alone, I spread out the costume Teddy had handed over. And let me tell you, it was like a Supergirl getup of the slutty variety. Short skirt, low-cut top, the whole shebang. My reflection caught my eye, and I swear, even the mirror seemed to question my life choices.

A chuckle escaped me as I shook my head. “I’m seriously doing this, aren’t I?”

As I wriggled into that costume, a whirlwind of emotions hit me. It was ridiculous, no doubt about it. Yet, there was this weird mix of amusement and anxiety. I mean, stepping out in this getup was like voluntarily becoming the center of attention, and trust me, that’s not exactly my comfort zone.

Once I was all decked out, I faced myself in the mirror, and well, hot damn. The costume was sexy, nothing I’d ever be caught dead in, but here I was. I couldn’t help but stand there, staring at my audacity.

Thoughts ping-ponged around my head, doubt and intrigue, mostly. I gave myself a pep talk under my breath like I was some sort of motivational speaker. “Okay, Izzy, you gonna roll with this?” After a deep breath, I called to Teddy, who was waiting outside, “Hey, Teddy, I’m ready.”

Teddy’s eyes met mine, and his shy smile made my stomach flutter with a weird mix of nerves and warmth. He took this hesitant step closer to the fitting room, and his gaze was like a shy dance between the floor and me. “Oh, um, great. You look ... awesome.”

Before I could respond, this voice was chiming in from the side. It was the store clerk, all enthusiastic with his nerdy glasses and this undeserved confidence you just couldn’t miss.

“Looks like we’ve got our very own Supergirl over here!” he exclaimed like Teddy’s presence wasn’t even a factor. “You really bring that costume to life! You know, we have this cool tradition, a ‘Cosplay Catwalk.’ People would try on different costumes and then show them off to everyone in the store. It was a blast.”

I raised an eyebrow, couldn’t help myself, and let my sarcasm flow into my words. “So, what, you want me to strut my stuff like a cosplay girl?”

The clerk laughed like he was totally cool with my tone. “How about some extra motivation? I’m willing to throw in fifty bucks for you to model this Supergirl outfit and all the other stuff your buddy Teddy picked out. Trust me, it’s a win-win. You score extra cash, and we get a little show.”

I looked at Teddy, his nervous smile and those little nods that said, “I’m with you on this.” Fifty dollars was a lot for me right now. I then looked down at the skimpy costume I was wearing. It was uncomfortable as hell but also kind of intriguing. I sighed, couldn’t hold it back, and voiced my concerns, “Fifty bucks, huh? Hope this ain’t some elaborate prank.”

The clerk put his hands up in a playful way. “No pranks, promise. Just a bit of fun.”

I glanced back at Teddy, who was practically fidgeting with his fingers. With another sigh, my skepticism still hanging around, I gave in. “Alright, fine. But let’s make it sixty, and I want the cash up front.”

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