Rain - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by acolodude

Chapter 18

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Medically retired Army soldier seeks sexual pleasure.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Military   BDSM   DomSub   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

The Arab was listening to the report, he had tried many times to purchase the two women from the island and was refused every time regardless of the fact that his last bid was for 2.5 million dollars for the pair.

He had never been denied anything in his life. His money was always enough to get what he wanted. When he tried to arrange for the women to be spirited away from the island he was told that would only bring more trouble as the one in charge was linked with ‘The Table.’ This was very troubling as he knew of ‘The Table’ and in fact had ties to them himself.

This new report claimed the two women had in fact left the island and word was the island was no longer in the business it had been known for. Oblivious to this fact the Arab made the bad decision to collect the women for himself now that they were not protected as they had been on the island.

Word reached Jonesy from the different eyes she had watching the island. One of these specialists, being bored with watching nothing happening noticed the other watcher since they were not very good at hiding or were not worried about being noticed. What peaked her interest was the multiple communications going back and forth between this other observer and a known terrorist supporter.

While translating the intercepted communications the names of the two women Jonesy had helped off the island came up multiple times. So it was forwarded to Jonesy.

Jonesy quickly had one of her best hackers back track the Arab and find all information regarding Ki and Te. This quickly escalated to an actual snatch and grab attack plan. Jonesy contacted me letting me know to expect friends to help me greet the unannounced visitors who were planning a surprise visit.

Jonesy would not be joining me for this fun time as she was going to visit the Arab and advise him on the life threating condition he was now experiencing and hopefully he would take her advice and get over the condition. If not Jonesy would cure him.

This pissed me off to the point that after we dealt with the uninvited guests I was going to see about taking over control of the island. It appears to be a truly wonderful place to vacation if the bad influences could be removed. Having some experts look into it I was told it was a very profitable endeavor.

The visitors turned out to be a third rate mercenary team of five. Jonesy’s people just eliminated them as rabid animals giving the mercenary world a bad reputation and the top leaders all gave 100% agreement to the action. So the day after the six friends (four males and two females) accompanied me and all my girls to the island. This time Tenelle was going with us.

There were only three heavies (actual guards for Tomas) on the island when we arrived. Tomas almost shit himself when the seven of us walked into his office. The stupid guard pulled or well started to pull his pistol and was shot nine times six to his chest and three to his head or what was left of his head.

One of the three fainted when he saw the (leader?) get blown away. Tomas raised both hands shouting “Don’t Kill Me!” over and over until I told him to shut up.

The only smart one asked if he could start working for us. His name was Ike and he turned out to be a good guy that just ended up in a bad situation. I told Tomas that the plane we arrived on was waiting to take him wherever he wished to go and that if he was still here when I left I would take him with me and throw him out of the plane over the ocean. I added that he didn’t have anything on this island that belonged to him except what he had on his person and asked two of the six to helping get to the plane quickly.

Ike asked if he could end the one who had fainted, explaining that he was a creep that enjoyed hurting women and was useless in a fight. I just said it was his business as I was considering him to stay on as the head of security for the island. Ike smiled and moved to the guy just as he was coming around.

Ike helped him to his feet and then said, “remember when I said I was going to kill you? And you said that would never happen? Well guess what?” And he struck the guy in the nose driving bone fragments into his brain causing him to drop to his knees. Then he grabbed this head and snapped his neck. Then he turned to me and asked if he could get rid of the trash.

I was laughing so hard I had to just motion with my hand and nod my head to go ahead.

When Ike returned introductions were made and his name was actually Reginald Ikenstron he was U.S. Army Special Forces eight years then made Delta for two years before being injured in a failed jump exercise that broke several vertebrae and caused him to have both knees replaced. He recovered but not to the level needed to maintain his SF/D status. So he went mercenary and got this job that he did not like from the start but he had signed a contract and was waiting for the contract to end so he could leave without getting a bad reputation. I welcomed him giving him Tomas’ office as the head of security for the island. I had managed to partner with others to buy the island and the resort. It would run as it had for the most part allowing the nudity and other legal and fun activities. However, all the illegal shit was done, over, finished. Ike said thank god.

With all the stupid business over I finally met up with my girls and Tenelle. That is when I found out why Tenelle had been invited, not that I didn’t want her to join us. But I was greeted by Rain naked except for the restraints.

I was led down to the dungeon where Tenelle had a caldron heating my two initials branding irons and the other three were naked except for their restraints and kneeling.

Tenelle said that all three, then pointing to Rain added her too, understand completely and still wish, no beg to receive your brand.

I looked at the girls, then said for all of them to stand. When they looked at me shocked at first, then understanding, they all stood. I asked each one by name if she wished to submit to me as my complete and total submissive. Each one agreed begging me to accept them.

There was nothing extra this time. River was first and Tenelle tied her the same as Rain had been then I simply said, “I mark you as mine now and forever!”

The twins were a little tricky since I had to brand them at the same time. Tenelle and Rain had worked out that if the twins were tied with the groins facing each other and enough room for me to stand between them I would be able to brand them both as the same time and by turning I would brand each with both of my hands. So one twin would get my first initial on her right side and the other twin would get my second initial on her left side. Then I would turn facing the other way and that would put the branding irons on the correct sides to finish branding them.

I made the three do rock, paper, scissors to see what order they would suck me off in. Te was first and then River and Ki went last much to her disappointment. However I said that I would reverse the order tomorrow when their brands had healed enough for me to fuck them. This made Ki smile and the others pout. I just laughed as did Rain and Tenelle.

I got a message from Ike the next morning while eating a late breakfast, six fucks takes a while. Lexor had returned and was throwing threats around and acting like he was in charge. I just said, “fuck Ike are you in charge or not?” I heard a gunshot and Ike apologized for bothering me with security business and said it would not happen again. I just laughed as he hung up on me.

We were all playing at the beach when a female employee, recognizable by the tiny bikini she was wearing and the fact that she drove up in a cart. She looked scared so I had Rain go talk to her.

Rain quickly waved me over and when all of us walked up Rain explained what the message Carol brought was about. A wooden create had been delivered and the two men that were guarding, accompanying it were now dead. Ike and two of his security men stopped them at the airfield when the aircraft refused to ID itself. The pilot had been held at gunpoint when questioned by the tower and told to just land, which he did. Ike said the two were extra-heavies of Tomas. The create was marked with warnings [Live Content] [Very Fragile] [/\ UP /\] and Ike wanted me to come tell him what to do.

The girls sat in laps and we all rode with Carol to the airfield.

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