Hunting Season 2, Big Game - Cover

Hunting Season 2, Big Game

Copyright© 2024 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 1

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Ben returns to work with the Freedom Flock to bring down another group of super heroes using mind control.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Coercion   Mind Control   Superhero   Mother   Father   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Rough   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female  

“Are you out of your fucking minds!” I blurted without thinking.

I leaned back into the armchair, my mouth still agape and my drink forgotten, partially in shock at what I had just been told and more in fear of what I had accidentally just said out loud. I struggled to control my racing heart as I stared across the polished oak coffee table at the two people on the sofa who were looking at me heads cocked with confused expressions.

“Can he talk like that to us?” Dan asked, turning his massive torso slightly to look at the gorgeous redhead beside him.

“I guess so, he just did.” Tina Stane replied, her green eyes boring into mine as she settled back into her seat, an amused smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “The question is will he live to do it again?”

“Alright, I’m sorry. You just surprised me that’s all.” I stammered, taking a sip of my drink to compose myself. “For a moment I thought you said that you wanted to go after the Terror Trio.”

“Yeah, so?” Dan asked, still slightly confused. When you are an invulnerable psychopath, you don’t respond to sarcasm very well.

I sputtered and coughed as my scotch went down wrong and started burning my throat. I heard a snort of laughter and turned, wiping tears from my eyes to glare at Grace Rodriguez who leaned casually against the desk. I couldn’t help but slide my gaze over her perfect body and remember out time together. She was wearing a dark pant suit with a well fitted jacket that hugged her hourglass figure, the top button of her cream silk blouse strained against her full breasts. Her firm round ass flowed down to long legs that ended in glistening black heels that poked out from the hem of her slacks. Her dark Hispanic eyes twinkled behind long lashes and a sarcastic smile was spread across her full lush lips.

Lets back up a bit shall we, and review how I got in this situation. My name is Ben Comber and I am a psychic who goes by the name Mesmer, at least that is what I would say to anyone who knew it. My psychic abilities are about as effective as a well targeted ad on YouTube, limited to suggestions and some empathic manipulation. In a world full of A and B class super’s, I am a C- at best, but realizing that is how I have stayed alive. Living as an ambush predator I have wormed my way into a pretty comfortable living for myself and avoided any high-risk confrontations, like the one these two maniacs were trying to drag me into right now.

The silverback gorilla trying to look like a man in a silk dressing gown sitting across from me was Dan. I never learned his last name, never wanted to. The less I knew about him the better I slept at night. He was a also super, invulnerable to any form of physical damage. He was also a complete psychopath, you couldn’t even hurt his feelings because he didn’t have any. You could say he ran a clearing house for super powered individuals. If someone managed to incapacitate or capture a supe, they could bring them to Dan and sell them. Some he kept for himself, but most auctioned off as super slaves to the highest bidder. I had helped him with that on occasion, shaping their minds to be more compliant and submissive after he broke their spirits.

Grace Rodriguez had worked as an investigative reporter but was also the dark energy wielding super heroine known as Black Bird. I had lucked into discovering her secret identity then using it to worm my way into her confidence, and her bed. Once there, I used her to bring down her partners, the superheroine quartet known as the Freedom Flock. Danielle Von Meecham, buxom blonde lounge singer was the sonic voiced superheroine Song Bird. Xin Xiong was the miniature speedster Humming Bird. The statuesque redhead sitting across from me was Tina Stane, multimillionaire owner of Stane International also the battle suited heroine Cardinal.

I had planned on selling Dan the entire group as a completed set and making a big payday in the process, but something changed. Instead, I managed to persuade Tina to work with us to clear the streets of dangerous supers, both good and bad. Dan was won over by the business skills that Tina brought to the table and how his income almost doubled overnight once he started targeting villain’s as much as heroes. The rest had settled into various roles in Dan’s organization, the alternative being his usual treatment of an asset which was too brutal to think about. All in all, I was pretty pleased with myself and had left 6 months ago with a full wallet and a warm feeling. I had laid low, living off of some of my previous investments until Dan asked (summoned) me back for this meeting.

“Listen, you two have done some good work here and made some good money in the process. You have cleaned up the streets of a bunch of B level wannabe vigilantes as well as lots of super thugs who were on their way to becoming a problem.” I said, trying to keep my voice from breaking. “Hell, even the public likes you thanks to Grace’s media plan. But the Terror Trio is way out of our league, those three are dangerous.”

The Terror Trio was a bit of a misnomer, they weren’t a team but instead the three most wanted super villains on the government’s hit list. Each of them had caused more pain, death and destruction than the next 4-5 villains combined but had always either avoided capture or quickly escaped. Police, heroes, even some of their evil counterparts all ended up crippled or dead at their feet. They were a huge red flag for a guy who had spent his life avoiding school zones so I wouldn’t need to see flashing red lights on a school bus.

“The government has just significantly increased the reward for each of them, dead or alive. In fact, they don’t even need them turned over, just proof that they are permanently out of circulation.” Tina said, her long elegant fingers twirling her wineglass as she spoke.

“We can get two paydays for the price of one.” Dan boomed, slapping his tree trunk thigh with a hand the size of a small frying pan. “How is that for good business sense.”

“It’s the price in the first place that has me worried. Guardian Guy, Power Princess and Blue Sapphire were the last to go up against just one of them and now they are either pushing up daisies or eating through a straw. How the fuck am I going to do any better.” I replied as respectfully as I could.

“Because we are going to help you.” Tina said in a voice she thought sounded reassuring.

With the click of heels on hardwood Grace walked over and dropped a tablet in my lap. “A full workup on each of them, from government, public and police sources.”

I looked at the tablet like she had dropped a cobra in my lap. “Yeah, I’m sure The Night Stalker had something similar. When was the last time anyone heard from him, eh?”

The sofa groaned as Dan pushed himself up with a creak that sounded like an oak bending in a windstorm. “Yes, yes. Your attention to detail always astounded me Ben. Nothing slipped by you.” He clapped a hand on my shoulder, I’m sure he didn’t mean for it to hurt but it did anyway. “You have some homework, let me know when you are ready to get started.”

I looked at him with pleading eyes as he chuckled then walked out of the room. Grace followed him without a backward glance, the whiff of familiar perfume and body wash lingering in my nose. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to capture as much of it as I could before it dissipated. I opened them when I felt someone standing beside me and Tina stroked her hand across my cheek.

“I missed you Ben, I am glad you came back to see us.” She said in a sultry voice. ‘I need to talk to you. Pretend to flirt with me’ she said in my mind through the physical connection we shared.

I flinched in surprise, not used to others initiating psychic contact but I shouldn’t be surprised that Tina had figured out how to do it. Of the four of them I had the least psychic connection with her but she was by far the most intelligent and intuitive. I reached out with my hand, sliding it up the back of her leg and under the hem of her skirt. “Glad to be back, are you going to make it worth my while?” I replied. ‘What’s with the secret handshake stuff?’ I asked in her mind.

“Be a good boy and we’ll see” she replied with a seductive chuckle, stroking my chin while she took a step away from my caressing fingers. ‘I need to talk to you about Grace, she is having problems.’ ‘What kind of problems? She isn’t thinking about trying to escape again is she?’ I replied psychically, keeping up the friendly banter. This was hard, splitting your consciousness into two separate conversations at the same time and I was surprised that Tina could do it so well. Instead, I slid into her mind and we stood before each other in her mindscape.

‘We can talk easier here, since this is at the speed of thought no one will notice anything as long as we don’t stay too long.’ I told her.

She nodded, then her body morphed, her crimson battle armour replacing her more familiar business suit. I stiffened and prepared my defences and escape plan. We were in her mind and she had all of the power here. All of my power come from people not realizing that, but Grace certainly knew how things worked now and what happened here translated to the real world with painful results.

She noticed my subtle tensing and looked down, her battle armour whirring softly in response to her movements. ‘Oh, I haven’t seen this in a while. I guess when I get protective of Grace this is how my psyche manifests myself.’ Her body shimmered and returned to the business attire I was familiar with. ‘Don’t worry, I didn’t do this to try to get back at you or anything. In fact, I owe you my thanks. Since you brought me into this arrangement we have made more of a difference to the people of this city than I ever could have on my own.’ She smiled at me, a genuine smile of gratitude. Her green eyes twinkled and her long red hair fell out of the tight bun it had been in to cascade around her shoulders and face in waves of shimmering coppery fire. The hem of her skirt slid up a couple of inches to well above her knee and her blouse seemed to tighten across her chest. The heels of her shoes lengthened and narrowed from her business like 3” heels to a set of shiny killer stilettoes, her mental projection left me no question of how grateful she was.

‘I thought you and Grace were an item?’ I asked, gesturing to her now more seductive attire.

She looked down again and gasped, then with a grunt the previous sensible, now far too sensible outfit was back. ‘Shit, sorry. It is hard keeping your subconscious out of your mental image, how do you do it?’ ‘Practice, now why am I here? What’s going on that we need all of this secrecy?’ ‘The secrecy is just a precaution; you know how paranoid Dan is. I don’t want to give him any reason to think that everything isn’t perfect, he tends to act first then worry about who is bleeding later.’ She said, and she was right. Despite being invulnerable, paranoia was second nature to Dan as the elaborate screening I had to go through just to get in the door at his invitation went to show. At least the electric shock didn’t hurt as much anymore.

‘So if Grace isn’t trying to get out, and get the rest of you out, then what is the problem?’ I asked, a little confused.

‘You are the problem, Ben.’ She replied with an exasperated sigh.

‘So she hates me, she won’t be the first. She can even hit me if she wants, not too hard and not in the face, or the balls.’ I replied with a shrug. Being betrayed by the man who you thought you loved and also used to bring down your super teammates tends to piss women off apparently.

Tina snorted, ‘For a guy who can read minds you are pretty oblivious.’ I stiffened, ‘I haven’t been inside any of your heads since I left, I have no idea what you are talking about.’ Tina looked at me slightly surprised. ‘Why not, it’s what you do isn’t it?’ ‘Call it professional courtesy if you want.’ I replied sharply, wanting to change the topic.

She gave a small smile, the kind of knowing smile that made me want to change my mind about professional courtesy. How the fuck were women so opaque. ‘She doesn’t hate you Ben, and that’s the problem. She wants to, desperately, but she can’t. She still has a thing for you and it is driving her crazy, especially after she found out you were coming back.’ Well that was a surprise. I had manipulated my fair share of women in my time and once they found out what I had done they made no secret about how they felt. There were countries I didn’t go back to just to avoid some of them. There were a few out there who were still pining for me, but I had left them like that specifically and Grace wasn’t one of them. Of course, in taking down the Freedom Flock I had spent a lot more time and effort on Grace than most of them but that shouldn’t matter. I hadn’t left any backdoors or suggestions to make her like me and she knew exactly what I had done. She should hate my guts.

‘So what do you want me to do about it? Go back inside and fix it?’ I asked innocently.

‘Fuck no, don’t you dare start messing with her head again.’ Tina snapped back angrily, then she took a deep breath and continued in her normal rational tone. ‘Just talk to her, let her figure out whatever she needs to about you because right now she is stuck in a loop and it is driving her to distraction and driving me crazy. Hell, she calls out your name at night then wakes up crying and I need to spend the rest of the night calming her down.’ Another thing I had done before I left was make Grace and Tina admit their feelings for each other. Not sure why, maybe I was hoping for a threesome. ‘Fine, fine, I’ll talk to her, anything else?’ I said in exasperation.

‘Yes, make sure you take it seriously. Once you read that mission package you will see that in order to succeed you will need to work with her both here and in the field.’ She replied.

I flinched in surprise. ‘In the field, you mean Dan is letting her out of the compound?’ ‘Yes, all of us at one time or another. He knows that it is the only way to get his big payday so I was able to convince him that the risk is worth it. If anything goes wrong out there, I am sure he will blame you as much as he blames us.’ She said with a smirk. ‘Welcome to the bit leagues, Mesmer.’ She pulled her hand away from my face, breaking our link. “See you later, Mr. Comber” she said as she sashayed out of the room, leaving me with my tablet and racing heart. I had just about died several times getting the four of them in here, and now he was going to make me take them out to catch three of the most dangerous women on the planet. Fuck me!

I lay in my bed in one of Dan’s many guest bedrooms, he entertained a lot of VIP clients in his compound. I was struggling to fall asleep, trying to get the images of psychotic women on killing sprees to stop flashing in my mind. I had reviewed the information on the tablet that Tina had given me, and now realized that was a mistake. Normally I can fall asleep on command, part of being a psychic is having total control over your mind. You can’t influence others without mastering yourself so to speak, which explains how messed up I had to be to be struggling to sleep like a student before final exams. I rolled over on my back, then sensed someone outside the door. I tensed for a moment, then relaxed and a small smile pulled at the corner of my mouth.

The door slid open, which should have been alarming since they were keyed to each individual’s handprint but if anyone could figure out how to override it, it was Xin. I turned my head slightly, pretending to be asleep and cracked my eyes to look at her. She stood there; her lithe young body silhouetted through the gossamer material of her negligée. Xin was tiny, even for an Asian girl, barely 5’ tall but had the build of an Olympic sprinter. Her lean but muscular legs showed a thigh gap that just beckoned me to dive into and you could bounce a quarter off her ass. Her breasts were small but firm and her nipples pushed at the sheer material of her babydoll top. Her hair was longer than I remembered it, brushing her shoulders instead of the pixie cut she had last time I saw her.

She slowly walked across the room, moving quietly as to not wake me. Her bare feet made soft shuffling sound on the carpet and the door slid closed behind her leaving her illuminated only by the muted lighting of the nightlight. She stopped at the side of the bed, looking down at me with an impish smile on her face. She reached out to gently caress my cheek, then I heard the rustle of silk and lace as she slid to her knees. Her hand worked its way beneath the blanket and found my cock, closing gently around it with small but strong fingers.

I moaned quietly, still feigning sleep as I savored the smell of her perfume and the feel of her experienced and eager hand stroking my cock. I felt the blanket move as she slid her head beneath the covers, positioning herself so she could reach my now stiff prick with her cupid bow mouth. With her head and shoulders now beneath the blanket I opened my eyes and looked down at her. I savored the view of her runner trained ass as it wiggled beneath the lacy silk material of her negligee. Another involuntary moan of pleasure escaped me as I felt her lips kiss the tip of my cock, her warm moist tongue flickering over the piss hole and around the head.

A long moan of pleasure escaped from under the sheets as Xin took the head of my cock in her mouth and slid her face slowly down the shaft. She held it there, as deep in her mouth as she could for as long as she could then almost reluctantly pulled back. I felt her tongue run over the head of my cock and heard another groan as she tasted the pre-cum that oozed out. Long ago I had tweaked her mind to believe my cum tasted like dragon floss candy, her favorite childhood treat and now she couldn’t get enough of it. She sucked the head of my cock hard, like trying to suck a thick milkshake through a narrow straw then bobbed her mouth back down to take me deep into her again.

I lay back on the pillow as she gave me her secret blowjob, savoring the feeling of her soft lips and tongue as they worked their magic on my cock. One of her small hands wrapped around the base of the shaft, twisting in time with her head as she made small figure eight’s under the blanket. Her other slid down between my legs to gently cup and fondle my balls, her nails tickling the sensitive skin beneath my ball sack. I felt my toes curl as she worked her magic and with another moan of pleasure, I gave up the pretense of sleep. I moved my hand down under the blanket to grasp the back of her head. “Mmmmmmmm” She moaned again as my fingers slid under her silky hair clamped firmly around her narrow neck.

I let her continue to suck my cock for a few more minutes, she made no effort to pull away from my controlling hand and responded immediately when I pushed or pulled her head up and down on my cock. Just for fun, I held her down further than she was comfortable with and felt her start to shudder as she fought to suppress her gag reflex. I pulled her up just as I sensed she couldn’t hold out anymore and she gasped for air when my cock popped out of her mouth. I tossed the sheets back and looked at her in the soft ambient light.

She looked up at me, her narrow Asian eyes crinkling at the edges as she smiled. She leaned down and rubbed the tip of my cock over her lips, her tiny tongue searching for any missed drops of my delicious cum. Her muscular shoulders flexed in the soft light as she pushed herself up and climbed onto the bed to straddle my legs.

“Welcome back Ben.” She said. “I missed you.”

“I can see that, what do Dan and Tina think about you hacking the door controls.” I replied in a stern voice.

She giggled, crawling up my body until she was straddling my still erect cock. She teasingly rubbed the lips of her pussy over the head while she leaned down to kiss my chest. She took one of my nipples in her mouth, sucking gently as her hips moved in small circles over my prick. “Then let’s keep it our little secret then.” She mumbled as she ran her tongue across my chest to suck on my other nipple.

“You are going to have to work pretty hard to convince me to do that, security is very important here.” I replied, folding my hands up behind my head and looking down at her sternly.

She smiled up at me impishly then rose up on her knees and reached between her legs to find my prick. Her muscular thighs held her up effortlessly as she worked the head of my cock back and forth along her pussy lips. I could feel that she was already wet and soon my cock was well lubricated with a mixture of her saliva and pussy juice. She swirled her hips like a dancer, dipping and rising again to take it between her pussy lips only to pull away. Her eyes twinkled with mischievous glee as she teased me but I could sense how horny she was. I let her play her game, pretending to get frustrated with her although it didn’t take much to pretend. Finally, just as I was about to take charge, she settled herself above my rigid shaft and slowly lowered her body onto it.

“Oooohhhhhhhh” she sighed as my prick slid into her. She bottomed out and held it there, grinding back and forth to rub her clit against my pelvis as her fingers dug into my chest. She bit her lip, eyes closed tight as she focused on the sensation of my prick filling her body. I still marveled at how she was able to fit me in there, it looked like there just wasn’t room in that tiny athletic form for that much cock.

She slowly rose up, my glistening shaft emerging from her smoothly shaved pussy. Her stomach rippled as I felt her cunt flex around the head of my cock, like she was hugging it with her snatch. Then she slid back down to grind her clit against me again before repeating the motion.

“Oh god, oh god, oh, oh, mmmmmmmmm.” She moaned rhythmically as she fucked me. Her nails dug into my chest and I winced but she didn’t notice, so focused on riding my cock.

“I guess you really did miss me.” I muttered and she nodded her head, eyes still closed as she savored the feeling of me filling her tiny cunt.

“I have waited soooooo long for this.” She moaned softly, increasing the tempo of her rocking as she struggled to take me even deeper inside her. “Ooooohhhhhh ffffuuuuccckkkkkk.”

I ran my eyes over her like she was on display at a museum or gallery. Her dark hair glistened, and I was glad that she had let it grow out. It fell to obscure her face as she leaned forward but I could still see her cute button nose and small but well formed lips as they scrunched in concentration. Her arms were lean and muscular, toned from the high metabolism associated with super speedster heroes which sadly meant that her tits were small but still well formed. I reached down to cup one, sliding my thumb over her hard nipple and she gasped in response.

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