My Life as a Sexual Servant - Cover

My Life as a Sexual Servant

Copyright© 2024 by JennaK

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Due to the Great Recession, Jenna loses her job and house, and will likely lose custody of her daughter if she can't find a job quickly. She accepts the job as a "sexual servant" to a rich couple who also agree to give Kate a place to live. But as the story unfolds, Jenna is repeatedly sexually humiliated in front of Kate by the Mistress of the house. Worse, Kate actually enjoys watching her Mom's humiliation. How far will it go before Jenna decides to flee and take Kate with her?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Petting   Voyeurism  

I was in big trouble. I was 37 years old and newly divorced with a fourteen-year-old daughter to care for. I might have made it, but then came the Great Recession and I lost my job. Then, with no income, the bank foreclosed on my house (the one I got in the settlement with my ex) and I would be homeless by the end of the month. I would be an an unemployed, homeless, single mom.

I had spent weeks frantically looking for a job. I had few interviews and no offers. I was getting frightened. If by the end of the month I had no job and no place to live, I could lose custody of my daughter Kate.

With one week to go before we lost our home, and not finding anything in the conventional employment ads, I checked on Craigslist and saw an intriguing ad that seemed to answer both my problems. A wealthy couple were looking for a woman to be a live-in cook for the family and a companion for the wife when the husband was away on business. It would provide me with a job and a place to live. I was a decent cook and enjoyed being a homemaker while I was married so that seemed to be just right. And best of all, there was a place to live – not only a place but one in the most desirable sections of town with the best schools and shops. If I could get the job, and if they would take Kate in as well, we would be set. But I had to be sure that there was a place for Kate before I could get excited by the job.

I called the listed number and spoke with Margaret – who turned out was the wife in the ad. She asked me to come to her house for an on site interview. I figured that she wanted to see a demonstration of my cooking skills, but that was never really raised during the interview.

Margaret was in her early 40s, a pretty, brunette, tall at 5-7, with narrow hips and small boobs. She looked the part of a wealthy, well-cared for upper-crust woman. She greeted me warmly and invited me in. But she was blunt when she described the position. The job, she made clear, was both cook and sexual partner for her. Her husband, Bill, who was 50, was a businessman who traveled many weeks during the year. He was currently in China setting up a new factory for his company. Margaret told me that she didn’t want to have an affair while he was away but didn’t want to be left alone jilling in bed without any other human contact. She said that over the years, with her husband’s blessing, they had hired various college students who were willing to exchange sexual companionship for room and board and fully paid college tuition. The last of these college girls had graduated and moved out and Margaret was looking for a new sex partner. She said she wanted to try a more permanent placement -- a woman, not a college girl, so that she didn’t lose her lover at graduation. Margaret also said that while she would be the primary object of the service, her husband would also be able to be share the companion when he was home. A bisexual woman was therefore required.

I was shocked by her bluntness. This wasn’t what I had expected. I thought maybe the companionship would involve shopping, or maybe another hand at bridge, but not bedroom action. I had heard rumors back while I was in college of coeds becoming escorts or working in massage parlors to pay for school, but never heard of one moving in with a family for tuition in exchange for sex. Yet, as I thought about it, I knew that I could handle the job. I was bi. I loved men, enjoyed a good fuck, and had been happily married (for at least some of the time). But I also I had no problem with the lesbian aspect of the job. In fact, I had been a “LUG” while in college – a “Lesbian Until Graduation.” I dated only girls during my 4 years at school – a way of keeping boys at bay, avoiding pregnancy, and devoting more time to my studies. My family only thought that I was going out with guys but never found Mr. Right. They had no idea that most weekends a Ms. Right was sharing my bed or I was sharing hers. One special Ms. Right was actually my roomie during my Senior Year and we shared a single bed the whole year, sleeping in each other’s arms and waking each other with a kiss on the nipple. I was never happier than during that glorious Senior year of endless sex together. So I knew my way around a pussy. I wasn’t a college girl, but I was confident that I could satisfy Margaret if I was called upon.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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