My Double Life as a Whore - Cover

My Double Life as a Whore

Copyright© 2023 by oliver twist

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A young lawyer on her first assignment alone, out of town, behaves in a way she shouldn't.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   mt   ft   Mult   Blackmail   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Zoophilia   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   Spanking  

‘How long are your grandparent’s out for?’ Peter quickly asked.

‘Hours, they’ve gone to the hospital, Nan has to have some scan or something.’

‘Let’s go to the house and see if Benny wants to fuck her again.’ Mark added, smiling wickedly.

Harry laughed and agreed, saying he still didn’t fully believe she had actually had sex with Benny. Peter said there was only one way to find out. All three laughed and stood up, putting on their pants and looking at Tanya, pointing to the cum running down her thighs.

‘Stand up.’ Harry ordered, liking having this power over her.

Tanya stood and faced her lovers, her body sore from the beating but still very much aroused. They looked so smug as they stared at her, like the cat that got the milk, all of them so young yet in total control of her and the situation. She had no power to do anything other than what they ordered, she knew that and accepted it, her role was now as sex slave to these boys.

‘Would you like to see Benny again?

‘Yes.’ She answered, submissively, knowing they wanted it just as much.

‘Do you want his cock in your pussy?’ Mark asked, joining in trying to humiliate her.

‘Yes.’ She repeated, just as submissively.

‘Fuck me, she is a total slut.’ Peter now added.

‘Make her ask to fuck him.’ Mark told Harry.

‘You heard the man, ask me if you can fuck my dog.’ Harry told her, really enjoying his role.

Please can i fuck Benny? She asked, blushing slightly.

‘Why?’ He asked, wanting to hear her explain it.

Tanya blushed some more, knowing what he was doing but still compelled to answer.

‘Because it’s the best sex I’ve ever had and i want it again, he feels so good inside me.’

‘Put her on a lead, she’s basically a dog anyway.’ Peter said, disgustedly.

Harry laughed again, thinking it would look so funny if he did. He looked around the room for something to use but couldn’t see anything.

‘Here, use my belt, put it around her neck.’ Peter offered, taking his thick leather belt from his pants.

Tanya watched with apprehension, not knowing how she felt about this, scared they were getting out of control. But when Harry put it on her, she just let him, looking at his face and realising she had no choice. He pulled it tight and giggled, excited by having a woman this much under his control.

‘Let’s go.’ He ordered, letting her lead the way.

Tanya walked out of the door naked and bound, the bright sun making her squint as she headed for the house, her eyes trying to focus as she passed the gate. Mark slapped her bum when she turned her head, telling her to look ahead. She quickly did as ordered, praying her dad wasn’t looking.

Peter now slapped her bum, harder this time, telling her she was a slut. She carried on walking, even more aroused now, the feeling of total humiliation making her so very excited. When they got to the back door, she was forced down on all fours, being told this was how dogs walk.

Harry opened the door and pushed her in using his foot on her bum. Tanya crawled across the tiled floor as the boys giggled above her, calling her by her new pet name: Sheeba.

‘Good girl, Sheeba, look for Benny, go find him.’ She was told, as though she was a dog.

She crawled to the door leading into the front room, playing her part perfectly. When she entered, she heard Benny, his bark coming from somewhere outside the door opposite. Her heart began racing as he got closer, his nails on the wooden floor getting louder and louder.

‘I think he can smell his bitch.’ Mark giggled.

He was right, as soon as Benny was in the room he came to Tanya, his tail wagging furiously, excited to see her again and remembering how good she tasted. Tanya opened her mouth as soon as he began kissing her, sucking on his tongue and showing him she was still his.

‘Oh my god, they’re kissing, she’s kissing him!’ Peter cried, shocked to see such a thing.

Tanya loved hearing the boys shock, it made her even hornier, if that was possible. She moaned as they kissed, wanting everyone to hear her and know how much she was enjoying this. Benny then went to her pussy, smelling something funny and wanting to find out what it was. He knew she had been bred by another, their scent and cum was still fresh.

Tanya moaned again as Benny started to clean her, determined to get rid of the foreign sperm. His tongue went deeper and deeper, scooping out as much as he could, driving Tanya wild with desire. When he was satisfied with his efforts, he climbed on her back and began to thrust, his cock out of its sheath and angry, ready to fill her with his puppy juice again.

‘Oh yes, fuck me Benny, give me your puppies.’ She gasped, looking up at the boys, hoping they would enjoy the show.

She wanted to perform for them, like she did for Tom and Suzy, to be their slut and do anything they ordered, it was who she was, and she loved it. So did the boys, gasping as Benny found her hole and buried his cock as deep as he could. They were too young to have seen anything like this but that didn’t mean they weren’t curious.

‘A fucking dog is inside her, Jesus, i can’t believe it.’ Harry said, quietly, just in case someone heard him.

‘Look at her, look at her, she’s ... uh... ‘ Mark began to say.

‘A slut, a dog fucking slut.’ Peter finished for him.

Tanya didn’t care what they were saying, only that she was going to cum again, and hopefully, it would be as good as last time. She was moaning continually, the pleasure almost too much, her body on fire as she pushed back, trying her hardest to get his knot inside her.

Benny was trying his hardest, too. His hips a blur as he fucked her mercilessly, angry she had allowed another to breed her. Between them they soon got it in, Tanya crying out as it stretched her to the limit. The pain was delicious, just what she wanted. The boys didn’t know exactly what was happening, just that something had occurred that made Tanya scream.

‘Oh yes, good boy, fuck Mumma.’ She cooed, putting the boys at ease.

Benny was now resting on her back, pumping his seed inside his bitch, ensuring his puppies would be born first. The boys just stared, incredulous, mesmerized by what they were witnessing, unable to speak.

‘Oh god, his cum is so hot, he’s filling me up.’ She whispered.

Benny was scratching at her again, his nails raking over her already damaged skin, making her wince with the pain. But she carried on moaning, embracing the pain and using it bring her to orgasm. She started to gurgle, the noises like nothing the boys had ever heard.

‘Oh wow.’ Harry at last managed to say. ‘She’s cumming, look at her eyes.’

They were rolling again, her senses gone as she reached that wonderful peak of pleasure for the second time that day. The intensity of her orgasms was increasing, her body able to somehow generate a level of pleasure beyond what normal people would endure. It was this unique ability that was driving her ever further down a path of sexual debauchery, a path she needed to take in order to satisfy her growing needs.

The boys sat down and watched her, engulfed by what was happening. None of them would ever forget this, happy they were able to witness such a thing. Tanya and Benny were as one, joined together in a sexual union very few could appreciate. They stayed together for forty minutes, Tanya cumming several more times, though not with the intensity of the first one. But it was forty minutes of non-stop pleasure, Benny’s knot grinding against her pussy continually and making her moan and gasp the whole time.

In the end, the boys went and made themselves something to eat, coming back to watch once they had their plates full. It was as though they were at the movies, snacking during the film. When Benny did eventually shrink enough to jump off her, there was with a loud plop and a waterfall of watery dog cum mixed with her juices.

‘Ewww.’ Peter cried.

‘Wow, look at it all.’ Mark shrieked.

‘Thank god i got those towels.’ Harry added, thankful Tanya had warned him.

Benny left the room, his massive cock swinging between his legs as he did, much to the jealousy of the boys. Tanya rested her head on the rug while her ass was still in the air, dripping cum still, not caring who saw her. She was exhausted, her body more than satisfied and in need of some rest.

All the boys were hard again but not wanting to put their cocks where Benny had been. They looked at each other and nodded, Harry pulling down his pants and releasing his cock.

‘Come over here.’ He ordered, holding his cock.

Tanya wearily looked over at the boys, not surprised they were all hard again. She crawled over to Harry and started sucking his cock, taking him all and caressing his balls lovingly. He tasted of her pussy, his young cock feeling wonderful as she did what she was now destined to do for ever. It didn’t take long for him to cum, her mouth almost as sexy as her pussy.

As soon as he was finished with her, Mark was waiting, pulling at her hair as she came closer, letting her know who was boss. But it was Peter who lasted longer, again, happy to have her mouth wrapped around him for as long as he could manage. He seemed to appreciate what was going on more than the others and wanted to make the most of it, fearing it could end at any moment.

Once he had cum, they let her rest, going back to the kitchen and playing on the computer. Tanya lay there, falling asleep within minutes, her body happily accepting the darkness. The boys woke her a couple of hours later, telling her it was nearly five. She groggily stood up and took her dress from Harry, putting it on and doing up the buttons, wiping drool from her mouth.

‘You better go.’ Harry told her.

‘Mmm, yes.’ She answered, still very sleepy.

‘We’ll see you tomorrow.’ Mark added, gleefully.

Tanya didn’t answer him, she just smiled and left, her body beginning to ache as she made her way home. When she got closer, she stopped and checked herself, making sure none of her scratches of marks could be seen. But she had to grab a handful of grass and wipe her thighs, the dried cum was all over them and visible. When she was happy with her appearance, she made a dash for the house hoping she could get to her room without bumping into her parents.

Burt heard her come in, but she was already up the stairs by the time he got to the hall. Betty was just behind, telling him she would go up to her. By the time she got to Tanya’s room the shower was on and her daughter was under it, cleaning her body of the smell and stains of bestial sex.

Betty went back downstairs, not wanting to barge in on her while she washing herself. Tanya came out of the shower and looked in the mirror, dreading what she would see, her body covered in scratches and welts. She turned a few times, getting a full view, not wanting to miss anything.

‘Oh Tanya, look at you, what do you look like?’ She asked herself, applying copious amounts of moisturizer.

The lotion helped but not completely, her body stinging and burning. She put on a dress and headed down, hoping there was something to eat. When she entered the kitchen, she was surprised to see Harry at the table eating dinner, smiling up her with his cheeky grin.

‘Oh, hello Harry. You eating with us?’ She asked, blushing.

‘Yes, he is.’ Her mum quickly answered. Tom and Judy are staying at the hospital tonight, Judy has to have a biopsy first thing in the morning and they’ve asked if we can look after young Harry.’

‘Oh, i see, great. Is there any dinner for me?’

‘Of course, darling.’ Burt told her, getting her a plate.

‘Tom has asked us to bring in some clothes and toiletries for Judy, so your father and i are going into the city in a little while. You’ll have to stay with Harry.’ Betty told her.

Tanya blushed a little more, knowing what Harry would think. She smiled and nodded, tucking into her dinner while glancing at Harry, who winked at her. Betty then left to go over to her friend’s house and collect some things, leaving the three of them at the table. Burt then decided he better have a shower before leaving.

‘It’s just you and me, Tanya.’ Harry said, grinning at her.

Tanya watched Burt go as Harry watched her, his eyes burning into her, remembering every detail of her doggy fuck. She felt herself shiver, wondering what he would do once her parents were gone.

‘I hope Judy will be ok.’ Tanya said, hoping to take his mind off of her.

‘Me too. I spoke to mum and she will be back in a dew days, so i might have to stay here a little longer.’ He told her.

‘Oh, that will be nice.’

‘And Benny of course, can’t leave him on his own.’ He added, chuckling.

She blushed some more, looking at the door just to make sure her dad wasn’t there. It was a strange feeling sitting at the table with Harry after what she had done earlier. He was a lot more relaxed about it than she was, that was for sure. Even though she was embarrassed, and felt guilty about his age, she couldn’t stop being excited as well, it just wouldn’t go away.

‘Did you like seeing me with Benny?’ She asked, shyly, desperately wanting him to say yes.

He laughed, liking that she asked him. He could see in her eyes how she craved his approval, it was so obvious and made him feel even more in control. He didn’t answer straight away, taking another mouthful of the delicious stew, his eyes on hers, making her wait. Tanya realised what he was doing and cursed herself for asking, hating she had become so weak and needy.

‘I did, and even Peter came around to it.’ He at last answered.

She smiled at him, happy and grateful, feeling somehow vindicated for her actions.

‘How are you feeling, does your body hurt from all the scratches and belt marks?’

‘Yes, but it’s ok, i don’t mind.’

‘Show me your bum.’ He ordered.

Tanya looked at the door before getting up, quickly lifting her dress and showing him her bare bum.

‘Now your tits.’ He added.

She undone enough buttons to pull her dress open and let him see her tits, her nipples rock hard. Harry smiled and stared, still amazed at her beauty and submissiveness.

‘I’m gonna fuck you as soon they’ve gone, you know that.’ He told her.

‘I know.’ She whispered back, smiling.

Betty then reappeared with a large bag full of clothes and other bits and pieces. She smiled at the two and sat down, asking where Burt was. A few minutes later he came back down, ready to leave. They kissed Tanya and Harry on the cheek and told them to behave, laughing as they left. Harry got up and watched them drive off.

‘Ok, they’re gone, Take that dress off.’ He told her, calmly.

Tanya stood and let it fall to the floor, kicking it to the side as she posed for Harry, her big tits and hard nipples looking magnificent. Her body was tired and she was fully sexually satisfied, but still she reacted to this young boy wanting her.

‘Where should i fuck you? Here over the table or in the sitting room?’ He asked, now standing.

‘I don’t mind, it’s up to you, you’re in charge.’ She answered, lowering her eyes.

‘How about your bed?’

‘Perfect.’ She replied, smiling sweetly.

He followed her up the stairs, admiring her sexy bum, so happy with his life. As soon as they were in her room, he undressed and told her to lie on the bed. He then lay next to her and began to run his fingers over her body, feeling all the scratches as he did so, liking how they looked. Tanya stretched out for him, her arms reaching behind her and her legs open.

‘Do they hurt, still.’ He asked, touching Benny’s scratches.

‘A little, but it’s ok, i don’t mind.’

He leaned down and kissed them, his tongue coming out and running along one. Tanya moaned quietly, his show of tenderness surprising her. He spent the next ten minutes kissing, licking and stroking her, all over, both sides. She couldn’t believe how gentle he was and how erotic it was, her body coming to life under his lips and fingers.

‘Mmmm, that’s really nice.’ She whispered, his mouth around one of her nipples.

When he was done with her nipple, he sat on her chest and pushed his cock to her lips, rubbing it over her face, leaving a line of pre-cum. Tanya opened her mouth and licked him, inviting him in if he wanted. But he wasn’t ready yet, he was enjoying playing with her and wanted more.

Tanya began caressing him as well, her fingers on his tummy and chest, stroking his beautiful soft skin. She loved how he looked and felt, so young and immature, her desire for underage boys only growing with each interaction. In her heart she knew it was wrong but that didn’t matter, it was so sexy she just couldn’t stop herself.

‘Have you fucked other boys?’ He suddenly asked.

She blushed and nodded yes, her fingers now on his back, running her nails down his spine.

‘So, you’re a pedophile?’ He asked next.

His question shocked her, that word making her feel so ashamed and guilty.

‘Uh ... god, i hate that word. Maybe, but i don’t think of myself like that.’ She told him, his cock back at her lips.

She stuck out her tongue and licked his head, enjoying the taste of his precum.

‘You’ll probably go to jail one day.’ He added, matter-of-factly.

‘Don’t say that, please.’ She said, not even contemplating such a thing.

‘I’ll visit you, i promise.’ He giggled.

‘Fuck me, i want to feel you inside me.’ She asked, trying to change the subject.

‘See, a pedo.’

‘Please.’ She asked again, with more urgency.

He moved back and lay on top of her, his cock at her entrance. She pulled him in, wrapping her legs around him and kissing him passionately. He kissed her back, his hips thrusting hard into her, giving her what she wanted. Her moans filled the room, encouraging Harry in his love making. It felt different this time, more intimate and definitely not something sordid and wrong. It was just the two of them and she liked it, her arms holding Him with real feeling.

‘You feel so good, i want all of you.’ She sighed.

Harry just wanted to fuck her, she was so sexy and beautiful and every teenager’s dream. Hearing her get all mushy only made him feel more in control and more able to get her to do things he wanted. He liked being the boss, having her under his spell, it was just the best and he intended to make the most of her.

After he came, he sent her downstairs to get him some ice cream, telling her to hurry. She obeyed without hesitation, happy to do what he said. When she came back, he was on his phone, texting someone. She lay down with him and gave him the bowl, stroking his body again and kissing his chest.

‘I invited Peter and Mark over. Oh, and a few others.’ He told her.

She sat up quickly, looking at him with fear, scared of what he was doing.

‘Why? How many? We mustn’t do anything to attract attention to ... uh ... this, to us.’ She gasped; her fear obvious.

‘Relax, it will be ok, nothing will get out of hand. But i do want you to wear something sexy, to tease them, to get them hard. It will be fun.’ He told her, excitedly.

‘Harry! No, what will they think if they see a grown woman parading around half dressed?’ Her voice trembling.

‘I’ll tell them you’re a pole dancer and are used to being seen like that.’ He giggled, again.

‘Please, let’s just have some fun together, we don’t need others.’ She pleaded.

‘Too late, they’re on their way. Now, show me something slutty you can wear.’ He insisted, not listening to her concerns.

She got up and went to her wardrobe, knowing he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He hated her first three dresses, telling her she would have to wear a bikini and let everyone see her scratches and belt marks. She then got out something sexy, scared he might be serious about the bikini.

She showed him a skirt from her teenage years, very short and sexy. He liked it very much, waiting as she chose a top. Her choice for a top was a tight white shirt, thin enough to clearly show her nipples and short enough to show her tummy. Harry liked this, too, opening three buttons so a decent amount of her tits could be seen.

Tanya looked in the mirror, shocked at what she saw but still a little excited, knowing what she looked like and what the young boys would think of her. She was allowed to wear panties, but they had to be white and tight. They went downstairs and waited, getting out some snacks and drinks. Tanya was unable to stop her pussy and nipples reacting to what was coming. When the bell rang, she jumped off the sofa, scared but a little excited, looking at Harry.

‘Go and let them in, be nice and smile.’ He told her, grinning.

She didn’t know what or who to expect as she opened the door, her heart racing hearing teenage boys gigging just behind it. They all stopped and stared, all six of them, their eyes wide with desire.

‘Come in. Hello Peter, Mark.’ She said, blushing as they all devoured her with their eyes.

‘See, i told you she was beautiful and sexy.’ Mark said, walking in.

The four new boys were just as young as the others and so innocent looking, all four not moving, still in awe of how sexy this woman was. None of them had ever seen a grown woman, this close, dressed in such a way. They could clearly see her tits and nipples as they jutted out through her shirt, hard and erect. Tanya shivered as they carried on looking, none able to take their eyes off of her.

‘Are you coming in?’ She asked, again, thinking they might run away at any moment.

‘Uh ... yes ... thank you.’ The ginger one said, his freckles almost glowing as he turned even redder.

They were like rabbits caught in the head lights, so shy and inexperienced. In the end, Tanya took the boys’ hand and pulled, the other three following after him. She let it go once he was inside, telling them to follow her. They all did, enjoying her sexy bum and long legs. Harry laughed and told them to relax, telling them she was his special friend and very cool, not like other adults.

Tanya offered them drinks and poured out some coke, handing them each a glass. Once they had their glasses, she stood next to the table and leaned back, all of their eyes roaming over her body. This was obviously what Harry wanted, for her to be on display for his friends. She felt silly and guilty, going along with this knowing what might happen.

She looked at the four new boys and wondered what their parents would say if they were there. All of them were so young, too young to be doing this but here they were, going along with Harry’s wishes. Did Mark and Peter tell them what she did earlier, she asked herself, almost certain they did.

It was agony standing there like that, her body tingling with excitement while her brain was screaming at her to run. She’d had enough sex in the last twenty-four hours and could really do with some sleep, but it would happen any time soon. Harry was now looking at her, his cheeky grin telling her something was coming.

Peter stood and went to her, standing close, his body touching hers. She could feel his warmth, his leg pushing against hers. Her eyes were still on Harry, knowing Peter was doing his bidding. She now looked at the others, all them waiting to see what Peter was going to do.

Her body shivered with anticipation, scared and excited, her eyes darting from boy to boy. They could all see she was nervous and liked it, their instincts telling them she was not like other women. Peter reached out slowly and stroked her face, his fingers running down her cheek to her lips, pushing them open. Tanya let him push inside her mouth, his finger on her tongue, moving around slowly in a deliberate show of power.

He pushed in further, to the back of her tongue, making her open wider. Tanya complied obediently, her mouth watering as he played with her. She had to swallow and in doing so closed her mouth, making it look like she was sucking on it. All the boys gasped with amazement.

Peter chuckled and pulled out his finger, wiping it across her chest. Tanya swallowed again, looking at her audience, their eyes all on her. Peter then reached for a button, one of only three that were keeping her shirt together. His fingers played with it for a few seconds, building up the tension. Her chest was heaving as she breathed heavily, her nipples poking out obscenely with arousal.

But his fingers slid under her shirt instead, going to one of those hard nipples, pinching it and making her gasp loudly. Everybody clearly heard her, their eyes glued to what was happening.

‘Tommy, come here.’ Peter suddenly said.

Her eyes shot to the boy standing before going to Harry, hoping he would stop this, her heart sinking when she saw his expression. She wasn’t expecting this, to be molested by everyone, they were just meant to look, or so she thought. Tommy looked so nervous as he walked slowly to where she was, his eyes avoiding hers.

‘It’s ok, Tommy, she likes it, she wants you to touch her.’ Peter told him, trying to ease his nerves.

When he got to her, he stood there motionless, waiting. Tanya looked at him and could see he was petrified, his oh so young face all red. Her heart missed a beat as he shuffled on the spot, she wanted to hold him and tell him it was ok.

‘Undo her buttons, go on.’ Peter encouraged, his hand now holding Tanya’s arm in case she tried to resist.

The young boy reached out tentatively, his fingers shaking as he touched the small, white button, trying to push it back through the narrow slit from where it had come. Tanya watched with anticipation and fear, her breathing heavy as he fumbled with her shirt. Eventually he managed it, her shirt opening wider and more of her magnificent breasts appearing in front of him.

Tanya let out a little moan of shock, knowing she would soon be topless for all of them to see. She now looked at the other three new boys, all of them glued to her chest, not wanting to miss a second of what was coming. Tommy’s fingers went to the next button, still shaking as he took it and pushed it through, her shirt now almost fully open, only her nipples still covered.

‘Wow, look at them Tommy, one more button and they’re yours.’ Peter giggled.

Tommy now looked at Tanya, her beautiful face looking down at his fingers, waiting. She glanced at the boy and saw how scared he still was, that look sending waves of pleasure through her body. Then the last button was gone, her shirt falling open and giving Tommy his reward. She gasped and looked at her nipples, so hard and long, desperate for some attention.

Peter pushed the shirt from her shoulders, revealing her body, giggling as he did so. ‘Touch them, squeeze them.’

But Tommy couldn’t move, he just stared at her tits, his mouth open as his eyes feasted on the two most beautiful things he had ever seen. Tanya could feel his eyes burning into her flesh and it felt wonderful, like she knew it would. Her body shivered with arousal.

Tommy at last did as Peter told him, his hand caressing one of the perfect objects as Tanya whimpered with pleasure. She had lost what little fight remained in her, she couldn’t resist any of them, no matter what they did. Tommy’s hands felt wonderful on her skin, the fact that this was the first female body he had ever touched was not lost on her.

‘Feel her nipples, twist them and see how much she likes it.’ Peter added.

Tommy wasn’t sure, just doing this was more than he could ever have imagined. They felt so soft, he wanted to kiss them but he was too shy, scared the others might laugh.

‘Todd, you come here as well, play with the other one, she wants that more than anything.’ Peter said, liking being the ringmaster.

Todd stood immediately, eager to do as Peter said. The four new boys were all a year younger than the other three so happily did what they asked, not questioning anything. Todd was just as nervous as Tommy, having never seen a real-life boob either. But he reached out anyway, his small hand covering her nipple and as much of her tit as he could, squeezing with delight.

‘Tommy, twist her nipple.’ Peter said again.

This time he did, taking it between his fingers and twisting, though not too hard. Tanya moaned quietly, just as Peter knew she would.

‘Harder, harder, she likes it harder.’ He added, excitedly.

Tanya watched the fingers as they turned, her nipple twisting as the young boy did it harder. She moaned again, louder, unable to hold it in, the whole situation turning her back into that sexual deviant she had so easily become.

Todd copied his friend, twisting the long, hard nipple, giggling as Tanya gasped with pain and pleasure. She looked back at Harry, his expression one of approval and desire, he too liked watching these younger boys play with her.

‘Ask her if she wants them sucked.’ Peter then said, wickedly.

‘Peter!’ She gasped, trying to plead with him not to do that.

But he didn’t care, he wanted her to ask, to humiliate her some more.

‘Do you want me to suck it?’ Todd asked, feeling brave.

She looked at Harry and shook her head, not wanting to ask, knowing it would be the start of something like earlier. Harry smiled and mouthed for her to ask, enjoying her discomfort as much as Peter was.

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