My Life as a Sexual Servant - Cover

My Life as a Sexual Servant

Copyright© 2024 by JennaK

Chapter 17

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 17 - Due to the Great Recession, Jenna loses her job and house, and will likely lose custody of her daughter if she can't find a job quickly. She accepts the job as a "sexual servant" to a rich couple who also agree to give Kate a place to live. But as the story unfolds, Jenna is repeatedly sexually humiliated in front of Kate by the Mistress of the house. Worse, Kate actually enjoys watching her Mom's humiliation. How far will it go before Jenna decides to flee and take Kate with her?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Petting   Voyeurism  

After Margaret told the girls that they could direct the action, Kate and Erin whispered together for a minute before coming up with a plan.

Kate said, “I know that Bill is here to have sex with Mom, but Erin first wants to see Mom and Margaret together -- doing what they did in the time before Bill arrived.”

I was a bit relieved that the moment of sex with Bill in front of the girls was being put off for even a little bit. I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of letting Kate’s friend see me in a humiliating lesbian show, but it was better than being fucked by Bill.

So, I turned to kiss Margaret and pulled her on top of me. Wrapping my legs around her, we kissed and moved together for a while before I was instructed to lay between Margaret’s legs and eat her out.

It occurred to me that I was giving my daughter and her friend instructions on what they might be doing together later in the evening. I figured that I should at least show them how it is done right, so I put some extra effort into my ministrations on Margaret’s clit and pussy.

As the girls watched intently, I showed them how to manipulate the clit with a thumb while fingering the pussy; how to gently use the teeth on the clit and how to reach up to the caress and pinch the nipples while tonguing the pussy. It didn’t take too long before the girls were treated to Margaret’s intense orgasm, and I felt gratified that I had performed well. I finished off by raising up and kissing each of Margaret’s stiff nipples and then bringing my lips to hers to give her a taste of her cum. I wondered if later Kate would have Erin’s cum on her lips and would be doing the same to Erin.

Bill also clearly enjoyed the show -- he was openly stroking his cock in front of the girls while he watched his wife and their sexual servant. I noticed the girls stealing glances as he jerked off. It probably (hopefully) was the first time they ever saw a grown man masturbate.

After Margaret came down from her orgasm, Erin said she wanted to see Margaret use the strapon on me. Clearly, Kate had told her of the details of everything she had seen from the doorway the previous night. Margaret asked Erin to lube up the strapon cock for her, and Erin followed Bill’s masturbation motions in stroking the strapon with jell. Erin then held the strapon next to my pussy and guided Margaret into me.

I was positioned on all fours facing Bill, with Margaret behind me and Kate and Erin on each side of the bed. After a few strokes, Margaret told Kate and Erin to each take hold of my swinging breasts while she fucked me. I had hoped that the girls would refuse, but they immediately complied with Margaret’s demand. I am ashamed to say that I didn’t object, and their little warm hands felt wonderful on my nipples, and it intensified the overall feeling on my clit.

I was getting close to orgasm. Erin noticed and said, “Kate, your mom must really be enjoying all this, she is breathing hard now.”

Kate, who by now had witnessed several my orgasms in the past few days, agreed that I was about to climax.

But at that moment Margaret pulled out, leaving me panting and wet and desiring my release. She said, “Would you girls like to try the strapon on Slut-Jenna?”

“Please Margaret,” I cried, “please don’t do this to me. I am ready to do anything, but keep them out of it, please.”

Margaret simply said - “Let’s ask the girls what they want.”

Both said they wanted to give it a try. Margaret told them that to do it right, they had to be nude too so that the back of the strapon would pleasure them as they thrust into me. To my amazement, the girls quickly stripped, apparently not caring that they were being seen by a grown man as well as by Margaret and me.

They looked beautiful. Goddesses! Erin had small apple breasts and some light reddish fuzz on her pussy. Kate, of course, was baby-smooth from our shaving last night. Margaret and Bill took in their beauty too.

Erin wanted to try the strapon first. Margaret held the strapon straps out for Erin to step in and then carefully adjusted the cock so that it covered her pussy and rested on her clit. I noticed that Margaret spent a bit too much time moving the cock into place over Erin’s clit. When she was done, she kissed Erin on the lips and moved away. Erin giggled and waved the cock around, then she copied Bill’s jerkoff movements as she faced Kate. She was clearly enjoying the feeling of having a cock to play with. Margaret then instructed Kate to lube it up and guide it into me. I remained on all fours as Kate’s hands gently parted my pussy lips for the first time and guided Erin’s cock into me.

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