My Life as a Sexual Servant - Cover

My Life as a Sexual Servant

Copyright© 2024 by JennaK

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Due to the Great Recession, Jenna loses her job and house, and will likely lose custody of her daughter if she can't find a job quickly. She accepts the job as a "sexual servant" to a rich couple who also agree to give Kate a place to live. But as the story unfolds, Jenna is repeatedly sexually humiliated in front of Kate by the Mistress of the house. Worse, Kate actually enjoys watching her Mom's humiliation. How far will it go before Jenna decides to flee and take Kate with her?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Petting   Voyeurism  

Now that I was nude during the day except for when I could wear an apron, Margaret removed all of my clothes from my closet and put them in the attic, for when I might need them if we actually left the house. I didn’t object.

The routine now was that I left Margaret’s bed in the morning, showered but did not get dressed, and went to the kitchen where I put on an apron while fixing Kate’s breakfast. By the time Kate left for school, Margaret was getting out of bed, and I cooked her breakfast and served her. Then, by 9:30 AM, my apron was on a kitchen hook, and I was nude until lunch. I retrieved the apron when I made lunch for Margaret and me and then resumed being naked until I cooked dinner. And of course, I remained naked during the entertainment part of the evening in the Media Room. I thought, well at least Kate isn’t being forced to undress me anymore. I was resigned to being nude while in the house.

What I didn’t consider was what would happen when deliveries were made to the house or when Margaret had visitors. The first crisis happened the following morning when the cable went out and we had to call a repair man. I was sure that Margaret would let me dress for his arrival or let me stay in my little bedroom while he was there. But no, she required that I open the door for the serviceman and show him to the Media Room. The man’s eyes swept over my body when he stepped in the front door, and I am sure that he was focused on my swinging hips and ass as I lead him to the Media Room. My pale skin reddened realizing that I was on display for a perfect stranger. At least I was grateful that Margaret let me leave him there without me sitting on the couch while he worked. He likely wouldn’t have gotten much work done in that case. And I was particularly grateful that Kate was at school while all of this happened. I actually thanked Margaret for letting me leave him alone in the Media Room.

That same embarrassing exposure happened whenever there was a package delivery to the house – UPS or FedEx or the Postal Service. At least these were grown men, with experience in the world and who had seen their wives and girlfriends naked. They each took a quick glance and went on with their deliveries without comment or effort to embarrass me.

The boy who delivered the daily groceries to the house was different.

He was responsible for bringing the groceries into the kitchen and putting them away in their proper location. The delivery boy was just out of high school, and I might have been the first mature woman he ever saw in the flesh rather than on his computer screen. He didn’t have the composure that the adult males had. The first time he delivered the groceries, and I met him in the nude at the door he just let out “OH MY FUCKING GOD.” I told him not to blaspheme, and he followed me into the kitchen. He never took his eyes off of me, even while reaching up to put the groceries away. I could see a very visible erection in his pants and thought that he will probably remember this day, and masturbate thinking of me, for years and years to come.

At the end of the delivery he apologized for cursing, but he had to ask if I was being kept nude as a punishment. I told him that it wasn’t punishment but what the Mistress of the House wanted. He then asked if I would be that way for all of his deliveries from now on and I said “Probably.” He blurted out “HOT DAMN” and the apologized again. The next day he said nothing but nodded to me and followed me into the kitchen, but his eyes remained on me the whole time he was in the house. I don’t think he ever got used to seeing a grown woman nude opening the door to let him into the house.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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