Eclipsian Dynasty - Cover

Eclipsian Dynasty

Copyright© 2024 by afs

Chapter 7: CULT

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 7: CULT - Prince Cedric together with his Queen Mom and sister must prevent the end of theworld.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fairy Tale   High Fantasy   Historical   Mystery   Magic   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister  

He walked behind, dragging his feet. A strange weight had settled on his heart, and it wasn’t just because his sister had just jerked him off.

“She always appeared strong and stubborn. Did she really suffer because parents favored him over her? And now I’m also a hero tasked with saving the world. Maybe I can understand her. But that still doesn’t mean its okay to do what she’s doing, that still doesn’t excuse what she did. Damn, I still can’t believe it happened.”

“Can’t believe what?” one of the soldiers asked.

“Never mind,” he raised his head, turning it toward the library. Several figures in dark cloaks were ascending the steps, illuminating their path with torches.

“I don’t recall anyone in black cloaks in the camp. Must be some priestesses. Do they visit the library at night?”

“Hey, prince,” the Pale one turned to him. “How many girls have you been with before?”

“Just leave him alone,” Matthew led the group.

“I had a few girls, but as a prince, it’s hard to find free time.”

Of course it was a lie. He was so over secured by his mother for his whole life that his only sexual experience was peeking after maids. No, that’s not true anymore. His only sexual experience just happened with his own sister a few moments ago.

“That’s rough, buddy,” said Matt. “Finding a moment can be a real challenge. But hey, at least you’re not a virgin like some of these guys.”

“Hey, shut up!” someone yelled from behind. “See? That’s what I’m talking about.”

The whole group laughed, and Cedric laughed right along with them. Suddenly, he felt a strong connection with these people.

He had spent many days with Blunder’s soldiers on their journey, yet he had never even talked to one of them. These were the guys who had abandoned their lives to follow and protect him.

“We’ve arrived.” They walked up to the house, hearing footsteps and people on the other side of the street. Despite the late hour, the village was bustling with activity.

At the back door, Matthew knocked, and after a moment, a woman opened it. She appeared to be around 60, with weathered skin, tired eyes, and gray hair.

“I hope this isn’t one of those man-hungry girls,” Cedric whispered and someone pushed him in a back holding a laugh.

The woman let them in, grumbling maliciously, “You have an hour until midnight.”

They found themselves in a large room with sofas and tables, trinkets scattered all over the walls. It seemed like this place was some kind of store before their arrival.

Only then did Cedric notice the girls sitting in the far corner at a low table. They were sipping tea in blue cloaks and chatting about something

“Well, finally,” said the red-haired girl sitting in the center of the table, appearing older than the others. “Did you get lost on the way or what?”

“No. Just had to wait for someone,” Matthew glanced at Cedric, then back at the girls.

“I see. There’s no point in introductions. We’re not here to get married.” The redhead smiled. “We’ll just pick someone we like and the rest you know. Deal?”

Cedric stood by the door, wondering if it might be a trap after all. “What am I even doing here?”

He didn’t realize the red-haired girl was suddenly beside him, placing her hand on his neck. “You’re adorable. Why are you standing by the doors like you want to escape? Are you scared of us?” She playfully ran her finger across his face. “I like you. What’s your name?”

“Guess they don’t know I’m a prince,” Cedric thought and said, “Riley. My name is Riley.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Riley. I’m Cindy. Do you like me, Riley?” She then ran her hand over his lips. “Or maybe you fancy one of our girls?”

She turned his head to look at them, and his eyes quickly landed on the girl with brown hair who looked a lot like his Mum. They had the same eye color, face shape, and lips. Cindy, of course, noticed that he was looking at her.

“Do you like her? She’s yours.” “What? No, she’s just...”

“Hush, little one. Your look says it all,” she pulled him forward, right to the girl. “Betty, meet Riley. Betty’s Mum owns this place.”

Close up, Seraphina’s look-alike resembled her even more. The girl checked him out like she was shopping and said, “Works for me, let’s go.”

“Don’t forget, you’re a guest here, kiddo. Behave appropriately. Keep an eye on my girl and keep her safe,” Cindy stepped away, and Betty took Cedric by the hand, heading towards a door leading to another room. It was a space with a small bed and a window.

“Do I need to take off my sword first, or...” He didn’t finish as she kissed him right away. Betty pushed Cedric onto the bed and joined in. She jumped on his lap and slipped her hand into his pants.

“Ohh. Seems like the girls really missed having men around here,” thought Cedric. He enjoyed kissing her, running his fingers through her brown hair.

“Why are you not hard yet?” Her soft hand rubbed his dick.

He wondered how to tell her that his own sister just jerked him off.

She kept trying to make him hard, stroking it, and using all of her meager skills. It was more like she was trifling with it. “I can’t believe I’m admitting this, but Elowen did it much better— more skillfully and with greater finesse.”

“Just give me some time,” Cedric said and kissed the girl again, and this time he thought of Seraphina. He inadvertently thought he was kissing his own mother.

And, as a result, this time it was different. He felt a nice tingling in the back of his head and chose to welcome these new feelings instead of pushing them away. After all, there was a prophecy saying he had to marry Seraphina. He got a hard-on... “Mmm, Mum.”

She pulled away, looking at him in surprise. “Mum? Really?”

“Darn it.” He noticed how someone on the other side pulled the curtain in the window and peeked inside. After that, they quickly lowered the curtain back down. “Someone saw us.”

“What? Who?” She turned around, but there was nothing there now. “Doesn’t matter, my Mum will sort it out. Just relax”

“Something’s not right. I can feel it,” he kept staring at the window, which swayed from the wind or someone’s movement outside.

“Yeah. Calling me Mum, that’s what’s not right.”

The curtain twitched, person in a dark cloak pulled the bowstring.

Cedric moved quickly, spontaneously. He grabbed the girl; the sound of shattered glass echoed as an arrow whizzed through the air. Cedric positioned Betty in front of him, shielding himself with her body. The arrow pierced her chest and exited on the other side, not far from Cedric’s body. Blood surged at his face and chest. The girl barely had time to utter a scream; she gasped and went limp in his arms.

He hadn’t yet realized what he had done, hadn’t understood that he had used her body as a living shield. The shock was overwhelming. Cedric pushed the dead body away and leaped towards the door, drawing his sword. Inside the house, cries, both female and men in pain, were already heard. He stepped into the hall room. The entrance door was smashed open, and several people in black cloaks stormed in. Meanwhile, Blunder’s soldiers had emerged, drawing their swords.

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