Copyright© 2025 by HAL
Chapter 3
Humor Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Wikipedia: "A pheromone is a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species. Pheromones are chemicals capable of acting like hormones outside the body of the secreting individual, to affect the behavior of the receiving individuals." Get that right for humans and the world is your oyster... we did.
Caution: This Humor Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft mt/Fa Consensual Heterosexual
That night I was happy to hit the sack. I was tired out. There was a small downside to the spray. Once they had the scent in their nostrils and into their brain or where ever the receptor was, ‘no’ was not an answer. They had to be satisfied.
I drifted to sleep and then woke to the door opening. Surely not Aunty Jean? No, it was Jackie. I gave myself a small spray so she wouldn’t feel disappointed, but I wasn’t sure I needed to now, and let her crawl into bed with me. I was tired, but a fifteen year old asking me to fuck her brains out was not something to let get away. I had her pyjama bottoms and panties off quickly and roughly entered her on her back. Once again the drug proved so effective that she ‘Mmmmed’ a quiet orgasm almost before my bollocks reached her body. It took me a while to build up steam and come. She said she was a little sore. I realised after that my small spray had been inside her this time. I would have told her to wash, but I just fell asleep again.
Sore, but not done. An hour later she pushed my hands on her tits. “Squeeze them hard, suck my nipples.”
“I’m really tired, Jackie. Wait until the morning?”
“No, I’ll do all the work.” She pushed me onto my back, nearly pushing me out of bed, then she straddled me, found my cock – which, despite the unwillingness of its owner, had risen to stiffy again – again located it deep inside her in one go. She gave a little yelp of pain, but it wasn’t enough to stop her. She gyrated up and down and rubbed herself up and down. And came again, less quietly than I would have liked, but I hoped her aunt was fast asleep. I realised, a little later, that the pheromone must have worn off by now; this was just rampant, naked, girlish, lust – I liked that.
Then we both were allowed to sleep, naked and sated. At 7am we woke as Aunty Jean came in with two coffees. “I figured you would need these to wake up.
I have to go to work this morning. Since you are clearly intent on having long and disturbing sex, John, go and buy some condoms this morning. Promise you won’t fu- have sex again until you have them.” I promised. “Jackie? I assume you aren’t on the pill? Well, be careful. And don’t tell your mother! She’d never forgive me.”
And with that, she left us, naked and cuddled up in a single bed. I have to think that, without having been poked, herself, the day before, she wouldn’t normally have been so laid back. I mentioned this to Jackie. “I know, she’s normally, well ... nice but a bit, you know, straightlaced. Seems your sex therapy did work on her. I’m not saying I’m happy sharing you with her, but maybe it’s for the best.” What should I do? Tell her that she’s likely to share me with half the town? She was still in my bed and with nothing but skin between us. I wasn’t going to ruin the vibe at that particular moment. We sat up, I pulled the sheet off her chest. “John! She might come back!”
“Nah, she’ll wait a bit. Drink your coffee.”
A shout from below told us that she’d left. Jackie got out, suddenly shy. I reminded her there was no-one to see, except me, and she scurried to the toilet. By the time she was back, I was smelling of female pheromone, John-smell and whisky again. “Oh! Fuck! I need you again! But my lala is so sore! I was a virgin and you’ve worn me away! And you promised not to! Look ... I can’t believe this ... will you, use the other place? I’d suck you off, but I really want to feel your body on mine and in mine and...” Thinking back, I’m not sure why I put the pheromone on then, I was determined to keep my promise to Aunty Jean, and anyway I didn’t want to have to marry a fifteen year old mother. But now...
“You want me to...” I made a gesture which I hoped she understood, she did.
“Do you mind?”
Do I mind having anal with her at her request? Is she crazy? Naked, I ran out to the bathroom, then to Aunt Jean’s room, then to the kitchen. I found squirty cream, that would do. Jackie was laughing when I returned and holding hand cream in her hands.
“Oh, okay, yeah, that would do too. You put that on me, and I’ll put this in you.” So she rubbed my erect cock with hand cream, it was one of those slightly greasy ones so it soaked in a little and then left a soft, slidey surface. And then I turned her over, raised her arse up in the air and pushed the nozzle of the cream can into her jacksy. She enjoyed it!
“Oh, that feels lovely, fill me up!” But I didn’t, in case it squirted back when I invaded her.
The invasion was slow and careful. She was young, tight and just a little nervous. She was also determined that I should have full on sex again even though her ‘normal’, as she put it, was very, very sore. So she opted to make her abnormal sore too. She really wanted me in and I knew that, once in, she’d want someone (and there were only two of us here) to stroke that sore clitoris of hers.
I got in, began the old ‘in-out’ with as little movement as possible. And, sure enough, her fingers found it impossible not to stroke her sex slit; the hand cream helped.
I was right about the cream blow-back, by the way. Each pump in caused an ooze back out of cream. I’d love to pretend it was all me, all my cum; but it wasn’t. I had to wash the sheets after. Jackie came with a rush and an “Oh yes! Oh ow! Oh Yes, yes, got to rub harder, it hurts so much and so nice!” It made sense to me. I’d had a session once when I wanted to see how many times I could come in a twenty four hour period (fifteen!), but I could barely walk after with the soreness against my clothes. It was days before I was able to touch myself again. She was in the same state, I think.
I sent her to the shower, and I stripped the bed and put the sheets and her panties (also rather messy from last night – I’d used them to wipe her after to stop her leaking on the bed; no point at it turned out, was there?). If I hurried I could have them washed, dried and back on the bed before Aunty Jean returned with lots of questions. I liked her, I didn’t want her to get stressed.
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