Among Aliens - Cover

Among Aliens

Copyright© 2024 by Reaper

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A female fighter pilot suddenly loses power midflight. She finds herself in the midst of an alien invasion, but it's nothing like the movies. The aliens continue to convert the male population into sex-craving zombies, and the females are injected with a powerful mind-altering serum. Her only companion is a young perverted, overweight teenager that has never seen the world outside of his mother's basement.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Aliens   Post Apocalypse   BDSM   Light Bond   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

Riley Andrews felt her lithe body get pressed into the seat of the F-15 as the engines ramped up. Another day, another scouting operation. She breathed into the mask and looked down to see the ground race past her – there seemed to be an endless supply of sprawling hills, forests, and lakes. She didn’t know what exactly she was supposed to be looking for out in the wilderness, but over her short time at the Airforce, she had learnt the phrase ‘orders are orders’ too well.

As a young girl, she had always wanted to be a pilot, and that’s what she had done. At 25, Riley couldn’t find much fault with her life – she was a recently appointed fighter pilot of the Airforce, her mum had had an easy life and the two had shared many happy moments together, she had a few solid friends back home, and there wouldn’t be a day without some guy making a move on her. Riley had inherited her mother’s sharp features and high cheekbones, and a father she didn’t know had given her exquisite olive skin from his Spanish origins along with black hair that had a hint of brown in them. The demanding training, she had received had slimmed down her already sinewy body into that of an athlete’s. And the only thing, or rather two things, that weren’t athletic about her was her chest. Her breasts had always been growing – at just 16, they had reached a full d-cup- but then there had come a point when the rest of her stopped growing which very soon made her top-heavy. But that wasn’t to say she lacked in the ass department by any means – if anything, it was just as good. Despite her graceful frame, her wide hips flared outwards, giving rise to a very elegantly heart-shaped backside.

Riley checked her GPS – it was almost time to head back and report the absence of anything unusual. And that’s when she lost power. The powerful engines ground to a halt, and the screens went blank. There was only the sound of the wind whipping against the streamlined body of the plane.

“What the hell...” Keeping calm, Riley initiated a system reboot. But the only feedback she got was the click of the buttons. “Auxiliary power,” she muttered. But that too was unresponsive. The flying beast had turned into a metal coffin travelling at over a thousand miles an hour.

She was losing speed at an alarming rate, and the ground below was coming up to meet her. There was only one option. Steeling herself, Riley gripped the handles of ejection mechanism, and pulled hard. With a loud hiss, the entire world turned upside down and she lost all sense of direction as the air kicked her around. It felt like she was falling for an eternity, and when she almost sure that she was about to die, a bundle of fabric spat itself out. A second later, something yanked her up, the straps of her seat painfully cutting against her chest.

The world came back to her slowly. She had landed in a clearing of some sort, and the smell of the earth underneath comforted her. Riley groped for the quick release and pressed it. Her seat had crashed a few metres away and was intact from the looks of it. That was good. Struggling to her feet, she took a few uncertain steps towards it, and reached for the emergency kit behind. There were a couple of nutrition bars, a bottle of water, first aid, and most importantly – a com unit.

Riley took out the com unit and flicked the switch on and waited patiently for it to boot up. Nothing. The LCD screen remained dark. What the fuck ... She tried it again, and eventually resorted to the universal method of getting anything to work – smashing it against the ground. And when that too failed, she smashed it one last time for good measure, and flopped down on the ground.

“Hey, you alright?”

“Fuck!” she swore, startled.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to freak you out,” came a gruff voice. A large man with a uniform stepped out of the trees. “Saw your chute, so I came running as fast as I could.”

“You’re a park ranger...”

“That I am. Henry,” the ranger introduced himself. “And you must be Airforce.”

“Riley,” she greeted back, relieved to having found help so fast.

“Did something happen? All my electronics shut down.”

“That’s certainly strange. Everything was fine when I left the town, we should probably get you back.”

“Yeah, I need to contact my base. Can I please use your mobile phone?”

“You could try all you want, but there’s not a penny of signal out here. Best we head back.”

Riley ditched the helmet and followed the ranger into the woods.

The still air was hot and humid as the sun reached its apex above the thick canopy, turning the forest into an oven of a hell. It was suffocating without any hint of a breeze, and to Riley it felt like she was wading through some thick invisible syrup.

“This is killing me,” she complained, panting for breath. She could feel her sweat dripping down her body. The thick, heavy full-body overalls that were meant to protect pilots from fires and freezing waters, was strangling her.

“Yeah, it gets pretty wild out here” chuckled the ranger. His overweight body was struggling too, and his uniform had gotten all messed up.

Deciding to ditch her modesty for the sake of her own sanity, Riley unzipped the overalls, and stepped free from its clutches.

“God, that’s so much better,” she sighed. She was clad in leggings that stopped short of an inch above her knees, and a white sports bra that was visibly overwhelmed by the mass of flesh behind it. She was drenched in sweat – it glistened on her cleavage, legs, and her exposed midriff.

“I can imagine,” the ranger smiled, his eyes briefly taking in the sight of her breasts straining against the tight sports bra, before continuing.

The going was slow and painful, and the undergrowth was dense with thorny shrubs and vines.

“We’re almost there,” nodded the stranger, pressed hard for air. “We have our hut right around this corner.”

“I thought we were heading back to town,”

“We are the hut’s just a resting point.”

The surrounding plant growth momentarily gave away to reveal a small clearing with a wooden hut in the middle.

“Gunner” yelled out Henry. The door opened and a taller, leaner ranger appeared. He stared at Riley for a few seconds, before responding.

“You’re the fighter pilot?” he asked in disbelief and shared a look with his partner.


“How do even fly around with those knockers?” he exclaimed, guffawing crudely at his own joke.

“Look sir, I need to contact my base, it’s an emergency,” explained Riley, letting the comment slide. She was of the Airforce, and these men were just lowly park rangers.

“Well, come on in instead of just looking pretty.”

“Don’t mind him,” quipped in Henry, a small smile playing on his face.

“Yeah, you don’t say,” snapped Riley, exasperated, before marching in. Henry reached down to his crotch and rubbed his member. Trekking with that busty bitch so close to him had got him so close to exploding.

The hut was damp and dark, and it smelled like it hadn’t been cleaned in a long time.

“When was the last-”

An arm roughly wrapped around her, and before she knew it, the tall ranger was reaching under her pants.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing!” screamed Riley, but he had an iron grip and the surprise attack had dissolved her strength. Something smooth and wet slithered under her pants, and found her sweaty opening before plunging in. It slithered into her vagina, and a moment later she could feel something squirt out of it.

That’s when she snapped her head back, breaking the nose of her assailant. The ranger fell back out, pulling out the slimy thing with him. The point past his elbow had was no longer a human hand, but a fleshy tentacle that was swirling around.

“What the fuck are you?” she shouted; her eyes wide with panic.

“Just your neighbourhood alien,” groaned Gunner The broken nose fixed itself as the flesh around it warped. Something heavy and soft brought her crashing down onto the floor. It was Henry. He pinned her arms, and half kneeled over her legs.

“She’s not ready, I couldn’t inject the full thing” warned Gunner.

“I don’t care, I’m not waiting a second longer,” he spat.

“Fine, knock yourself over,” shrugged the tall ranger. “But at least wait until the nectar begins its work.” The tentacle began warping, giving way to a human arm.

Henry’s ears were deaf to the world outside. He ripped the sports bra to shreds with his two hands and began squeezing the breasts that had been released. The man uttered a primal moan, feeling the sweaty, soft, supple flesh yielding under his hands.

“Fuck off you retard!” Crunch! Riley punched Henry square in the face, feeling the flesh crush under her the impact. She viciously punched him a few more times before he finally staggered aside.

“Busty and tough!” chortled the tall ranger, finding the unfolding scene amusing.

With blood dripping down his face, Henry attempted to get up, but a roundhouse kick from Riley sent him sprawling onto the ground. Afraid she had used up her luck, she sprinted past the hut, and into the forest. She didn’t look back.

Riley Andrews ran. Leaves and branches whipped at her as she crashed through the forest. Roots and vines attempted to trip her up, but she kept going. Something evil was at play and her survival instincts told her that she needed to put as much distance between them. Her breasts hung heavy, slowing her down, and despite their youthful firmness, they heaved up and down with each step, pain flaring in her chest.

She jumped down a ledge and winced as her breasts bounced around with the impact. Short on air, she slowed down, and allowed one hand to clutch her chest. What the fuck had just happened? Aliens? Was the world pulling some sick joke on her? But she had seen the tentacle with her own eyes, and it had felt very real inside of her. What had it done to her when it had squirted something inside of her? She vaguely remembered the tall ranger calling it ‘nectar’, and that it was only half complete.

The questions helped distract her from her screaming lungs that burned with exhaustion. But she couldn’t ignore them forever. After running for as long as her body would allow it, her legs gave away and she slumped behind the large trunk of a tree. Her body was getting hot, and her mouth was drying up. Riley sat there gasping for air, until her heart seemed to calm down.

The situation looked bleak - she had nothing but her leggings, and a bra with a large chunk of its fabric missing from the front. Think. She told herself. She had ran in the direction of the town, and assuming she had been going in that general direction, she should reach civilization ... eventually.

She suddenly realised how sweaty her sweet spot felt ... it was almost warm and tingly. She looked down to see her nipples having hardened but dismissed the fact aside. Riley pulled down her leggings and peered over. What had that thing injected? She couldn’t see anything weird – it was just her clean-shaven member, looking rather puffy.

Shaking her head, Riley pulled her pants up and began walking. But a few more minutes later, she could feel the tingling getting stronger. An invisible ghost gently blew across her exposed nipples, and she shuddered. What was happening? Now’s not the time to get horny Riley Andrews, get a fucking hold of yourself she belittled herself, and continued.

Riley could feel her thighs squishing her pussy with each step she took, she could feel her clit begin to spark. The tingling sensations had turned into subtle throbs, and she was getting wet – but not with sweat.

Defiantly keeping her urges at bay, Riley trekked the uneven terrain until she couldn’t ignore them. She just ... needed a little break, that was all. With her back to a tree, she gently massaged her sweet spot. A flurry of impulses sent shivers up her body and her pussy throbbed approvingly. God she was so wet.

Half curious, half driven by lust, she slipped down her leggings, and saw strands of her juice form a web with the silky fabric. Her sweet spot was clearly engorged, and dripping. Without thinking, she slipped a finger inside, and the pleasure gripped her tightly. There was no going back. Forgetting her ordeals, she dug her fingers in further and felt the wet, warm, tight embrace of her pussy welcome her. Since when had fingering herself felt this good? Using a second finger, Riley pumped her vagina, causing a blob of her sticky juices to trickle down.

“Oh Fuck...” she moaned, shoving in the three fingers, and strumming herself as fast she could. The pleasure was amazing, it was unbearably amazing, and her climax was going to be even more amazing, she was going to - “Oh Fuck!” she squealed, squirting a large volume of ejaculate.

Having lost all inhibitions, Riley went at it again, this time with her other arm rubbing her clit. Why ... was this happening? Her hands were drenched with cum, and her hand made loud squishing sounds as it desperately pumped her. She was going to cum again - “Fuck me...” she whimpered, her entire body quivering as her orgasm thundered down her.

Dunley was your stereotypical teenage failure that lived in his mother’s basement, jerking off to anything and everything he could get his hands on. And when he wasn’t perving on his attractive classmates by hacking their laptop webcams, he would grind his PlayStation. He was a chubby thing, that was constantly munching down something – it was a second habit as much as breathing was. But despite his shortcomings, Dunley wasn’t a complete retard as most would assume. He passed all his exams with hardly opening a book, and from a very young age, he’d been good with tech. He could hack into anything you could think of and disassemble and assemble a computer under five minutes – but that was only when he wasn’t drooling over a pair of knockers he’d seen on the internet.

It had been an ordinary day when all hell broke loose. In some sense, it was as if his wildest dreams had come to life in the form of a badly written hentai. Dunley’s parents had flown out for work that week, and it had just been him in his man cave when the first few screams broke lose. But to his luck, with machine guns rattling inside of his headphones and bits of flesh raining down on his flat screen, the outside world remained oblivious.

A few hours later, the entire town had disappeared. And it was not just here, it was happening around the globe. Videos of violent mobs, and certain horrifying scenes had flooded the internet. The national guard had been called in, but no one knew what they were supposed to be fighting, and then, the severs had crashed.

It was a long time before the trees started to thin out. Her brain failed to make sense of the sequence of events that had transpired, but what it did understand was that she needed water. And a lot of it. She had never felt as thirsty as she did now. The insides of her mouth almost stuck to her teeth from the lack of moisture. It must have been that nectar she mused. Her leggings were absolutely drenched with her cum, and no amount of cleaning could get rid of the stickiness. This nectar must have what made her inexplicably ... so fucking horny that she had orgasmed so many times. Riley had always been a squirter, but she knew she wasn’t a fire hydrant, and she definitely had never squirted consecutively. What in God’s name was going on?

She could see the small Town in the distance. A few concrete buildings rose into the sky, and wounding towards it like a snake was highway 34. She’d enter the nearest police station and file a report of what had happened, and then she’d contact base.

But as she grew closer, Riley realized that it was too quiet. The houses all seemed to have been abandoned, and her gut was telling her to turn back. When she went to knock on one of the doors, she found it ajar.

“Anyone here?”

Silence. Riley slipped into the house and found it empty. Water dripped from the kitchen sink, and that suddenly reminded her of how fatigued she was. Pausing her investigation, she grabbed a glass and drank heartily – water had never tasted so good.

After drinking as much as she dared to, and stealing a few bites from the kitchen, she had gone up stairs to one of the rooms in search of something to cover up with. And that’s when she saw them marching towards the house. With pissed faces, the two rangers were making a beeline for the house she was in. Shit! With no time to search for a weapon, Riley scrambled under the bed, and a second later scrambled back out, realising that it was an obvious hiding spot with no means of escape. The front banged open, and she gently pressed herself behind the wall of the half open door - when the door opened, it would conceal her.

“The bitch is definitely in the house, I can smell her,” growled Gunner.

“Not here. Go upstairs.”

Footsteps took the stairs two by two, and the door slammed open, grazing her nipples.

“She’s here!” The two men entered the room and started opening the wardrobes. Riley made a run for it. She pushed the door away and darted out of room and had already made it towards the stairs before the men realised what had happened. Cursing, they came crashing after her.

“Where do you think you’re going bitch!”

She ran deeper into the city, but there was no one to hear her cries for help. Feet pounding against the tarmac, Riley sprinted, her heaving breasts significantly slowing her down. But she proved to be much faster as the pair soon fell back.

“Over here!” a voice called out. She looked around and saw a face coming up from the basement of a nearby house. “Don’t come closer! Keep running and circle back!” And it disappeared. She took two steps towards the house but decided against it and continued running ahead. If the monsters could smell her, then she’d directly lead them to this house. She needed to make a circle.

Trusting the complete stranger, she kept running and entered a building complex before exiting from the back. Breathing hard, Riley crouched down, until she saw the men enter the building, and as soon as they disappeared, she ran back the way she had come.

As she approached the house, the basement door opened and, a man stepped out. “Quick, in here.” Without thinking twice, she scrambled in.

“They fell for it,” chuckled the stranger. But all Riley could reply with were her gasps for air. She was in some kind of a basement that had three small screens in one corner, and bunch of stuff she couldn’t figure out. The man that taken her in was rather a boy in his late teens. He was chubby for his age, with thick arms and stubby fingers, and a mane of untidy greasy hair.

“What the fuck happened here?” she asked, having caught her breath.

“Long story short –Aliens that can infect male humans into half aliens. Once a human male is converted, they can transform certain parts of their bodies into that of the Alien’s. They can make their arms turn into tentacles, and they inject this liquid into women that make them want to have their brains fucked out of their asses.”

“I ... you ... I can’t believe this,” replied Riley clutching her head. “Where did everyone go?”

“See for yourself,” The boy was standing behind a small desk stacked with three screens. Riley came behind him and looked and wish she hadn’t.

Hundreds and hundreds of men and women filled the screen. The floors of the mall were slick with ejaculate, and countless dicks flashed in and out. Every woman was getting railed hard by men whose penises had grown almost twice its original size. Riley watched in horror as a tiny woman had her insides stuffed by a giant log of a cock, and a few moments later, she squirted copious amounts of liquid everywhere. The women looked dazed, and their soulless eyes saw nothing.

“It’s like the women have been turned into sex-craving zombies,” explained the boy. “And all the hot ones get more attention than the rest,” Words failed Riley, and all she could do was take in the CCTV feed. Most of the larger breasted women had at least two men occupying them, and some of the more attractive ones had up to four. Cum oozed out endlessly, and there never seemed to be an end to the squirt bombs that rained all around. Calling it a ‘fuckfest’ wouldn’t cut it.

“What do the monsters even want?”

“No one knows.”

“How old are you kid? And how do you even have access to these security cameras?” asked Riley, forcing herself to look away from the screen.

“A thank you for saving your ass would have been nice. I’m eighteen, and don’t call me a kid. And as for the last question – let’s just say I have access to a lot of things” the boy replied smugly. His eyes constantly darted towards her exposed chest before pulling back up to her face; he was clearly trying to contain himself, and was doing a rather poor job at it.

“I’m sorry. Thank you for saving me back there. What’s your name?” sighed Riley. Taking out her frustration on him wouldn’t do her any good.


“And I’m Riley-”

“Well, what’s your story? You look like you’ve been through hell,” Dunley plopped down on the couch nearby, and opened a can of Coke.

“I was doing a scouting operation, when my jet lost-”

“You’re a fighter pilot?” exclaimed Dunley, regarding the half-naked woman with new regard. “That’s fucking cool.”

“Yeah, and-”

“What jet do you fly? Is it one of the new F-16s?”

“It’s a F-15.”

“A wingspang of 42 feet, powered by two turbofan engines, and with afterburners, it produces over thirty thousand pounds of thrust. So cool...” He rambled on, before finally bringing himself to a stop.

“Not bad kid. I fly the damn thing, and I only know half as much. But anyways, I suddenly lost power, and crash landed...” Riley recounted the series of happenings, opting to leave out the part where she had fingered herself to oblivion.

“So ... even though you got injected with the stuff, it had no effect on you?” inquired Dunley, talking to her chest rather than her face.

“It did, but it wasn’t ... that bad,” she lied. “They couldn’t complete ... the process, or so I heard.”

“Interesting...” Damn this chick had some of the best curves he had ever seen, and that carried quite some weight since he had seen a lot of them on his time on the internet.

“Is there anything I can wear?” she asked, noticing the effect she was having on the hormonal teen. She crossed her arms across her chest in an attempt cover herself, which made her breasts pop out from the top, and that only made his eyes grow wider.

“I don’t have anything here other than a pair of sweaty underwear ... and I don’t think we should risk a trip upstairs; those guys are still probably looking for you.”

“Yeah, should be the least of my worries,” she muttered to herself.

Dunley woke up, feeling sore and cold. The hard floor of the concrete hadn’t done much justice to his overweight body, but being the gentleman he was, he had offered the couch to Riley. He stood up, and peered down at her sleeping figure, and had to pinch himself a few times to make sure that this wasn’t some dream. His member was growing hard with the sight of the half-naked fighter pilot. God, everything about her was so perfect, and those atrocious proportions had haunted his dreams. Fearing that she’d soon cover herself up with something, Dunley whipped out his smartphone and snapped a few pictures, daring to take a few close ups of her hard nipples.

She suddenly yawned, and Dunley whipped around and walked away.


“Oh, you’re awake,” he turned around to greet her.

As she stood up, they both noticed the puddle of sticky liquid that had collected on the couch.


“Fuck,” groaned Riley. “This is the Nectar, I-”

Bang! A door crashed open, and loud voices floated down. “ ... she’s here, I can smell the fucking bitch, she’s in heat!” It wouldn’t take them long to discover the basement.

“We have to dip,” whispered Dunley, grabbing a backpack nearby.

The pair softly opened the basement door and slipped outside before running down the block. They could hear glass shattering from within the house as the search for her grew with frustration.

“We need to hop towns, there’s no point staying here.”

“Yeah...” panted Dunley, lagging behind. He couldn’t remember the last time he had run.

“Ever ridden a bike before?”

A worried “No,” came from behind her, as she stopped to examine a discarded motorcycle. It had its keys, and that’s all she needed to know.

It was an old Harley-Davidson and given a different time she would have opted for something sleeker, but for now it would have to do. Encouraged by a stream of loud shouts and curses that came from somewhere in the distance, she jumped on and hit the ignition. The engine roared to life, spluttering as it warmed up.

“Get on!”


“This way!”

Swallowing his uncertainty, Dunley slid behind her. Riley revved the engine, and engaged the clutch before pulling away, wobbling precariously as Dunley’s weight shifted.

“Hold tight!”

Dunley wrapped his arms around her, getting a forearm full of boob.

“Not my boobs!” she shouted over the howl of the engine, and Dunley yelped an apology before shifting his hold down.

“Fucking Bitch!” cursed the ranger, screaming in vexation.

Once they were on the highway, Riley eased the beast to a comfortable speed and gripped the handlebars tighter. Her cunt had started throbbing, and the cold shuddering metal that was pressed in-between her legs wasn’t helping.

“That was close,” Dunley let out a sigh, getting accustomed to the motion of the vehicle.

“Yeah...” came a meek reply through gritted teeth. The cold morning air had hardened her nipples, and her cunt was growing slick with her juices. Riley found her concentration ebbing away as the urge to stimulate herself grew stronger. Get a grip woman! She told herself, and shook her head in an attempt to clear her mind.

The highway was deserted with only the surrounding countryside accompanying its winding path. It was a bright morning with the sun chasing away the chills of the night. Riley went as fast as she dared to, wanting to put as much distance between them and the town.

Suddenly, a patrol car hidden behind a clump of trees flashed its lights and its siren barked a warning. They were being asked to pull over and she had never been happier to do so. A policeman was exactly who she needed in order to relay her findings and to send out the warning.

She slowed down and parked on the side of the road as the patrol car rolled towards them.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” whispered Dunley, climbing down. He had never liked the police, partly due to his fraudulent activities online.

A middle-aged cop got out of the car and approached them. As he got closer, she immediately recognized the sheriff’s badge pinned high on his uniform. Fewer doughnuts would have certainly done the man some good, but out here in the middle of nowhere, a town’s sheriff had little to worry about.

“Ma’am do you know why I pulled you over?”

“Listen, you have to warn-” she began.

“I asked you a question Ma’am.”

“Look sir, there is no time! I’m from the Airforce, my jet suddenly lost power and crashed. I think it’s those aliens who did it. People are dying as we speak! Please, you have to get the warning out.”

“I don’t care where you’re from. The law is the law for everyone. You were well over the speed limit, no helmets and half naked.” He spoke in that annoying stereotypical cop voice, dragging out his words and it made Riley want to punch the man in the face.

“Please, just...” Riley took a few steps towards the man, and he suddenly drew out his gun.

“Stay back Ma’am. And raise your hands and turn around. You too boy.”

They did as they were told, and the cop cuffed Dunley first and then ordered him to remain on his knees while he escorted Riley back to the car for another set of handcuffs.

“This isn’t a joke,” pleaded Riley and the cop roughly pushed her against the side of the car, squashing her naked chest against the window, and cuffed her hands behind her back.

“You can tell me all about your little adventure once we get back to the station,” he grinned. If these youngsters thought they could get away with their childish lies, they were in for a rough ride. Especially that sweet piece of ass.

The sheriff urged Dunley into the back of the patrol car and led the woman to the front seat. It was against protocol to have any suspects ride shotgun, but he was the Sheriff of the town and considering the milkers that were hung out on display, surely an exception had to be made.

With Riley’s hands cuffed behind her back, her upper body was arched upwards uncomfortably with her supple breasts hanging heavily. Their firmness confirmed her youthful appearance, and yet sagged just enough for him to know they were real. God how he would love to have his way with her ... Maybe he would. He’d give her an easier option to walk out like nothing happened if she agreed to give his erection an easy way in – it was a generous deal. And if she said no ... well there were harder ways of doing it. Having spent all his life in a little town, it had been a long time since he had seen anything this good and he meant to make the best of it.

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