Pheromone - Cover


Copyright© 2025 by HAL

Chapter 2

Humor Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Wikipedia: "A pheromone is a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species. Pheromones are chemicals capable of acting like hormones outside the body of the secreting individual, to affect the behavior of the receiving individuals." Get that right for humans and the world is your oyster... we did.

Caution: This Humor Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual  

Jackie was Aunty Jean’s niece on her husband’s side. Her mother’s husband had had the bad manners to be taken to hospital with a heart attack whilst fucking his secretary (the firm paid for her to have a psychologist after that, she was not in a good way, apparently), and the good manners to have a second heart attack that did for him. He was well out of the picture and she was set up comfortably with work payout (plus some – they didn’t want the publicity) and insurance and full pension to come in good time. And she worked part time too. She got on well with hubby’s sister and so Jackie was a regular visitor from the age of seven. How did I know about Uncle Rod? The whole fucking town knew that secret.

Jackie arrived, a slim, pretty, fifteen year old. Small tits and hips, but enough to make the woody start jumping when she flounced around in her little skirt. It was summer, she had a new bikini and couldn’t wait to test it in the garden.

Aunty Jean could see this was a risky business. She could see me looking at this girl’s bust. She already knew I could screw, she took the bull head on “She’s underage, watch them ... IT, watch IT I mean!”

“I will. Thanks Aunty Jean.” Thing was, she couldn’t be around all the time. I couldn’t help looking at the girl’s dark brown triangles half covering her breasts and the dark brown triangle covering the brown triangle of fur beneath. This was no Brazilian G-string. She was fifteen! This was a bikini top that respectfully covered about half the luscious rounded breast beneath (though not, I noticed, hiding the little pimply button at the apex), and a bikini bottom that properly covered what I assumed was an unshaven crotch and had a waist band just below her hip bones. It was all the more sexy for that.

We got on well together, she enjoyed my company and we went to the mall (avoiding Marjory Tow Fashions of course) and visited some of the friends I’d made, including Jerry.

“Is Jerry, umm, is he gay?” she asked “I’ve never met one before.”

“I doubt that is true, you just didn’t know. It isn’t always a good idea to advertise. And no, in answer to your next question, I’m not.”

“I know. I’ve seen the way you look at me in my bikini. I don’t mind; it’s quite flattering that someone your age likes my body. It’s a bit underdeveloped isn’t it?”

“Stop fishing for compliments.” I laughed “You seem to have developed quite well so far. And what do you mean ‘my age’ like I’m nearing the funeral home?”

It was a teasing conversation, and my prick was semi-hard when we got back.

Aunty Jean saw me looking at her from my window. “Chris, I can’t let you hurt her, you know that. If you want...”

I had to do something, I would have jacked off, there and then. But she was offering. I looked at her, quickly sprayed a little on my neck, knowing that she would enjoy it too, then; and towed her to her room.

I’d said I wouldn’t do this again! Here I was pushing up her skirt and pulling down her large panties. She was already moaning at what was to come; moaning with pleasure I mean. I started by licking her, what I could find. She had a lot of flab on her legs and I had to push past to get to her slit. She loved it though. She was happily sighing and then arched and came; just like that! I had barely touched her clitoris – I had barely found it! Then I moved up, undoing my jeans as I did so. I wormed my way past her thighs and she reached down to help in the discovery process. I wondered how she peed without wetting her fat. But once in she was nice enough to feel. I wanted to unbutton her shirt and squeeze her huge tits, but there just wasn’t time.

She had her eyes closed in pleasure. I had my eyes closed more to hide what I was doing with my Aunt. We both came with shouts. Of course she also overlooked the back garden, it was hot, the window was open. When we opened our eyes. Jackie was standing stock still at the door. Her eyes were wide with shock. But she didn’t run away. There obviously wasn’t enough pheromone to turn her right on, but maybe just a little? To watch?

I got off Aunty Jean and pulled her skirt down as I did so. Later, both women commented separately about how they noticed that little act of gentlemanly behaviour. I pulled up underpants and jeans together. It wasn’t comfortable but seemed better than taking time whilst Jackie watched.

Now she turned and ran to her room. Aunty Jean shouted after her, but knew it would do no good.

“What have I done?” she said.

“Nothing to be ashamed of. We are both old enough to decide for ourselves. If the age gap seems odd, well it shouldn’t, not really. [which I knew was crap] Look, let me talk to her. Why don’t you head off to Organic Farms and get something nice for tea; take your time. I’ll talk her round...” or leave I thought. It wouldn’t be fair on Jackie if she felt she had to go.

Aunty Jean left, she hadn’t washed. Despite feeling ashamed, she also loved the feel of leaking into her panties. She was also aware that she had a strong, thick gusset that would prevent leakage beyond her underwear. She knew she was still a woman (or a woman and a half!, or two women!). I waited until she had gone and then used the hidden weapon – the spray. Then I knocked on Jackie’s door.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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