All Night Movie Marathon - Cover

All Night Movie Marathon

Copyright© 2024 by dread_pirate_kedar

Chapter 2: Double Feature

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: Double Feature - A young man gets lucky when his sexy neighbor passes out on the couch in his parent’s basement. How far will he go before she wakes up?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   True Story   Food   Oral Sex  

Finally, after weeks of preparation, scheming, and stress, it was all coming together: I was getting another shot at Chrissy’s sweet sexy body. It had been a few months now since that fateful night in my parents basement when she fallen asleep and I was able to explore her body. Because of a few beers and a pain pill, she had been impossible to wake. I had started out by slowly touching her legs and ass, then it slowly built and built until I had gotten into her panties, licked and fingered her pussy, and then slowly worked up my courage and slid the head of my cock in and out of her. When that still hadn’t woken her up I really let myself go, stroking and massaging the inside of her pussy with more and more of my cock until I outright fucked her. She hadn’t said anything about it afterwards and I had been obsessed ever since.

The last few weeks I had been preparing for this exact moment, when Chrissy was back in our house and was hopefully medicated enough again for another long, magical session. My parents were just down the hall, so I had to be super careful.

All of the memories of the last time and the heightened arousal of potentially being caught had my cock at full attention as I stood just inside the basement door, listening to my mom close up shop for the night and go to bed. After my parents bedroom door closed, I waited for a little while, in case she suddenly walked out to grab something from the living room. I didn’t want her appearing and seeing me there with a rock hard cock tenting out the front of my jeans. Their door remained closed, and I slowly slipped through the doorway into our kitchen, not even daring to move the door for fear of squeaks.

I padded slowly and silently across the linoleum, moving heel toe, heel toe to cut down on noise even further. I got to the carpet of the hallway and still moved slowly. To get to my bedroom I had to pass my parent’s bedroom door and I held my breath as I crept past like Seal Team Six. I made it to my door and slowly grasped my bedroom’s doorknob, turning ever so slowly until I felt the latch slide open, then slowly slowly allowing the door to swing in.

When the door was open about a foot and a half, I took a long sideways step ending up inside the room.

“Chrissy?” I asked quietly into the room. It was dark and although I knew my way around with my eyes closed, I couldn’t see much. A very small amount of light came in around the curtains and as my eyes adjusted more, I could see dim shapes in greys and black. I moved a little closer to my bed and a just a little louder asked again, “Hey Chrissy, are you up?” There was no response and I made it to the side of my bed. Very faintly I could make out her sleeping form under the blanket. It looked like she was on her back and had one arm stretched above her head. I leaned a little closer and could hear her light breathing. “Hey, just grabbing a hoodie, sorry...” I said to no one in particular as I reached out my fingertips to touch her shoulder. She didn’t move, so I slowly patted her a few times exploratorily increasing pressure a little each time until I was pushing her pretty decently. I was ready to bolt at a moment’s notice. No response from my pushing on her shoulder. I really wanted to be more sure before I went any further so I went big. I reached up and grabbed her hand lightly and got close to her ear. I kept my voice quiet and said, “Chrissy, house is on fire, Chrissy, house is on fire...” while shaking her hand back and forth.

I figured if that wasn’t waking her up, I could commit a little further. Leaving her alone for a moment, I crept back over to the door and slowly, quietly used the back of my hand to push the door closed, very cautiously waiting for the latch to slide home. When that was done, I grabbed the door handle and turned it, at the same time sort of lifting the door and pressing the lock button. I don’t know why, but that was the only way to actually lock my bedroom door and I was the only one who could do it. Now that there was a little insurance against my parents randomly walking by and seeing what was going on, I moved a little quicker.

I approached the side of the bed and very slowly and cautiously began pulling the covers out from Chrissy’s sleeping form. My eyes were adjusting to the darkness and I could see she had been tucked in pretty good. I pulled on the blanket almost imperceptibly slowly, moving my way down her body until the entire left half of her body was opened up for me under the blanket. I did another sleep check on her shoulder just as a precaution and then slowly moved my hand down the blanket and across, until it was resting on one of the mounds I knew were her breasts. Through the blanket I very slowly gave it a squeeze.

I heard a slight moan and a shift in her body. I waited to see if she would wake up, but after about thirty seconds she didn’t move again. I gave it a few more squeezes, then slipped my hand under the blanket and began touching her breasts through her pajama top. I felt her nipples harden as I then used both hands to lightly squeeze and massage Chrissy’s sweet tits. Her steady breathing continued and I very slowly pulled the blanket down further until it was just above her waist. She had on that pajama top with all the buttons and I debated trying to undo them so I could caress her tits directly.

I rationalized leaving the buttons together but lifting up the shirt would be the better move here ... If she started waking up it would be much easier to pull her top down than to have to rebutton nine buttons. My confidence in my ice cream concoction was growing, but I wasn’t sure how deeply it was making her sleep or how long it would last. Honestly my cock was so hard, I don’t know how long I’d last! I hadn’t jerked off since the morning of the day before and my eighteen year old cock was ready to burst. I knew I had to pace myself.

I felt around with my hand and found the edge of the loose shirt down by her flat stomach and cautiously pulled it up until I was able to see both of her breasts through the fabric. They were beautiful, full and round, and I just stared at them in the darkness for a few minutes.

Her nipples were erect, and I wondered what they would feel like in my mouth. I moved my hand down a little more and softly touched her stomach. It was soft and warm, and I thought how much I wanted to kiss it. I did another sleep check, holding my breath the entire time, then slowly began kissing my way up Chrissy’s tight stomach towards her gorgeous breasts. When I got there I started kissing them, then licking and sucking on her nipples. I would play with one with my mouth and right hand while I squeezed and fondled its twin with my left hand. She began making small cooing noises, I guess she liked how that felt.

Soon, my left hand slipped away from her breast and down to slowly caress Chrissy’s stomach, then farther down, under the blanket, and then bumping over the top seam of the pajama bottoms and then further down to the tops of her thighs. Her legs were together and I slowly squeezed her thighs through the cotton material, letting my hand find the valley between them and slide up, bumping gently over the mound of her mons and settling there, slowly rubbing in circles, then moving lower and lower, feeling her panties underneath and then the very top of where I knew her sweet pussy lips began. Because her legs were together, I couldn’t get my fingers very far down to really give her pussy any attention. I was still unsure about how much I could get away with so I stopped sucking Chrissy’s tits and thought about my options:

I could try to pull her pajama bottoms down, but that would be a lot of work and might wake her up.

I could just take the plunge and slide my hand into her panties. That would work, but with her legs together I would only be able to touch the top of her pussy.

I could try to get her to spread her legs, but also meant moving her a lot and might make her uncomfortable and wake her up. Also, with the pajama bottoms still on, I’d probably still be in the same boat as before, only having limited access to her pussy.

I decided to try to take off the pajama bottoms, rationalizing it to myself that it would be easier and overall better in the long run than spreading Chrissy’s legs. Also, she had been trying to take her pants off earlier anyway, if she started waking up I could bolt and she’d just think she took them off herself. If I sort of arranged them close to her, that was totally plausible, right?

To be honest with myself, I think I knew deep down I wanted to fuck her again and those pants needed to come off to make that happen. I would have told myself anything that night to keep moving towards that goal.

I stopped myself for a moment and checked everything out. Chrissy was still fast asleep with one arm above her head and her head sort of tilted on the pillow towards the wall. I grabbed the bottom of her pajama top and slowly pulled it back down, thinking the less I had to manipulate and cover up if she started waking up, the better. Her chest was covered again and I did another sleep check, this time really shaking her deeply and hoping and praying she wouldn’t wake up so I could keep going. She didn’t wake up, and I reached down with my left hand and slid the blanket totally off of her sleeping form. Now that the blanket was untucked, it moved easily and I didn’t think moving it would bother Chrissy.

It didn’t seem to, so once it was out of the way I stood up and grasped the sides of her pajama bottoms and sort of lifted and pulled them out and away from her hips. Then, I slowly worked them from side to side, Lower and lower. The top of Chrissy’s panties came into view and I had to reach down and sort of wiggle the backs of the bottoms out from under her ass. I kept pulling, lower and lower as gently and softly as I possibly could. Just when I could see the full triangle of the front of her panties and the split where her legs came together, it became easy and the bottoms slid right down to her ankles revealing the rest of Chrissy’s sexy toned legs. I popped them over her feet and then gingerly placed them under the blanket to her left.

My interior monologue echoed my earlier thought: “If she wakes up without her pants, if they are right next to her she’ll just think she took them off while she was asleep. It’s foolproof!”

Now I was entering the point of no return, I told myself, and I knew as this went further there were less and less plausible explanations I could give if she sat up and asked me what the hell I was doing. Before I did anything else I wanted a good sleep check, and reached up to her face, sort of waving my hand in front of her eyes, then softly prodding at her chin. “Chrissy?” When that didn’t elicit a reaction, I sort of lightly tapped her nose. “Chrissy?”

She startled me a little by murmuring “ ... ice cream...”, but that was all she did.

That was a little weird, but everything still seemed ok so I started very lightly and cautiously touching and massaging Chrissy’s thighs, moving my hands up towards her panty-covered mound. Her thighs were still mostly together, not squeezing each other tight, but there was probably less than a pinky-finger’s width between them at the widest. My hands slowly moved up to her panties, they were a dark color but I was mostly seeing greys and black in the dark room and wasn’t sure. I slid one finger under the side of the panties, down by the top of her leg, and slowly pulled them up and over, moving my fingers towards Chrissy’s snatch. As I did this I was looking at what my hand was doing, then checking her face, looking at her panties, then checking her face.

My fingers reached the top of the crotch area and my fingers ran through Chrissy’s pubic hair. As the panties slid over and down I could see the well-trimmed line at the top of her pussy. I licked my lips, thinking about how I wanted to run my tongue down that sexy little patch of hair, then slide it deeper down through her pussy lips. Slight problem though, with Chrissy’s legs the way they were, I could do try that but I’d basically be making out with her pelvis and maybe the very top half inch of her where her labia started. I could sort of see the top of her pussy, but not really.

I held her panties open like that, salivating at the thought of licking and sucking on Chrissy’s delicious wet cunt and began weighing the pros and cons of spreading her legs. Even though I had just told myself it may rouse her, I was already trying to talk myself into it. Again, in the back of my mind I knew where I wanted this to head and it was just another step in that direction. But first, should I try to slip her panties off as well?

I would have a moment to think about what I wanted to do; however, because I started being very aware that my bladder was full and I really needed to pee. My dick had been stiff as a board since I entered the room and that sort of holds back that urge, but suddenly I knew I had to get up and relieve the pressure from the five or six sodas I had guzzled earlier. I replaced Chrissy’s panties and shuffled away from the bed and into my bathroom. The door was on a slide and I could move it pretty quietly, so I shut it behind me. Inside the little linen closet behind the door there was a little battery operated touch button light thing and I popped it on to give myself something to aim by. It was dim, but the bathroom came into sharp focus and I sort of leaned down while aiming my piss stream at the side of the inside of the toilet bowl to minimize water noise.

Since my jeans were already undone, I also slipped out of them while I was in the bathroom, figuring it would be less noisy than having to unzip and unbutton them next to Chrissy. I kept my boxers on though, just in case. I laid the jeans on the sink, thinking I would scoop them up on the way out, or if I had to escape in the heat of the moment I could act like I was only in the bedroom to use the bathroom and just take them with me.

That done, I turned to turn off the light but hesitated, thinking I should probably leave it on. It wasn’t THAT bright, and with the door to the bathroom mostly closed, it probably wouldn’t be enough to disturb Chrissy’s sweet slumber. This whole night was starting off pretty well, but being able to see more of what I was doing to her would heighten the whole experience.

My inner voice told me “And, if you can see a little better, you’d notice her waking up faster, it’s a win-win...”

The light stayed on and I slowly slid the bathroom door over, moved back into the bedroom, and then slowly slid the door back, leaving enough space for the illumination. Looking at the bed, I saw things had changed while I was in the bathroom.

Chrissy had moved in her sleep, rolling towards the edge of the bed onto her side. She also had her feet pulled up towards her chest and her hands were sort of loosely clasping each other. The blanket was loosely halfway pulled over her, but I could still make out the curve of her shapely ass behind where the blanket was on her thighs. I think she must have been cold and shifted to be warmer. The ceiling fan had been going full blast, so that made sense with the blanket and her pants having been removed. I had been basically sweating bullets the entire time because of the fear of getting caught and my heightened arousal, so I hadn’t even noticed.

I walked over and flipped the ceiling fan toggle off, then slipped over to the bed. “Hey Chrissy ... Hey are you good, Chrissy??” She didn’t respond and I reached out like before to touch her shoulder and then her face. This time, when my hand got close to her face, she licked her lips and again murmured “ ... ice cream, mmm...”

I sort of rubbed my nose, wondering what was triggering that. I picked up a scent there and I realized my hand still smelled like chocolate from earlier. “Ok that makes sense,” I thought, “she’s dreaming about ice cream because she’s smelling my hand.”

Wanting to test this theory, I held out my fingers under Chrissy’s nose and sort of waggled them. Sure enough, she took a deep breath and then satisfyingly reached out with her tongue to lick my fingers. I kept doing this, and she kept doing these little kitty cat licks, touching my finger with her tongue and pulling it back. I thought about her sort of doing the same thing with the spoon after the ice cream earlier. I remember hearing that people who sleepwalked didn’t always get up and move around, sometimes it was just something like moving their legs in a circle as if they were riding a bike, or playing an imaginary musical instrument even though they were still lying asleep in bed.

This new discovery had my horny brain flying with ideas:

“She certainly likes the taste of that chocolate ... That tongue feels pretty good on the side of your finger ... might feel pretty good licking on your cock...”

I was committed when I rubbed my finger on Chrissy’s lips, then when she licked it I slipped it inside her mouth and she started sucking on it and rolling her tongue around like she was enjoying a popsicle. My hard cock was hanging out of the fly hole of my boxers and I knew I had to try to get my cock into her mouth.

Her head was pretty close to the side of the bed now, so it was easy for me to lean down a little and over and aim the head of my throbbing cock at Chrissy’s lips. Touching the sensitive head to her soft lips felt amazing, but she didn’t start licking it like she did my fingers. I tried holding my cock with that hand, and sort of ‘bunting up” with my fingers directly on my cock head, but she still wasn’t going for it. I sniffed my fingers and the smell had dissipated a lot, Chrissy having sucked all the chocolate sauce off of them.

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