And Here's to You, Mrs. Robinson - Cover

And Here's to You, Mrs. Robinson

Copyright© 2024 by littlefrog454

Chapter 2

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Resentful of being friend-zoned by the Robinson family women Ted Lockheart their next-door neighbor's son enslaves the family when given the opportunity. Ted even indulges in a little Robinson family incest fantasy. Everything is running smoothly until they are discovered by Mage and the people behind the Firm and Clinic. Everything is smoothed over and Ted with the help of the Robinson family sets up Cheer Camp for Columbia University out on the Robinson estate. So far Ted has managed

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Hypnosis   Mind Control   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   Lactation   Masturbation   Sex Toys  

The Hamilton Clinic

“OK”, Tabitha started off this their latest weekly meeting, “I’ve quietly pulled up the Firm’s computer files and taken cellphone pictures of the computer screen...” Ted broke in.

“Pictures of the computer screen?” Ted questioned.

“Yes, I have a friend who works in the Firm’s IT department and she confided in me years ago that the Firm actually keeps track of everything that is copied from the Firm’s files. That goes for both hard copy and even emailing it back to your account on GMail, AOL, or Yahoo. I told her I considered it a violation of my privacy, but she insisted it was only an economic measure to save money. I’m sure the Firm knows I’ve looked in the files, but I hope they don’t know I’ve made copies. I can only hope that just looking doesn’t set off any internal alarms.” At that point Tabitha paused and looked around the table.

“I take it that you consider your own Firm dangerous, Tabitha?” Ted questioned.

“Yes, Ted, I consider my Firm dangerous and paranoid. I actually started to work for the Firm as an intern before I passed the bar and got my license to practice law. I don’t know exactly when the Firm changed, but this isn’t the Firm I started to work for. When I started looking around last week I started to notice we have security cameras everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Even in the women’s restrooms.” At that Kelly broke in.

“That’s a clear invasion of your privacy Mom!” Kelly huffed indignantly.

“OH, they are well concealed behind the one-way mirrors, and even a few pinhole cameras in other spots, but they are there when you know what to look for, and they are there to spy on all of us. There is plenty of armed security walking around with guns too when you really look around, ha, ha. Yes, I consider the Firm dangerous, and you should too.” Tabitha told everyone around the table.

“Anyway the Firm is old school ivy league: Harvard (established 1636), Yale (1701), Pennsylvania (1740), Princeton (1746), Columbia (1754), Brown (1764), Dartmouth (1769), and Cornell (1865). I give you those names and dates to show you how entrenched the Firm is. They might not be as deeply entrenched as some of the British firms, or the French firms too for that matter, but they actually have ties to those firms.”

“Now, this is what I was able to find out. All this “Old Money”, and now this “New Money”, wants to either set up or maintain a Dynasty. Dynasty defined as: a powerful group or family that maintains its position for a considerable length of time in society. That is what the Firm does, let’s call it “Estate Planning for the Rich and Powerful, ha, ha.” Tabitha explained.

“Estate Planning.” Ted questioned.

“Yes, Ted, Estate Planning. You have all this money, and the power that goes with it. You look around and you realize that you are mortal and you’re going to die one day eventually, but you want to live on. Well you want your legacy, your name, your family to live on. So you start planning for the future. You look around and settle on this fine brood mare to produce your next generation, your prodigy, your Issue. She has a fine petagree, best family, attended the best schools, knows all the right people, so you marry her. You’re lucky to produce a male heir, a son first shot, but you soon realized that he’s never going to be you. He’ll never have your drive, your stamina, your sheer ruthlessness. He’ll never be able to hold onto your empire. That’s when you call in the Firm to plan for the future.” Tabitha paused to allow that to sink in.

“That’s awful harsh Mom, where’s the true love.” Kelly asked.

“When I was growing up honey there was a saying my Mom was always quoting. “It’s just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor one.”. To some extent I followed her advice and married Norman of whom she approved of. I can’t say I was ever wildly in love with Norman. Now, I come to find out that the Firm has been in the business of arranging marriages, or would it be more correct to say “Family Planning”, for several hundred years.”

“Family Planning”.” Ted asked.

“Yes, Ted, if you think contested divorces are nasty you have never worked at probating a contested will, ha, ha. Intestacy is the condition of the estate of a person who dies without having in force a valid will, or other binding declaration of intent. Alternatively this may also apply where a will, or declaration, has been made, but only applies to part of the estate. Intestate succession is the order of priority in which your heirs will receive your property, as determined by your state’s intestacy laws. That’s where the real dirty linen gets aired out in public, and that’s where the real legal skulduggery takes place.”

“In recent years, by that I mean since 1923, there have been several cases where the other greedy relatives contested the will on the grounds that the primary beneficiary wasn’t the Testator’s Issue. Issue meaning direct descendants, including children, grandchildren, and so on. A spouse, brothers, sisters, parents, and other relatives are not Issue. A DNA test showed conclusively that the primary male heir wasn’t even related to the Testator. In all those cases the Firm ultimately prevailed and the estate went intact to the Testator’s designated heir, but not without some serious, sometimes lethal, casualties to the ones that brought the suits.” Tabitha actually chuckled.

“Case in point: a nurse that attended the delivery claimed the baby delivered was a female and was switched at birth. At trial the plaintiffs had her sworn affidavit, but the nurse herself had died in a car crash weeks before the trial. In another case the distraught mother herself brought suit against the hospital for switching her baby. After a short visit to the Clinic she withdrew the suit. The files are filled with things like this, but in every case the Firm ultimately prevailed. All these clients, these hundreds of clients, of the Firm and the Clinic, are these elitist dynasties, and everyone of them is in the Marquis Who’s Who.” Tabitha paused for questions.

“Are you accusing the husband.” Ted started.

“No, it is much worse than that, it’s like the original progenitor of the line, the starter of the dynasty, reaches out from the grave and directs, controls, his Issue.” Tabitha told Ted and her daughters.

“Do you really believe that Tabitha?” Ted questioned.

“Ted these are not people you would recognize if you ran into them on the street, but they really control the world around you from the shadows. They are the powers behind the throne you never see, but are pulling the puppet’s strings, and now I find that the Firm is pulling their strings. It’s scary Ted.” Tabitha complained and actually shivered.

“So what do you want to do Tabitha?” Ted asked.

“Yes, Mom?” Kelly and Briana asked together.

“Honey, I’m sure that the very least of the things the Firm and Clinic are guilty of is turning out some sex slaves for their clients. Our Family is in that Who’s Who book too you know. Well we were at one time. Every instinct I have right now is screaming run away as fast as I can.” Tabitha told Ted and her two daughters. At that moment Tabitha’s cellphone laying on the table between them turned itself on.

“I’m afraid it’s much too late for that Mrs. Robinson, ha, ha, ha.” A warm female soprano voice sounding something like Taylor Swift came from the activated cellphone’s speaker.

“Did you really think you could go poking around willy-nilly in the Firm’s old Archived files and not set off alarms Mrs. Robinson, and you Mister Theodore “Ted” Lockheart, III, did you really think the Firm would not keep track of its valued employees and other valuable assets. The wonders of modern technology, pinhole cameras, and micro-minutrised microphones today Theodore. If any of you are contemplating actually running, be aware that the main gate is securely locked.” The pleasant female voice informed them.

“In approximately 5 minutes a van I have already dispatched will pull up to the front gate. I will buzz it in from here, and you will all get onboard. Get what you need for a few days away from home now. You will be taken to the Clinic where we can have a nice amenable private interview. I’m looking particularly forward to my interview with you Theodore, or do you like Ted better. I knew your grandfather, Theo, by the way Theodore.” With that the cellphone cut off and went dead. By this time all three women were hugging each other and crying. Ted tried the regular phone, but it was dead too.

“Less than five minutes doesn’t give us much time. What do you want to do Mrs. Robinson?” Ted questioned, choosing not to panic.

“I don’t think barricading the doors would help, and Norman didn’t believe in firearms. I guess we are just left with be brave and hope for the best.” Tabitha managed to smile for Ted and the girls.

In less than 5 minutes the white unmarked van and a large black car pulled up. Ted might have been thinking about resisting until the 4 guerrillas piled out of the van. Think 4 identical bald bullet headed ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, at 6 foot 2, and 252 lbs, in shinny black Brooks Brothers suits and even matching ties. If he wasn’t sadly mistaken those were military grade tasers on their belts too. At that moment any thought of resistance went cold. Maybe later he told himself being a realist not a coward. Soon they were in the van and off to see the Wizard. Well maybe she wasn’t a wizard, but...

In the Harry Potter novels, movies, and multiverse, male professors and students are called Wizards, while the female ones are called Witches. Of course the dictionary defines a female wizard as a wizardess or sorceress as the most common forms of female wizard, although some dictionaries note that the word “wizard” can also be used to refer to women too.

The van had bench seats set against the far wall, but the windows were painted over and it was dark in the van. They all held hands to comfort each other, but nobody felt like talking so it was quiet in the van. It was hard to judge how far, or how long, they were in the van, but it finally stopped and the doors were opened. Ted was expecting bright daylight, but evidently they were inside a garage, or warehouse, or something large anyway.

“Good afternoon, should I refer to you all as the Robinson Family Mr. Lockheart?” Asked the owner of the warm female soprano voice that had sounded something like Taylor Swift. The speaker Ted guessed was somewhere in her late 30s or early 40s. She looked something like evil Professor Umbridge from the Harry Potter movie. She’s one of the most evil characters in the movie, a mean-spirited, authoritarian bitch. Umbridge had absolutely no socially redeeming qualities as far as Ted was concerned. He could only hope that this look-a-like turned out better.

“OH, I think we will get along well together Mr. Lockheart.” She laughed good naturally.

“Can you read my mind?” Ted asked, as he became spooked.

“No, Mr. Lockheart, but I can read your body language, and your reactions. Plus you are not the first, ha, ha, ha, to note the physical similarity between me and the Harry Potter character of Professor Umbridge, British actress Imelda Staunton. I assure you I have nothing but admiration and respect for the work you have done on your Robinson Family. I’m sure if your grandfather was alive today he would be proud of you too, my boy. You are named after him, you know. The talent seems to have skipped a generation, your father has none of the talent or drive, that is where the Firm and Clinic come in as you have no doubt deduced by now.” She told Ted as they were getting out of the van.

“My name is Margret Henshaw, Mage, to my friends. I hope you and your Family will consider me a friend.” She told them all and offered a hand.

“You mean we’re not going to be brainwashed and reprogrammed.” Kelly blurted out for everyone to hear.

“Do you want to be brainwashed and reprogramed Kelly?” Mage asked in a serious tone of voice.

“Well no, but we just discovered that you turn out sex slaves at this Clinic thing, and...” Mage cut in.

“And what did Mr. Lockheart, or should I say your loving younger brother, or is he Master? Oh well, never mind, what did he do to you Kelly?” Mage questioned Kelly.

“But that was different.” Kelly started.

“Different, how was that different Kelly?” Mage questioned with seeming interest.

“Well we all love what he has made us into.” Kelly started, but Mage cut her off.

“Be honest Kelly, would the old Kelly, the original Kelly, really agree with that Kelly.” Mage demanded rather harshly.

“Well no, but she wasn’t any fun anyway. We’re much better ... better.adjusted now. We know what we want now, tee, hee, hee.” Kelly told Mage and giggled.

“What you want, or what Ted want’s, or your younger brother want’s, or what your Master want’s, Kelly?” Mage asked her again.

“You’re just trying to confuse me, like they’re all the same thing. It’s what we want.” Kelly told her.

“The term “have-nots” was first used by Karl Marx. It was an antithesis to the term “haves”. I guess it makes you happy and that’s what matters right Kelly.” Mage explained to the group.

“That’s right.” Kelly happily agreed with her now.

“We want to ask Ted to come to work for us, Kelly.” Mage went on.

“What would he be doing Mage?” Kelly questioned.

“Pretty much what he’s already doing Kelly.” Mage told the group.

“OK, that sounds great.” Kelly told everyone.

“I think it is time for our private conversation Theodore, your grandfather liked Theo by the way, or do you prefer Ted better?” Mage asked Ted, at that point some more women in white lab coats appeared and led Tabitha and the others away. There was a slight protest at first, but Ted told them it was OK, and they went willingly ... well they didn’t resist ... after that.

“With great power comes great responsibilities, was a favorite saying of Winston Churchill. You did quite well for a first time amateur Ted. I especially like the fact that you didn’t try to create dumbed down, or should I say, “brain dead”, bimbo sluts. In the crime stories they talk a lot about MOM, Means, Opportunity, Motive, and MO, Modus Operandi. Someone’s habits of working, particularly in the context of business or criminal investigations.”

“Here you had Mrs. Robinson, Tabitha, a married mother of two daughters, and a prime example of MILF I might add. She was also a very competent lawyer working for the Firm. She has a steady stream of income, and is the owner of a very large private estate out there on the exclusive Island with her two beautiful of age daughters. As a matter of personal interest Mister Lockheart I have to ask, since it seems from our investigation that you acquired Kelly first, was this a Machiavellian planned out thing, or simply TOO, Targets Of Opportunity, Ted.” Mage started her interview.

“Honestly Mage it was TOO, Targets Of Opportunity. As you probably already know I grew up with Kelly and Briana out on the Island. We had the place next to theirs. Honestly, long before high school started Kelly had friendzoned me...” Ted started, but Mage broke in.

“Friendzoned you?” Mage inquired and began typing away on her cellphone’s screen.

“Yes, in popular culture, the friend-zone, or friendzone, is a situation in which one person in the mutual friendship wishes for it to become a romantic or sexual relationship but the other person, the love interest, rejects them. They are said to have been “put in” the friend-zone after their rejection. In a sense they are stuck there. The friend-zone has a strong presence on the Internet and over time the term has expanded into middle school, high school, and even college.” Ted explained to Mage who was still typing on her cell phone’s screen.

“OH, I see,” Mage took it up reading from her cell phone. “The concept of the friend-zoned has been criticized as misogynistic, because it implies an expectation that women should be romantically involved with men in whom they have no ... no romantic interest in, simply because the men have been nice to them in the past. The term also refers to all forms of unrequited affection, not necessarily just a man liking a woman. It is also closely associated with the so-called “nice guy syndrome”. More male orientated interpretations claim that the resentment of the term boils down to the fact that society, well the vast majority of people, well females anyway, interviewed claimed to be attracted to traits such as honesty, integrity and kindness, but in reality more superficial or shallow considerations usually trigger attraction. According to this interpretation, people who display wealth, good looks, dominance, and/or confidence tend to succeed more often in romance than do “nice guys”. Nice guys are therefore resentful at the inconsistency between what people claim to be attracted to and what they are actually attacked to. At times, these men are also known as “white knight”. So you were put in the friend-zone by Kelly?” Mage followed up.

“I’m 2 years younger than Kelly, and 2 years older than Bri, which didn’t work out well. Kelly saw me as a younger kid brother, and I really didn’t see much in Bri...” Mage broke in.

“Relationship?” Mage questioned.

“Yes, back in grammar school I worked up the courage to ask Kelly out on a date and she told me she didn’t want to ruin our relationship...” Mage broke in again.

“She didn’t just laugh at you?” Mage questioned.

“OH, I still had hope Mage, but it was clear that they both reguarded me more as a good friend, or even a trusted kid brother, than as boyfriend material. Heck, Kelly even told me she didn’t want to ruin our perfect friendship by dating, ha, ha. Even their mother, Mrs. Robinson, Tabitha, agreed with her too, we were too young to be seriously dating. They didn’t want to ruin our perfect friendship by dating, ha, ha, ha.” Ted told Mage and paused before going on.

“Then one day out of the clear blue sky Kelly was over at my new apartment visiting and she was complaining about having to remember all the new junk at work on her new job, and then she said the magic words Mage. “I just wish that someone could just hypnotize me to remember all this junk like we saw on that TV show I watched last night, ha, ha, ha,” And I automatically shot back without even really thinking, “I can do it Kelly.”” Ted at that point paused to look over at Kelly, then went on.

“Believe it or not Mage, I swear did not start out to make her my sex slave, She was just such a damn wonderful hypnotic subject, So ... so, suggestible, so ... so compliant, so ... so ... submissive ... a true natural submissive. Honestly Mage it was like she was already a sex slave hunting for a master when she was hypnotized. It just all sort of just came out during my hypnotic sessions with her. After that it was just one thing naturally led to another, and another, and another. It was Kelly herself that suggested I hypnotize her mother. Heck, it was Kelly herself that kept waking up her little sister Bri so she would need to listen to my sleep tapes.” Ted tried to explain what had happened to Mage.

“So you’re blaming Kelly for all this Ted?” Mage asked.

“No, No, I did it, but Kelly corrupted me. I have to believe Kelly herself wanted all this too.” Ted tried to explain.

“And this latest little project, this Cheer Camp thing out there on the Island. Who’s idea was that?” Mage questioned ... asked.

“Well I made the meditation tapes and added the subliminal messages, but it was Kelly that suggested it. It’s Kelly, and now her mother and little sister, that seem to be pushing this latest venture with the Cheer Camp, and now this OnlyFans thing. Hey, I admit it’s a real turnon waking up to a different woman sucking your morning wood off each morning. Then when they manage to wake you up properly they climb into the saddle and ride you until you cum inside them, ha, ha, but I’ve faced the fact Mage that three willing women is just about my physical limit, even with the little blue pill to help. As good old Clent Eastwood was so fond of saying as Dirty Harry,” A man’s got to know his limitations.” Ted added with a large dramatic sigh.

“OH, then it wasn’t you who made them bisexual?” Mage questioned.

“Hey, give me a break Mage, I’m male, a fully functional heterosexual male I might add. Heck, Yes, I ... Hell, any real man, enjoys a nice hot sex show between two, or even three super hot women for his pleasure. It was a real turnon watching the mother use a strap-on to literally rape her own daughter, while the other daughter licked her cunt, but it was just that, a show. Once again it was Kelly that suggested it. Of course now, it’s Kelly, Tabitha, and Bri that are suggesting it.” Ted told Mage.

“So you’ll admit you’re not doing much ... much ... what should we call it Ted...”Mastering?”” Mage chuckled out loud, and making quote marks in the air with her fingers.

“Hey, I’m just going with the flow.” Ted admitted sheepishly.

“Hey, that, “going with the flow”, is going to eventually get you locked up on some serious sex charges, and become a seriously embarrassment to the whole Community, that’s a capital C Ted ... right now all your sex slaves are well past the age of consent, but if you keep going...” Ted broke in.

“That’s not true, all of these girls invited to the Cheer Camp are in college and at least 18, and OnlyFans makes them prove and sign they are over 18 before they can setup an account...” Ted started before Mage cut him off again.

“That’s all very true Ted, as far as it goes, but you’re not seeing the developing big picture here. What are you going to do when your latest of age sex slave brings you her 13 year old little sister that she’s personally trained to be your devoted sex slave just like her.” Mage questioned Ted.

“That could happen?” Ted asked in apparent shock.

“The only reason it hasn’t happened already is just plain dumb luck on your part Ted, Master of the Universe indeed. Look at it logically, especially this Cheer Camp thing you’re thinking about starting. These cheerleaders aren’t just brain dead bimbo cheerleaders, they are serious female athletes. They come from families of serious athletes. Most of these college girls in cheerleading are serious gymnasts too. Gymnastics is a young person’s sport they say. The Federation Internationale de Gymnastique, which governs international competition, requires athletes to be at least 16 years old now in order to compete at events. But that regulation has only been in place since 1997. Dominique Morceanu, who shared in the team gold medal at the 1996 Summer Olympics, was only 14 when she competed.”

“The Italian team that competed in the 1928 Amsterdam Olympic Games was from Paviaby, Italy, and was trained by their physical education teacher, Gino Grevi. He was adamant about forming a team and recruited the best students from across the city’s school systems. He wound up with Carla Marangoni, 12, Ines Vercesi, 12, and Luigina Giavotti, 11. Luigina was the youngest medalist of the Amsterdam games and the youngest female Olympic medalist of all time. Their team, called Piccole Ginnaste Pavesi, were on their very first trip abroad which makes it all the more impressive that they were able to place second overall at the games.”

“I’m sure if the Federation Internationale de Gymnastique didn’t have that age restriction those records would be broken, or at least tied, many times by now. You’ll find that many of these girls started as young as 2 years old. Many coaches say it’s better to wait until they are 5 or 6 before enrolling them in a serious gymnastics program, but some parents, as well as governments today, are going to push those limits every time. For younger children, introductory classes should focus on developing body awareness and a love for the sport. Parent-child classes that emphasize climbing, crawling, and jumping are a gentle way for children 2 to 3 years of age to develop their physical coordination and self-confidence.”

“Tumbling classes are slightly more demanding physically and are suitable for kids ages 3 to 5. Basic gymnastic moves like somersaults, cartwheels, and backward rolls are introduced, as are balancing activities on a low beam. Once the child has mastered these early courses they can begin gymnastics training. Gymnasts and coaches both stress that while it’s important for children to begin gymnastics training at a young age, especially if they show potential, but kids shouldn’t be forced to participate if they don’t want to.”

“Athletics should be fun, teachers and coaches agree, because sports can lay the groundwork for a lifetime of healthy habits. The odds of any child becoming a competitive amateur, or professional gymnast, are small, and the commitments great. Morceanu, for one, later complained, saying she spent at least 40 hours a week training, with no formal schooling, or much socializing with friends.”

“Other sports can also help prepare children for a beginning gymnastics class. Ballet, dance, cheerleading, soccer, even judo and karate, all help kids develop the same hand-eye coordination, balance, and agility skills they’ll use in gymnastics. Older children can also benefit from trying.”

“Your cheerleaders have families and you’ll usually find that they are into sports, and gymnastics, too.” Mage finished.

“In other words I’m not just dealing with just the girl alone, my cheerleader, I’m going to be dealing with the whole family Mage? That makes sense. Yes, I can see they might want to go home and share their training with their younger sister. If nothing else they would want to share their new meditation tapes, and yes if they weren’t already bisexual they would be now. So do you want me to call off the Cheer Camp?” Ted conceded and asked.

“No, No, No, I just want you to be aware of the pitfalls you face. “Praemonitus, praemunitus”, or “forewarned is forearmed”. I love that you approved of Kelly’s suggestion about OnlyFans, but your real resource is the girls themselves. Well the girl’s body really. You will find that some girls just naturally enjoy sex. Tabitha, Kelly, and Briana are those kinds of girls...” Ted butted in at that point.

“They are mine...” Ted started but Mage cut him off sharply.

“It is quite evident that they are “yours”, as you say young Mister Lockheart, but already you are aware that you, one male, even on the little blue pill, is unable to keep up with them sexually. Trust me on this Mister Lockheart, I know from personnel experience, it will only get worse with time. Plus, as I’m sure you are already aware, ha, ha, ha, “variety is the spice of life”. There is an old parable that goes: “If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be.” You were extremely lucky in your choice of the Robinson family, they responded perfectly to the hypnosis and love sex. You will find as you go along that all women don’t respond so well to hypnosis, and some, for various reasons, do not enjoy sex at all, some even find sex a painful experience Mister Lockheart.” Mage explained.

“I am not going to turn them into hookers...” Ted stated angrily.

“Hookers, common street hookers, my, my, no Mister Lockheart. My organization provides, well let’s say discreet services, and top of the line escorts. We deal with persons of distinction Mister Lockheart. Persons that can well afford to pay for top of the line escorts, and let’s say demand absolute discretion. You could say discretion was of paramount importance to them Mister Lockheart. Of course we require all our employees to be drug free, and never have unprotected sex with ... with ... clients ... customers ... with patrons. Yes, yes, patron is much better. Of course unprotected sex is a somewhat flexible term when it comes to the employer’s own sex lives, ha, ha, ha.” Mage laughed and paused to judge Ted’s reaction so far before moving on.

“I only wish that I could say the same about our patrons themselves, ha, ha, ha. Most of those big headlines in the morning scandal sheets about the big Hollywood actor, or wealthy business tycoon, or high profile politician, trying to rape the poor little underage schoolgirl are usually the result of too much alcohol, or drugs, or both. It is not, never is really, just their sense of ... of ... over entitlement ... of being untouchable ... of being above the law alone. You would think that grown men ... and women too for that matter ... susposedly mature men ... in their position would act more responsibly, but the sad truth is as always, that pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a great fall.” She told Ted in a serious voice.

“History has a way of repeating itself Mister Lockheart.” She finished.

“I still...” Ted started.

“Why don’t we ask the women themselves what they think, Mister Lockheart before we go any further.” With that there was a knock on the door.

“Enter.” Mage called out loudly, and with that all three girls came rushing in and ran over to Ted hugging him.

“With the pleasantries concluded will you all be seated. We’ll start with you Mrs. Robinson, Tabitha, do you enjoy sex?” Mage asked her first simple question of Mrs. Robinson.

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