Eclipsian Dynasty - Cover

Eclipsian Dynasty

Copyright© 2024 by afs

Chapter 1: Prince Cedric

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 1: Prince Cedric - Prince Cedric together with his Queen Mom and sister must prevent the end of theworld.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fairy Tale   High Fantasy   Historical   Mystery   Magic   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister  

“Come on, sweetheart, keep pushing.” King Arik held his wife’s hand in a dimly lit room filled with healers.

“Ughhhh ... Something’s not right, my love.” Queen Seraphina, with her sweaty chestnut hair sticking to her face, did her best to welcome their firstborn into the world, spreading her legs.

“I need your help, Eclipsian Gods. Please help us! Somebody, open the window!” ordered the King. One of the guards quickly opened it, allowing sunlight to stream in, landing directly on the Queen.

“Don’t worry, my dear. Everything will be okay.” assured the King. Seraphina let out another scream, the pain too much to bear.

“She’s lost a lot of blood!” exclaimed one of the healers. “We’re losing her, Your Majesty.”

Arik, filled with despair, laid his head on her hand and closed his eyes. “My love.”

Just then, the sunlight began to fade. A shadow fell across the bed as the moon covered the sun, casting a thick blue-gray light that illuminated the room.

“I can see the head!” exclaimed one of the healers.

Seraphina let out another scream, and within moments, the room was filled with the sound of a loud baby cry. A soft blue-gray light bathed the newborn.

“Your Majesty,” said a healer, presenting the baby to the King.

“It’s a boy,” announced Arik. “Seraphina, it’s a boy.”

“I’m so happy, Arik,” Seraphina said wearily. “Show him to the gods of Eclipse.”

Arik stood by the window, letting the moonlight illuminate baby’s face.

“I will name you Cedric. 18th Descendant. You have a great future ahead, my son. An unpredictable one,” Arik said with a smirk, “full of danger and twists of fate. I know it.”

He turned to Seraphina, locking eyes with his wife. “He’s perfect, my love.”


“Did you hear from the Solarion messenger?” Seraphina asked as she sliced a piece of meat, guiding it into her mouth. Her dress had an open neckline, revealing breasts.

“No, my love. Not yet,” replied Arik. His beard was as gray as his temples. “I have an important meeting with our astrologer today. Sweetheart, could you do Dynasty Guide for Cedric instead of me? He already turned 18; it’s high time.”

“Cedric?” Seraphina turned her attention to the boy who was absentmindedly picking his nose, his brown hair falling into his food. “Cedric!”

The boy woke up, raising his head. “Yes, Mom?”

“Cedric spent all last night spying on the maids again,” his sister with black hair smirked, sitting next to him.

“Elowen! You were supposed to be quiet!” Cedric clenched his fork tightly.

“Or what? Why should I? Are you going to complain to Mom like usual? Mama’s boy.”

“Elowen!” Seraphina gave her an angry look. “Watch your tongue. Arik?”

The king smirked slightly, a rare expression for him lately. He had been frowning and brooding as if something was bothering him.

“What can I say? Cedric has the love of women, just like me,” he playfully nibbled on Seraphina’s back and reached up to kiss her. Their lips merged in a sweet, loving kiss.

“Gross,” Elowen said, looking away.

Cedric also turned away a little but still kind of curious. He didn’t mind watching.

Finally, Arik pulled back from the kiss. Seraphina fixed her dress and hair before standing up. “Let’s go, Cedric.”

The guy sighed and followed his mother after passing the king’s chair.

“Good luck, mama’s boy,” teased his sister.

Why do I need to know about the Eclipsian Sovereigns? I know everything I need to know. We rule part of the continent; the other part is ruled by Solarion. Our symbol is a stylized eclipse with the moon and sun intertwined, representing the harmonious balance of power that the Eclipsian Sovereigns seek to maintain in the realm.

Everything else is just as fascinating to me as ... as ... just as Mom’s ass!

He followed her from behind and looked at her ass. Two parts of the firm ass moved in time with the movement under her royal dress.

“Gross,” Cedric thought, but he didn’t look away. Kind of inappropriate, but he had to admit it. “Mom’s ass is really nice.”

Seraphina stopped suddenly and Cedric was startled. “I hope I didn’t say that out loud. Mom’s right; I rarely watch my tongue.”

She turned and hugged him with a smile, pulling him to her chest. “Come on. Why does your sister call you that?”

“What?” he felt his head against her boobs.

“Mama’s boy. Is it bad that we’re close, and I love you? My little firstborn.” She gently rubbed the top of his head with her fingernails.

“Maybe she’s just jealous. She’s always saying nasty things. But you love me more, right?” He looked up at her, and Seraphina laughed softly, covering her mouth with her hand.

“You’re so sweet, dear.” She let go of him and walked on.

“What does that mean? I’m your favorite, right? Right?” He tried to keep up with her, and they finally ended up at the Planetarium -- a huge room in the royal castle with painted walls and a big moon at the very top.

“I can’t remember the last time I was here.”

“How much do you know about our dynasty, Cedric?” Seraphina walked around him, examining the drawings on the wall.

“Well ... just the basics.”

“The dynasty supposedly started when the first ruler, King Alaric the Starborne, saw a rare celestial event during his coronation. During this event, the moon briefly eclipsed the sun, casting an otherworldly glow on the land. Alaric saw it as a sign of divine favor, and from that moment, the Eclipsian Sovereigns believed they were meant for greatness.

Each ruler of the dynasty is said to have a unique ability linked to celestial phenomena. For example, Alaric could control tides during a lunar eclipse, while his son Celrock could use the energy of a solar eclipse to enhance his sword skills.”

“That’s insane. And Dad might be able to shoot lightning from his fingers.” Cedric looked up at the moon covering the sun. The sight made his head spin a bit. When he lowered his gaze, his mother stood right in front of him, looking angry.

“Do you think this is a joke? Eclipse’s powers helped you be born, Cedric. At your birth, their powers assisted and helped me to let you into this world.”

“I’m not sure I want to hear about that, Mom.”

“As the heir to the throne, you have to hear about that.” The door suddenly opened, and a guard entered.

“Your Majesty, the King has called for an urgent council. He wants both of you there.”


“There’s no need to worry,” Arik assured from the big round table.

“But what if we should?” A well-dressed council member stood abruptly. “Are you certain your astrologer got it right? Is ‘Cosmic Eclipse’ going to happen?”

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