And Here's to You, Mrs. Robinson - Cover

And Here's to You, Mrs. Robinson

Copyright© 2024 by littlefrog454

Chapter 1: The present

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 1: The present - Resentful of being friend-zoned by the Robinson family women Ted Lockheart their next-door neighbor's son enslaves the family when given the opportunity. Ted even indulges in a little Robinson family incest fantasy. Everything is running smoothly until they are discovered by Mage and the people behind the Firm and Clinic. Everything is smoothed over and Ted with the help of the Robinson family sets up Cheer Camp for Columbia University out on the Robinson estate. So far Ted has managed

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Hypnosis   Mind Control   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   Lactation   Masturbation   Sex Toys  

The dark room was only dimly lit by the flicker of a single tall thick black candle in a black porcelain bowl on the low coffee table in the livingroom. The lights were off and the heavy dark crimson velvet drapes were drawn closed. A man and woman were sitting in the dark room on the long soft leather sofa directly behind the low coffee table. Sitting there you naturally found your eyes drawn to the very prominent flickering candle flame as it was the only true light source in the dark room.

In fact, if you had been sitting on the leather sofa for some time, as Tabitha Robinson had, staring into that candle’s flickering flame after a hard day at work, you might have allowed yourself to just naturally relax and get lost in that flickering candle’s flame, or maybe a better word than lost in that flickering candle’s flame would be trapped in that flickering candle’s flame. Trapped in the beautiful dancing candle flame as Tabitha had found out after her first experience with hypnosis, unable to look away from the beautiful flickering flame any time her Master lit the black candle and directed her attention to it. Unable to look away from the beautiful dancing candle flame.

That’s where Tabitha Robinson found herself right now, her once bright emerald green eyes dull and growing heavier and heavier, as the dancing flickering candle flame seemed to draw her in and consume her tired overworked mind’s will. The flame burning away all those pesky little nagging everyday thoughts as soon as they formed in her tired overworked mind. This allowed her to sink even deeper into the sofa’s soft comfortable cushions, her mind growing hazier and hazier by the second.

“You’re doing wonderfully, Mrs. Robinson, Tabitha, just letting yourself sink deeper and deeper asleep for me again. letting your tired sleepy mind enter a deep restful sleep. Letting my words wash over you, guiding you to a restful place where my voice is the only thing you hear and follow. The only thing you hear and obey.” The woman on the sofa could only nod back slowly, as she felt herself descending deeper and deeper asleep, feeling warm, happy, and safe next to the young man that was entrancing her. She sat there spellbound listening to the voice of the young man beside her.

The young man sitting next to her on the sofa entrancing her was 23 year old Theodore “Ted” Lockheart, III, one of her older daughter Kelly’s oldest male friends. They were about the same age and had grown up together really, the Lockheart’s living next door in their own private estate, and had even gone to school together. Mrs. Robinson, and Kelly too, had always treated him more like a brother ... well a younger brother ... than as boyfriend material. In fact Kelly had friendzoned Ted years ago, and he had seemed OK with it.

He was a bright and inventive young man, with dark curly brown hair and bright sparkling blue eyes. He was a little above average height at 6 foot 1, maybe 2, and his broad shoulders and natural confidence gave him an air of being in charge wherever he went. Mrs. Robinson, Tabitha, suspected that those traits were what made him so good at his newest hobby, hypnosis now.

Mrs. Robinson, Tabitha, herself is the mother of Kelly and Briana. Tabitha now 42 stands just 5 foot 3 in her stocking feet and weights about 110 pounds. Ted thought she looked a lot like the 30 year old Louisianna-born beauty Lindsey Pelas, former Playboy bunny, and now Instagram and Only Fans star on the Internet. Lindsey’s amazing vital statistics are 38-24-35; her bra cup size is 38F. Ted knows Tabitha’s bra size is 38F because he looked in her lingerie drawer one time when he was younger. She has blonde hair and green eyes and is a real knockout MILF that Ted has secretly lusted after for years.

Like Lindsey herself, Tabitha has a cleavage that most women can only dream of, but there is a price to be paid for that amazing bustline. Just as the Instagram star model Lindsey Pelas has complained of in her blogs Tabitha’s 30HH boobs weigh 11 pounds and are more of a curse than a blessing on her bad days. Her breasts cause her severe back pain, a fact that Ted and Kelly have both taken full advantage of when extolling the virtues and benefits of hypnosis to Mrs. Robinson.

“You’re doing wonderfully, Mrs. Robinson, it’s so easy to just lay back and watch the flickering candle flame and let go, to just lay back and surrender to the pleasure when you are hypnotized by me like this Mrs. Robinson.” Ted was saying to her as he stroked her long wavy blonde hair gently.

“In a moment I’m going to snap my fingers Mrs. Robinson, and those tired, sleepy, heavy eyes of yours are going to just naturally close completely shut, and you’ll enter another deep, deep, sleep for me. Doesn’t that sound lovely Mrs. Robinson?” Ted directed Mrs. Robinson. Tabitha used the little energy she had left to nod slowly, and mumble, “lov ... ly”, out loud.

“Snap!” Ted snapped his fingers and Tabitha’s eyes closed tight and her head fell forward to rest on her abundant cleavage.

“Deep, deep asleep. Such a, “Good”, “Obedient”, “Girl”.” Ted followed up. Saying the words “Good”, “Obedient”, and “Girl” distinctly each time.

A few weeks earlier.

A few weeks ago Mrs. Robinson’s 25 year old daughter Kelly, a younger bustyer copy of Tabitha herself, had come home from work with Ted, an old friend of the family in tow. Today she had a wide smile on her face that her mother immediately noticed. For the last month Mrs. Robinson had known and worried that Kelly had been struggling at her new job trying to memorize all the new data input instructions and different procedures that were required on her new job.

Kelly now happily told her mother, Tabitha, that things were going great thanks to Ted’s help. She then explained that Ted was a full fledged psychologist now, with a master’s degree and good job. He was now working at a big high-priced advertising agency downtown, and he had taken up hypnotism as a hobby. He had just used his new hobby to help her memorize everything she needed to know on her new job she explained to her mother happily.

Tabitha was impressed, though Briana, Kelly’s 21 year old younger sister, who was still in college, just scoffed and rolled her eyes at the mention of hypnosis. Briana, or Bri, as she liked to be called, reminded Ted of Bri Tersi, the 5 foot 8, 115 pound, 34-25-34, golfing sports model, and Instagram sensation. Of course his Bri had long flaming red hair and deep blue sparkling eyes along with a smattering of freckles on her cute little snub nose and high cheeks.

“Hypnosis isn’t real. Everybody knows those hypnosis stage shows in Las Vegas are fake. I’ve read several books written by stage hypnotists that tell you all about the deceptions in their acts. Ormond McGill’s New Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnosis describes an entire “fake hypnosis act” which depends upon the use of private off-the-microphone whispers throughout the show. It works off the desire of some people to be the center of attention, and having an excuse to violate their own fear suppressers, and let go of their inhibitions. Well that coupled with the pressure they feel to please and entertain the audience. Anyway that is enough to convince some “volunteer subjects from the audience” to “play along” with the hypnotist on stage. Some people it seems are just born exhibitionist that want to be the center of attention, ha, ha. Besides even if you are hypnotized everybody knows you can’t be made to do anything against your will.” Briana told the gathered group knowingly.

“OH please little sister give me a break, all Ted was kind enough to do was give me a few sessions to help me with my concentration and memory. I was fully awake and alert the whole time, Bri. I even have my own MP4 video and MP3 audio player files now on my Android phone to help me meditate and relax without Ted even being there. A few minutes of meditation is like hours of restful sleep. You really should lighten up little sister and try it out.” Kelly responded back to her skeptical little sister.

“Ha, ha, ha, like that’s ever going to happen with me big sister.” Briana huffed and left the room.

Later, after Briana left for a college cheerleader practice session, Ted offered to do a demonstration on Mrs. Robinson who was suffering lower back pain again at the moment. After some momentary hesitation Tabitha agreed to let him try to put her under with Kelly in the room as a safeguard. Admittedly, Mrs. Robinson at first had some doubts and reservations about hypnosis, after all hasn’t everybody watched at least one cheesy over the top movie or TV show where the beautiful female victim is hypnotized and taken advantage of by the evil dastardly hypnotist villain. In fact, hasn’t the word “Svengali’’ come to mean a villain with hypnotic powers and evil intent. One who dominates, manipulates, and controls an innocent victim.

But with Kelly, her oldest daughter in the room to watch over her, how much harm could Ted do she told herself as she sat back in the comfortable leather sofa and watched the flickering candle flame before her in the darkened room. That had resulted in both mother and daughter soon being deeply hypnotized by Ted. Though Kelly would swear if asked later that she had been wide awake the entire time because of the hypnotic amnesia and other post hypnotic commands Ted had given her.

The hypnosis was absolutely wonderful, and Tabitha, with Ted’s help, fell in love with hypnosis immediately, enjoying the chance to sit back and let go of her everyday worries, and get rid of the constant nagging back pain for a few minutes. It was wonderful to escape from the harsh reality and responsibilities of working a full time job at the Firm, and now having to run the household entirely by herself. Her husband, Norman, seemed to be spending more and more time on the road for his work without even bothering to call home anymore. Truth to be told, Mrs. Robinson felt more than a little neglected sexually and was horny as Hell. A BOB (Battery Operated Buddy) was no substitute for a real man in bed she revealed to Ted under deep hypnosis in that first hypnosis session.

After that the hypnosis sessions quickly became a regular fixed daily thing for Kelly and her mother. Ted even made himself available for them at a moment’s notice after Mrs. Robinson met with some particularly difficult clients like she had earlier this morning,

“You’re doing wonderfully Mrs. Robinson, now take one last deep, sleepy breath in, smell the scent of the candle and let it out slowly now.” Tabitha inhaled deeply, filling her lungs and stretching her already tight sweater beautifully over her large, heavy breasts.

“When it comes to candles and fragrance, you will find that “good” is a subjective term, Mrs. Robinson, and it often comes down to a matter of personal taste. I make my own black candles Tabitha. First there are a few different types of candle waxes to consider. Paraffin, the most common, holds scent well, which makes it a popular choice. Soy wax is popular among candle brands that label their products “clean” or “nontoxic.” Soy wax burns slower, meaning your candle will last longer, but on the flip side it doesn’t hold scent well. Coconut wax is the newest wax of the main four. but coconut wax is pricier than soy wax. Beeswax, which I like best, has a naturally sweet scent, which can be a positive or negative, depending on your personal preference.”

“Generally, most candle makers use a blend of waxes with the goal of producing an ideal candle-burning experience for the user. I personally like a blend of paraffin and a special African honey bee wax. Not the European honey bees (EHB), or the so-called Africanized honey bee (AHB -Box 1). I like to use the real African honey bee’s (Apis mellifera scutellata) wax for my special black candles, Mrs. Robinson.” Ted went on.

“Beeswax is a fragrant solid at room temperature. The colors range from light yellow, to dark brown and even white. Beeswax is a tough wax formed from a mixture of several chemical compounds. The chemical formula for beeswax is C15H31COOC30H61. Beeswax has a relatively low melting point range of 144 to 147 F. Triacontanyl palmitate, a wax ester, is a major component of beeswax and gives it its natural scent.”

“Next scents are described as four basic families: floral, amber (also called, oriental, or exotic), woody, and fresh. Within those are subfamilies, which are mixtures of the original four. Scent families (and the fragrance wheel) can be helpful for figuring out the kinds of scents you gravitate toward.”

“The black candle I make Mrs. Robinson I like to think of as unique, it’s a heady mix of amber, floral, with green notes. At the top is lemon peel, and rhubarb extract. Which you smell immediately. Then there’s almond, tulip, sage, and eucalyptus. But for the true pièce de ré·sis·tance Tabitha you have to add some good old opium cured hashish, or hash. Not just cannabis, also known as marijuana. Some good old hand-rubbed, or dry and loose hashish, the extracted cannabis trichomes, which contain the psychoactive compound THC, as well as over a 100 other cannabinoids such as CBD, CBN and CBG.”

“One DIY (Do-It-Yourself) method you can do at home is using a hair straightener wand or regular iron and a piece of parchment paper. A piece of dried cannabis flower or leaf is sandwiched between a folded piece of parchment paper. The hair straightener or iron is then pressed over the parchment and bud until the resin has melted into the parchment paper. The bud is then removed and after a few minutes, something that resembles shatter or wax appears on the parchment paper. The rosin can be scraped off. This is a great example of a solventless cannabis extract. It’s safe, easy for people to make at home and extremely efficient and effective. Even commercial producers in the USA are now using this method to create commercial quantities of rosin.”

“Finally, when you let it burn for a while like now, or you blow the candle out later, you start to smell the suede, musk, and amber. It’s an intoxicating scent that evolves over time like a pleasant conversation with an old friend or lover, don’t you think so Mrs. Robinson. Bright and shiny on the surface and then increasingly complex as the hours stretch on and on.” Ted went on.

“From now on any time you smell the scent of the black candle you will know it is time for another pleasant relaxing session with me. You will become more and more relaxed and look for the special black candle. You will seek the dancing flame. When you see the flame you will not be able to look away. The flame will capture your eyes, trap your mind. Drawing you in deeper and deeper. Do you understand, Mrs. Robinson, Tabitha?” Ted finally asked the deeply hypnotized MILF.

“Yes, Master, smell your wonderful candle, will know it is time for another relaxing hypnosis session. Already relaxed, already sleepy. Once I see the candle flame I’m captured, going deeper, and deeper. Can’t look away.” Mis. Robinson repeated while staring deep into the black candle’s flickering flame, deeply entranced.

“And sleep, deep, deep asleep. “Snap”.” With that Ted snapped his fingers, and Tabitha exhaled deeply, her whole body seeming to deflate as she closed her tired sleepy eyes and fell into a deep trance.

“Feeling so warm and heavy, so drowsy and at peace, so happy and safe with me. You love the way I make you feel, don’t you Mrs. Robinson?” Ted directed her.

“Loooooove it...” She mumbled back happily.

“Very good Mrs. Robinson. You’re such a Good Girl. Now, while you are floating blissfully in this trance for me, what do I call you?” Ted asked, eagerly waiting to see if the last session’s training was still holding.

“Your slave...” Tabitha answered back happily.

“Good Girl.” Ted praised her, moving his hand down from stroking her golden hair to stroking her full soft breast through her tightly stretched sweater now.

“And what should you call me when you are deeply hypnotized in trance like this Mrs. Robinson?” Ted followed up.

“Maa.Masss.Master...” Tabitha sighed happily, the word bringing a smile to her face.

“Very good, my Slave, but from now on Ted means Master. There is no difference in your mind between Master and Ted. You will call me Ted, but think Master. You will always call me Ted from now on, but think Master. You will always call me Ted when we are in public. You will only call me Master when we are alone, or with my other slaves who you know. Do you understand Mrs. Robinson?” Ted instructed Mrs. Robinson.

“Ted means Master. Must call you Ted, but know you are Master.” Tabitha answered back.

“Your life is filled with so much stress and anxiety, isn’t it wonderful that I can take all of that stress and anxiety away from you here? Isn’t it wonderful that I give you the gift of subservience instead of the staggering weight of responsibility? Isn’t it wonderful I make all your decisions for you here, you don’t have to think, only follow your instructions and enjoy the pleasure I give you Mrs. Robinson.” Ted chuckled out loud.

“Yes, Master ... much stress.” Tabitha answered back dreamily.

“But none of that bad old stress exists here with me, all that matters when you are here with me is being my obedient slave. Say it Mrs. Robinson,” Ted ordered, as he pushed his hands under her sweater and bra and began squeezing and teasing her large firm breasts and nipples.

“All that matters to me here is I’m your obedient sex slave, Master ... Ted.” She said it back, and Ted congratulated himself, because she herself had added the sex slave part without his prompting. As she felt the pleasure of his hands working on her needy body she eagerly pressed forward. Norman, her husband, should have known that a woman like herself needs sex to be fulfilled. It was his own fault that she was so horny all the time now. Her body had a new purpose now, that purpose was to please her new Master she now knew.

“That’s right, slave, sex slave. Such a good little obedient Slave, so happy to be blissfully mindless under my power. Now, you’re so grateful for the pleasure I give you, and the pleasure I provide you, aren’t you my Slave?” Ted instructed her.

“Yes, Master ... thank you Master...” Tabitha replied dreamily.

“And you want to thank me properly for giving you all this pleasure, don’t you Slave?” Ted asked, removing his hands from her tits and unbuckling his pant’s belt.

“Yes, Master, please let me thank you properly.” Mrs. Robinson begged.

“Open your eyes Slave, but remain deeply hypnotized. Deeply asleep still.” Ted instructed as he pulled his large erection out of his pants. Tabitha slowly opened her still glossy and empty eyes.

“Do you remember how you thanked me after our last session, Slave?” Ted asked, slowly stroking his hard-on before the deeply hypnotized Tabitha. Tabitha for her part stared at his cock happily and licked her now wet lips.

“Oh, yes, Master.” Tabitha answered happily.

“Show me Slave,” Ted ordered.

With that order Tabitha slow and sexily dropped to her knees and leaned forward wrapping one hand around his hard cock. Then she slid her luscious red lips over the head and began sucking. Her other hand soon found her own wet pussy lips and inserted two fingers to find her own G-spot in her love tunnel. Finding it she went to work on it and stroked her clit with her thumb at the same time. Soon she was dripping wet from her own ministrations.

At the same time she started to work her mouth and throat up and down Ted’s rock hard cock shaft. Ted wound his hands in her hair on each side of her head and gently guided her head as she sucked him off. Soon her large pendulous tits were swinging freely for Ted to play with after he lifted the tight sweater up and unclasped the demi bra she was wearing as she serviced him on her knees.

“You’re such a good little cocksucker, Tabitha, Slave. Such a sexy, obedient, mesmerized MILF, ha, ha, ha.” Ted moaned, and laughed looking down at her as she worked his shaft with her mouth and talented tongue.

“Mmmm ... thank you for letting me ... mmmm ... serve youuu ... Mas.teeter” She moaned around Ted’s cock as he laughed.

“I think you need to thank me more, Slave.” Ted said after some thought and pulling his cock from her mouth and pushing her over onto the floor on her back. Thinking fast he pulled her back up and led her over to the love seat. Then he had her lay down on her back and allow her head to fall back over the love seat’s cushion edge. This gave Ted a straight shot to ram his cock down her throat.

“Oh, yes, Master.” She said eagerly, opening her mouth wide to swallow him as he pushed his cock deep inside her mouth and far down her throat. It caused her to gag and choke as his cock shut off her air. With that she began deepthroating him, using one hand to play with the base of his shaft while the other teased his balls.

“Mmmm ... mmmmm...” She moaned and choked as her Master sighed in contentment while ramming his long hard cock down her helpless throat and actually blocking off her windpipe much of the time.

Ted luxuriated in the feeling of Tabitha’s hot wet mouth and tongue for a few minutes before he heard the key in the front door’s lock and then he heard the front door open. As he listened he heard the steady click-clacking of high-heels on the hallway tile as whoever it is approached the livingroom. Finally in walked Kelly, his best friend since before high school, looking sexy and confident with her shiny stainless steel briefcase in hand and dressed in a below the knee length black pencil skirt, buttoned down white long sleeve dress shirt, and even a colorful school tie and preppy gray pinstripe blazer. Her long blonde curls were bouncing freely on her shoulders with every confident stride she took.

That confidence all evaporated and she stopped dead in her tracks in supposed shock upon seeing Ted and her mother naked, with her mother’s lips wrapped around Ted’s large exposed cock shaft deepthroating him on the love seat.

“What the fuck is going on here!” Kelly exclaimed loudly, seemingly stunned by the sight that met her eyes. Mrs. Robinson herself tensed up for a moment, but Ted gently patted her on the head, and moaned out loud, “Good”, “Obedient”, “Girl”, “Mrs. Robinson”, and she then continued on with her deepthroat blow job as if Kelly wasn’t even in the room.

“Well, your mother was feeling a little overwhelmed with job stress today Kelly and she called me complaining, so we just naturally had another session Kelly. She’s just properly thanking me for it right now Kelly honey,” Ted responded back with all the normalcy of someone talking about the weather outside, but Kelly’s face was flushed crimson with anger, one might even imagine rage.

“You mean to tell me that you hypnotized my poor, defenseless, overworked mother, and took advantage of her, by making her suck you off Ted!” Kelly shouted loudly, and glared at him for a moment as he nonchalantly nodded back, and answered her.

“Yes, Kelly”. Ted said, simply, nonchalantly, as he continued to stand there ramming his cock down her mother’s throat, with Kelly standing in front of him in supposed rage. This went on for a few more frozen moments, and then Kelly’s face collapsed into a childish sulking pout.

“You knew today was supposed to be my day, Master ... Ted! My special day! You said, you promised Master, you said that you weren’t doing another session with mother until Friday!” Kelly complained in a small sulking child’s voice to Ted.

With that Kelly sighed loudly and flopped down bonelessly on the love seat next to her Ted, still pouting. Ted just chuckled and threw an arm around her, pulling her close until her head rested against his shoulder.

“It still is Kelly, but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to have an extra session with your mother. Another trance or two and she’ll finally be as thoroughly enslaved by me as you are Slave. Just a little while ago, without any prompting from me mind you, she referred to herself as my “Sex Slave”. Do you remember how long it took me to get you to that point Kelly,” Ted said, lifting Kelly’s chin up to give her a firm kiss. Kelly moaned into the kiss as their tongues intertwined. A dreamy smile was still on her face as she finally pulled away and nuzzled his chest again.

“Yes, Master, I like to think I put up a little fight, but you were just so powerful, and the pleasure was just so great, that I just had to finally give in. Soon we’ll all be your big happy family of sex toys Ted, even dear little Bri.” Kelly acknowledged.

“Speaking of Bri.” Ted said, sitting up and finally pulling Tammy’s mouth off his cock.

“Tabitha has taken so well to her training lately that I think it’s time for phase three Slaves.” He informed them both.

“Are you sure Master?” Kelly asked excitedly.

“Tabitha, have you noticed any changes in Bri’s behavior?” At that Tabitha nodded back slowly.

“Yes Master, I check her room every night and morning just as you directed Ted and she is always sound asleep with her bone conduction headset firmly on listening to your wonderful programs Master. I find her later in the morning mumbling key phrases and extremely wet Master. She always smells of sex before she showers Master.” Mrs. Robinson answered.

“Excellent, Excellent, It’s been a couple of weeks now, I think we are ready for phase three my Slaves. Kelly, go meet me in your room, I owe you that private time we talked about.” Ted chuckled.

“Yes, Master,” Kelly practically purred with a seductive smile on her lips as she literally skipped from the room, then began walking fast down the hall to her room. Watching her hips swaying in her tight pencil skirt was a pleasant sight, but as he heard the sound of the buttons on her top unsnapping Ted grew hard again. With that he turned back to Tabitha.

“Are you ready to do your motherly duty toward Bri Mrs. Robinson?” Ted asked and Tabitha nodded her head yes.

“Yes, Master ... Ted, I must help both my daughters feel the same pleasure you give me, we will all serve you together Master.” She answered back happily.

Next day

Briana the next day entered her home, dumped her backpack and cheerleader workout bag on the floor by the door, and then entered the livingroom and unceremoniously plopped down onto the long leather sofa with a tired sigh and an annoyed expression on her face. The motion caused her cheerleader skirt to fly up, revealing her toned and tanned legs, creamy thighs, and even the red thong she was wearing, to be exposed. At the same time her long blonde hair landed in front of her blue eyes, but she didn’t bother adjusting herself, too exhausted with the day to really care what was showing.

“Rough day, honey?” Her mother’s voice rang out from the hallway behind her. Briana looked up to see Tabitha standing in the doorway in a long white bathrobe, looking at her with concern. Briana thought it was somewhat odd that her mother’s hair and makeup were done up, but she was too tired to really care.

“Yeah, Mom, just stressed out I guess. It was a rough cheer practice with all the new Freshman girls trying out. I don’t think half of them even know their left foot from their right foot, it’s so totally ridiculous that some of these valley girls seem to think all it takes to make them a real cheerleader is, some pigtails, a flat tummy, and a pair of boobs. Some of those boobs aren’t even real Mom.” She said haughtily, rubbing her forehead with one hand.

“I can count on one hand the number of days you’ve come home without complaining about the other girl’s Bri, are you sure that’s all that’s bothering you today honey?” Mrs. Robinson asked her youngest daughter. With that Briana crossed her arms over her not so small chest and sighed loudly.

“No, Mom ... Abe got accepted on a full ride scholarship to BC, which is awesome for her! But it sucks for me because now we’ll only see each other a couple times a year.” Briana explained. With that Tabitha sat down next to Briana and pulled her in deep for a good firm hug. Briana took a deep breath and steadied herself.

“Thanks, Mom.” Came her small, muffled voice from Tabitha’s warm hug. Briana really was quite adorable when she didn’t have a scowl on her face, or annoyed thoughts in her head. Tabitha smiled, knowing that would all change soon.

“Of course baby. Things will change as time moves on, but some changes lead to greater things! Some people may leave, but new people will also unexpectedly arrive to fill those holes in your life and make things even better!” Mrs. Robinson philosophy explained to her youngest daughter.

“I guess, but I don’t want Abe to leave.” Briana actually whined to her mother.

“Of course not honey,” Tabitha said knowingly, “but you’ll still talk all the time on the phone, and see each other on visits, and holidays, and then there’s always summer. Some people leave for a while, then when they come back into your life, it’s like they never really left. Look at your older sister and Ted honey, after high school they went off to different colleges and lost touch with each other for years, but they’re closer than ever now.” Tabitha explained, and Briana scoffed.

“Yeah, but not as close as he’d like to be though, ha, ha, ha.” Briana crowed out loud and Tabitha frowned at Bri.

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