Suspicious Mom - Cover

Suspicious Mom

Copyright© 2024 by alwayswantedto

Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A mother gets suspicious of her son. She thinks her son is drugging her. But why?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Oral Sex  

Despite the euphoria of my bonus night with Jeff, I gave Stefan the cold treatment. I was now convinced he was having an affair and, though it strangely no longer made me jealous, I was still pissed off. To top it off, Stefan complained about being so tired because he hadn’t slept well while he was away, supposedly because he had worked so hard landing his new clients. Yeah, right.

Jeff kept to himself for the first week his father was back so I had lots of time to myself to think, which on second thought, perhaps wasn’t the best thing for me. I vacillated between ragging on myself and daydreaming about those incredible nights. Gradually, I stopped punishing myself and came to terms with what I’d allowed to happen, reaching the conclusion that I had done the right thing. Jeff was unaware that his secret had been discovered and would have several magical memories to enjoy for the rest of his life without risking the price of potentially carrying a heavy emotional burden in the future. And I would have those memories too. Time was all we needed now. Time to get back to normal.

I replaced my self-recrimination with more daydreaming, playing those nights over and over in my mind. Eventually, I became curious about the pictures Jeff had taken. What did they look like? Had he passed them on? All of them, or just some?

Not surprisingly, I found myself on Jeff’s computer, browsing through the messages he exchanged with his secret group (thankfully, he had checked the boxes for the computer to ‘remember’ him). I started where I had left off, just after I had first faked drinking Jeff’s tea. Jeff had reported back that I was more responsive which he assumed was due to the lower dose he had used. It hadn’t worked the first night, he explained. I had been just as limp then. But the next night, he had followed JimsMOM’s advice — this must be the guy he referred to as Jim — and I had apparently been much more responsive which thrilled Jeff to no end. DoingMom pitched in, excitedly confirming Jeff’s results with his own mother.

Another member of the group called bullshit, insisting that a lower dose was dangerous and warning everyone their targets would simply wake up sooner rather than being less asleep. Later, when JimsMOM, Jeff and DoingMom reported similar results again, the skeptic provided a chemistry lesson that convinced the rest of the group. He presented a convincing argument that should have sent warning signals to the three boys concerned but it didn’t, Jeff included. They were too focused on the rewards they were reaping to heed warnings based on information they didn’t understand. I wondered what was going on with those other two boys because I agreed with the skeptic; the chemistry was clear.

Each of the boys provided new pictures to the group along with the others. I noticed that the ones Jeff sent were pretty tame, and seemed to be older ones from nights when I wasn’t ‘aware.’ They didn’t mention the greater responsiveness to lower doses again and the subject disappeared from the group’s discussion. I guess the boys were suitably admonished and thus brought back into the fold.

But the three boys began sending private messages to each other. They weren’t, in fact, admonished in the least and traded descriptive messages detailing just how much more responsive and fun their moms were. BTW, Jeff’s moniker was GorgeousMom which made me want to give him a huge hug. In fact, later that day when he came home, he was greeted with an embrace worthy of a year’s worth of hugs. But, I digress.

DoingMom offered a long description of how his mom even kept her butt lifted off the bed when he pulled her up to her knees and banged her from behind. This was pretty implausible for a drugged woman in my estimation but it didn’t faze DoingMom at all. He was simply over the top with how much better his nights had become. To prove it, he attached several pictures of his mom lying face down on a bed, on her knees, with her butt lifted up.

Wait a minute. Banging her from behind? This kid was actually fucking his mother? If I had any doubt, the last picture removed it. It was almost the same photo with a white mess all over his mom’s bum. Gross as it was, I couldn’t stop looking at that picture. The woman’s face, only partly visible, lying sideways on the mattress but partly covered with her hair, bore no resemblance to anyone I knew. I felt relieved.

JimsMOM professed to be receiving similar hot action from his own mother and even claimed to neck with her after coming. He was fucking his mom too? I guess it was a good thing Stefan had come home when he did, before things got out of control. I wasn’t so sure now that I could had stopped Jeff if he had tried to get into me. JimsMOM posted a few pictures of his own mother and my relief at not knowing DoingMom’s mother disappeared. I couldn’t place her but JimsMOM’s mother seemed oddly familiar, like someone I knew only in passing. I hoped his mother wasn’t on to him and viewing these messages too.

The next message shocked me even more. It was a reply to Jeff, quoting his message about how jealous he was of the other two being so much further ahead than he was. To redeem himself, he sent his most recent pictures of me.

I was aghast. Anyone that knew me could recognize my picture. Worse, my neck was ringed with a white necklace with what appeared to be a large white broach in the hollow of my neck. My face was relaxed, the epitome of satisfaction but my body was flushed and looked exhausted. My pussy, yes, there it was in the midst of my wide open legs, looked thoroughly fucked. Jeff admitted he hadn’t yet been in there but he hoped to rectify that on his father’s next trip.

I spent the next few days relieved that Stefan had come home and that those messages had been sent after he did. Otherwise, Jeff may well have tried to actually fuck me those last two nights. I couldn’t get my mind off the fact that those two boys were actually fucking their mothers. That bothered me. After all, it was illegal, a real no no. But there was something else that bugged me about it and I couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

It wasn’t until two weeks after Stefan’s return that it suddenly exploded in my head. I was sitting in my office, working, when the ‘aha’ moment struck me out of the blue, in the middle of completing an order for a customer.

Those mothers knew! They were the only ones responding better to the lower doses of tea. Like me, they had somehow found out what their sons were up to but, unlike me, they had allowed them to go all the way, fully aware of what they were doing. Those mothers were knowingly indulging in sexual escapades with their sons and keeping it a secret, like I was.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt akin to those women. To be sure, I wasn’t going as far as they were, but I had come a hair’s breadth from joining them. I felt the affinity of the guilty with my ‘partners in crime’.

Had they teased their sons like I had teased Jeff? How did they do it? What were they like? That one woman. She looked so familiar. Who was she? Where had I seen her?

That night in bed, Stefan turned toward me and I didn’t rebuff him as I had the few times he’d tried since he’d come home. He was quick. A couple of kisses, a few rough gropes of my tits, a clumsy paw on my pussy, mostly to see if I was wet, which I wasn’t, and then he was on top of me.

As Stefan humped away, I imagined those boys on top of their mothers, especially the one that lifted her butt up for her son. I could see, as if I was suspended from the ceiling, his muscular buttocks clenching with the effort of his thrusts. Then the scene switched to JimsMOM, ecstasy stenciled on her face, fingers clawing her son’s back, legs wrapped around his hips with her heels digging into his thighs just below his ass, desperately urging him on. That made me wet and Stefan, thinking he was the man, began bucking his hips harder.

“You really missed me, huh?” he grunted.

I ignored him. The woman’s face turned into mine. It was my pussy being pummeled by that muscular young buck, my legs wrapped around so I could dig my heels into his ass. I bit his neck, and Stefan yelped. Frantically, I shoved my hips up to meet him. I needed it, needed his cock. Incredibly, as soon as he started spewing his seed, I lost it myself and, at that moment, the back of the grunting boy’s head transformed into Jeff’s face. Weirdly, both of them, my face and Jeff’s, stared up at me as I cried out my lust.

I had a very long shower the next day. It was Saturday and Stefan had gone golfing early. I made breakfast and carried a tray up to Jeff’s room. He was already awake and, though properly covered, I had the feeling he’d been playing with himself. I was pleased with his flushed, embarrassed face.

I set the tray in his lap and remained bent over, needlessly arranging things on the tray and individually passing his knife and fork to him. I had put on my fluffy sweater that morning, the one with overlapping lapels loosely criss-crossing in front. It was designed to be worn atop a lacy bra which could be glimpsed underneath but I wan’t wearing anything under the sweater. Bending over the way I was, I knew Jeff could see far more than the glimpse the sweater was designed to offer. When I straightened up, the soft material clung to my breasts, following their contours and advertising their presence well. I spun on my heel to leave, spinning my breezy skirt into a swirl about my buttocks, a smile gracing my face as I rushed my behind to the door.

“Don’t go back to sleep,” I called back without looking. I knew he wasn’t looking at his food. “There’s a package for you downstairs.”

When Jeff came downstairs, I was sitting on one of the breakfast stools, one foot resting on the highest rung, lifting my knee to the level of the counter. I was pleased when he grabbed himself a cup of coffee and joined me, quietly slipping a section of paper from underneath the one I was reading. Jeff never read the paper. I smiled to myself. Well, this was one way to educate your child.

I allowed Jeff lots of time to admire my legs without being obvious, at least, not to the extent I had two weeks ago when I opened my thighs so he could see my panties. When I finished my section of the paper, I looked at my son and smiled.

“So, what are you up to today?”

“Oh, nothing.”

“No plans?”


“Just going to hang around home, with your mother?”

“That’s it,” Jeff laughed.

I laughed with him. “So how about hanging around with your mother while she does a little shopping?”

His smile waned. Why do men hate shopping so much?

“Come on. You know I hate driving and I want to try that new mall on the north side.”

Jeff resisted but I knew he wasn’t adverse to hanging out with me, especially after the wake up I’d given him this morning. Within twenty minutes we were driving to the new mall. The stores were better than I’d expected, lots of them and a good variety. The mall was huge. We, or I should say I, shopped for an hour or so and then stopped for lunch in a small restaurant. I hated food courts.

As we waited for our food, we sipped our drinks in silence, coffee for Jeff and tea for me. Jeff seemed truly tired from the past couple of hours. Women can shop for days but men do tire quickly. I stared out the window, watching the shoppers go by in the mall. The crowd cleared momentarily and my eyes fixed on the pictures of the realtors adorning the windows across the way. Even from there I recognized her. The blonde woman dressed in the elegant business suit was one of the other mothers. JimsMOM.

Now I knew where I’d seen her before. She was part of a charitable organization I’d belonged to for years, only from a different part of the city. We had talked several times over the years. I remembered her clearly now. She was very nice and we got along well but had never followed up on the mutual offers to get together sometime.

“What’s wrong, Mom?” Jeff asked.

“What? Oh, nothing.” I replied.

“You’re way off in space somewhere. Is something bugging you?”

“No, no. I’m just relaxed and happy, daydreaming I guess.”

“Thinking about more shopping, I expect.”

“That’s right, buster,” I laughed. “I didn’t come all the way out here for two lousy hours.”

“Not all afternoon,” Jeff protested.

“Okay. Not all afternoon. Actually, there’s really just one more store I’d like to see.”

“Which one? Not another shoe store?”

“No. Worse. A lingerie store, fully of slinky women’s things,” I replied in an exaggerated voice. “And it’s way over on the other side of the mall.”

Jeff groaned, then brightened. “So, it’s on the way back to the car, then?”

I nodded.

“Great. Let’s go.”

“Without finishing my tea?”

“I insist,” Jeff’s voice was firm.

Just then, that woman exited the real estate office and walked briskly toward the restaurant. She passed by the reception station with a wave to the hostess. She was a regular. She walked our way and our eyes met, hers frowning for an instant then flickering with recognition. She had a salesperson’s memory for people.

“How are you?” she smiled.

“I’m fine. How are you?”

“Great. I haven’t seen you for so long. Has it been a year already?”

“Almost,” I said.

“God, I’m getting old. The time just flies by.”

There was an awkward pause.

“Would you like to join us? We’re just having a coffee.”

“Do you mind?”

“No, of course not. Jeff, slide over and let Linda sit down. It is Linda?” I added as she sat down across from me. I had cheated. Her name was printed in large type below her picture on the real estate office window.

“Yes. And you’re Erica, right?”

“That’s right, and this is my son, Jeff.”

She and Jeff turned, for the first time seeing each other. She smiled but Jeff’s face went ashen. Linda didn’t seem to notice and turned to speak to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see how uncomfortable Jeff was. Though he wasn’t used to looking at her face, there was no doubt he recognized her!

She looked different now, of course, with her professional manner, nice business suit and coifed, long blond hair. Quite different from the horny woman with flushed face and hair in wild disarray, not to mention spread open legs sticking straight up into the air. Jeff was quite distracted. I felt an urge to assure him he needn’t worry: The group didn’t trade pictures of themselves, just their mothers.

I sensed several minutes into our chatter that Linda was beginning to look at me differently, as if she was remembering something about me. A sense of dread enveloped me. I knew why. She was remembering the pictures Jeff had posted a week before, the ones showing my face. She must be looking on her son’s computer like I was. She knew! My suspicions about the other mothers were confirmed. Otherwise, why would this woman be looking at me so oddly and trying to cover it up?

Did she wonder if I knew?

Her question, when it came, was sly and almost made Jeff choke, casually throwing it out just as he put his coffee cup to his lips.

“So, you’re a tea drinker, Erica?”

“Why, yes I am,” I answered as Jeff blew coffee back into his cup. “But only at night, or maybe the afternoon. In the morning, I drink coffee.”

“It’s afternoon, now,” Linda pointed out.

“Why yes. It is, isn’t it?”

Linda smiled. “Most people can’t drink tea after lunch, it keeps them awake.”

“Oh, sometimes it makes me drowsy but I find it helps me sleep better.”

Jeff, who was about to take another drink, put his cup down, firmly setting it in its saucer with two hands.

“Me too,” Linda replied. “I like having tea at night. My son makes a special blend for me. He’s a bit of a connoisseur.”

“Mine too.”

Jeff turned and stared out the window into the mall. He was holding his cup so tightly the knuckles on his fingers turned white. Linda glanced at him. She seemed amused.

“Have you been to the lingerie store,” Linda changed the subject, her finger pointing behind me.

“We’re going there after this but I don’t think Jeff is going to be much help.”

“Of course not. Men are only interested in taking things off, not buying them,” Linda laughed loudly.

Jeff’s ears reddened.

“Why don’t I join you? I’m not hungry anyway. I know the lady that owns the store. I’m pretty sure she’ll give you a discount if you’re with me.”

So Linda and I went to the lingerie store while Jeff sat outside. We both picked up some things. Linda suggested two pairs of stockings for me, one white and one black, with matching garters and panties. We gestured for Jeff to join us but he quickly looked away and stayed in the mall but a few moments later I looked to my side in a mirror and saw him watching. I was holding a flimsy crimson and black corset against my front and Linda was sitting in a chair in front of me, offering her advice. Jeff’s eyes were clearly directed at Linda’s long legs, barely covered by short skirt that had ridden far up her thighs.

“The younger men love these now,” she said at the cash register, without explaining why a woman her age was interested in appealing to younger men.

We exchanged phone numbers again but this time we traded email addresses too.

“Is it private?” she asked when I gave her mine.

I assured her it was.

“Here, use this one,” she scribbled another on the back of her realtor’s card. “It’s just for me.”

Her manner imbued our transaction with a sense of intrigue which was strangely exciting. I was convinced she knew that I knew what we were both involved in with our sons. We were secret compatriots, like our sons, only we knew who each other really was.

Just before she left, she turned to Jeff who still had difficulty looking her in the eye.

“So nice to meet you, Jeff. I almost feel as if we’ve met before.” Turning back to me, she added, “I’d love to get us all together. I’m sure my own son, Jim, would love to meet you too. We could have tea.”

Her laugh tinkled between us as she turned and walked toward her office. We went the other way, Jeff lagging, casting a final look at Linda’s retreating figure, heels clacking loudly on the floor as her long legs carried her away. When Jeff finally turned to watch where he was going, his pace picked up as if he was eager to leave, leaving me slightly behind. I turned to look back at Linda. She was looking at us, or rather, at Jeff. She waved and turned away, looking very sexy in her expensively cut business suit. I wondered if she was wearing stockings and garters under her skirt and whether Jeff wondered about that too. Pangs of jealousy tightened my stomach. I didn’t talk much on the way home.

Stefan was home when we returned. He snapped his cell phone shut as soon as we came in the door. That simple action renewed my anger with him.

“Who was that?” I asked as I put my bags on the couch.

“Oh, just one of the guys. We’re golfing tomorrow afternoon.”

“Not in the morning?” I asked. Stefan didn’t answer. “Will you be home for supper?”

“Not sure,” he replied.

Stefan sat down on the couch and picked up the remote. Baseball sprang from the screen.

“Mmhhmmm. I think I’ll go up and lie down for a while. Shopping tires he out these days.”

I picked up my bags and started upstairs. Part way up, Jeff poked his head out of the kitchen and asked me if I’d like some tea.

“Sure. That would we nice,” I replied, still miffed at Stefan.

In my room, I tried on the while stockings, panties and garters. They didn’t go with the brown skirt but they felt good. Putting them on refreshed that sense of intrigue that Linda had imbued, and a twinge of jealousy.

Jeff carried in a tray with a pot and two mugs while I was still preening in front of the mirror. I watched surreptitiously as he filled one mug from the pot. The other was already full. He carried the one he’d just filled over to me.

“Where would you like this?”

I turned and took it from him. I was stuck. I’d have to drink it but I was sure it was okay. I mean, Stefan was right downstairs watching TV.

Jeff sat on the bed, holding his mug. He took a sip, admiring my new stockings.

“Do those feel good?”

“Yes. Do they look good?” I lifted one leg and stretched my foot out.

“They certainly do,” Jeff answered with slightly inappropriate enthusiasm.

“I don’t know,” I said, twisting my leg while I examined the stockings, feigning dissatisfaction.

I turned back to the mirror and frowned, lifting one side of my skirt high, above the stocking, exposing the straps. I cocked my hip and sipped my tea. It tasted a little bitter. Was it the real stuff? Could he possibly be that cocky? Surely he couldn’t be that reckless, not with his father so close? No, of course not, but I’d make him want to, for making me jealous.

“I don’t know,” I mused. “Maybe the black ones will look better.”

Of course, that made no sense but it did allow me to put my foot on the end of the bed while I carefully unsnapped the straps from each stocking and slowly peeled them off my legs. I took my time, flexing the muscles in my legs much more than necessary and pausing to rub them as if the stockings had chafed my skin. I stopped for a sip of tea after each leg, prompting a pleased smile from Jeff smiled each time, making me wonder if he really was up to something.

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