Rain - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by acolodude

Chapter 17

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 17 - Medically retired Army soldier seeks sexual pleasure.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Military   BDSM   DomSub   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Dvojca was still scared as she was now wearing leather restraints on her wrists and ankles. Each locking buckle indeed had a lock securing the restraints tightly in place. Her permanent restraints having been cut off felt as if part of her had been cut off. Her brother was more pissed off than she had ever seen him, and he had never treated her like this, like a common slut slave. Deep inside her mind she was overjoyed, but rationally she was afraid of what he might do without thinking the finality of his action. She knew these restraints were used to prepare women for sale/transport/delivery as she had helped prepare women/girls on several occasions. Dvojca nearly fainted when the two men wheeled in the crate.

Tomas told them to leave it, he would call them when it was ready to be shipped out. Smiling the two men nodded and left.

Dvojca dropped to her belly, knees drawn up along her hips, she fought to press her pelvis, thighs, and belly flat to the ground. Her breasts also presses into the ground along with her face. Well her nose and forehead were planted firmly against the ground as she screamed, “PLEASE, KEEP ME, MASTER!” over and over.

Tomas quietly took the top panel off the create, it was secured with torc screws and the electric driver hummed as he took each of the corner screws loose. Each corner had a long ‘L’ bar that slid through door hinges forming the angles at each corner, once the ‘L’ bar was pulled out the side panels fell away. Stacking the top and each of the side panels against the wall the metal cage was now visible. The top lifted up on a hinge and inside on the bottom was a 2” pad and several rachet straps to secure an individual in place tightly.

Tomas removed the ratchet straps setting them on his desk next to the cage and turned to Dvojca.

Firmly but not a shout Tomas said, “Otrok Sestra, will you submit or shall I call for the men to return?”

Dvojca whispered, “mi pokárá, budu poslouchat (Master command me and I will obey).”

Tomas then told Dvojca that he was sending her to the institute to be trained as his private slave, as punishment for displeasing him and her other recent failures. Dvojca shuttered and began to cry as quietly as she could. He said that if she endured the training, resisting as hard as she could, allowing herself to truly be broken, he would gladly accept her. Then he added if NOT she would be sold to the highest bidder and her linage would be announced.

Tomas then said, “You know how to be restrained let us begin.” Dvojca slowly moved to the cage and stepped inside.

Straps were used to hold her knees down and to the inside of the cage, her thighs were also pulled to the inside of the cage almost to the point of dislocating her hips. Ankles were spread to the inside of the cage as well as being held firmly to the bottom of the cage. A strap pressed her lower back downward forcing her pelvis closer to the floor of the cage as well. The wrists and elbows each had straps holding them to the inside walls of the cage tightly in place not allowing any movement. A posture collar snug around her neck had straps attached to the sides preventing any movement up, down, or side to side. A tube gag prevented her from making any sounds but allowed easy breathing. Oxygen was also going to be provided to increase breathing and decrease the chances of suffocation. A foley to collect urine and butt plug to prevent shitting during transport were the last items place on Dvojca before the cage was closed and locked. Then the wooden panels were replaced and the top torc screwed tight.

Tomas called the two men to take the crate and gave the final instructions informing them both that they were to accompany the create to its destination and ensure delivery personally, he added that if anything happened to the create or the contents he would kill them both slowly and asked if they understood. Both nodded hard and fast while verbally saying the completely understood and would do as instructed. Then carefully wheeling the create out looked at each other and swallowed in fear.

A week later Tomas woke to a sharp stabbing pain in his neck. Jonesy and I had returned, well we used scuba gear along with the fancy scooters divers used to move fast through the ocean to get to shore faster and easier than swimming. I had just jabbed Tomas in the neck with a nice mix of drugs that would basically paralyze or mostly paralyze his skeletal muscles and hopefully not mess with his breathing. I had a Bag-valve-mask with me to help him breath if needed. He didn’t so I was able to give him the talk. Jonesy got to have fun taking out all of his guards, I think there might have been five, Jonesy said eight, so it might have been six or seven.

I informed Tomas that if he or anyone associated with him bothered me I would return and personally drag him out to the ocean and feed him to sharks. It would be in his best interest to ensure NOBODY bothers me, and I added that if any more women, girls, or anything else is shipped from this island or hints of human trafficking associated with this island and I would be back. When I asked if he understood he tried so hard to nod YES and gurgled a kind of Y U A H I S sound.

Jonesy and I quietly and calmly used the scooters to get back to the fishing boat and soon were on our way home.

Jonesy was upset I did not let her kill anyone this time. But she said she was looking forward to killing everyone when we had to come back.

I laughed and said that we most likely would not have to come back due to the fact that just about everyone Tomas had talked to were scared shitless of her and everyone she was friends with. Almost everyone knew who Jonesy friends were and those who didn’t would quickly find out. Usually via a serious school of hard knocks lesson.

I had only been gone three days and when I entered the house I found all four of the girls were goofing off. All of them had a thong on (not that time of the month either) Te had a very loose fitting tank top on, Ki had one of my T-shirts on.

When I opened the door and yelled “I’m home” they came running to hug me. Rain was the first to catch the error as she saw my upset look form from my happy smile when I saw their appearance.

Rain screeched out “OH SHIT!” then skid to a halt, pulled the thong off, and dropped to her knees. River made it to me and had just started to wrap her arms around me for a hug when she heard Rain. Looking at Rain as she finished her hug, River suddenly said, “FUCK!” scrambling backward while trying to remove her thong caused her to land on her butt smashing her left hand under it. Te just stopped and looked at Rain then back at me and back and forth confused. Ki tripped over River and landed at my feet.

I just looked to Rain and said, “full restraints downstairs before I get there or else!” Then I picked up my suitcase and moved around the girls to my bedroom trying not to laugh was very hard but I managed just barely.

The girls still had the restraints from the island, I don’t know why they brought them but it was convenient for me now.

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