My Life as a Sexual Servant - Cover

My Life as a Sexual Servant

Copyright© 2024 by JennaK

Chapter 14

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Due to the Great Recession, Jenna loses her job and house, and will likely lose custody of her daughter if she can't find a job quickly. She accepts the job as a "sexual servant" to a rich couple who also agree to give Kate a place to live. But as the story unfolds, Jenna is repeatedly sexually humiliated in front of Kate by the Mistress of the house. Worse, Kate actually enjoys watching her Mom's humiliation. How far will it go before Jenna decides to flee and take Kate with her?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Petting   Voyeurism  

After Kate left for school, I returned to Margaret’s bed. She was just awakening. She said that she wanted to be bathed and prepped this morning in anticipation of Bill’s arrival. I drew a bath for her and carefully washed her body. She had me touch-up her already bare pussy so that it was baby smooth for her husband. After I dried her off, we returned to her bed. I was instructed to get between her legs and lick her to an orgasm. While I was concentrating on sucking her clit and labia, she was telling me about how much she liked the night before, with Kate watching.

“I bet little Katie learned a a lot from mommy last night in how to please a woman.”


“You liked little Katie watching you service me, didn’t you Jenna.”


“Did you talk to little Katie about it this morning before she left for school, Jenna?”


“What did she say Jenna. Stop munching and look up and tell me what she said. And make sure it is the truth because I will ask little Katie later myself.”

“She said she liked watching me servicing you, Margaret.”

“Oh, did she? Well, I think she should watch some more – to complete her education, don’t you?”

“Oh, Margaret, I would rather that she didn’t see me with Bill. I guess she will continue to watch us, but I would be so embarrassed for her to watch me with a man.”

“But that is your position here and she surely knows that by now. Did you tell her that you were going to share our marital bed tonight?”

“Yes, Margaret. She knows. But can you tell her not to come watch, please?”

“Now why would I do that Jenna-slut? She can watch if she wants, and she can get as close as she wishes. I doubt that she will see anything she hasn’t already seen on the internet, and she has already watched you take a strapon cock. The real thing – Bill is very thick and long – be an extra treat for her and I bet for you too.”

My heart sank. I knew that if given a choice Kate would want to watch, no matter what I said, and Margaret would get the extra thrill of watching my daughter see me fucked by a man. I saw no way out. Kate wanted to stay, and I had no options.

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