Suspicious Mom - Cover

Suspicious Mom

Copyright© 2024 by alwayswantedto

Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A mother gets suspicious of her son. She thinks her son is drugging her. But why?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Oral Sex  

I was quiet at dinner and both my men respected my need for privacy. Though Jeff normally helped me clear away the table and rinse the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, he joined his father in the living room instead. As soon as I joined them, he got up and went to the kitchen. Stefan looked exhausted sitting in his chair, barely paying attention to the news. I slumped on the arm at my end of the couch.

Jeff carried a tray into the living room. Surprise, it held three mugs of tea. I didn’t want to play this game anymore but I didn’t protest when he handed one of the mugs to me. He passed the big one to his father and took the last for himself, retiring to the far end of the couch I was sitting on. I didn’t look but I knew he was watching us as he slowly sipped his tea. It wasn’t very hot so I was able to take large drinks. I wondered if Jeff had made it lukewarm on purpose. I looked at Stefan and noticed that he was taking big gulps as well. It didn’t surprise me a few minutes later to look over and see that he had nodded off, his empty mug dangling from the fingers of his right hand. Jeff got up and went to his father.

“Dad?” he called. He shook Stefan’s shoulder. “Dad.” Stefan lifted his head and looked groggily at his son. “Maybe you should go to bed early tonight if you’re leaving tomorrow.”

Stefan nodded and Jeff helped pull his father to his feet. I drank my tea more slowly as I watched Stefan lean on his son’s shoulder as he helped him up the stairs. That warm feeling was returning to my groin. Was I actually going to let him? Decision time would soon be here. Regardless of what I did, after tonight, nothing would be the same. If Jeff let Linda come and I confronted him he would know that I had let him have his way with me all along. Linda would tell him the truth about the new ‘tea’. Sure, the stuff he had given Stefan, and earlier me, knocked you out but the new stuff didn’t and, vexed, Linda would own up to Jeff.

Why hadn’t she just left things as they were?

I knew the answer to that; it was all suddenly clear. She needed me to consciously let my son do what he wanted, even make love to me. That way, she would have leverage. She could expose me, to Jeff and anyone else, if I didn’t go along. I either let Jeff know what I had done and curse him forever with incestuous guilt, or I let Linda play with me too, for however long it amused her to do so. I was trapped.

I finished my tea. I was feeling a little woozy, as I expected, by the time Jeff returned. He smiled as he approached me, a knowing smile, smug in the knowledge of a successfully unfolding plan. He held his hands out to me.

“Looks like you’re ready for the sack too, Mom.”

I nodded and lifted my hands to his. I felt no resistance. He pulled me up and I slumped forward, my breasts bumping into him, my partially stimulated nipples grazing down his chest before, surprised, he caught and held me up.

“Mom. You really are tired.”

I nodded into his shoulder and let my breasts push more firmly into his chest. I knew already that I wasn’t going to confront my son tonight. I didn’t want to fight him.

“Let’s get you to bed.”

Jeff dipped down to let his left arm catch me behind my knees and lifted me up, effortlessly. I put my arms around his neck. Yes, take me to bed, son, take me to bed.

Jeff walked slowly up the stairs, almost as if he didn’t really want to get to my bedroom. Was it because he was having second thoughts or did he just like the feel of me, pliant, soft and submissive in his arms?

He carried me into my bedroom and slowly walked toward the bed, past Stefan’s clothes strewn about on the floor. Stefan was lying on his back, covered to his chest. The covers were pulled back on my side. Jeff probably knew I would be ready before he even returned downstairs to get me. The room was lit only by the setting, summer sun. Jeff sat me down on the bed and pointed to the thin cotton night gown already laid out on the pillow.

“Goodnight, Mom,” he whispered after kissing me gently on the forehead.

He walked away.

Surprised, I sat hunched over for a minute, hands clasped together between my legs. Stefan was breathing heavily, already in a deep sleep. I turned toward the nightgown and picked it up, then dropped it. I stood and shucked my dress, removed my bra, and took off my panties. I had no energy to go to the bathroom to remove the little make-up I wore or to wash myself. I picked up the nightgown and raised it above my head, then let it fall down my arms and nestle over my body. It slid on easily since it was open to my waist in the front. Where had he found this? It was an old one, one of Stefan’s favorites from our younger years. It laced up in a series of ties up the front. I remembered how I had struggled against his efforts to get them undone. I had thought he would relish a slow tease as I slowly pulled the laces free but he only saw them as an obstacle to grabbing my tits for a few gropes before getting his cock into me. It hadn’t taken me long to learn not to do anything to slow Stefan down because it only meant he would last even less time inside me. After a while I realized it didn’t matter; I would wait until he rolled off and fell asleep before pleasuring myself.

I tied each lace into a bow. I had stopped doing that with Stefan and in the end, I put the nightgown away. That was so many years ago now I thought I’d thrown it out. But tonight I did up the ties, tugging the ends firmly to form a tight knot at the center of each bow. The laces would now serve to protect rather than seduce and would hopefully be more successful in that task. Twisting around and leaning back, I slipped my feet under the covers and pulled them up. Then, I waited for my son’s return, lying on my back beside my snoring husband.

The time passed slowly. Though I assured myself I didn’t know what I would do when Jeff arrived, my nipples had hardened and I knew it wasn’t because of the restless movements causing them to scrape against the sheet. It dawned on me, as I lay there, that if I confronted Jeff as soon as he pulled the covers down and undid the laces on my nightgown, I could suddenly ‘wake up’ and admonish him, just as I had originally planned to do so long ago. Waiting for him to take pictures had sunk me then because of my own latent desires. I knew that now and also realized that I didn’t need the pictures. I didn’t even need to confront him about the group. I just needed him to stop and warn Linda away. Maybe then she wouldn’t say anything. Maybe she would be fooled and think I hadn’t known at all. Maybe I could stop this thing after all.

It was dark. I had drifted off but something jarred me back to wakefulness. I could hear Jeff approaching, hear the soft press of his feet on the carpet. He was coming. I had no doubt he had the balls to do whatever he wanted even though his father was right beside me. I couldn’t hide behind Stefan’s presence; this morning had proved that. It was up to me to put a stop to this, as I should have done weeks before. I steeled myself for the task ahead of me.

Jeff walked around the end of the bed to my side and stopped. I wouldn’t have known he was there if I hadn’t heard him come. He was dead still. I waited for him to pull the covers off. And waited. And waited.

What was he doing? My ears strained but all I heard was the faint sound of a breath here and there and I wasn’t completely sure that wasn’t my imagination. I struggled to keep my own breath under control but, despite myself, I was getting excited. What was he up to? Minutes passed.

Then, at the end of the bed, the covers pressed against my feet as Jeff tugged their ends from under the mattress where they were tucked in. Once loose, the covers were dropped and the silence returned. After only a minute or two, the covers were slowly peeled from the side of the bed and folded on top of me, forming a ridge from my toes to my chest. Following that, they were rolled off to my side, the one closest to Stefan. I was now completely uncovered except for my old, thread-worn nightgown.

Despite the thin material, I felt secure in the tightly laced gown. If Jeff tried to undo the laces, I’d leap up and accost him. I regretted taking my panties off but only momentarily. If he pulled the gown up far enough to expose me, I would do the same. Whether trying to undo my nightgown to see my breasts or pulling it up to peek at my pussy, he would be caught red-handed. Without knowing that I knew what he’d down, I could justifiably confront him with inappropriate behavior, however mild compared to what he’d done before. I smiled smugly in the dark. Events were unfolding as they should.

Nothing happened for some time but I wasn’t worried. I waited for the inevitable attempt to disrobe me. I knew he would try and I’d spring my trap right away. Another minute passed.

The bottom of my foot tickled but I resisted the urge to scratch it with the big toe of my other foot. There it was again and I knew it wasn’t a simple itch. Jeff was scratching his finger along the sole of my foot. Slowly, now applying just enough pressure that it no longer tickled and I lost the urge to pull my foot away. In fact, it felt nice.

I couldn’t jump up and scold him for tickling my foot. Though bizarre, it wasn’t sufficiently inappropriate to fulfill my task. I stayed still, breathing regularly, while his finger continued its languid scratching along the bottom of my foot. His other hand joined the task, not stroking the other foot but rather inserting its fingers between my toes and then running up to my ankles before jumping to my other leg and descending to play with the toes of that foot where his stroking finger miraculously appeared even while I could still feel its caress on my abandoned foot.

Jeff continued this gentle massage long enough that my attention lapsed and I relaxed. I was surprised when I noticed his fingers reaching past my knees to explore the inside of my lower thighs. I had no idea how long he’d been caressing almost the full extent of my legs, or exactly when I had allowed my limbs to part from their tight embrace. My legs felt warm and all aglow. His hands had left my feet and only one let its presence be felt by the lingering trace of fingers along the soft inside of my inner thighs. The nightgown, once settling over my legs just below my knees, had been pushed much higher, more than half way up my thighs.

Where was my mind? Panic surged within me. He was ready and the moment of confrontation was fast approaching. I braced myself, ready to leap as the rush of his hand up my legs under the nightgown was rewarded with its first contact with my bare pussy. That would be crime enough. My mind urged his hand forward, yet dreaded its attack.

My chest tickled. His hand was still hovering, fingers scratching my inner thighs but approaching no closer to my hot place. Again the tickle on my chest and I deduced its source. Jeff was tugging a lace, trying to loosen its concealing hold on my breasts. If I hadn’t tied them so tight the first bow would have pulled loose, and I could have ended it all right then, or maybe after the second one. Yes, I should wait until he had undone at least two leaving me clearly exposed and betraying his guilty intentions.

Jeff tugged and tugged without further success, then moved to the next bow with similar results. His hand withdrew but the one resting on my thighs remained. I thought he had given up but his fingers returned, this time inserting themselves inside the loops of a bow and spreading out, slowly pulling the lace through the knot. He wasn’t in a hurry. His movements were slow and gentle, perhaps designed not to wake me. No, given what had happened before, that couldn’t be it. Rather, he was enjoying it, like savoring a dessert. He was dragging out the disrobing because undressing me excited him, maybe even as much as the final revelation.

Such flattery. His fingers fluttered against the chest bones below my neck as he struggled to loosen the uppermost bow. Their gentle scrapes made my skin tingle. Why couldn’t Stefan have been more like his son? The upper bow finally loosened and Jeff pulled each component lace straight and carefully laid them down to the side. His fingers were now undoing the next bow and their fluttering touches scraped across the upper swells of my breasts rather than on the bones below my neck. One more bow and then I’d give him hell.

It took Jeff much longer to loosen the second bow. Either it was tighter or he had more difficulty trying to spread each loop apart against the soft resistance of my upper breasts. As it was, he managed to loosen it but didn’t pull the laces apart. Instead, he moved on to the next bow. I didn’t know what to do. He hadn’t pulled the nightgown apart to reveal my breasts. Only the top lace was completely undone. Was that enough to accuse him?

No. Let him loosen the next one too, then surely he’d undo both bows and pull the gown apart, revealing my breasts even more. Then he’d really be caught with three undone.

I waited patiently while Jeff fumbled with the third bow. This one seemed to be especially tough. His fingers and palms scraped all over my breasts. I almost gritted my teeth, waiting stoically as he struggled. His fingers were no longer brushing over my upper breasts but against the meat of my tits, constantly scraping across my nipples or delving into the valley between. I couldn’t help responding. No matter, I convinced myself, I could blame their stiffness on his wretched behavior and accuse him of doing even than just peeking. He would be even more caught than I had planned.

But when Jeff left that bow just loosened too and moved on to the last one, I argued that I should let him get them all undone. At least now his fingers were low enough to just rub over my belly and across the underside of my swelling breasts, a titillation that was much easier to handle. Soon, he’d have this final one loosened and then he would surely pull the nightgown apart. Then I would have him and I’d make my move.

He was done. I expected him to return to the second bow and pull it apart but he actually untangled the fourth one first, pulling the laces apart to lay them to the side just as carefully as he’d done the first. Now my belly was partly bare and, though my navel was exposed, it wasn’t enough to make my move. Jeff moved up to the second bow and dismantled it, pulling it apart sufficiently to expose the upper swells of my breasts completely. Next, he moved to the third bow. I waited for him to gently pull it apart, ready to spring as he laid the laces to my sides but he surprised me by quickly yanking the laces and spreading the gown wide.

“Awesome,” he cried. “Such beautiful tits, the best in the whole world. Mom, you’re the most perfect woman a man could have.”

I was taken aback. Awesome? The most beautiful tits, the most perfect woman. I was frozen as his words splashed across my body and trickled into my mind. His hands were at my sides where he had laid the ends of the final pair of laces, pressing against the sides of my breasts, pushing them together and forcing my nipples higher, toward him.

“I need to kiss her,” Jeff whispered.

I willed myself to leap up, to shout out, ‘What the hell are you doing?’

But I didn’t move. I was paralyzed, helpless, awaiting the press of his moist lips on my breasts, to envelop my straining nipples.

His mouth was on me, his lips covering mine, moving, tongue seeking entrance, slipping inside. My jaw slackened, allowing him to gain entry. My son had kissed me, but on my mouth. I was stunned that he had sought my lips instead of my tits. My love for him gushed through my body. What a lover. He kissed and kissed and kissed me. It wasn’t until his mouth pulled away so his tongue could slide back and forth along my lips and flick between upper and lower, that I felt his fingers below, fluttering in a similar fashion over my lower lips. I couldn’t believe I had been so unaware of his lower caress.

He was so adept with his fingers. I was very wet and must have unconsciously opened my legs. How long had he been there? My resolve wilted away. When Jeff moved his head lower to suck first one nipple and then the other into his mouth, I simply moaned my pleasure. When his mouth returned to mine, I opened it brazenly to accept his tongue and groaned into his mouth as his fingers pushed deeper inside me with a twisting motion.

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