My Life as a Sexual Servant - Cover

My Life as a Sexual Servant

Copyright© 2024 by JennaK

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Due to the Great Recession, Jenna loses her job and house, and will likely lose custody of her daughter if she can't find a job quickly. She accepts the job as a "sexual servant" to a rich couple who also agree to give Kate a place to live. But as the story unfolds, Jenna is repeatedly sexually humiliated in front of Kate by the Mistress of the house. Worse, Kate actually enjoys watching her Mom's humiliation. How far will it go before Jenna decides to flee and take Kate with her?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Petting   Voyeurism  

As the weeks continued, I became an expert in getting Margaret off. I knew which moves worked best and took some small pleasure in knowing that I was successful as her lover. I had given up any expectation that she would reciprocate in pleasing me, but I looked forward the most to when she used the strapon on me and I had a least some sense of being on the receiving end. I enjoyed her fucking me. Ironically, I came to think of it as the most “normal” part of my current sex life.

To my surprise, given that she was married and certainly missed her husband, Margaret always used the strapon on me and never asked me to fuck her with it. I never asked whether this routine was different than with the college girls, but I assumed that back then too, Margaret demanded satisfaction and was oblivious to her bedmate’s needs and desires.

Kate never commented on my “sleepover” duties. She always went to bed while Margaret and I were still dressed and chatting or watching TV or doing scrabble together and to her we looked just like friends who were doing sleepovers. She must have realized that my bedroom was never used and that I spent the night in bed with Margaret, but she never asked.

Just as I was getting comfortable with the routine, the unimaginable happened. I was in bed with Margaret around midnight. It has been storming all night and apparently Kate had awoken to a thunderclap and came down the hall looking for me. She didn’t find me sitting be bed with Margaret eating popcorn and watching a tear-jerking movie. I was nude, of course, on my hands and knees while Margaret was holding my hips and plowing my pussy with her strapon. I was moaning as her cock moved in me as she said “Take it Jenna. Take my cock.” We were faced away from the door and then we heard “MOM!” I froze, but Margaret kept on moving in me, holding me, not letting me turn around to stop things. Margaret kept it up, while Kate stood in the doorway. A few more endless minutes passed until finally Margaret reached her climax, and fell backwards, letting her cock fall out of my inflamed pussy and giving me a chance to turn around to face Kate.

I had to think fast. Should I tell her the truth – that being a sexual servant was part of my job description in the house – or should I sugarcoat what she saw by trying to at least preserve my dignity by saying something like we are two women who miss men in our lives, and we looked to each other for comfort. As it turned out, when I turned to face Kate, the first thing she asked was - “Why does she have a penis?” I said that women can use fake penises to satisfy themselves when there are no men around. That seemed to satisfy her basic question, but then Kate asked whether this is what I did in bed with Margaret at night after she went to bed. I said, “Yes, it is.”

Then Margaret spoke spilled the beans. She said, “Kate – your mom was hired as my cook and companion and the companionship I need is here in bed while my husband isn’t at home. She is here to satisfy me.”

I nodded and said that is right. The rising blush of shame raised through my body up to my ears, covering over the lighter flush of sexual excitement. My ears literally burned as I faced Kate.

Margaret told me to take Kate back to bed. So, she and I walked back down the long hallway to the East Wing, Kate in her nightgown and me stark naked. As we walked, Kate asked if I liked women now instead of men. I told her, honestly, that I liked both. She asked if this was my first time with a woman and I told her then that I had some girl-on-girl experiences while in college and that it wasn’t unusual for college girls to experiment with other girls. She took that all in.

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