Young Cunts - Cover

Young Cunts

Copyright© 2024 by GrushaVashnadze

Chapter 5

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 5 - This is an Alison Goes to London "ambiquel" – which is, of course, a cross between a prequel and a sequel. Featuring the life, loves and fucks of Professor Emma Jane Cuntslicker (2010-2060).

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Futanari   Historical   School   Humiliation   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Facial   Food   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Clergy   Doctor/Nurse   Public Sex   Teacher/Student  


Another three and a half years since the last flashback:
it is now 2036,
early summer,
in a Victorian Grade II listed townhouse in Islington, London.

“Friends and Fuckers! Welcome! Lick my pussy, all of you!” Hildegard was dressed in a red basque which showed off the buxom curves of her large jiggling breasts. Cunts was by her side, proudly naked, her own tits huge and perfect, beautiful despite their vintage artificiality. They kissed, ostentatiously penetrating their tongues deep into each other’s mouths. There were hearty cries of “M’ cunt!” and “M’ cock!” from the arriving guests, many of them members of the youth wing of the Fuckers Party, naked bar their “I’m a Young Fucker!” T-shirts. Waitresses circulated serving drinks and canapés, also nude apart from their black-and-white aprons and jewelled tailed buttplugs.

Hildegard continued: “You, the youth of our Party, are the best and greatest hope for our nation – which is why we have invited you here to help celebrate our recent achievements. Four years ago, when we were both still students, it became clear to Emma Jane and myself that the New Enlightenment was an unstoppable force, set to transform this land into a nation of fuckers – a society devoted to Pleasure. Last year Emma Jane achieved her doctorate in the History of Fucking, and I founded the Royal Society of Fuckers. The progress of the Party has been unstoppable. As you know, Cunts and I may not be leading it past the next election – which we fully expect to win with a landslide – but we will still be devoted fuckers, shaping our society in other ways. So, welcome, tonight, here to our London home, to the first of many Fotzenficker-Cuntslicker fuck-ins! Eat, drink, be merry – and fuck who you want, when you want, how you want!”

Soon Emma Jane and Hildegard were sat on their rear patio, watching the various lustful goings-on in their long landscaped garden. The closest fucking group consisted of half a dozen pretty young ladies, all wearing their “I’m a Young Fucker” T-shirts and kneeling on the grass as they ate asshole in a circular daisy chain. Cunts smiled indulgently. “Ah, beautiful!” she enthused. “Just look at that blond slut over there! See how she slurps with her tongue, all the way down to the other girl’s cunt and back up again? That’s proper technique: loosens up the girl’s cunt so she can use her fuck-slime to lube up the asshole. Then it’ll be easier to stick her finger in there, or even a dildo, when the time comes. But the girl over there with the frizzy black hair, she’s gone straight for trying to tongue-fuck her girl’s ass. Problem is, without a good coating of cunt-slime that pucker’s not going to open up.”

“So,” replied Hildegard, “is this ‘Academy of Fucking’ thing happening then, Fötzchen? Sounds like you’re already in full pedagogical mode!”

Royal Academy of Fucking, Hildy, if you please,” smirked Cunts. “No reason for our new and highly ‘Enlightened’ Californian royal couple not to grant us that. After all, they gave us the Royal Society of Fuckers, forced Labour into coalition with us, proclaimed in public that throatfucking is good for you – oh, and, endorsed Bates buttplugs. Besides, there’s a building ready for us on Marylebone Road: all we need to do is replace ‘Music’ with ‘Fucking’, and we’re off!”

“I lick my cunt off to you, Schlämplein,” chuckled Hildegard.

But Emma Jane had cast her eyes back towards the asshole-eating daisy-chain and was exclaiming, “No no, that won’t work, bitch!” For the hapless black-haired girl was now trying to insert her middle finger into the tight puckered hole of the brunette in front of her, and it just wasn’t working. “Here, let me help!” called Emma Jane, slipping off her chair to join the girls on the lawn. “That asshole needs some pussy-juice on it, cunty-pie,” she explained helpfully. “Here.” She reached underneath the brunette’s ass, scooped up two generous fingers-worth of pussy-slime, and smeared it on her pucker. “There, now use your tongue to keep licking her pussy,” she explained to the first girl, “and that will help you scoop out more fuck-slime, so you can open up her shithole nicely. Then you’ll be able to stick your finger in nice and deep, see?”

“Oh thank you, Doctor Cuntslicker,” enthused the girl. “That’s so helpful!” she added, as her tongue began dutifully slurping at the brunette’s cunt.

By the time Cunts returned to the patio, the back of a reddish-brown head, topped with a nurse’s cap, was visible bobbing gently forward and back between Hildegard’s thighs. “Dolores, glad you could make it!” said Cunts, as she resumed her seat next to her fuckbuddy. Dolores mumbled what sounded like “Yes Miss” – somewhat indistinctly though, as her face remained firmly glued to Hildegard’s pussy.

“Dolores is a nice submissive bitch, don’t you think, Cunts?” Hildegard grinned, as she stroked the younger girl’s auburn hair. “She says she’s studying chemistry, but wants to become a nurse. I think she’ll go far, don’t you?”

Cunts watched for a few seconds, admiring the way Dolores gripped Hildegard’s clit between her dampened lips whilst tickling it with her tongue from within. Hildegard gasped in pleasure. “She’s good at eating cunt, definitely, Hildy,” Emma Jane opined, before chuckling, “Tell me about Hildegard’s chemistry, then, Dolores.”

“High in copulins, Miss,” muttered Dolores. “Volatile C2-C5 aliphatic acids.”


“Tasty cunt, Miss.”

“Agreed. And how are you at rimming, Dolores?” Cunts lifted her legs high so as to slide her buttocks down her chair, to display her tight asshole winking cheekily from between her buttocks.

“Yes Miss,” muttered Dolores, detaching her glistening face from Hildegard’s crotch and shifting sideways.

“So, Hildy, are you going to join me at the Royal Academy?” asked Emma Jane, as Dolores began slurping at her brown hole. “I can be Principal, and you could be Chairperson of the Department of Pervy Shit – oh fuck, Dolores, that’s good, yes, yes, you like the taste of my shitter?”

“Serine- and threonine-rich residues, ether-bridged to a variety of oligosaccharide struct–”

“Bitch, what the fuck’s that mean?” Cunts interrupted.

“Juicy fucking asshole, Miss,” replied Dolores, before resuming a wild slobber up and down between Emma Jane’s two slimy orifices, whilst tickling at the tighter one with a well lubricated finger.

“To answer your question, Fötzlein,” continued Hildegard, “all this pedagogical stuff is not for me. Don’t get me wrong – I admire your determination to take the hopelessly unfuckable of this world and turn them into expert fuckers. But I don’t have your cuntsplaining patience – and my vision, you know, is a bit different. I think if we are to build a nation of fuckers with the urgency that task requires, we need to summarily get rid of the unfuckable, not waste time trying to reform them. Send them back where they came from or, if they won’t co-operate, eliminate them entirely.”

Cunts groaned – partly in pleasure at the gorgeous chemical dance which Nurse Dolores’ tongue and fingers were enjoying between her thighs, but partly in exasperation at Hildegard’s apparent hardness of heart. “Oh, Hildy, really? That seems unnecessarily cruel. If someone is trying, we should give them a chance. I mean, look at that girl I was helping over there: she’s not a bad fucker, she just needed some proper tuition; now, look, she’s eating asshole like a...” But even Cunts could not maintain the coherence of her discourse under the continued stimulation Dolores was giving her. “Oh fuck, Dolores,” she exclaimed, “you’re a real pro: where did you learn to give head like that?”

“Imperial College London, Miss,” mumbled Dolores, as she redoubled the intensity of her double-orifice slurping and fingering.

Hildegard laughed. “You are too naïve, Emma Jane. Yes, that slut with the frizzy black hair can learn, because she is a willing slut. But already you can see in our society that undercurrent of resistance to the Enlightenment vision: the religious antediluvians, the ethnic minorities, the prudes, or just the too-damn-clever-for-their-own-fucking-good. We offer free expulsion flights to all the Undesirables and Objectors, and yet some of them still choose to stay! And what about the old and unfuckable, once they get all menopausal and erectile-dysfunctional, with saggy tits and gnarly dried-out cunts and weeny dicks? You can’t educate such people. We need a ... a final solution!”

“Oh fuck!” shouted Cunts. Primarily, this was in reaction to Dolores, who was now sliding two fingers in and out of Emma Jane’s pussy, curling them upwards so as to scrape against that wonderful rough pleasure-giving spot on her inner wall, whilst simultaneously fucking the tip of her tongue in and out of her gently flaring asshole. But her exclamation was also a flinch, and a reprimand directed at Hildegard. Emma Jane pushed Dolores’ face out of her crotch so she could muster the self-control and clarity of mind to exclaim, “Oh God, Hildy, can you hear yourself? Surely you can’t mean that!”

Hildegard took a deep breath, before waving Dolores away. Dolores pouted, her cheeks and lips still glistening with fuck-slime, but dutifully slunk off (“Yes Miss”) in the direction of the house. “I have already commenced negotiations, Emma Jane, with the City of Westminster, to take over directorship of the Princess Alice Hospice on Oxford Street. I expect it to come through in the summer – about the same time that you start your Academy of Fucking...”

Royal Academy of Fucking,” corrected Cunts. “And what exactly do you mean by ‘negotiations’?”

“Oh, horizontal ones, of course,” chuckled Hildegard. “At least, the leader of Westminster City Council is usually horizontal when I meet him. The dildo I shove up his shithole is generally vertical – but he seems to enjoy it; at least, he’s already agreed to my appointment...”

Troubled at the implications, but wishing not to do her fuckbuddy an injustice, Cunts thought for a while, before a playful smirk appeared on her face. “‘Wankminster City Council’,” she giggled. “That’s what we should change it to, once we’ve won the next election.”

Hildegard laughed. “And ‘Princess Asshole Hospice’,” she added.

“What about ‘Oxfuck Street’?” added Cunts cheekily.

“Mmm, just opposite ‘Marble Arse’.”

Both of them burst into happy noisy playful laughter.

“But seriously, Hildy, I’m worried for you: a hospice?”

“It’s a place where people go to die, Schlämpchen. I will just ... extend its role slightly.”

Emma Jane paused. “Shit, Hildy, really? Tell me you don’t really mean that.” There was pain on her face, and her heart pounded with barely suppressed fear.

Hildegard looked Emma Jane in the face, her eyes piercing, her expression grave. “Yes, Cunts, really,” she said firmly. “How else will we pay for the Pleasure, the fucking, the Medical Modifications, the Flexible Fertitility, the GM – all those things which make life worth living? You’ve read the reports by our financial team: we can’t keep people alive who don’t contribute to the free fucking society. If they won’t or can’t keep up their part of the bargain as upstanding fucking citizens, then they need to either fuck off, or we will make them fuck off – one way or another.”

“Oh, but Hildy, surely...”

Hildegard did not let Emma Jane object, but interrupted – though with more levity: “Don’t you worry your pretty little cunt, Emma Jane. The Fuckers Party will need a pair of new co-leaders, of course – but there are plenty of worthy candidates,” she said, gesturing around her at all the fucking couples, threesomes and groups filling up their back garden. “And now I need a pee,” Hildegard added, as she got up and made her way indoors.

“You could try Peter from accounts,” Emma Jane called after her. “I think he likes that sort of thing!”

But Hildegard was out of earshot, and Emma Jane allowed her eyes to roam around the garden and patio, as she went over in her mind what Hildegard had said. Was that really the right way to roll out the Enlightenment? Surely, education, inspiration, training, the transformation of culture – that was the way forward! She stood up with renewed pedagogical determination, before having another look around at the various fucking formations in the back garden. The lesbian daisy-chain were now arranged alternately on their fronts and backs, eating cunt with glorious passion whilst spearing each other’s assholes with their middle fingers. In a flowerbed to the left, Norah from HR was stroking a pair of Young Fuckers’ large stiff dicks, her mouth wide and her tongue outstretched, ready to catch their crossfire. In the gazebo on the right, Deputy Party Secretary Thalia was taking a standing DP from a pair of Young Fuckers, the front one male but the rear one female and sporting a large pink ribbed strapon.

But Emma Jane’s eyes lit upon a young couple fucking on one of the patio benches. The girl was pretty, dark-skinned, slightly plump, lying on her back with her “I’m a Young Fucker” T-shirt pulled up to reveal a pair of lovely jiggling breasts. The young man, with a headful of slick black hair, was fucking her missionary-style, his long thin cock sliding effortlessly in and out of her wet hairless cunt. “Ooh, nice cock,” exclaimed Emma Jane – and it was: not thick, but long, very long; and every now and then the boy would pull it fully out so as to tease the girl’s vulva, revealing a beautiful, improbably bulging mushroom-headed glans nudging against her slimy fuck-lips. “Hey, what’s your name, long cock?” she called.

The boy looked up in surprise, his cock poised halfway along its journey into the girl’s glistening cunt. “Richard,” he said.

Cunts laughed. “Nice dick, Dick – can I call you that?”

The dark-skinned girl giggled. “‘Dick, Dick’ – that’s cute. Keep fucking me, Dick-Dick, come on, I wanna come. I’m Zara, by the way,” she added, for Emma Jane’s benefit.

Richard dutifully resumed his fucking. He was clearly enjoying this cunt: it was hot, tight, generously oozing fuck-slime, and deep enough that he could plunge his whole very long cock all the way in, to feel his bulging glans pressing against Zara’s cervix even as her pussy-lips smooched at his balls. But Emma Jane was not satisfied: the pedagogue in her was rising, and she interrupted again: “Hey, Dick, can I make a suggestion?”

Richard paused again, evidently slightly disgruntled at being interrupted mid-thrust – though the girl giggled, her plump dark tits jiggling as she warned, “Watch out, Dick-Dick, here comes Doctor Cuntslicker with her ‘Top Tips for Young Fuckers’!”

“Oh, I’m so sorry to get in the way, Dick, but just watching you I was wondering; Zara, are you getting much pleasure from Dick’s angle there? I know he’s liking it, because you’ve got a great slimy cunt, but is it actually getting you off?”

Now Richard looked annoyed – and, to his chagrin, the girl replied, “Come to think of it, I’m not feeling a whole lot – though it’s nice seeing Richard enjoying himself, I guess...”

“Oh please!” Cunts sighed. “It’s not our job as women to give men all the pleasure, is it, Zara? That’s what the New Enlightenment came to fix: pleasure for everyone in equal measure – cocks and cunts! If your pussy’s not buzzing, Zara, then it’s Dick’s responsibility to dick you better! Here, Richard,” she continued, reaching down to grab his shaft. “Look, you’re fucking her straight in and out – great for you, because your lovely bulgy dickhead gets plenty of cunt-stroking that way. Nice, isn’t it?” Richard nodded, and would have continued his straight in-and-out fucking, but for Cunts gently but firmly pushing his body forwards so that his cock angled downwards, the topside of its base now rubbing against Zara’s clit. “Now grind your cock against her this way,” she commanded, gripping his pelvis to direct him.

Richard did so, and Zara squealed with delight. “Oh fuck, that’s good. Yeah, Dick-Dick, that’s how to fuck me. Why weren’t you doing that before?”

Richard spluttered incoherently in response, but smiled, evidently pleased by the effect his newly discovered fucking technique was having upon the girl. But Emma Jane was not finished. “Good, remember that, Dick – but now try this,” she said, firmly pulling Richard’s body downwards so that his cock was sliding more horizontally up Zara’s cunt, but further out, so his glans was rubbing against her front inner wall. “Your big bulging cockhead is just the right shape to stroke her G – see?”

Richard grinned even more widely, as he felt the topside of his glans rubbing against Zorah’s hidden rough patch, and Zara began to squeal with ecstasy. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, that’s it, that’s the spot, that’s so fucking good, keep fucking me like that, Dick-Dick. I’m gonna come, I’m gonna fucking...” But suddenly Zara paused, momentarily alarmed, and looked at Cunts pleadingly. “Oh Jesus, Doctor Cuntslicker, it feels like I’m gonna pee! Is that all right? If he keeps fucking me like that, I just can’t fucking stop myself, I...”

“You’re gonna squirt, Zara!” Cunts exclaimed. “Let is happen, slut, let Dick fuck that squirt out of your Skenes, it’s natural, it’s beautiful, and it’s fucking hot. Do it, Dick, keep fucking her like that till I tell you!”

Richard did as he was bid, and soon Zara was screeching ecstatic beautiful obscenities to the night sky as her climax approached. “Now, Dick, pull out now!” Emma Jane commanded, grabbing his cock. “Beat her cunt with it!” Richard did as he told, slapping his hard bulging cockhead against Zara’s vulva, as her squirt began: first a piddle, then a puddle, then a huge fountain of clear liquid which shot upwards into his delighted face.

“FUUUUUUUCK!” screamed Zara, as Cunts grabbed Richard’s cock and began jerking it hard. The boy roared, and his glans exploded. Cunts angled it downward, so that his cum shot directly at Zara’s vulva, coating her slimy fuck-lips with rope after rope of warm cock-cream, even as her residual squirt continued to dribble out of her cunt.

Richard stayed poised over Zara’s body, admiring his handiwork, as the girl started to scoop up the creamy mixture of cum, cunt-slime and squirt which coated her flaring fuck-lips, slurping it off her fingers with an eager tongue. “Nice work, guys!” Emma Jane clapped. “Great squirt, Zara – was that your first?” The girl nodded, exhausted but delighted.

“And what a marvellous cock you have, Dick!” added Emma Jane, dropping to her knees to admire it. She took the end of it in her mouth and gave it a gentle suck, felt the beautiful mushroom-head between her lips, traced the shape of it with her tongue, tasted the glorious cocktail coating of semen and cunt-cream. She looked up. “With a bit of training, you could be a first-class fucker, Dick. Have you considered applying to the RAF?”

Richard looked momentarily confused, before the penny dropped. “Oh!” he exclaimed. “You mean the ... the new fucking academy place? Is that...”

“The Royal Academy of Fucking,” corrected Cunts, before leaning over and taking one long tongue-slurp of the combined gloop coating Zara’s vulva. “We open in the autumn. You both have great potential,” she said, smacking her lips and standing up. “I look forward to seeing your applications. But now, I must leave you: Hildegard appears to be talking a long time over her pee...”

Emma Jane wandered through the house searching for her favourite fuckbuddy. First she checked the downstairs cloakroom – but that was occupied by Peter from accounts, sitting on the toilet whilst Party Spokesperson for Health and Social Care Julie stood over him pissing on his ecstatic upturned face. Next she checked the kitchen – but the only person there was Violet, Party Spokesperson for Food, Farming and Rural Affairs, repeatedly plunging her face into large bowl of Eton mess while a male Young Fucker rammed his dick into her cunt from behind. The living and dining rooms were full of numerous groups of the great and the good of the party faithful fucking in a variety of positions – but Hildegard was not there either. Moving to the first floor, Emma Jane interrupted several couples who had opted for the more comfortable option of fucking in one of the guest bedrooms; most impressive was the gangbang featuring Amelia, head of the Young Female Fuckers Brigade, two cocks in her ass, one in her cunt, and two in her mouth all at once. “Very impressive, Amelia,” thought Cunts, “just the sort of fine feminine example we need heading up our Youth Department.”

It was only as she climbed the staircase to the second floor that she heard Hildegard’s voice – and Dolores’. “I should have guessed,” smiled Emma Jane indulgently. “The girl really does give good head – and Hildy enjoys that so much!” Poised to join them (“Nothing like a threesome cuntsome, is there?”), she paused on the threshold of the master bedroom to listen.

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