Eclipsian Dynasty - Cover

Eclipsian Dynasty

Copyright© 2024 by afs

Chapter 6: Green Cloak

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 6: Green Cloak - Prince Cedric together with his Queen Mom and sister must prevent the end of theworld.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fairy Tale   High Fantasy   Historical   Mystery   Magic   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister  

He sat by the fire, wrapped in a cozy cloak. Cedric’s body and bones ached from another morning’s training with Eligh, and his face showed fresh wounds. They had been in the valley for weeks, but still hadn’t figured out how to stop the Eclipse.

And he couldn’t forget Excarchy’s words about his love toward Seraphina.

“It’s not safe to be alone in the tent with Mum. What a nonsense. Me copulating with my Mo ... No, I can’t even say it. I’ll prove her wrong. I’m not an animal. I can control my urges. I love my mother like a mother. She’s taken care of me all my life. These recent weeks have been tough for her, so now it’s my turn to take care of her.”

As he sat there, he listened to the night— the camp sounds, the wind, and the crackling fire. Amidst the many voices, he recognized one familiar, soft, and wise voice.

“We might have to stay here for the winter,” Blunder sighed.

“The Valley provides good defense against the king’s soldiers,” replied a soldier.

“I don’t think it will come to that. We won’t fight with the king. I brought my people with me to prevent bloodshed, not provoke If he decides to confront us directly, too many people will die. Arik understand that, he won’t do that. I know him. No, it’s not the king I’m concerned about.”

“Are you talking about the Cult?” someone else chimed in.

“Yes, the Cult. The Exarchy has approved deploying our troops across the valley to secure the entrance. She, like me, is uneasy about Gargantua’s men and his Cult. Exarchy just asked me to ensure that our people won’t try to get closer to girls in the valley. We don’t want unexpected pregnancies here.”

“Cult?” Cedric wondered as a soldier plopped down beside him.

“Sorry if I interrupted, Your Majesty.” Cedric was surrounded by other soldiers in gray cloaks and armor. “We’ve got an idea. There are lots of lovely ladies in the village. We’ve been here for a few weeks and are thinking of heading out, maybe meeting a few girls, you know, enjoying ourselves a bit. We’ve got a meeting set up, and the girls are on board.”

“No one is allowed to sleep with girls from the valley,” Cedric said.

“We get it, we get it. The Lord made it clear about the consequences if he catches us. We’re aware we can’t do that. The girls know it too. But, there’s no rule against, you know, using their hands and mouths.”

Cedric gulped, glancing at his mother’s tent where a candle flickered. He thought he saw movement inside as she probably prepared to sleep. “These soldiers probably don’t even know that, as a prince, I allowed to actually sleep with girls from the village.”

“Leave him alone. Maybe the prince isn’t into women at all,” remarked another soldier with a smile.

Cedric shot back, “It would be wise of me to execute you for saying something like.”

The soldiers backed off, all pale; the one who had spoken was the palest of all.

“He didn’t mean it, Your Highness.” The soldier stood up. “Let’s just forget about it. We were only joking about the ladies. Just a silly joke.”

“Where’s the meeting place?”

“Well. It’s in a big building with a red roof at the entrance to the village. Tomorrow night, we’ll be meeting with the girls there.”

“Why did you tell him, Matt?” The palest suddenly grabbed the soldier by the shoulder. “He’s going to give it all away to the lord or Riley now, isn’t he?”

“I’ll come with you. I’ll be right here, like always. Tomorrow.” Cedric snuggled deeper into his cozy blanket. The chilly fall weather was getting even colder.

The soldiers nodded and vanished as fast as they came. “They think I’m a child. I need to earn respect. Just gotta make sure it’s not a trap,” he mumbled casually to himself.

At that moment, he thought something moved behind him; he heard a sound. Cedric turned around, snatching up his sword. After so much training, he was doing it with no problem.

Among the tents, a person in a green cloak disappeared into the depths of the camp. “Hey!”

He hurried in pursuit, passing other tents and scattered cargo. The tiredness slowed him down, making it challenging to catch up. Cedric halted at a turn, finding himself blocked by two tents, with a horse directly in front of him.

“Trouble, prince?’ Riley, with a grin, emerged from behind. He looked at Cedric’s sword. ‘Getting ready for another round with Eligh? I doubt it’ll spare you from more humiliation and bruises.”

“It’s none of your business what I’m doing here,” Cedric slowly walked past the white-haired soldier and headed toward the tent, bypassing the guards.

He stepped inside. “I think we’re being watched, Mum.”

Seraphina was getting ready for bed, already in her warm nightgown. Inside the tent, it smelled of flowers as she gently brushed her long brown braids with a royal comb.

“Lord Blunder’s men are keeping an eye on our tent and camp all the time. I doubt any spies would stick around,” she said calmly, adjusting her curls.

“You trust Blunder too much. Maybe Dad has spies that can sneak in here. Secret covert spies?”

She laughed, nibbling on her little finger. “Secret covert spices? You’re so funny sometimes, sweetie.” Seraphina stood up and then next moment placed a hand on her stomach, shrinking slightly as if in pain.

“Is everything okay?”

“Ohhh. Yeah, I’m good,” she said, smoothing her hand over her hips and adjusting the nightie. “Ugh, it’s just my body being all womanly, telling me it’s ready for another baby.”

He was a bit surprised, thoughts of the spy forgotten. “Another baby?” Cedric glanced at her belly.

“Don’t worry, the pain will go away soon.” She moved closer, hugged him, and gently kissed his cheek. Her plump lips stayed there for a moment, spreading warmth through her son’s body. “Someday, when your wife goes through this, you’ll do your duty and bring a new life into the world. The 19th descendant.”

He blushed because of the kiss and the discussion of pregnancy and offspring. “And then the 19th one is supposed to bring the 20th, whose role in the prophecy is still mysterious for me,” he said.

“You’ll know about the 20th descendant later. His role is important, but not crucial for our mission. I told you that before, Cedric. Remember, we need to find a way to stop the Eclipse. Tomorrow, we’ll keep looking.”

He nodded.

“For now, let’s rest. Don’t worry about the spy; I’m sure you’ll keep me safe with your big sword,” she said playfully, pulling him onto the bed on the ground. “Come here, baby.”

“We could use an extra pair of hands, Elowen,” Seraphina said, standing at the bottom of the stairs with her arms folded, looking upset.

“I told you I’m not interested,” Elowen replied, inspecting her nails.

“But you volunteered before.”

“That was then. Now I’ve found something else to do. The library is just a bunch of books. What haven’t I seen there?” She snorted, turning away toward the village.

“I can’t believe it. You’re my daughter, a descendant of Leronse, just like me. This is your home. Don’t you feel anything special about this place?”

“All I feel is the scent of a thousand dissatisfied girls drawn into some weird community with no dicks. Zero dicks. And the only suitable dick, aside from Sir Blunder’s, prefers the company of a books and, who could have thought, his own mother.”

Cedric shot Elowen a mean look standing behind Seraphina’s back.

“You’re just like your father, Elowen. Can’t see past your own nose,” said Seraphina.

Elowen laughed. “Oh, believe me, Mum, I can see past even your big crooked nose. You don’t need my help; you’re just scared to leave me alone with the soldiers in the camp,” Elowen smirked.

“I’m done with this. We’re done,” Seraphina turned around sharply. She went upstairs, trying to get away from her daughter.

“Go catch up with your girlfriend, sissy.” Elowen grinned, looking at her brother.

“You know what?” Cedric confidently approached. “You have no chance with Blunder. Why would the Lord pick someone as ‘ugly’ as you when he has the entire village to choose from, with the most gorgeous girls in Eldaria? Bye, sister.”

Cedric hurried, and as he ran, he heard Elowen yelling, “You call me ugly? You’re the ugliest one! I don’t care what you say, jerk!”

“Of course you do, sissy.”

He struggled to keep up with Mum, his legs burning from recent training.

“You have a nice nose, Mum. Don’t listen to her,” he reassured, catching up. “Elowen is just jealous of your beauty—your lips, eyes, delicate face.”

“Thank you, dear,” Seraphina said with a smile, wiping her eye. “I bet she’s envious of your figure. Your...” He paused.

“My what?” She smirked, suppressing a laugh.

He peeked at her boobs, looked away, nearly stumbling. “Oh, nothing. Just your figure.”

She wiped a tear from her other eye, chuckling, as they reached the door, passing the guards. The priestesses of the Library surrounded the Exarchy around her table.

“You’re different from your father; he didn’t enjoy doing compliments. I guess your sister took all of his...” Seraphina paused.

A painful scream reverberated through the library, originating from a far-off room in the vestibule, causing Cedric to shudder. The scream was heard for a few moments, and then abruptly ended.

The Exarchy remained unfazed, engrossed in her work. However, all the priestesses turned their attention toward them, silently conveying that they weren’t meant to hear it.

“Let’s go,” Seraphina said, taking Cedric’s hand and leading him into the right corridor.

“What was that?” He spun around, and the priestesses were still watching.

“I don’t know, but, well, it’s not our concern; we’re just guests here. Let’s let the hosts keep their secrets.”

“Even if someone needs help? Did you hear that scream? Can’t we do something?”

“We can’t. We need to focus on our own business and avoid unnecessary questions. I don’t want us to get kicked out of here, do you?” She closed the door behind them, breathing out.

From the corner of his eye, Cedric noticed another person in the room. For the first time during their stay, there was a priestess busy at the shelves, organizing some books.

“No more word about it,” his Mum whispered, taking a seat at the table.

It had gotten cooler than usual in the past few days, so he no longer had the chance to sneak a peek at her boobs. Still, she was wearing a nice brown warm shirt with a nice alluring neckline.

For the following hours, he had to focus on the books, shifting them from the pile right in front of him. “History of Eldaria and the First Civilizations.”


“Tales of the Great Journeys and the Rise of the Eclipsian Dynasty.”


“Starborne’s Path to Power.”

I’ve read this one already. More than once.

Cedric cautiously raised his eyes above another book in hands, glancing at Seraphina. She pushed back her chestnut hair to the side, revealing her neck and seductive collarbones. His Mum carefully tied her hair into a ponytail.

Meanwhile, he observed her arm movements, noticing Mum’s bare armpits and the flexing of her neck and arm muscles. Interested, he watched, pretending to be engrossed in the book.

“I can see you watching, Cedric,” she said calmly. “Sorry, Mum.” He shifted his gaze back to the books.

“Descendants of the Eclipsian Dynasty.” Descendants.

Suddenly, he recalled what he had recently read, that evening when they arrived at the library. He stood up and walked to the shelf, searching among the bindings.

“That’s it. ‘The Future of Starborne’s Dynasty.” He opened the book to a needed page.

“The 18th Eclipsian descendant must marry the descendants of Laurence and Eldoran’s only son.”

“Interesting. I’m the 18th, but who is the son of Laurence and Eldoran? I think I heard these names somewhere before.” He glanced at Seraphina sitting in front of him.

“Remind me, Mum, who were the founders of the library?”

“Laurence and Eldoran.” She turned to him, wearily resting her head on her hand.

“And who is their only son?”

Her expression changed. “Why do you ask?”

“I’m just curious about the library’s founders. After all, I’m your son, and this place is also my home. Maybe Elowen doesn’t, but I feel something special about this place.”

She smiled warmly. “I’m glad you’re interested, my dear.” Seems like that’s worked.

“Their only son was Leronse. He was a great master, the only male, besides Laurence, his father, who had access to the books and information gathering.”

“Leronse?” It felt like the ground had slipped from under him. “Isn’t Leronse your...”

“Yep, he is my great-grandfather.” She sighed, evidently uneasy revisiting the her own past. “His blood was highly valued, which is why the Supreme Exarchy didn’t want to let me go and marry your father. I am his last and only descendant.”

“Oh, no.” He froze, almost dropping the book. Realization dawned on him gradually. “No, no, no. So, you’re the last descendant of Leronse?”

“Yes. Didn’t I just say that?” She giggled, “So, why do you ask? Did you find something?” Suddenly curious, she stood up, wanting to know what he had, but Cedric abruptly closed the book.

“It’s nothing. It’s nothing.”

“You’re really bad at lying, Cedric.” She placed her hands on her hips, and Seraphina’s tense, angry gaze shot directly at him.

“I need to talk to the Supreme Excarchy,” he wanted to walk past, but she stood next to him, trying to grab the book. He almost buried his face in her boobs.

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